Complaint filed against Peter Toth
The Red Deer Advocate reports that one of our readers, Bob Dale, filed a complaint with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police against Peter Toth who we featured earlier this month;
Dale also provided the Advocate with two record searches of the United States Department of Defense manpower data centre looking for the military records the man claimed to have earned.
However, both searches using the name Peter Toth indicated he did not serve.
Dale filed the complaint representing Stolen Valour – Canada, an organization that aims to expose people posing as military personnel and veterans.
Stolen Valour – Canada doesn’t condone any violence taken against someone who wears a military uniform they did not earn.
Dale said part of the reason he did this was for the man’s safety as veterans take offence to people who have not served in the military, but say they have.
The Royal Canadian Legion Red Deer post #35 has also filed a complaint, according to Red Deer News.
Bev Hanes, President at Red Deer Branch #35, says the case has been sent to Ottawa and an update is expected in the coming days.
According to a statement from Red Deer Catholic Schools, they rely on the Legion to provide veterans for such ceremonies.
In the meantime, Hanes says Toth provided papers to the Red Deer branch which seemed legitimate.
“There’s no way for us to check if they’re forged or not,” she says, adding they have no other choice but to give the benefit of the doubt.
Legion member Joe Matallo says that they called him out on his claims over a year ago, but that hasn’t deterred Toth.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Well gee whiz, I wonder what that HOSER Peter Toth’s next move will be? I’ve seen more convincing costume uniforms in high school theater productions!!
I wonder what story PETER TOTH will pull of out of his ass to the Mounties? Maybe someone needs to pelt him in the noggin with some tennis balls to help him deal with “teh PTSD”
I’m beginning to think Peter Toth believes that ‘PTSD’ means “Pile That Stuff Deeper” – or something like that.
This Peter Toth clown looks like a whole bouquet of smashed assholes.
I hope the Mounties get ahold of his ass, and kick it! He looks like 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag!
Peter Toth…’re STILL a fuckin liar you piece of shit!
Fucking hoser poser. Deserves a totem pole up his ass
From the above picture, he appears to be long in the “Toth” but short in the “Peter”.
I just sent a note to the reporter…
1912 retro front cover of Boy Scouts Of America. I hope SGT. Preston of the RCMP catches up to this guy.
Where are his Merit badges??
I made a reference in another comment to the Boy Scouts. Certainly did not expect to see the World’s Fattest Scout in the next article.
Agree. He does indeed seem to want to be Lord Robert Baden-Powell:
Robert Lord Baden-Powell was a true hero, a warrior, and a man of honor.
I suppose there are SV posers who may wish to claim they are like him.
Spot on, GB. Spot on.👍
Nice article , thanks for the info Another Pat. I have several cousins that were scouts and two of my grandsons are in their first year of scouting now. I just forwarded it to their mother.
Please don’t associate this terdherder with the BSA.
The National Office is corrupting the BSA, I know, but for now at the unit level most of the BSA is still exemplary of the Scout Oath and Law.
This thing named Peter Toth would not last on a Webelos campout.
At least we now know where the Canadian PM is getting his military advice…..
He gets his Military advice from the Valour Thief; Harjit ‘Turd in a Turban’ Sajjan. Our Minister Of National Defence. Look him up.
I hope someone winks and smiles at little Justin…..and soon
HEY Peter[puffer] Toth, here’s some more Google®™ fame, so once again I say chin up, ALL FOUR of them!!!
If you aren’t seeking attention you oughtn’t dress like a fucking clown.
And as always, I enjoyed reading Dave Hardin’s Facebook comment on this article, especially about Dave’s hero, Jonn:
Somewhere up in Canadah a lilypad is missing it’s toad. Get back to your pond Toth.