Air Force Academy suspends players, coaches

| October 28, 2017

According to 9News, the Air Force Academy has suspended the junior and senior members of their Lacrosse team as well as the coaches while they investigate charges of cadet cheating and athlete misconduct. 9 News quotes the Academy’s official statement;

“Last week we announced that there was an ongoing investigation into the conduct of several individuals on the Academy’s Lacrosse team. Based on preliminary indications, some members of the team and coaches have been put into an inactive status and will not participate in group activities or inter-collegiate competition, until further notice. These actions are effective today and may be revisited as the investigation progresses. Because that investigation is ongoing, I cannot disclose any further information.

What I can say is that the Air Force Academy holds its cadets, staff and
faculty to the highest standards of conduct…because our nation demands it
of us and it’s the right thing to do. Taking care of each other is one of
our top priorities and we go to great lengths to provide a culture rooted in
the core principles of human dignity and respect.”

Thanks to Chief Tango for the link.

Category: Air Force

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What does the last sentence in that official statement even mean? It was irrelevant, boilerplate PC gibberish. So, they busted some dumbasses for cheating and misbehaving and that has something to do with a culture rooted in the core principles of human dignity and respect? Laughable…how about simply “we have high standards and hold people accountable”. Fucking Public Affairs…


When I went there 20 years ago we followed the core principles of Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in all we do. Not human dignity and respect. No wonder the place is going downhill.


yeh AIR FARCE! “hold to the high standards etc etc blah blah” but won’t let “honor,truth, honesty ” have any place in it, how about letting Chaplains use the HOLY NAME OF JESUS IN PRAYER? You clowns need to go home!


Best way to take care of them is to march their sorry asses to the bus terminal for the ride home of shame.


Wonder what is going on from the Hudson and the Commie LT? He’s been out of the news recently?

Mike Kozlowski

“Taking care of each other is one of
our top priorities and we go to great lengths to provide a culture rooted in
the core principles of human dignity and respect.”

TRANSLATION: Unthinkingly racist or simply unthinking hazing, and it’s about to hit the fan. They got out in front of it as far as they could.


“Taking care of each other is one of
our top priorities and we go to great lengths to provide a culture rooted in
the core principles of human dignity and respect.”

This is commonly known as deflecting your attention away from the misbehavior of 10 year old kids in adult bodies. I blame the parents.


Sounds like authentic pc gibberish.

cc senor

Help me before I strike again.

Mark Lauer

Whew! It’s just good old fashion cheating!
I thought we were gonna be reading about cadets taking a knee during the National Anthem.

Ole Herk Driver

Why don’t we wait until the facts are in before rendering judgment? As a former intercollegiate athlete at USAFA, I’ve seen more than a few false allegations put forward.

Duke lacrosse ring a bell?



Came here prepared to offer a “Good,” “Nicely done,” “About time,” or some such. Instead, I am completely confused about whether this is a good thing or a witch hunt.

Certainly hope that those who were supposed to get the message were able to decipher that statement better that I could. Without the current PC decoder ring it is impossible to do.


Any updates on the USAFA prep school hate crime allegations ?


They probably told a tranny to use the bathroom that corresponded to what they had between their legs.
I’d like to find out what was going on first before making any judgement


Anybody remember Duke Lacrosse?


They should have fired the president of Duke for what he did to the lacrosse team. I’d be glad to tell him so to his face.


Read all about it in K. C. Johnson’s book and on his old blog (Durham in Wonderland)… talk about a rouge DA, cops, academia and the press looking to burn innocent people at the stake based on the words of a serial liar.

Bernath and Mike Nifong share something in common – disbarred lawers that have spent time in jail…