No Resolutions…Just Vigilance

| January 2, 2018

USS Michael Murphy (DDG 112), moored pierside in her home port of Pearl Harbor, HI, participates in the annual Pearl Harbor Festival of Lights. The guided missile destroyer was named after LT (SEAL) Michael Murphy, a Medal of Honor awardee who was killed in action in heavy fighting in the Hindu Kush mountains of Afghanistan in June, 2005. U.S. Navy photo by Ensign Joshua Flanagan (Released)

N.B.: I wrote this before I watched the news report on the evening of 1/1/2018 about the riots and protests in Iran.  I noticed this morning that Instinct had posted a link to an article by John Ringo, which I read, and you should, too:

Since we now know that the State of the Blog is secure and the Union has not yet been split asunder,  can we relax?

No. I don’t think so.  We must as a people be ever vigilant. No matter how annoying the Clankers are (and we know who they are), they will only win if we let them.

You know, when you have something nice, other people don’t like you because of that, and they want to take it away from you. So don’t let them. Just keep a weather eye on the little buggers and make sure that they don’t win. Some day, they’ll be my age and have nothing to show for their wasted lives – IF they live that long.

We live in the best country on this planet. People come here all the time because of it. Sometimes, yes, some of them want to knock it down and stomp on it, because they’re afraid of real freedom. And yes, it is scary to determine your own destiny, but that’s what this country is all about: no kings, no dictators, no dynasties – none of that crap. That’s why people like my ancestors and the Irish came here, for the chance to do more than just exist.

There’s a movie opening now: “The Post”, based on the decision by Kathryn Grahame and Ben Bradlee to publish what became the Pentagon Papers. Bradlee, played by Tom Hanks, was aghast that Jack Kennedy, who befriended him, would lie to him the way he did, but Johnson and Cronkite also lied, as did other people. Lyndon Johnson was the worst liar of them all. And Democrats, they were, all of them. Who knew?

What do we see now? Much worse: plain old bald-faced lying by the media, mostly in a scramble to get attention. It isn’t working very well for them. Reasoning and more thoughtful people know what is real much better than those involved in the childish scramble for attention by “kids” who seem to be barely out of school. The most recent sample was that rambling, babbling article about conservatism and Stolen Valor by Alex Whatshisname. He had no point to make, he was almost intentionally uninformed, and it was drivel.

You’d think that as a population group, they would not want to go down in history as a pack of inept fools, wouldn’t you?

This is why I said we must be vigilant at all times. Dig up the truth, verify it with backup, and throw it at them, as hard as you can, but without rancor. Be persistent, thoughtful, accurate and above all else, calm. A calm stance is like wearing full battle rattle and the truth is a bigger, more effective weapon than theirs.

If they don’t like it, tough bananas. When they get to be my age or yours, they’ll have nothing to show for a lifetime of being worse than the National Enquirer.

I don’t think I’d want that on my tombstone. I’d rather have pepperoni, extra pepperoni, and extra cheese.

We must always be on watch.  We owe it to ourselves and to future generations.

Category: Politics

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Well said, Ex-PH2.


Stupid people can wreak just as much havoc as those intent on it.
Like weeds, you have keep an eye on them.

Love that photo. What ripple there is probably
reflects the heartbeat of the ship.


Main Stream Media is dead, it just doesn’t know it yet. The facts are out there if one searches for them.


Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty. “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.”
Thomas Paine: The American Crisis, No. 4,1777.

Amazing how smart those old guys were.

Wilted Willy

Amen Ex, It used to always amaze me that the older I got, the smarter my father got!


Well said, Willy.

A number of years back, my son
(he’s 44 now)and I were out on the deck just shooting the breeze, when he looked at me and said…..”Dad, how did you get so smart?”.

Without a pause I simply looked at him and said….”you got older”.

I thought that about my own Dad back when I was younger.

Nice to see some things never change. (smile)

Retired Master

I never thought about that, but it is great!!


”you got older”.

Dude! That is priceless … the p[lain truth, also!!


Also, same, same, here.

Wilted Willy

Still waiting on lab results, maybe tomorrow?


“When I was 16 my father was a fool. By the time I reached age 21, I was astounded at how much the old man had learned.” – Mark Twain. True then, true now. Certainly true for me and my Dad.


This upcoming election, the first real test of President Trump and his policies is a true watershed event and will tell us what will actually happen to America in the future.
If the GOP hangs on to most of its seats in the House and Senate we will know that the country believes that he is doing the right thing.
When I say most of their seats I mean the RINO’s and never Trumpers got kicked out and a more conservative GOP member was elected in their place.
That would be a true harbinger of the future path and quite probably a bellwether of the 2020 election for the Presidential Election.
President Trump is arguably the most conservative President since Reagan and his policies will reap the same rewards that Reagan’s did.
This election will also show if America is serious about recovery or if the citizens want to go back to the misery that was the oblowme regime.
If they do, I still only have to remember that I only have a few more years left on this planet and that I hope I can stay in the background enough to not be thrown into one of the upcoming reeducation camps that will no doubt be springing up around the country under the first dictator in American History…..
Good piece Ex-PH 2

Wilted Willy

Amen brother, you nailed it!


” … and a more conservative GOP … ”

” … and a REAL Republican is elected … ”

There, fixed it for ya. 😛


“We must always> be on watch.”

Roger that.


That’s called hyper vigilance, aka, paranoia.


Really? I call that “how I drive my car”. I find that relaxed state of alertness .. relaxing. Also, it works for various other situations. Almost effortless.

I would -not- want to write your car insurance, Mr. Oblivious.


We live in Condition Yellow.
Joe lives in Condition White.

Joe thinks he is normal, and so anyone living in Condition Yellow must actually be in Condition Screaming-Flashing-Red.

IMHO, Joe ought not be allowed out of the house without adult supervision. If he were to wander off down the street he may find himself facing a very hard reality. Again, some mistakes one only gets to make one time.