Victor Yager; phony SEAL

| November 10, 2017

The folks at Military Phonies send us their work on this Victor Allen Yager who is your daily phony SEAL’

Then he got busted and still couldn’t stop lying;

He was drunk, that’s why he pretended to be a SEAL. He got drunk, went to the military surplus store, bought the pin on Trident, bought the cloth Trident and took it to the little sewing shop, waited for them to sew it on and the drove home, still drunk, took pictures, uploaded the pics to Facebook, and then claimed that he was a SEAL.

Yeah, he spent seven months in the Navy in 1972-1973, but apparently he gets drunk enough to think he was a SEAL in Vietnam.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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“Not-a-“Victor Yager, who is not a Navy SEAL, looks to be a wasted old hippie & skid-row refugee.


And Loser Yager, who is not a Navy SEAL, rocketed all the way up to E1 at discharge?!?!?!?!

Victor really a LOSER Yager is a liar.
Victor really a LOSER Yager is not a SEAL.
Victor really a LOSER Yager is a failure.
Victor really a LOSER Yager is a drunk, by his own confession.
Victor really a LOSER Yager is has trouble owning up to his lies.
Victor really a LOSER Yager is going to be GOOOOOGLE famous.


Stupid ass shit stain couldn’t hang for more than 7 months in the Navy and now he has to overcompensate by claiming SEAL. In the textbook of loser, he’s in the first chapter.


Yeah, 7 months and discharged as an E1 really screams “SEAL!”, don’t it? /s


Well, he beat the Gunga Dan line by over four months, so he has that going for him. It looks like, this week, the fake SEALs are still ahead of the fake Army SF/Rangers by more than 2 to one. That SEAL PR/fame is still working for the Navy. I guess the “quiet professionals” need to be less quiet. Come on ex-Army posers, up your game!

3/17 Air Cav

One of his photos shows him standing in front of Casa Yager, which is a circa 1970’s single wide mobile home. The guy reeks of success!

Nice background story about being a Seal stationed at Vung Tau Vietnam 72-73 only problem with the story is that being there at that time would be almost like being stateside. In 71 we would on occasion fly troops there for 3 day R&R! Nice white sandy beaches on the China Sea.


You just weakened your case 3/17. You admit there was a sea there. You admit there was a sandy beach there. It follows then that there were seals there. /s

3/17 Air Cav

SJ……….I never saw either kind of Seal in Vung Tau! If there was ever a fun place in Vietnam, it would be Vung Tau. When we dropped off the troops for their R&R we were supposed to just turn around and return to Phu Loi. We never did, we always had some kind of mech. Problem. So, we would shut down, go into town for a steak dinner, French beer, and wrestle with the bebop girls!

Ah, the good “ole” days!


SJ & 3/17 Air Cav:

He was also born in 1955 (public information…I left out the month and date).

Does any Vietnam Vets remember serving with folks in Vietnam who were born in 1955?


I’m just a wee bit older than that, but if one born in 1955 volunteered or was drafted right out of HS, he could have been in the AO, I believe.


Don’t think so GB. Last combat troops left in March 1973. He’d have been barely 18. That late in the war I don’t think there were any 17 y/o’s.
But, we already know he’s as full of shit as a Christmas Turkey.
Himmmmm, Himmmm, Fuck Him!


No sir, I was born in Jan 1955. I was too young to legally serve in Vietnam. Also at that time you had to be 18 to serve in a combat zone. I’m pretty sure that included the Navy


Just curious…what day in January?

3/17 Air Cav

TCG………I had two troops out of my AIT Company that were less than 18 years of age. One of them went to Germany, the other went to Korea. The rest of us deployed to Viet of the Nam


AP the 16th.


I remeber reading about a black kid they pulled out of the bush of Vietnam. He was a big kid and was like 16 years old! I think he was well into his tour when caught.


While I was never in Vietnam, I am a Vietnam era vet and I was born in 1955. I was 17 when I enlisted in the USAF in Sept 1973. I was a BB stacker stationed at KI Sawyer AFB and knew lots of guys coming back from Vietnam and Thailand. The draw-down was going on when I enlisted and many were returning while few were going over.


Chuck Yeager would take that rifle from him and shove it where the sun don’t shine just for having a name that sounds like his.


Screw him and the matchbox he rode in on. The SEALs in this video are REAL SEALs! They’s trash his sorry ass faster than spit lightning.


WTF is that JABBA the Hut?

That thing is huge


My guess is that turd didn’t even get out of his TAD time as coop cleaner, Messcrank, etc before the valions kicked his ass out.

Victor Yagar…you are a fucking dickeye.

Fucking AZ…probably was one of the dummies that liked to pop up in the port catwalk during recoveries.


“…probably was one of the dummies that liked to pop up in the port catwalk during recoveries.”

Yup. That kind of stupid shit was always a real crowd-pleaser.

He must have done something downright spectacular to get himself booted from a VA squadron while underway aboard a carrier.


That’s a big effing seal!


I had a 12 pack of PBR once.
Didn’t become a Seal.
Did I get short-changed?


Did I get short-changed?

Depends. Did you pay more than the equivalent of $5.00 or $6.00 in today’s $$$ for that 12-pack of PBR?

Personally I’d say PBR might be worth maybe $0.40 or $0.50 each in today’s $$$, but that’s just me. And I will say I’ve had far worse – that cost quite a bit more, unfortunately. (smile)


It’s the fkng hipsters fault pbr costs 5 bucks.

Hack Stone

Head on over to the package store at Joint Base Andrews. You can score a 30 can case of PBR for $16.99. At just under $0.57 a can, it is the official beer of a proud but humble woman owned company.



20.99 for the 30 pack case in Fort Benning.

A Proud Infidel®™

And I’m sure THAT costs more per can than a case of Red, White & Blue Beer at either an AAFES Shopette OR a Class VI.


My favorite time in the chow hall, Marine Corps Birthday, even us squids got a can of Carlings Black Label beer with dinner. 🙂

Hack Stone

Carling’s Black Label was the official beer of Papa Stone. It’s a good thing that he always sent Hack down to the beer fridge in the basement, otherwise he may realize that his beer stash was being depleted by more than just his consumption.

3/17 Air Cav

In the Nam circa 1971,you could buy a bud, pbr,black label,miller highlife for 10 cents. Mixed drinks were 20 cents! It’s all relative, keep in mind, a E-5 Sgt. In Vietnam made less than 500.00 monthly!


Don’t forget Schlitz.
I was making $330 a month base pay as an E-5 in 1970.
The HFP was a wopping $69 extra.


But did you ever ride in a PBR?


There is only one hard coded rule about beer.

You do not talk shit about PBR.

A Proud Infidel®™

BE CAREFUL of what you say about PBR, IT’S NOT just for breakfast anymore!!!

Green Thumb

PBR sucks.

Fools pay $6 a can in big cities to look cool.

Easier to have a micro brew or martini with a side of trim than tool out with PBR.

At home or on the river? Maybe. Outside of that. Uh……no.


Some info about his employment:

He is a member of this organization:

Sadly, he was arrestd for DUI in 2003 in OK:

Then he jumped bail in 2004:

He had substance abuse problems in Indiana as well in 1986:

He also had problems paying his Gas Bill in Joplin, Missouri in 2002:

As you can see, he moves frequently.

Am trying to have sympathy for him, because it is obvious he does have a substance abuse/addiction problem. Yes, he lied about being a Navy SEAL, but that could be because of his brain hiccups/addiction problem.

That also might explain why he only served in the Navy for 7 months.


Place of separation was onboard the USS FDR? Do they just toss you off the fan tail?


Probably flew him off on the first available COD, or put him ashore at the next liberty port.


Though I like the way Mason thinks…


That a select fire PAP?!

Combat Historian

Damn, he must have really fucked up to be discharged from a ship in the middle of a cruise…


Flag on his field jacket right sleeve is backwards.


VICTOR YAGER is a cock-sucking, shit-stained, smegma-filled, special feces butt sniper.


Gosh if I’d only known the Navy had a 7 month retirement. Can I get a do over?



Not a SEAL
Not a Retiree
Not a Vietnam Veteran
But he is, according to his FB page, now a Proud Navy Veteran. Proud of WTF exactly? Some folks have no shame.

I guess he’ll be out somewhere looking for a free meal today. Queefsquirt.

Hack Stone

Hack went to electronics school who came in as a contract PFC. Between Basic Electronics and Radio Fundamentals school, he took ten days leave, then awarded himself an additional 29 days (one day shy of desertion). He then got busted from Lance Corporal to PFC. He was assigned to 1st ELMACO, where he left a trail of bad checks all over base and in Oceanside. Of course he married his (pregnant) high school sweetheart, and everything he had was acquired through Devon Home Furniture (WE Finance E-1 And Up). So about two years and change into a four year enlistment, the Marine Corps and him came to the decision that it would be better if they parted ways. Although he has never made any claims about honors that he did not earn, he has acquired a state issued license plate with a Marine Corps emblem. So, integrity check, if you do not finish your enlistment, is it ethical to get a license with a military service emblem? I believe that the character of his discharge was General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions Discharge.

A Proud Infidel®™

“I guess he’ll be out somewhere looking for a free meal today. Queefsquirt.”

And while he does, I’m sure he’ll be sporting every type of “Look at me and thank me” bling he possibly can!

Mr. Pete

Wow Jonn, he gets a lot done when he is drunk!

Hack Stone

Most people I know that get drunk wake up in bed with a fat chick, they don’t acquire military decorations.


Lost a few shirts that way though. 🙂

3/17 Air Cav

…….and a large jar of Vasoline, mostly used!
Anyway, that’s what I’ve been told! Smile


I just puked into my beer.

Hack Stone

Friday nights was Fat Chick Appreciation Night at the Del Mar Enlisted Club.


Pigs In Space, at the Nugget in Fallon was always a good night for young Airwing Sailors.

A Proud Infidel®™

GEE WHIZ, thrown out in 1973? IMHO that says DICKSTEPPER FIRST CLASS!!!

Mark Lauer

Man…..and I thought I used to get drunk for long periods of time.

Green Thumb


A Proud Infidel®™


Pineywoods NCO

Another nomination for the Wall of Insults; can I get a second?


Yeah, I’m just not feeling it for this looser.
He’d have to put in a little more effort, I believe.
Let me check the other threads.