CSM John Wayne Troxell to ISIS: surrender or die

| January 11, 2018

Command Sergeant Major John Wayne Troxell, the senior enlisted advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has a message for members of ISIS according to Fox News; “if they choose not to surrender, then we will kill them with extreme prejudice, whether that be through security force assistance, by dropping bombs on them, shooting them in the face, or beating them to death with our entrenching tools.”

Air Force Col. Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for Dunford and the Joint Staff, told the Post that Troxell’s comments emphasized the U.S.-led coalition’s resolve to defeat ISIS.

“His intent was to communicate the tenacity of the warrior ethos that, even when faced with the brutal and unforgiving nature of combat, will use every resource available to fight and win,” Ryder said of Troxell.

The last part of Troxell’s warning, referring to “our entrenching tools”, the folding shovel, probably refers to the news this week in the UK press about a Special Air Services trooper;

An elite SAS soldier cut off an ISIS fighter’s head with a spade after he ran out of ammunition during a bloody six-hour battle, it was claimed.

After killing the jihadist, the British sergeant used the enemy’s gun to kill more militants.

The brutal battle is said to have occurred six weeks ago in war-torn Afghanistan.

The British special forces unit was ambushed by ISIS gunmen and took refuge in a farm where the soldiers fended off the insurgents with their rifles and anything at hand, it was reported.

Thanks to Mick for the Fox News link.

Category: Big Pentagon

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John Seabee



Warrior Ethos…

A Proud Infidel®™

Oh-fuckin’-HELL YEAH, another crystal clear sign that adults are at the helm again, fucked up ROE’s thrown in the shitpit and the Dogs of War unleashed upon the enemy!


This is what militaries do, kill the bad guys. It’s awesome that the grown ups in charge realize this. Finally.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let them kill people, break things and bring Hell itself upon our enemies when they do so!

The Other Whitey

Caring for the enemy’s feelings didn’t work for the previous eight years. It’s nice to see that the Army recognizes that. Although CNN/MSNBS will be calling CSM Troxell a racist any second now.


The worthless progtard media has to play their race card. It is all they know how to do any more. Bradley (aka Chelsea) Manning is their idea of a military hero.

A Proud Infidel®™

The proglodyte liberal media will never cease to do all they can to give President Trump all the negatively slanted coverage they can. President trump could suddenly invent a cure for all forms of cancer, give it away for free to every patient and they’d scream that the injections stung and/or the pills had a bitter taste!


Oh come on Jonn,
you can’t post this without referencing our local hero



Chip NASA, that is exactly what I thought when I read this article. A certain turd with a face and his spetsnaz hand to hand fighting techniques. I wonder if they’ll have a shovel toss at the next joint staff org day?



The most profound thing i’ve learned today.

Is that a Red Ryder?


Yes it is a Red Ryder. Lethal in the hands of youngster.

Bill M

You’ll put your eye out!


A timeless classic in the lexicon of military training cinematography.


Warriors, speaking of warrior ethos out loud, in public, instead of quietly, in darkened rooms, while glancing over their shoulders.


Wilted Willy

I just love having adults in charge again! I guess the previous dumb ass in charge couldn’t figure out that just calling them bad names would not stop them from killing you! Kill em all and let God sort them out!


Yes, GEN Mattis is awesome.

A Proud Infidel®™

You mean Saint Mattis the Warrior Monk?


One in the same.


Am I bad for getting all giggly reading this?


Am I bad for masturbating while reading this?
/Just kidding, not really
//That you know of…


I was thinking the same thing. I’m a Marine…this guy is Army. I’m married and love boobies….but I got sexually aroused reading his comments.


Freedom boner!

just some feller

Hot dayummm … I’m in my mid-60s and got one too!


Do we know if our old favorite shovel killer is active? Or if he went off to Russia again?


The Kenyan hybrid just pissed his skivvies


Freedom Boner!


CSM Troxell was my BDE CSM during the Surge in 2007; he’s an amazing leader who practices what he preaches, leads from the front, and isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty.

I was surprised to learn later on, during my 2nd deployment, that it wasn’t common for the BDE CSM to come on patrol often.

He caught flak for the post from a bunch of whiners, but he stands to what he said and even provided the source straight from FM that showed the use of the e tool as a weapon.

Also: don’t PT with him unless you want to be greatly humbled.


CSM John Wayne Troxell. My kind of soldier! The name fits the man.

As said higher in this thread, the grown-ups are back in charge. ISIS/Daesh, in the words of JJ Watt (Houstonian here)…



Mike – I’m trying to remember, CSM Troxell was in my chain of command as well – I just can’t remember exactly when. I was 3rd BDE, 1st Cav, deployed during the surge as well. Maybe you can refresh me.

He is definitely a bad-ass. Legendary figure. Definitely a 19 Series.


Trox is a 19D. His mustard stain was from when he was a tank commander in C/3-73 and he jumped into Panama. A lot of great NCO’s came from that battalion in the late 80’s, Trox was the best of them. Glad to see he hasn’t changed a bit.


3BDE 1st Cavalry div?

Im pretty sure we relived you guys in Diyala by the end of 2007. September? I think. CSM Troxell can’t have been in your CoC,I mean, NCO support channel, because he was the BDE CSM in 4BDE 2ID.

Or, perhaps your BN migt have been attached to 4SBCT. There were all kind of task force deals done during the surge to create BDE Plusses.

My BN, 2-23, was in Falcon for most of 2007 separated from the rest of 4SBCT which was in Taji. Then we went to FOB Normandy and then Warhorse.

There was all kind of stuff going on to get strykers where the shit was hitting the fan.


Mike, if CSM Troxell was your BDE CSM in 2007 that means you were in the 4SBCT at the same time I was there.
I deployed with 2-23 IN. Who were you with?



Not my BDE Commander – that was CSM Felt at the time. I thought Troxell was somewhere around – I know the name and picture – However, 2/23 took over FOB Normandy, right where I was at, in about Sep of ’07. I was 6/9 Cav.

Muqdadiyah was not a very nice place. Route Marie, Purple, and others. Lost some real good folks. Your unit helped us clean up a real mess one day so our soldiers didn’t have to see some of our own. Helped us hook up a Bradley that was flipped from an IED – lost its turret and all 5 inside. That was about the time you guys got there. You also lost some men and Strykers while we were working. We battled those fuckers right up until days before we left out of there in late November.

I would love to keep going – maybe the wrong forum for this conversation.

You guys felt it too – Wojahiya, Kanaquin, Buhriz – nasty, nasty areas. Crawling with IED’s and HBIED’s. Literally crawling.

We were fighting Islamic State of Iraq when they broke from AQIZ. Before ISIS. Nasty little bitches.


Just figured it out. I was at Fort Knox from late 2008 to late 2010. He was there. I thought he was in the chain somewhere!

E4 Mafia For Life

One of the other Bradley gunners in my platoon in Desert ‘Nam knew Troxell back when they were E-5’s.
He is in the picture on the far left.




God, this keeps up and I might have to re-enlist! I’d be honored to say I served under these men.

Now how long before the MSM calls this some toxic masculinity?

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure they already are.


My masculinity is only toxic to SJWs and other libtards.

Antibiotics are toxic to things that are infectious.
Insecticides are toxic to roaches.
Sunlight it toxic to fungus.
Intelligence and knowledge are toxic to MSM-creatures.

And the US Military is toxic to ISIS.


Goose bumps on that one, GB. In fact, this whole thread.


Why, Graybeard, I did not know that you could be so poetic.


Commissar probably melted down AND shit his pants over the CSM’s comments…

Perry Gaskill

Sometimes the news media can just about lick toad skins. In looking for a reaction to Troxell’s comment other than that of Fox News, I expected a different spin, and wasn’t disappointed. Here’s the lede from a story ABC ran:

“A Facebook post written by a senior enlisted U.S. military leader raised eyebrows this week after it instructed troops to beat ISIS fighters with a shovel if they don’t surrender.”

Personally, although I’ve been accused of being medieval, I’m not sure Troxell’s warning on social media is the most effective approach. It’s important to keep in mind it wasn’t long ago that ISIS was cutting the heads off journalists, burning captured pilots in cages, and then putting the video on YouTube.

My own view is that the only warning ISIS should get is that provided by the mortal remains of their pals who continued to follow jihad. Such evidence should also give a clear signal that when the end comes, it will be very painful and prolonged.


::looking for my shocked face::


I get what you are saying in your last paragraph, and don’t entirely disagree. However, the “warning” may not be so much for the foreign enemy but for the one within. An optional way to read this is, “OK, play time is over. Don’t be looking for charges against our guys for doing their jobs.”

Perry Gaskill

I’m not being critical of Troxell except to somewhat disagree on whether any public media message should be delivered– either directly to the one within or indirectly to the foreign enemy– at all.

ISIS gave up its right to usual humanitarian considerations some time ago. They chose to go that way, nobody forced them. So they deserve to know nothing, even if it’s revealed inadvertently, of the fate awaiting them except it’s coming soon, and likely in a way that will prove gruesome.

Keeping them in the dark and afraid gives us an operational edge.


that speech wasn’t for Islamic State. It was for our folks.

laconic version:
“gloves, -off-!”


TThey should be killer even if they surrender. Quit military trail for war crimes and firing squad. There should be no quarter when it comes to those that fight for ISIS. Our CIA should be sent to cucked European countries that have welcomed ISIS fighters back and they should be killed. Hunt them down to the ends of the Earth.


One look in that man’s eyes and you know he isn’t bull shitting at all…
I wonder if he has actually used one to do the deed.
And yes, I did get some wood reading this…

Mark D Worthen PsyD

From this civilian psychologist’s perspective, there is absolutely nothing toxic about CSM Troxell’s stalwart statement.

~ Mark

stalwart, adj. 1. sturdy and robust; having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships. 2. strong and imposing; stouthearted; courageous; dependable and loyal; valiant. 3. resolute and firm; steadfast.


Kill them all and let God send them to hell.

A Proud Infidel®™

I myself prefer “Kill them all and let Satan eat their souls”.


Valor award, mustard stain, Ranger tab and a broken nose – this is what a CSM should be…


Well I’ll be damned… looks like someone is an honor graduate of the James Mattis School of Ass Kicking and Beating the Fuck Out of the Enemy!

2/17 Air Cav

Finally. It’s about time the line was drawn at surrender or die instead of “I double dare you to cross my Red Line.” Morale just skyrocketed.


[…] Hat: Blame The White People, Blame The Republicans, Blame The Christians This Ain’t Hell: CSM Troxell To ISIS – Surrender Or Die, also, Army Recruit Fitness Fails Weasel Zippers: Spokane WA Decides To Outlaw Jailing Of Illegals […]

Top W Kone

The E-Tool is highly under rated close quarters weapon

It also has the advantage of being non threatting when seen by others near by

I have one in each of my cars with in reach (old wood Handel is best) and if questioned “oh that is just Incase I get stuck”


Gloves, -off-!



I saw the picture, and immediately thought of this turd: Steve Edgell.


Remember his Faceplace sockpuppet “Micheal Epley” (his ‘commanding officer’) that he would sic on the unbelievers? The profile used CSM Troxells picture. Still does, in fact. https://www.facebook.com/micheal.epley.5?fref=ts


Carry a flint-bladed knife on you at all times, and a bronze blade in your boot.

And you guys think my employment of a cast iron skillet for defense or combat is silly. (snorrtt!) There’s also the cheese grater approach. I think my marble rolling pin would hold up quite well, too.


You’ll find that the wooden handle pegs will break very early in the proceedings. Not a great choice. (The wife favors a marble rolling pin too.)


Oh, yeah, they will if mishandled, and I checked on mine when I bought it. The pegs are connected to each other by a steel rod.

Now I need to get busy making pies.


If any feel good ers are offended by his e-tool comments, wait until they find out it makes an excellent temporary toilet seat for one to shit in the field with!

Chop off a jihadi head.
Hack a hasty hole in the ground.
Kick the head in the hole.
Take a shit on it.

A Proud Infidel®™

DUDE, if I could ever get deployed to the ME again that would be on my bucket list!

chooee lee

Holy Jumped Up Jesus !! I don’t care what you say that right there is BAD ASS.

2/17 Air Cav

“This is a medical alert. If you or a loved one is suffering trauma from a Troxell rectal implant, call the Sharia Law Line today. Our experienced attorneys are standing by to help. Call 1-888-555-1111 or email us at mysoreass.net”



I seem to remember reading somewhere, back in my mis-spent youth that one WW I veteran said the best way to clear a trench was a sack full of grenades and a sharpened entrenching tool.

CSM Troxell rocks!


Now I’m just waiting for the fakers to start coming out of the woodwork saying how many “confirmed E-tool kills” they have.


That would be up there with a “multi-tool kill.”

I know of one confirmed Gerber kill……..


The CSM has announced 2018’s first “shovel ready project”.



Just FYI, there are some folks who love this blog, do not identify as conservative/Republican, and got hard after reading Troxell’s statement. Speaking of others, of course (ahem).


But what about the ones who identify as the other gender, you know non-gender normative? Be more inclusive; some folks don’t have anything to get hard.

Green Thumb

Ranger comes before Jump Master.

Senior what?


All 3 of those badges are group 4