Fake news targeted veterans

| October 9, 2017

The Stars & Stripes reports that “Russian operatives” targeted veterans and their families with fake news stories, for some reason;

The kind of information shared by and with veterans and active-duty personnel span a wide range, with liberal political content also common, though not as common as conservative political content. The online military community, the researchers found, also shared links about sustainable agriculture, mental health issues such as addiction, and conspiracy theories.

No one subject dominated the online content flowing among these communities, but the largest individual categories dealt with military or veteran matters. Russian disinformation was a smaller but significant and persistent part of the overall information flow.

“The very idea that there’s aggressive campaigns to target military personnel with misleading content on national security issues is surprising. It’s disappointing,” Howard said. “Because they’re opinion leaders, they get more attention from governments and people who spread misinformation.”

I have noticed that in the past few months, I’ve been getting offers from people who want to write for This Ain’t Hell, but I’ve been ignoring them because I don’t know the people.

I know that some of the other military-themed websites have been printing these people’s crap, but, they’re no worse than the folks they hire anyway.

For example, our old enemy from Mother Jones, Adam Weinstein, now writes for Task & Purpose, one of the websites I’m quietly boycotting.

It’s a jungle out there, be careful what you share on social media.

Category: Veterans Issues

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Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Why can’t these people just mix ketchup and mayonaise to make Russian dressing and leave us alone.


So is S&S suggesting that my/our loathing of HRC was fomented by Russia, by reading and sharing articles we help subvert the very Constitution we’re sworn to support and defend?
Let’s not address the real issues….FFS.


Or Hanoi Jane! Thanks John for keeping the trolls in check!


VoteVets? That wouldn’t surprise me.


The Rooskies spent $150k on “fake stories” about the 2016 election, and we’re supposed to believe that was more influential than Cankles, who spent over $1 BILLION.

Bitch, please!


At least Russia and Putin are taking responsibility for their actions, kinda.
I know of one former SoS/Senator/501(c) embezzling/First Lady that hasn’t taken responsibility for anything. Ever.

A Proud Infidel®™

What difference does it make now?


I love how the fake news media wants us all to get excited about RUSSIA, RUSSIA because some ex-KGB misinformation op spent $150K on Fakebook articles. Like we care, when we know what the Hildabeast, acolyte of Alinsky, and the Bitch of Benghazi, has done over the past 24 years.


Well, I don’t to to a lot of websites, so I’m out of the loop on this.

None of that surprises me, however. Just stay alert. If it smells like a dead rat, it probably is a dead rat.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

What idiots use Twitter and Facebook for their news content anyway?

Is that even really a thing? I thought those were for idiots who wanted to photograph their lunch and share it with their idiot friends.

The little I see of Twitter reinforces my definition of the word twits…and Facebook? It seems the cesspool of fucking stupid people who were dipshits in highschool and now are trying to reconnect with the other dipshits they knew in highschool to relive their long past glory days with their other friends for whom life hasn’t been so kind.

Perry Gaskill

Stars and Stripes is apparently trying to put a localized veteran-oriented spin on an larger story. The release of an Oxford study is also weak as a news hook. Does anybody really care if some Oxford don thinks the Russians might have had unspecified and unquantified influence over the political opinions of the U.S. military and veterans?

The larger story, it’s been going on for months, has been driven by those wanting an excuse for why Hillary Clinton lost the election. As if her being a bad candidate couldn’t possibly be the root cause.

One of the recent developments in this story is that both Google and Facebook have been called on the carpet by Congress to explain, for example, how those nasty Ivans could be allowed to spend $150,000 on goofy adtech that was probably ignored anyway. Or not, because at this point what the Russians did or didn’t do is still a matter of speculation. Which is why Congress is looking at it.

Yet another factor, call it a dog not barking, is that it’s unclear to what extent the U.S. government or its citizens might or might not have been involved in influence during the elections of other countries in the recent past.

Hack Stone

Yeah, it’s not like our government ever interfered with a sovereign nation’s election. Pay no attention to that means net that President Obama sent to sway the Israel election.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, HE DID sent a few dump truck loads of cash to be spent on Bibi Netanyahu’s opponent, didn’t he?

Deplorable B Woodman

Share? On “social” media? As if!
Yes, I do FakeBook, just to keep up with family. Mostly of my yard, grape vines, flowers, and house. And the occasional repost of politics and “news”.
The rest can kiss my rosie red.


Speaking of fake news: Happy Indigenous People’s Day everyone!

I’ve been informed that Christopher Columbus is responsible for sexism, racism, slavery, homophobia, selenophobia, androphobia, autophobia, global warming, global cooling, earthquakes, and hurricanes. He also hated small animals, transsexuals, and ran over old ladies in the crosswalk with his SUV. He introduced the evil of capitalism, the stock market, and Walmart on this continent that he never set foot on. He robbed from the poor, supported Hitler, created nuclear weapons, and created trans fats. Glaciers have melted, oceans have risen, acid rain has killed all the frogs, and murder rates have skyrocketed in Chicago since he set out on his malicious and criminal venture.

Again, happy indigenous people’s day; a day worthy of reinventing history. So please take a knee in honor of all the millionaire athletes who are leading the cause in hating this nation! Go 0-5 49ers!


Selenophobia? Is that the fear of Selena Gomez?


Is there any other? It’s that or the moon.

Bill R.

If this is true, the Russians wasted their money. there is no amount they could possibly have spent that would have either increased or decreased my dislike of Hillary. She would not have gotten my vote if she had sent me on an all expenses paid vacation back to Clark Air Base.


So does this bit of trivia indicate that the lefties are finally admitting what some folks have been saying all along – that Russia/Soviets/lefties don’t have the best interests of this country on their agenda and will engage in anything and everything they think might have a negative impact upon us?

Yeah, well, whatever. Lefties have been engaging in just such activities for what, a century now? Not news, except among the useful idiots who take great care to remain willfully ignorant.


I’m targeted by the BS propaganda from my government daily…why shouldn’t the Russkis get in on the game?