Jonathan Lee Wheeler; phony EOD

| January 12, 2018

Our partners at Military Phonies share their work with us on this Jonathan Lee Wheeler fellow. He claims that he was an EOD specialist in the Navy;

He uses stock images to reinforce his experience like this one that he claims that he snapped;

I found the exact same image at

And this one of him receiving “land fire” is from DVIDS;

Yeah, well, here’s a summary of his service from Military Phonies;

Based off of Jonathan Lee Wheeler’s DD-214 it shows he was NOT NAVY EOD. He was a Seaman Recruit and got out as an E-1. Jonathon did NOT earn the EOD Crab, he only served on Active Duty for 5 months and 16 day’s. Jonathan’s history of assignment shows him at MEPS; then NAVCRUITRACOM Great Lakes, not sure what the deal is there but you most likely can figure that out.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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chooee lee

What a “Pant Load”.

Green Thumb


Another substandard discharge.

WWP to boot.

No surprise here.


15th Division, aka the “Blind, Crippled, Crazy” of Great Mistakes.


I can’t remember what we called it in Orlando (Disney World Boot camp).They told us stay away from the crazies, they had guys and woman that were there over five months, like this jack ass.


I Went to Orlando boot in 68, first year the facility was open. I believe it was a converted Air Force base although most of the barracks seemed to be new at the time. So I was there just a few months after it opened, not time for us to have any holdovers. We did scrap a few guys who were sent down for a do over. Had a lot of fun. Physically it was easy peasey. My only difficulty was being rousted from sleep before sunrise.

Combat Historian

You know that when the Gunga Dan Line is brought up in connection with people like JONATHAN LEE WHEELER, that the results are not gonna be good.

Besides, stealing stock shots and footage is so gauche; at least do some photoshopping to make pretend you have some originality there, JONATHAN LEE WHEELER !


Gunga Dan Line – 111 days

Porta-Potty Johnny here – 166 days (Extra day credited due to 1996 being a Leap Year)

Just not able to squeeze it up to a minimum of 180 days to achieve veterans status.


He couldn’t squeeze it, he himself was squeezed out.


He musta done some serious dick-stepping, the way all that info is blacked out in his DD-214. He doesn’t even get credit for graduating boot camp at Great Lakes, even though he was there five and a half months.

Wilted Willy

What’s with the rash of phony EOD’s lately? Did they think we only go after phony SEAL’s?? This fucker isn’t even trying, at least get the phony vest full of poser bling for Christ’s sake!!


They don’t want to mess with the Shipley, they’ve seen his videos.






2/17 Air Cav

Says he attended Fether River College and studied Veterinary Medicine. Odd that he should spell veterinary medicine correctly and misspell the name of the two-year college. It’s also odd that veterinary medicine is not offered at Feather College. However, equine studies is offered. Perhaps that’s where he learned how to be a horse’s ass.


Welcome home.
It’s a little dusty in here…

2/17 Air Cav

Truth be told, you dickweeds so suck, making me miss you and all. Bastards.


Fuck you right back.

2/17 Air Cav

Thanks, Chip! Feeling right at home now.

A Proud Infidel®™

Good to see you again 2/17!


I’m not a bastard. I’m a deplorable bastard. Get it right. Welcome home


Bernath did some great things while you were gone. Hopefully there will be an update in today’s open thread. Oh, and thank you for your honesty… and for coming back! PS- I think we’ve been commissar free for a couple of months at least.


Welcome back, 2/17 Air Cav. So nice to read your postings again – although you must have suffered a blow to the head to forget we are deplorable bastards here, not mere bastards.
But what’s a f*ck-up among friends?


Good to hear from you 2/17 AC.


Great to see you here 2/17 Air Cav!

Settle down in your chair, grab your favorite beverage & some popcorn and enjoy being back here in the loony bin again. 😉


Perhaps he majored in shoveling horseshit in the stables. Yeah, he is studying to be a veterinarian but never noticed how to spell the coverings of the avian species.

Hack Stone

Shoveling horseshit is one of the many skills that Hack Stone developed while waiting for his electronics class to pick up. He used those intrinsic qualities to help make a proud but humble woman owned business formerly located on Wilson Lane the international success that it is today.


Oh Damn, I was just wondering about you! Welcome back to the dark reaches of the interwebs. 🙂


He claims to be the CEO of “Stay-at-home-parent” since 2006…not sure I need to add further to that


Jonathan Lee Wheeler, phony Navy EOD with only 5 months and 16 days in the Navy, is a loser in life, mainly because of a series of poor judgement calls that he made and carried out. In order to make up for that, he constructs this phony persona to attempt to “even out” the playing field with his peers.

I wouldn’t be surprised if his short stay in the Navy is related to his being unable to hold a career… and that whatever attempts he made at a career resulted in a series of short job attempts. A common theme? Poor judgement decisions in life driven partly by gunning for what he wants rather than for what he’s supposed to do.

Jonathan Lee Wheeler, phony Navy EOD with only 5 months and 16 days in the Navy, lists himself as both, “in the Navy” and as a “stay at home parent”. Quick to act without thinking in order to go for what “he wants”. Doesn’t think his actions through, and doesn’t think about how others would see his actions.

This guy reveals volumes about his character, profile, and possible history, without the need to be direct about it. 🙄

Natasha Cottier

I initially reported him after reading his paperwork. He was accused of stealing from his shipmates.

Dave Hardin

The Wounded Warrior hat…they always seem to have the Wounded Warrior hat.

Potential Oath Keeper?

Commander of a VFW?

American Legion Officer?

The Puppy…WTF did he do with his puppy? I know he got one in a service dog outfit hidden somewhere.

I bet he still gets a free dinner on Veterans day and a discount at Lowes.

Ahhh, what the hell it all in the name…his name is Jon so all I can do is say,

Thank you for your service Jon, I hope your fucking legs grow together.

2/17 Air Cav

“I hope your fucking legs grow together.”

You’re killin’ me, Smalls.

Dave Hardin

Glad to see you are alive, best regards bro.


I’m in a foul mood because it’s trying snow.

Track this asshole down for me so I can verbally smack him silly, willya, Dave? Thanks! You’re a pal!


I think your first clue here is that the idiot used images of Marine Corps type aircraft instead of Navy. I just checked the interwebs to verify that the USMC has their own EOD peoples.

Someone call the Handler to have this guy sent to the bow for a No-Load shot off Cat 1.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Real wheeler and dealer.

Frankie Cee

I left Jonathan Wheeler, aka “LittleRuningWolf” some love in a comment at his Facebook page: “Geezus, yer as dumb as a stump! You can’t spell for shit, “LittleRuningWolf”. Didn’t you mean Little “Running” Wolf? And what the fuck posessed you to claim EOD? I have checked the USNAVSCHEOD, (That’s Navy EOD School to you), and they have no listing for any name anywhere near yours. You should rename yourself “LittleLyingPieceOfShit”, ya turd. You want to be famous? We are helping you at a couple of different blogs, Naming you, showing your true Navy records, and getting you listed forever at Gooooogle, asshole. Standing in the blood of better men than you is no way to go through life. Stealing stock photos and claiming them as yours is just as dumb, Jonathan Wheeler. Stop by this site to see what REAL Veterans think of your dumb ass:


We breathlessly await his retort.
Will the sockpuppets appear?
Will he give the standard excuses from the Posing for Dummies handbook?
Time will tell…

Natasha Cottier

He needs to hear how disgusting this type of behavior is. I initially reported him. He was accused of stealing from his shipmates.

My, My, My

A perfectly honorable 5 month, 16 day Navy MEPS Career and he had to go out and crap all over it.

Why couldn’t he just have been proud of his accomplishment. 🙂

wow, just, wow.

FYI, all 4 services have their own EOD. Same school, Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Eglin AFB, Fl. Staffed by instructors from all 4 services. Navy candidates also attend dive school in Panama City, FL, then follow on schools like jump school etc afterwards. No Mobile Units in locations that can’t touch salt water. This douche should have googled another step past the emblem.

Frankie Cee

I live just North of I-10, close enough to hear the detonations at the EOD School. I haven’t yet found someone to sign me in so I can see the EOD Memorial off Range Road.


Frankie; the first Saturday in May is National EOD Day and is the day each year when the new names of those killed are added to the memorial. It is an open event.


This guy’s a slacker. The personification of a slacker. Vet school, my Fat Aunt Bertha Da Bombardier!!!

Don’t let him near anything, including your stuffed toys!


Did he train that kid that molested the horse the other day?

Bill M

I think they went to the same school – Fether River College to learn Taint Tickling for Equines 101.


Phony vet with a phony charity hat.

I’m sensing a connection here.


Ask him about the C-4 cache from a few days ago. Conversation starter. Next thing you know he will be rubbing you thigh.


Jonn, I believe you have the headline here wrong. Let me edit it for you.

Jonathan Lee Wheeler; phony EABOD

/there, fixed it.


Unemployable since 16 July 1996. Give this man a piece of cardboard, a marker, and drop him off at a street corner. He’s already got the hat and the fake story.


From Tucson, huh? I’ll let my EOD friends know what we have walking around here. He’s bound to show up at some veteran/military event.

Not to worry, we’re a peaceful bunch…

Bill Moore "Detn8r"

John, If someone gets the chance, ask this Shit Bag what a “Hotel Sierra Mike Mike is, with PI/BD/GS fuse is! 😉
EOD my “Crab Ass”, hell the only reason we wanted the job was to get drunk and blow shit up! Turned out to be the best damn job I ever had!

EOD Rick

You wouldn’t happen to be the same Bill Moore I went to EOD BNCNOC at Redstone with in 92 would you?



More like an External Orifice Dilator?

Probably defused many of his ass bombs by sticking his finger up his butt.

Freekin’ hat wearing, EOD poser, CEO of Stay-at-home parent, never saw a meal I didn’t eat, fuckwit.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just over five and a half months before getting booted, sounds like an dickstepper that couldn’t even sling a mop in a chow hall without setting off a fire alarm, I hope he bursts into flames the next time he takes a shit! all nice and tubby too, he has the body of a khighly experienced Golden Corral Assault Commando that could clean a doughnut shop out of its day old inventory in minutes as soon as it goes for half price!


Hey, toad, enjoy the love. You will be forever famous on Google. Your family must be sooo proud. BTW, where is your Harley, tats, doorag, 1000 yard stare, mutt, vest with lots of bling, etc.? I’m asking for a friend.


Jonathan Lee Wheeler, phony Navy EOD with only 5 months and 16 days in the Navy, is know as “Gerbil Felching Johnny” at the local truck stop…

Daisy Cutter

He didn’t go to EOD school but he saw “The Hurt Locker” twice, doesn’t that qualify?

Natasha Cottier

I initially reported him. He was accused of stealing from his shipmates. He needs to hear from real service peeps what a disgusting thing stolen valor is.