Manning finds sympathy in NYC
Fox News reports that the fellow who went to jail as Bradley Manning found a sympathetic crowd in New York City to whom he told lies about the classified information that he released to the public;
“These aren’t intelligence documents,” she said. “It’s historical data.”
She went on, “There’s nothing sensitive in there, there’s no troop movements,” she added. “It was a historical record of everything that had happened in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
I’m sorry but an Army private first class doesn’t get to make those kinds of distinctions – he wasn’t the arbiter of what is classified and what is not classified. He can’t even decide whether his barracks room is “clean enough”. PFC Manning wasn’t sure if he was a male or female soldier, how can he be expected to decide what is and what isn’t classified correctly.
Manning was asked by one tearful audience questioner whether her experience had made her “more cynical about fairness.”
“I do have cynical moments,” she said, tearing up again. “But then I get past them, you know? I turn to my friends, and I turn to my family … and then they cheer me up.”
Fairness would be if the government would execute traitors instead of letting them out of prison and running around loose in the world, but they don’t, so me, I’m cynical about fairness, but no one asked.
Thanks to MustangCryppie for the link.
Category: Politics
He can go upstate and visit the Commie LT.
Your 16 minutes are up Bradley, don’t go away mad, just go away.
Classic song by Motley Crue.
My knowledge of classic rock is improving!
Humm. I should probably start my own youtube channel on classic rock.
you’ve got another thing coming.
Shoot it.
Firing squad, the appropriate solution to what should be a simple problem. Even Major Andre would likely agree.
Who is Major Andre? I only ask cause THE Major John Andre was captured in my hometown of Sleepy Hollow during the Revolution. Just curious.
Oh, and fuck you Bradley. Writing as an intel officer/operator for over 35 years, you are a fucking disgrace to the uniform. You should be drawn, quartered and your stinking TG corpse displayed as a message to anyone else who pulls the shit you did.
I was referring to Major John Andre of Rev War fame. He was Benedict Arnold’s contact in the plot to surrender Fort West Point to the British. Major Andre, a British officer, was captured in a Continental uniform and later hanged as a spy. I was speculating that even as a British spy master he would have little sympathy for Manning, likely believing the ultimate price would be appropriate. But, as others have observed here, hanging would be more apropos than the firing squad.
Thanks! I know him well. As I noted in my first post, he was captured about a mile from where I grew up in Sleepy Hollow, NY.
And oh yeah, he would have been confused and disturbed by someone like Bradley.
Interesting to note that he requested to be shot and was a little upset that he was to be hanged. Many American soldiers were very impressed by his courage and cried at his execution. Washington tried to do a swap with the Brits for Arnold, but they would have nothing to do with that.
And a cool piece of trivia is that the first US military decoration was awarded for Andre’s capture to the three men who caught him. It was never given again. Called the Fidelity Medallion.
Negative. A firing squad offers the executed some degree of dignity.
Traitors don’t deserve that. They deserve hanging instead.
I kinda like Mustang’s idea of Bradley being drawn and quartered.
So do I. Unfortunately, the SCOTUS doesn’t.
Ask for forgiveness, not permission?
Sigh… silly rules…
Self-respecting horses wouldn’t want to pull on any of his parts. Perhaps tractors, as a modern application. There is a pulling contest some would pay to watch.
How about using four -Bradleys- to do the job?
Very apropos. As far as I’m concerned, they could even paint them pink and call them “Chelseas” as a sop to the LGBTQUERTY community.
Christ, that one was FUNNY!
He can find all the sympathy he needs in a dictionary.
It’s between shit and syphilis
Damn, you beat me to it!
Also right next to “Shim”
He didn’t need to go to New York to find sympathy. Last time I looked, it was in the dictionary somewhere between “shit” and “syphillis”.
My comment concerning Bergdahl is also applicable here: since this traitorous (common definition) bastard did not get the death penalty he so richly deserved, I wish him the following:
May he live a long, joyless, and impoverished life;
may he die a slow and painful death; and
may he then rot in hell for the remainder of eternity.
Hondo, you forgot that he should be ass raped by the barbed cock of Satan, backwards! I’m sure he would prefer it that way!
He (Manning)is unquestionably a backdoor man.
How about this?
And from the original article, he’d have “good” company. Or at least comrades who hated America as much as he does.
There are three things I wish on Manning and Bergdahl, immobility, insomnia and immortality all at the same time!
Anybody and everybody who sympathizes with Manning and/or Bergdahl can practice Coprophagy every day of their lives until they decease!
If Obama had a scrawny white son who liked to dress like a girl…….
If Obama wanted a boy his daughters could beat up…..
Ummmm, Jonn,it appears you made a couple of typo’s in the item. Should “she” not be “it”?
True this.
or together. As in what he is, “she-it”.
I have never called him “she”. Never. Nor have I called him Chelsea. DNA and birth certificates don’t lie. Don’t blame me for Fox News’ mistakes.
Liar, liar, pants on fire, Bradley. It’s not just that it isn’t up to the little psycho to decide if something should be classified or not. It’s also that he pulled 400,000 classified documents, and would have no way of knowing if the names of informants were exposed or not.
Bradley’s attempt to call all that classified stuff “historical data” also ignores the point that material is often sensitive because to reveal it would be to expose means and methods of how it was gathered.
He didn’t know what the f*** he was doing while he was in, what makes anyone think he has a capable objective assessment of what he did damn near a decade later?
You might be preaching to the choir, Reverend David. If you want to ponder something to make somebody spill their breakfast beer, consider that Bradley was speaking at a New Yorker magazine event and people were paying to hear him.
And given this was to a New York audience of New Yorker readers… this surprises you in what way? That’s a crowd clueless enough to go antiquing at Auschwitz.
The wannabe-eunuch Bradley Manning needs to disappear. It’s too bad the chick who kicked his ass left him alive.
There is only one thing I could wish for this attention-whoring little bitch: that s/he/it is ignored by its next birthday 2018.
Maybe the NYC mayor will hire bradley as his PIO.
I’m in the Coast Guard Auxiliary up here in Minnesota.
In the early spring, about the time the ice is melting on Lake Superior, there’s a CG ice breaker that goes out on the lake to open shipping lanes.
Sometimes Auxiliary members from my area are granted a chance to go aboard this ship while it is on Ice Operations.
When we get these opportunities we are not allowed to tell anyone where we are going, why we are going, or when the ship will be operating.
When I first heard this I thought it was rather ridiculous.
But; it is an American warship first and foremost. As such, any movement it makes out of port is classified. So, we have to keep it a secret.
It may sound funny on the surface, but when you get down to it, it is serious business. And so, I respect that order, and I follow it. I do NOT make my own decision about it, and say; “ah, that’s so dumb. I’ll just follow the orders I think have a good reason behind them”.
I’m an Auxiliary OFFICER. I have to act like one.
“not intelligent documents”
They just contained details about the communications systems used by top UN officials, including passwords and personal encryption keys used in official communications.
Names and addresses of people working for the US, confidential sources several of which had to be evacuated and lost the US many good information points on terror groups, etc
But hey, Manning said these are not intelligence documents so it must be true
The only reason Manning gets any sympathy is “because transgender!”
If Manning hadn’t come out with the claim of “transgender!” no one would give a rat fuck about him. Ridiculous and ignorant of some to act like he’s a fucking hero only “Because transgender!”
He ain’t “transgender” until he finishes his Transit. I just happen to have a nice rusty razorblade out in the garage and would gladly help him along on his journey.
call out Lorena Bobbit for the razor job.(1993)
a cutting edge experience
A very sharp gal.
The only way that skidmark is likely getting sympathy is by waiving a one hundred dollar bill on a seedy street corner.
the real scandal here is not Manning in and of itself. The real story is that enough people in the USA are so stupid–so determinedly ignorant that they might actually care what someone like this has to say.
They vote and they breed.
Be warned. The future looks bleak.
I know I’m only thirteen but I read everything we could find…ITS a damn traitor no ifs ands or buts…
Its okay to be a traitor someone will pardon your sick ass…
I thought sympathy was found between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.
From memory a fair amount of what he compromised were classified State Department cables and SecState Clinton was outraged.
People – good people with honest intentions – put their trust in the USA in good faith and Manning set them up for a major fvcking over.
And a lot of his victims are not the type of people who are going to make the news when they just happen to turn up dead in a dark alley in the shittiest part of a shitty town with their wallet missing and their throat slit.
Bradley, listen carefully, you sniveling little turd. The content of the documents you decided to release don’t matter 1 little pinch of shit, it doesn’t matter if it was the menu from Vinny’s fuckin pizza. YOU don’t get to decide what is releasable. YOU are a failure as a human fucking being and should go live your life in quiet shame far away from the rest of humanity.
Ha! Victory Girls wrote about it too, and they feel the same way.
That was funny!