Fox retracts Garofalo story

| October 26, 2017

We talked a bit about John Garofalo last week when Don Shipley busted him for his claims to be the first Navy SEAL and wounded Vietnam veteran in a Fox News broadcast about his glass works that Garofalo planned to gift to President Trump. Fox News released this correction;

The truth is that the Fox reporter did his best to ignore Don Shipley when he contacted them. The reporter makes it sound like they spent a lot of time trying to get a response from the NPRC. They didn’t have to…I had Garofalo’s DD214 in my grubby little paws on October 10th (thanks to one of our ninjas) – more than two weeks ago. They didn’t need to wait on NPRC, his DD214 shows that he never went to SEAL training or Vietnam. They were just hoping the story would go away.

Garofalo’s SEAL stories had nothing to do with the story, they should have just left that part out in the beginning, but, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen Fox News use stolen valor liars in their news broadcasts. Jared Stern comes to mind.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Dumb, Fox.
Very, very dumb.

Square it up there.

RGR 4-78

Dumb Faux, could apply to many modern day reporters.

A Proud Infidel®™

And reporters still wonder why we dislike and are distrustful of them, IMHO The AP is among the worst.

HT3 '83-'87

What? A news agency rushing to print/air before checking all the relevant facts? The hell you say!
What kind of asshole gets on the air when he knows he full of shit…dude was begging to get caught.


When you have a history of using Lance Corporals and Captains as your “military experts” this isn’t surprising


Ya, see, we all have fantasies and silly dreams. But most of the time, we either turn them into tall tales of fighting dragons or just sit and giggle over them. Most of the time, such things are harmless.

I hope the rest of the SV community will stop embarrassing itself like this.

Yeah, I can dream, can’t I?


Well, you know it’s a really, really stupid thing to do when you’ve done something so stupid and so obnoxious that you’re featured on Cracked.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Sounds like Fox tried to be Foxy so they could outfox the competition on the story. The quick brown Fox jumped over the lazy Dogs back.


Now that FOX has Obama’s spokesperson (Marie Harf) on the panel I spend my Sunday mornings reading the news in a different room with a different kind of paper.


derped teh derp

Perry Gaskill

There are a couple of interesting aspects here. Something that seems to be common in news media with corrections is that if there’s a relative minor mistake, the editor or anchor mentions the mistake, corrects it, and moves on. It’s only when a reporter has apparently fornicated Fido that a correction is made by the reporter who did the story. The thinking being that the public shame provides both a reminder to the scribe to pay more attention next time, and as an opportunity for redemption, mitigation, or whatever.

In this instance, Fox News reporter Bryan Llenas was hung up to twist in the wind, and had a couple of options to keep from looking like a complete idiot. One might have been he could have followed Shipley’s offered advice on a plan to get in front of things. Shipley having been the apparent trigger in the Navy Times story that also made Fox look like fools. Another available option could have been to call up Garofalo, and starting with the question of at what point Garofalo decided to become a demonstrable liar.

Somehow, Llenas managed to blow off both opportunities. A wild guess is that his next news assignment might well be covering menu changes at a truck stop cafe in Winnemucca, Nevada.

RGR 4-78

From the look on his face, crow must taste like fecal waste.


PSA for Bryan Llenas: Eating crow is best done as soon as possible.


Utter boobery..turds in the punch bowl.


What is it with asshats named Garafolo. Did this idiot maybe have a squatty daughter?