ISIS in Egypt Declares War on Hamas

| January 5, 2018

isis in egypt

Fox News is reporting an ISIS splinter group in Egypt has declared war on the Palistinian group Hamas, issuing a video claiming it shows the execution of a Hamas collaborator.

“Never surrender to them. Use explosives, silenced pistols, and sticky bombs. Bomb their courts and their security locations, for these are the pillars of tyranny that prop up its throne,” a knife-wielding man says in the video released Wednesday, according to the SITE Intelligence Group, which tracks extremist websites.

The ISIS offshoot blames Hamas for failing to prevent the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, among other accusations. Exactly how Hamas could have blocked the recognition is unclear, but the conflict between the two groups has been growing for over a year, according to the Washington Post. ISIS and Hamas share hostile views towards Israel, but ISIS is calling for a global jihad while Hamas is fixed on Israel, and is less interested in a general conflict with the West.

In Wednesday’s video, Hamas is criticized for “following in the footsteps of the disbelieving West.” The latest call to war, however, is nothing new. In 2015, Islamic State militants threatened to oust Hamas from power, citing their lack of enforcement of Islam in the territory, Reuters reported.

“We will uproot the state of the Jews (Israel) and you (Hamas) and Fatah, and all of the secularists are nothing and you will be over-run by our creeping multitudes,” a member of the Islamic state in Syria says in a video from a few years ago.

Well now, isn’t this interesting, Hamas isn’t rabid enough to suit ISIS. No honor among thieves, and I hope they both lose.

“Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

Category: Terror War

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“sticky bombs”??

Maybe watched Saving Private Ryan too many times while waiting in line for Man-Love Thursday?

“Oh, great, now we have to surrender our socks.”


Bradley Manning likes a different kind of sticky bomb. His cohorts have to surrender their bungholes!

MSG Eric

It’s in the manual….


Normally magnetic – they attach a bomb to the side of a car, sometimes subtly, sometimes driving past on a motorcycle, etc.


Dog eats dog, pass the popcorn.

Rosalee Ann Adams

Concur… ‘like honor among thieves’, however, this bunch makes thieves look like altar boys

Wilted Willy

What’s the problem, not enough goats to go around? I will be so happy when all of these assholes meet their maker and get their 72 virgin goats! Phuck them all!


This is awesome. To hell with them both.

And ISIS really thinks they’re going to uproot the Jews? They could hardly hold territory against the Iraqi Army (I get that a lot of American bombs helped).

They have NO chance against the IDF. None. That they think they do is absurdly delusional, even for them.


No. Shhhhh…let them believe it.

And here comes the Judean Peoples Front crack suicide squad!


So, pardon my cynicism, but which side are we going to start funneling money, arms, and advisors to?? 🤔


Geezo Pete, Grunt, could you post a spew alert there?


If the Big Zero were still in office, that would be a question I’d really be concerned about.


I know you meant it as a joke, but I vote to send $$$ to Egypt. Both ISIL and Hamas have it in for the current administration (not nearly Islamic enough) and said administration has no use for them either.

In fact Egypt has been working with Israel on the down low for several years now. Islamic radicals and Persia are threats to both.


Sell arms to both sides. Doubles the profit, true capitalism in action.


Wait – what? The Bad Guys are turning on each other? Huh?

Okay, I looked out the front window and the birds are lined up for their morning chow, as usual. Cars are blowing warm exhaust into the frozen air. I have two packs of uncooked sausages that I was saving for tomorrow’s pancakes breakfast. My world is still there.

But the Bad Guys are turning on each other….

What did I miss?

Old Trooper

Well, you have the Judean Peoples Front, who aren’t as hepped up as the Peoples Front of Judea (splitter!!!), so it’s natural that they will have a go at each other.




Again, the crack suicide squad will save us!


There may be a downside to this, but I’m not seeing it.


They run out of truck bomb drivers?


The UN is not going to stand for this.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure they’re already drafting a strongly worded letter to each side as we speak!


Radicalized hadjis killing each other?

This is excellent news.

Hamas will have to deal with this new threat, diverting some of their attention off Israel…

…at least until Iran or whoever else steps in to help.

A Proud Infidel®™

Well I say BLEHLEHLEHLEHLEHLEHLEHLEHLEH to both sides and let’em carbomb each other to smithereens!!


Maybe they meant “sticky buns”?


ISIS killing Hamas. So, what’s the problem?




Nomenclature is essential…

Bill M

“ISIS in Egypt Declares War on Hamas”

This works for me. Someone pass the popcorn.