Senior Chief Clayton Pressley in hot water again
We wrote about Senior Chief Clayton Pressley when he was imprisoned for stealing the identities of his subordinates to commit bank fraud last year. Mick sends us a link from Virginian-Pilot which reports that he’s in hot water again;
The charges stem from alleged contract steering and product substitution from May 2014 to November 2014, according to court documents. Investigators said Pressley, then a senior chief petty officer, and his co-conspirators were selling Navy “inert training aids” that were never shipped but marked as delivered.
The fraud involved two Defense Logistics Agency prime vendors, identified in court documents as Firm D and Firm V, and a Tucson, Ariz.,-based business, identified as Firm G, that provided “logistical support” to the government.
The documents reference four members of the conspiracy, including Pressley. The others were not named, but the first was the CEO of Firm G, the second a sales representative at Firm D and the third a Navy officer who had authority to make purchases for his unit.
The latest charges are that he steered $1.6 million in government contracts into his own firm’s accounts.
Pressley and his friends found a way to corrupt the system for personal gain, the documents said. The Navy officer would order inert training aids that were routinely damaged or destroyed from the two prime vendors. They, in turn, would contract with Firm G, thanks to three friendly sales representatives – one of whom was getting kickbacks.
The documents don’t describe the training aids, but the term usually refers to replica weapons, bombs and explosives.
Pressley was the chief operating officer of “Firm G”. Well, at least they know where to find him.
Category: Navy
Burn his ass.
If they haven’t now, Bubba, Thor Julio and Mr. “Tiny” will be… soon
Ass whole
If this is a continuing story, what’s the next chapter?
In the next chapter, he claims he caught the PTSD which made him become a crook.
I hope he’s getting some Firm “D” in prison
Is he from Florida??
All Points Logistics has subsidiary companies in Arizona?
Not bad for a woman owned business that was originally based in Maryland and run out of a basement.
Exciting things are in store for that proud but humble woman owned business. Besides being a finalist to provide the federal government software to handle the Y3K glitch (3000 is only 983 years away), according to the CEO & Acting VP of Sales, who has a storied past in dustups, meltdowns, periods of extended unemployment and public humiliation, the company will be going back to our roots, and focus on what first made this proud but humble woman owned business a success. That’s right, we will be going back to manufacturing artificial Christmas fir trees. And we can guarantee that those trees are now 27% asbestos free. Submit your order by November 15, 2017, and we guarantee delivery by December 24, 2049.
Is Elaine down with that? Also, are your sure those trees aren’t made out of empty thunderbird bottles?
Hack is just happy that he was able to secure that lifetime position as Director Of Media Relations Of the proud but humble woman owned business from Elaine Ricci before her (untimely) disappearance. The company used to be a proud woman owned business, but since the company never mentions the name of the owner, or any other employee other than the Vice President, Hack thought that it would be prudent to add the qualifier “but humble” when describing the company.
Although this latest charges are huge, I’m more pissed about him stealing the identities of his subordinates. A real prince…
Probably still has junior troops shoveling themselves and family members out of the hole he threw them in. The moral equivalent of pond scum.
I’d think pond scum rates higher than he does on that scale.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, another addition to Bubba & Thor’s harem.
From the linked article, this person “…was owner or manager of Fifth Column Solutions Group LLC”. Fifth Column Solutions? This didn’t raise any eyebrows?
That is “epic double facepalm” obvious, eh?
The stupid is strong with this one.
You ain’t nothing but a Hound Dog.
Not to nitpick and I can’t remember, but is his sentence federal or military? Because if it was military, wouldn’t there be a reduction in grade? And even if not, referring to him as Senior Chief just seems wrong. Just my $0.02.
His previous case was in federal court. According to the linked article, “Pressley served in the Navy almost 20 years, leaving in February.” Since he didn’t make his 20, I’m guessing that he was administratively discharged (not retired) as a result of his conviction; and if it was an OTH discharge, that would have carried an automatic reduction to E-1.
He was admin out, before his 20.
Here’s what drives me insane about this. This shitbag IN NO WAYdeserves his anchors, yet if he were a PO1 or below, he’d probably have been bounced out on a BCD, OTH, something, anything, other than an ADSEP. Hell even if they went that route I’d have liked to see him busted to E-1 and ADSEP’ed out on HYT basis.
I’m just glad he didn’t get a chance to retire and continue to be a succubus on the American taxpayer and the Navy. I just hope his DD-214 doesn’t list him as an E-8 who is able to reap any further gov’t benefit.
This is what my departed dad called “The Ol’ Arizona Payoff,” as I note Pressley’s firm is in Tucson. My dad’s brother-in-law had this scam down to an art form. His business would bill Az mining companies for unneeded repairs to various pieces of equipment and for parts that were not needed; then he would pay kick-backs to the maintenance managers at the mines. After working in Arizona for several years, my father thought most of the state was involved in some kind of crooked payola.
Let’s stop referring to this full retard asshole as a Senior Chief. More like Master Thief.
Was this maniac in charge of watchkeeping classes at the Naval Academy?