Anatol Lieven; The Only Force That Can Beat Climate Change Is the U.S. Army

| January 14, 2018

Ex-PH2 sends us a link to Foreign Policy and an article written by British author Anatol Lieven entitled “The Only Force That Can Beat Climate Change Is the U.S. Army” in which Lieven advocates the politicization of the Defense Department so that soldiers go forth into the bastions of conservatism and preach the gospel of climate change;

One of the impediments until now to approaching this issue rationally has been that the issue of climate change has become miserably entwined with the cultural-political divide now splitting American society. In recent years, all too many conservative Americans have begun to deny climate change not on the basis of evidence or debate but because their cultural allegiance rules it out. “We aren’t the kind of people who believe in climate change.”

This is where the role of the U.S. military is so crucial. It is the one American institution that retains the confidence and respect of the great majority of Americans from both political parties. It is also an institution whose culture depends on a sober and realistic appreciation of threats and which can talk to conservative patriotic Americans with conviction and in a style they can understand. No “citizen of the world” will ever persuade a Republican voter to vote against his or her immediate interests. A U.S. soldier talking about threats to America would have no problem doing so.

Yeah, the Obama Administration tried that and it made the generals and admirals who preached that climate change, global warming, global cooling, melting ice caps, etc… were a national security threat, laughing stocks. Climate change isn’t the reason jihadists blow up their countrymen. Their adherence to a faulty religion and ideology does that – a faulty religion and ideology that predates the industrial revolution.

I know the Left has a problem accepting the fact that the Pentagon isn’t a political tool to do their ideological bidding – it exists to force our political will on our foreign opponents, not to influence our own civilians to a particular ideology. They kind of have their hands full these days, putting our nation’s enemies in their graves. That’s what they do best.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Smug looking little prick, ain’t he?

Yeah, using the military as a Peace Corps type organization doesn’t work. Just ask those still in that shithole Haiti after Billy Jeff sent them in, or the other “humanitarian” missions over the last 40-50 years.

These are the same fuckers who cry and do rendering of garments about how the military “costs” too much, but have no problem forcing our planes to fly with shitty biofuel that only costs $32/gallon.

Wilted Willy

When will these idiots learn, the only major affect on the climate is directly tied to activity on the sun! Maybe the libs want to send a mission there to correct it. Don’t worry, they would send them there at night!!


Hey, every Sun is a god, and every god gets to take a nap once in a while, right?

Well, the Sun is taking a nap, has been since 2006, and will roll his royal self out of his ditty bag when he feels like it!


I think ‘those idiots’ know that. They just also know that things like CO2 in the atmosphere allow solar radiation to hit the surface of the Earth, yet absorbs the infrared radiation that happens as a consequence of that.

The sun is gonna do it’s thing, with cycles and flares and general changes,… but the second half of the equation does depend on things happening down here. It isn’t the primary factor, but it’s an important second one.

If you fire rounds down range, the type of gun and round you use basically determines how much kinetic energy you’re delivering on target. But the characteristics of the target determine how that kinetic energy is distributed on impact.

This shouldn’t be a liberal / conservative issue.


Oh fuck you….
God what a moron…
I am never surprised at whatever you libidiots come up with, you are the same morons that think there are several hundred genders and you have no idea which one you are. Yet you can spout off volumes of claptrap theories regarding every societal ill like you know what you are talking about.
Go fuck yourself larsyboi…


You didn’t take my decaf recommendation, huh? And I’ve told you a couple of times, I’m not Lars.

All I did is point out that the sun isn’t the only factor in this. Get a grip, man. To hear it from you, this means I’m dressing in ‘pussy’ hats while wearing a Che shirt and talking about how the socialist revolution will help me and my transgender puppy-bride live happily ever after.


Now, that last bit was pretty funny.


‘Shouldn’t be a liberal/conservative issue…’

Nice idea, LC, but you aren’t aware, are you, that the “liberal” side of this coin includes fishing for cash from every sucker in sight (Algore the Bore) and grandstanding public displays, including parades carrying signs (Mann and Nye) that are bannered with specious claims, and threatening people with criminal charges (Nye) for simply having differing views.
If you think this whole ‘climate change’ thing is about science, you are completely out of the loop. It is not. It is about money-grubbing, scamming people into voting for green policies that make utilities so expensive they are unaffordable (Australia) and people go without electricity and heat in winter (Australia, Germany under Merkel), etc., etc., etc.,

The entire “climate change” shtick is a political power grab, nothing else. If you think otherwise, you are not paying attention, which is obvious from what you’ve said so far.

This pathetic ploy to use the US military as a means of forcing a political agenda down the throats of Americans shows not only a complete lack of understanding of this country’s laws, it also smacks of proposed power grabbing.

If you think I’m kidding, you are dumber than those two guys who are still waiting for Godot.

RGR 4-78

Didn’t someone here comment that the Paris Climate Accord was nothing more than a wealth reassignment scam?


The science shouldn’t be a liberal/conservative issue.

Whether and how we address the science will certainly devolve into politics, partly because there are reasonable pros and cons to every approach, and partly because as a country we’d argue whether water is wet these days.

And no, I’ll disagree with you that the science is somehow being driven by a political power grab – maybe used for one, but not driven by one. I challenge anyone, yourself included, to do the math and look at the data and conclude that nothing is changing. Even if you somehow conclude that mankind has zero effect on it, the fact is, there’s still change, … and that change will drive societal issues. Access to clean water being a big one. That has national security implications since the world has over 7 billion people in it.

Now, is this article about using the US military to convince people about climate change a stupid idea? Yep, sure is. Let the military fight bad guys, not scientific illiteracy. In my opinion, the biggest impediment to wider understanding of climate science is the smug wannabe-nerds who proclaim in high-pitched hysteria that we’re all doomed, each without having any real understanding of the complexities of the ecosystem and how some things lead to cooling effects, some to warming, and how they combine into a net, non-uniform effect.

But it’s hard to see that when these things are tied to hatred of politicians and parties instead of math, models and data.


If climate change weren’t the new globalist religion and if these scientists weren’t getting paid big bucks in government grants to do their research, I’d agree with you.

The part that most rational thinking people have with global warming is that it’s so far based off a two degree rise in global average temps. You telling me that we had thermometers 150 years ago that are equally as accurate today? AND that the records being kept GLOBALLY were done to a high degree of accuracy over the last 200 years? Please.


Like I said, I hate the pervasive ‘religious’ mentality around this subject, too. No disagreement there. Where I will disagree with you is on your other points – I think you over-estimate how much scientists get paid, and underestimate the many ways in which climate data is corroborated. Most of the actual science is being done by graduate students and post-docs, with a few professors thrown in to manage them. Grad students either pay tuition or get a stipend (maybe $30K?), post-docs average about $47K across the US, and sure, full professors can average just under $100K, so they’re doing OK… but nobody is making ‘big bucks’. Well, not on the science side anyway – the political side is a different issue. As for the data, there’s a lot of factors that go into it. I once met a person who used some sort of sea shells, and the isotypes in them, to effectively ‘carbon-date’ temperature changes. Something about how different quantities of carbon and maybe strontium relate? And that’s just one of many ‘proxy’ indicators of temperatures. We know roughly how old certain trees are because of their rings, even if we don’t have data on when they were planted – and the same principle applies here. And then there’s the models, too. Like any software, they’ve got their problems, but so do the CFD models that people use for designing planes, yet they still fly. Virtually ever model I know of backs up the effect of aerosols and overall warming trend, even if ‘spot cooling’ becomes more common in some places. I highly doubt I’m going to convince anyone of this online, and there are lots of areas of uncertainty, but there’s a mass of evidence to support it, and a considerably smaller number of counter-points. So sure, maybe someone moved a sensor in Buenos Aires from a shady grove to a sunlit roof and, whaddaya know, the temperature spiked! Global warming! And sure, that’s a false read. But it’d take a conspiracy the likes of which the world has never seen for scientists everywhere to fake the… Read more »


They’re not getting rich (unlike Gore, who has used this to make millions), but their income is directly tied to grant funding. When that happens, you’re not objective and run the risk of confirmation bias.

You didn’t refute either of my other two points though. Do you believe that for the last two centuries we’ve been using scientific equipment and recording methods that have been consistent?

The problem is that science overall has become a new religion.. Like the priest was to a village in the middle ages, the all knowing elder. Now we (society at large) believe scientists on face value just cause they say it, and even worse publish it in a “peer reviewed” journal. How long has the scientific and medical community been trying to debunk that ONE paper blaming vaccines for children’s’ diseases. We have kids getting polio again!

We have a little bit of scientific training in school and thus feel justified in accepting something allegedly done according to those principals. People think they know how this stuff was discovered without reading the papers, the methodologies, etc. and usually just accept what they read in a “reputable” newspaper or website. It’s really like getting basic first aid in the Boy Scouts and feeling confident to give medical advice to someone with cancer or perform surgery. We now look to scientists, who proclaim the world to be ending at our hand, and ask them what do we do.

I’m no scientist, but I can see flaws in the topic just on the surface. Not to mention how many times have we been told we’re months or years away from total devastation? We’re still here. Global warming scientists have called “wolf” too many times to be credible. It’s like a bad cult. So I wasn’t right that the world ended yesterday, but I now know that it will end in October. For sure.


And, strangely, no matter what the diagnosis, the recommended treatment is socialism.

More state control of the means of production
Less freedom
More shared poverty (except for the masters, of course)
More wealth transfers, via those masters again.
On and on.


Yup, that was explicitly the point of the Paris Climate Accords. Take western (mostly US) money and move it to the shitholes.


“the science shouldn’t be a liberal/conservative issue.”

True, but the liberal side thinks science is a religion and facts are racist.

The science sides with the “deniers”, aka, conservatives as most of the actual scientists will tell you (a five minute search on an actual academic site will reveal this to you).

CO2 LAGS temperature. Therefore, CO2 cannot CAUSE warming. So, what is the cause.

Hint; it has something to do with clouds. Clouds have something to do with cosmic radiation and cosmic radiation levels are determined by solar activity.

Get that? The CAUSE is an externality to the system rather than an internal factor. Since cloud formation is a function of solar activity we would expect cloud formation and cover to be at a maximum during periods of solar minimums and wane during solar maximums. Guess what the science shows? You probably did not get this, so here goes; we appear to be entering a “maunder” minimum wrt solar activity. Every previous such period resulted in a “little ice age”, not a “hothouse”. As the previous solar maximum becomes the new minimum we should expect more clouds, colder (and wetter) climate which leads to oceans reaquiring CO2 from the atmosphere that was released since the end of the last ice age (circa 1200-1850). should not be a political issue, but the left makes it one so that they can pretend that their desire to enslave the working class is “for their own good”.

What is the motto of a leftist?

“You work, I eat”


LC, quit changing the subject. The whole thing IS using “science” as a power grab. If you can’t see that in what is coming out of that corner, you are NOT paying attention.


Except that what they call “science” really isn’t; anyway, not in the traditional practice of the scientific method. Their results of their so called global warming/climate change “science” is about a sciencey as those rigged experiments researchers have been caught faking for decades. If you can fake and slant your data/results you can “prove” almost any hypothesis, no matter how absurd.


LC, you are such a blunt instrument, I have yet to figure out how you can even tie your own shoes. This ENTIRE business revolves around corrupting science and discrediting anyone who disagrees. That smacks LOUDLY of Lysenkoism, crackpot pseudoscience that was used to control the masses.
Trofim Lysenko, a quack if there ever was one, didn’t believe in Mendelian genetics, had genetic biologists imprisoned, destroyed the Russian agriculture program causing the starvation deaths of over 20,000,000 Soviet citizens and got away with it until he was proven wrong.

Forbes makes a good point:
From the 2013 article: Lysenko was consequently embraced and lionized by the Soviet media propaganda machine. Scientists who promoted Lysenkoism with faked data and destroyed counterevidence were favored with government funding and official recognition and award. Lysenko and his followers and media acolytes responded to critics by impugning their motives, and denouncing them as bourgeois fascists resisting the advance of the new modern Marxism. – Forbes

Does any of that sound familiar?

That IS what is going on here. When I said if you don’t get that, you’re dumber than Vladimir and Estragon, because Godot never shows up. I was wrong. IF you don’t understand that THIS is where CAGWers are trying to head us, then YOU, LC, are dumber than a bag of broken hammers.

A Proud Infidel®™

Speaking of Al Gore Junior, how many of his multiple mansions have solar panels and/or wind generators?


I have been paying attention to climate science and climat history for over 40 years. The current situation is -well- within norms for earth. We do not have a “stable” climate. It is -highly- variable, and has been since the forming of oceans. It runs to large swings between meta-stable periods, then swings again. Current situation is a temporary interglacial warm period. That warm period has been interspersed with -huge- snaps of cold and warm. For forth years left has been diagnosing our ills as caused by, and recommending as a cure, an end to the free market – state control of the means of production. The gigantic red flags are: Hiding raw data. “adjusting” data to fit theories Ostrasizing critics, even trying to silence them Answering -every- stated problem with “more government” and “less freedom” and “higher taxes” and “wealth transfer” You -have- to see that. It is so obvious a kid raised hard-left spotted it. Note the current “chicken little” act over CO2 emissions. The much cited ice core data clearly shows up to an -eight century- lag between temp rise and CO2 lag. The logical inference would be “warming raises CO2 levels” not the reverse. Easy to demonstrate that. Buy two bottles of Seltzer water. Warm on in a hot car. Put the other in a 32f fridge. Stabilize for two hours. Open bottles. One hisses. The other goes blooey. Oceans are CO2 sinks. Cold water holds more. Earth warms, and the ocean slowly leaks CO2. Industrial CO2 output is -tiny- next to volcanic activity. Yet somehow free market industry will flood the seacoast, but volcanos dont. Plants eat CO2. Pump out more and forests grow faster. (Carbon sink). Mountain erosion is accelerated by dissolved CO2 in rainwater. It is bound to the eroded rock. (Carbon sink) The so-called models -completely- ignore natural CO2 sink behavior. Another red flag. The highly cited models -utterly- fail to predict prior temperature regimes without adjusting data. On and on. And the answers all sound the same, warming, cooling, or whatever. Give us more power! Do with less! Pay more! Transfer… Read more »


Good stuff…I guess then our military can stand at the Canadian border with hairdryers to stop the glaciers


Bacon th late seventies, after the 76-77 winter caused the Chickens Little to declare “Ice age coming. Glaciers imminent! Socialism now!”, some folks took a look at how to try to mitigate an ice age.

One clever idea was to take the solid waste from coal-fired power plants and steel mills, and scatter it over the icecaps. The intended result was to increase heat absorption and increase the melt rate. Snow and ice are highly reflective, so the idea was to break the positive feedback loop of increased ice increasing the heat lost to space. A fairly low-tech solution, and the ash was just lying around available to be used.

“Big space mirrors” was another idea, a bit ahead of the tech of the time.

Sooner or later, we will have to address returning glaciation. The last round, the Pleistocene Epoch, almost extinguished humanity (and its forerunners), several times.


Ach, gott!

“Back in the seventies….”


The early nineties were pretty good. That’s when I was getting my Bachelors in Environmental Science. To this day I remember a paper that what written on the consensus of climate models at that time. By 2040 the boot-heel of Missouri was supposed to be in the USDA Plant Hardiness zone 8B. I knew that global warming would be “settled” when the orange juice industry started buying large tracts of land in Hooterville.


oddly, Florida and California do not seem to expect that competition.

E4 Mafia For Life.

Trading Places if produced in 2018.
Randolph and Mortimer were at a gentleman’s club with Winthorpe signing the payroll checks for employees when they falsely accuse an African American homeless man, Billy Ray Valentine (played by Eddie Murphy), of stealing them as Winthorpe left the club. Following Valentines arrest Randolph bet Mortimer 1 Bitcoin that they could replace Winthorpe with Billy Ray.
In the end, Winthorpe and Billy Ray convinced the big investment houses of a ‘Second Ice Age’ and bought up all of the citrus growing properties in CA and FL with seed money from a tranny “girlfriend” of Eddie Murphy.
They also formed a new product called, “Brawndo.”


The Pleistocene almost wiped out humans. Yeah, well, the current crop of CAGWers, Greenbeans, Warmians and whatever else they are do not know how to take care of themselves. They can’t think for themselves, they can’t create anything from raw materials, and they can’t let go of their electronic toys. When the next Glacial Maximum has the ice sheets sliding across their paved streets, squishing the Divvybikes to pancake flat metal lumps, they’ll be stranded for good.

Meantime, you guys will be out hunting the moose, the deer and the elk, and I’ll be standing by with a panful of biscuits, made from wheat gone wild in the old farmlands.

Did I say I also cook?

2/17 Air Cav

Inside of every dyed-in-the-wool lib is a Nazi. That has truly been my experience.


Worse than Nazis. The goose-steppers never claimed to be helping anyone but themselves.

These Tyrants will “help” us, and we better obey for our own good.

The nazi stops at their sick goals. The do-gooder won’t – ever- stop, until they have “helped” us all into ruin and oblivion. Any failing is our fault, no matter how insane the goal.


With the leftists it’s ‘Do as I say, not as I do’.
Leftists, GREENS, muslims and other like vermin are the biggest hypocrites and liars known to mankind, conflicted by their own rotten ideologies & corrupted thinking, too stupid to see what is obvious to anyone else.


Yes, at least the real Nazis were somewhat sincere in their beliefs. They were more than happy to admit they were conquering Europe and the rest of the territories they conquered solely for the benefit of the superior German people and others they identified as Aryans.

Combat Historian

Oh brother…


Ok, I labored through most of the article and I guess this ill thought out hit piece was peer reviewed, but of course only by climate change zealots. Anyway, whatever his faulty logic for applying military force, maybe this Brit should advocate more investment in the Royal Army (and armed forces in general), instead of supporting likely domestic liberal policies that have so sadly depleted it…start with his own country. Funny how Europeans often despise us but sure love when we bail them out.


Well, they do love them some Kipling.


Excellent. I like chinese food too. Didn’t know Euroweenies were so civilized.

MSG Eric

But they’re just so used to the military being forced to be political for the last 8 years. They are going through withdrawals now because it isn’t being political and even Mattis deflects questions regarding the Politik.

Even lower ranking officers were playing that bullshit game thinking it would help their evaluations. Just made me shake my head when I’d hear officers spew the same bullshit Obama did about “climate change is a national security threat”.

We’ve gotta set up bunkers and ADA all over the US and on the coasts because climate change is coming! Oh, but we’re stealing part of your budget to use on other things along with sequestration taking part of your budget, which didn’t seem to effect any other departments, but pay attention to climate change! Don’t worry about the guy shooting at you, he just wants a job.


I really want to smack that smug smirk off his ignorant, self-important face.

The US Military’s purpose is defending the USA against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

The only enemies involved in climate change are the scammers like Algore the Utterbore and Mikey Mann and his butt-buddy Bill Nye, the nonsense-science guy.


Originally farted by Anatol Lieven: In recent years, all too many conservative Americans have begun to deny climate change not on the basis of evidence or debate but because their cultural allegiance rules it out. WRONG! We disagreed with man made global warming precisely because of facts/evidence and debate. I’ve been tracking global weather for over a decade now, and have been studying the facts. The science simply doesn’t support man made global warming. Originally farted by Anatol Lieven: It is also an institution whose culture depends on a sober and realistic appreciation of threats and which can talk to conservative patriotic Americans with conviction and in a style they can understand. No “citizen of the world” will ever persuade a Republican voter to vote against his or her immediate interests. A U.S. soldier talking about threats to America would have no problem doing so. Does this dingle berry ever step foot outside of his ivory tower office and into the real world? Otherwise, he’d know that the United States Military’s attributes, that he talks about here, is what makes us mostly conservatives. A sober and realistic appreciation of threats is based on the observing and analyzing the realities and variables that exists in the battle space, as well as strategically across the globe. From the strategic levels, through the operational, down to the tactical, our requirements for the facts, and for an analysis of the facts, drives most of us to being conservatives when we exercise these traits in the real world. It’s this same analysis that makes us examine the facts regarding the weather and climate and deciding to reject man made global warming based on a lack of support of the facts. We don’t believe in wasting resources and efforts against a non existent threat. Someone needs to send a memo to Anatol Lieven notifying him that we’re generally more conservative than the American public, and that the percentages of conservatives in the military is larger than the percentages of conservatives in the American public. Anatol Lieven, here’s some writer-to-writer advice: next time, do some extensive research… Read more »


“No “citizen of the world” will ever persuade a Republican voter to vote against his or her immediate interests. A U.S. soldier talking about threats to America would have no problem doing so”. Yeah, Anatol, why don’t you ask President of the United States Wesley Clark all about that whole “no problem” thing.


Just where does one apply for “world citizenship?” Is there a like a “world” nation or government that confers such citizenship? Where does one get his “citizen of the world” passport? Maybe they are issued by the cartels just south of our border by the “coyotes” along with instructions on how one gets his or her “permisso” slip after the smuggling is accomplished.


I am reminded that these same people, who supposedly care so much about the military, will rail against the naval nuclear power program. A technology that is not only carbon free but also complicates the enemy strategy by not relying on a oiler train. They also actively oppose highly enriched Urainium which is great for making the compact reactors of the submarine force.


Former 3363.

P.S.–Shim for Jesus!


Just another lefty turd that thinks the Armed Forces are comprised of weak minded dumb people that can be brain washed into parroting stupid shit by the leadership.


Well, John Kerry told them that if you aren’t smart enough to go to college you get stuck in Iraq so of course they think the military is full of dumb people.

Of course, then all us dummies go to college after we get out and destroy all their BS arguments with facts and they get triggered and have to run to a safe space.


Funny, I was told only stupid people go in the Marine Corps and I would never amount to anything! Hmm, the Corps trained me in IT and I have been in the industry for 40 years! Also, paid for my education and helped me buy my house. But yeah, I’m stupid!

This guy looks like a Zampolit! I have an idea, send him out with a squad in Shitholistan, have him preach “The Climate Change” to the Fuzzy Wuzzies. Take even odds he gets accidentally shot in a firefight. And remember as Richard Burton said in Where Eagles Dare, A hole is a Hole Is a Hole!


If it wasn’t for us idiots, they’d have no safe place to go wet themselves


We could do so much more if they would just let us.

The Other Whitey

“it exists to force our political will on our foreign opponents, not to influence our own civilians to a particular ideology.”

Yeah, there’s a word for that kind of environment: tyranny.


But it’s liberal tyranny, so it’s the “good for you” kind, right?

I’d love to pick apart this guy’s wholly fallacious argument piece by piece, but my thumbs would get tired, and I’m doing more important things, like watching my laundry while picking the rock salt out of the soles of my shoes.


Had a co-worker who used to say “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”


You omitted the last two words of that statement:

“… , bend over.”


Fucking libtard…


What kills me is the use of religious language. That skeptics like myself need to “believe in science”. Here’s the thing, real science doesn’t NEED anyone to believe in it. Science is not dependent on articles of faith. Science just IS. Gravity does not care if I believe in it. Gravity will never accuse me of blasphemy, it will just slam me into the ground at 9.8 m/second squared.

Feynman would destroy these people if he were still alive.

The idea of the military dumping on it’s reputation to push this religion of virtue signalling is even worse than doctors lecturing people on the dangers of gun ownership.


Turning it into a religion is exactly what they are doing.

You have to join with them and their worship of Algore (don’t gag!) or you will die!! And give him more money!!!

It is slowly eroding out from under them. We must be vigilant and consistently put pressure on them.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Turning it into a religion is exactly what they are doing.”

Climate Change IS a cornerstone of liberal dogma, just like Christians worship The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, liberals worship gay rights, political correctness and climate change.


It’s a poor substitute of religion and it is eroding, just not as dramatically as “The Rapture” predictions.

On the advent of the “the rapture” back in I think 2011, a buddy of mine submitted a request chit to our Master Chief which contained something like the following:

“Respectfully request to be excused from duty indefinitely following the coming of the rapture this weekend with particular forbearance that the Marine Detachment guarding the pearly gates be notified accordingly and not kick the shit out of me for being UA.”

But it was much funnier, literally brought tears to my eyes reading it.

Much like the rapture of 2011; the spectre of climate change serves only it’s human masters.


How much pots does one have to smoke…


I’m guessing that libtard assclown uses rectal suppositories for his reefer high…


Or by proxy, his fellow Brit homo academicians are boning him while stoned…

RGR 4-78

So you are saying he is a fart weed, sounds right to me.


All the above are the reasons I’m glad to be part of this bunch of miscreants.


I’ll Metoo that shit right there.


Hey Lieven,

We don’t like it when pompous Brits look down their powdered noses and lecture us Yanks on how to do things. George Washington didn’t like it either. Why don’t you worry about fixing your own “Shithole” country, specifically Londonistan.





I’m disappointed, like Gary Oldman in The Fifth Element.


If this proglodyte limey thinks the (D) Corrupto-crats “respect the military” he must have been in a coma during the Clinton and 0bama regimes. Progtardism truly is a brain disease. A particularly virulent form is presently seen in TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). The only sure cure for progtardism is a cranial base metal injection or the rope cure.

A Proud Infidel®™

TDS? I prefer to call it Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD) and those who let it run their lives as Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder Operatives (TARDOs), thus I see Anatol Lieven as just another sniveling candyassed metrosexual TARDO!


That is a good one!

Please forgive my coveting, my Lord.

A Proud Infidel®™

EVERYBODY please feel free to take that and use it yourselves, SPREAD IT EVERYWHERE YOU WANT TO!!!


Just when I think your genius could not be topped, you pull this shit.
Bravo, API.

A Proud Infidel®™


‘Trump acceptance resistance disorder syndrome’ A.K.A (T.A.R.D.S) is real & observable everywhere in people but much of the leftist main stream media have it bad.
The M.S.M have ‘Really Entrenched Trump Resistance Disorder Syndrome’ or R.E.T.A.R.D.S telling the T.A.R.D.S what to think.

A Proud Infidel®™

NOT BAD AT ALL, I give that The Official A Proud Infidel®™ Seal of Approval®™!


RETARDS would be the equivalent to Kaposi’s Sarcoma.


I’m pretty certain that TDS is simply the acute initial onset phase and the TARD is the resulting chronic condition. Much similar to HIV and AIDS.

A Proud Infidel®™

One look at him and I really want to SLAP that smug, arrogant expression right off his face. Pampered prissyassed primadonnas like him just want to look down their nose and sneer at Veterans while almost none of them have ever bothered to try and volunteer, let alone putting the uniform on and going into harm’s way. AS TO the whole climate change eco-doomsday crowd, FUCK ‘EM ALL, they’ve been saying that we only have five to ten years left for at least the past forty years and things have actually improved since then.



“Here is my data, theory, and conclusions. Refute it if you can.”

“You have to believe. It is settled. Deniers should be sanctioned.”

Which one is science, and which is religion?


Sanctioned? Oh, 11B, that’s far too kind. I’m sure if they had the brains to come up with the idea, we’d all be stuffed into FEMA camps.

Science says black holes exist, but we can’t see them.

Religions say that a Supreme Being exists, but we can’t see it.

Since we can’t see either of them, except by inference (LIGO detection of gravitational waves) or testamentary evidence of unexplained events, does that mean that neither black holes nor God exists?

These twits are making a religion out of a branch of science because they have nothing else to follow. Perhaps it would be a kindness to them to invite them to the Christmas or Easter mass at your local church. I doubt they’d go, but my proposed response to their refutation of religion stands up to any argument.


So what’s the Battle Drill for fighting Climate Change?

And we should totally set up a defensive perimeter in Bermuda, Bahama, Belize, Bimini and other assorted Caribbean islands (fuck Cuba though). Possibly the South Pacific too, Tahiti et al.

It’s a tough job but I’ll volunteer.

“Sweetheart, you need to put on more sunscreen. It’s the only way we’re going to beat climate change. Here, let me help….”


You can get in trouble for using the word sweetheart.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yef, STOP huffing the floor wax and get BACK to buffing the hallway floor, sweet-pea, then it’s back to police call followed by cleaning your 1SG’s and CO’s Offices!

Hack Stone

So, if Hack Stone were to get sunburn, would he be entitled to a Purple Heart?


No, but he might get a Red Ass. Anyway, at the nudist beach. Everyone knows the sun is not our enemy; no sun, no life on earth.


Oh my God, that smug look on his puss makes me want to try to drive my fist through his face so I can reach out the back of his head and give him an atomic wedgie. Where the he’ll do they find morons of this caliber? The purpose of the military is to break stuff, not solve invented problems… I just wanna slap the crap outta him!


Firstly, The golden rule… Never hit shit because shit splatters.
I try to live by that rule, most of the time.
Where do you find them? Universities & schools the world over, teaching people what to think, not how to think.
Professor’s & teachers- Those who can do, those who can’t teach.

E4 Mafia For Life.

This chump looks like New York Daily News’ Gersh Kuntzman who claimed to have contracted the PTSD from firing an AR-15.
If I knew 9 years ago that Alchemy was making a come back, I would have bought up stockpiles of lead and opened a chain of trepanation clinics.

The Stranger

Don’t forget to open a Phrenology booth!