En Masse surrenders in the last days of the Islamic State

| October 8, 2017

According to the New York Times, thousands of ISIS fighters who pledged their lives to the Islamic State are surrendering to their foes rather than the alternative.

Mr. Mohemin’s narrative differed. “I was just a common soldier,” he said. “I never killed a civilian. I wasn’t even on the front line.” The lieutenant scoffed at him. “Well, twice I was on the front line, just for a day, but not against the Kurds,” Mr. Mohemin said. More scoffing. “Well once against the Kurds, but only shooting from a distance. I couldn’t see anyone.”

Kurdish officials have been perplexed by the number of fighters who have surrendered. Many of the militants said they were ordered by their leaders to turn themselves in to the Kurds, who were known to take prisoners instead of killing them. But Capt. Ali Muhammed Syan, chief of the Asayish interrogators in Dibis, said even the fighters did not seem to know why their leaders were telling them to quit. “Maybe it’s some deal,” he said. “Maybe it’s just bad morale, I don’t know.”

All of the Iraqis we captured in the Gulf War claimed that they were students that had been forced into the military service. While I’m sure that happened, most of our POWs didn’t look smart enough to be students.

I think it’s odd that just a few months after an American leadership change, we’re already talking about the demise of ISIS. A year ago, we were being convinced of how smart that administration was to target specific people with drones, how that was going to win the war in the Levant. Now, nine months of actually fighting an actual war seems to be doing the trick.

Category: Terror War

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The Other Whitey

“Now, nine months of actually fighting an actual war seems to be doing the trick.”

Go figure.


Weird how focusing on the end state produces the end state.

By that metric, it seems that means that the previous administration’s desired end state included the existence of ISIS, and al queda, and jemaayah Islam, and Hezbollah, and Al Maqtar Marters, and Islamic Brotherhood, and the Revolutionary Guards, etc…etc.

Think about that for a moment…


crap…mispelled Martyrs…must have been a freudian slip…

Dave Hardin

HAHAHAHA, people are so short sighted. Trump has bigger fish than these idiots in his sights.

Mattis is fully aware that the problem in the Middle East is and has since the 70’s been…IRAN.

Tik Tok, Tik Tok betcha money he “Bombs the shit out of them”.

A Proud Infidel®™

Saint Mattis the Warrior Monk is one of the left’s huge nightmares come true.


Most people I know on the left actually have a good amount of respect for Mattis, and see him as one of the few adults in a room of children. He’s not the nightmare, he’s the one keeping the nightmare from doing stupid shit.

In the most recent example, Mattis has expressed that it’s in the US’s best interests to remain in the Iran deal, whereas word is President Trump will decertify the deal this week.



Mattis is a staunch believer in “speak softly and carry a big stick”. Mathis is also a staunch believer in using the aforementioned big stick in a rough and violent manner if necessary.

That’s how diplomacy works.

A Proud Infidel®™

It was him who said, “Be polite, be professional, and have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”


“Mathis(sic) is also a staunch believer in using the aforementioned big stick in a rough and violent manner if necessary.”

“War is the continuation of politics by other means.” – Von Clausewitz

Pretty sure SECDEF Mattis has a VERY clear understanding of that pithy quote from the Prussian.


I have a friend who is super Liberal. The only nice thing I have ever heard him say about Trump is that he loved his pick of Mattis for SECDEF.


Why,yes – yes, he does. DeTrump tweeted something out the other day as an unfinished thought…. that there might/would be more to come….

Nonspecific implications leave people guessing.

Robert C Zornes

I will always remember being in college in the late 60s. Our fraternity invited a professor of mine to come and give a seminar on Sunday. He said then, which was the height of the Vietnam War, that Vietnam was not the problem, it was the Middle East. How very prescient.


I think “CHAOS” had them shitting in their burkas…


His callsign, and preferred nickname. He doesn’t care for Maddog, said the press pinned that moniker on him.


Heh. Jihad isn’t so much fun when the other guy has a rifle, too, is it.


If you spread the news that ‘the other guy’ includes wimmins wit’ guns, and you know you’ll go to hell if they kill you, well – wouldn’t you be intimidated, too?


Like this one? Already posted it.



Hack Stone

Not just a rifle, but willing to use it for it’s intended purpose. They must have gotten that the US Military has competed all of the required Diversity Is Our Strength, LBGQT Contributions To US Military Victories, and Saving The Environment Training, and are now ready to kick some ass.


Fasten your seatbelt, Hac. It may be an interesting ride, even if a bit bumpy.

A Proud Infidel®™

Fuck taking them prisoner, anyone remember how they murdered people en masse? Maybe they’re giving up like that because their upper echelon realizes that the JV Team which was the former administration has been replaced with one that knows what it’s doing?


JV!!?? THose clowns in the previous administration were Freshman Cee Football meat-squad at best.

I’ve seen Cub Scout packs better organized and more effective than Obama (may his name live in Infamy forever) and his fellow travelers.

Perry Gaskill

A few years ago, just when ISIS had spooled up seriously, there was a study done by a think tank at West Point which predicted how ISIS would eventually fail. The study speculated that although radical jihad might prove relatively good at taking ground, it wouldn’t be able to hold onto it in the longer term.

The general problem with government is that running one is mostly a pain in the ass. Those wanting to join jihad might think it’s all fun and games where you get to behead infidels and burn them in cages, but the reality is that a sovereign state is usually more dependent on things like picking up the garbage and making sure the mail– or food– is delivered.

It wouldn’t be a surprise if those still in control of ISIS can see the end game, and know they’re running out of logistical options. They’re cutting loose followers in the same way someone might get rid of an attack dog for fear it will turn on the owner.


They’re also running out of money, big time. Some people have been leaving because they weren’t getting paid, and getting paid was the only reason they joined Daesh in the first place.

No money, no shoot=shoot-bang-bang.


Scoffing??? Scofffing????

Well, fer Pete’s sakea, why didn’t we use that before? I am aghast that this Seekrit Squirrel Method of Inducing Fear has not been used until now. Aghast, I tell you!

I’ll bet the Kurds this penitent soul faced were the Kurdish women. Now that would be epic.

What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch? (WCFields)

Club Manager

Put them all up against a wall and break out the anti-aircraft guns.


Begin the mass executions for war crimes!

These sub human filth deserve nothing less.


Thank God Obama is gone. Otherwise he would be offering full immigration to these “poor, misled, disenfranchised farmers, just trying to improve their lives”.

Fuck em and…kill em.

Hack Stone

Enroll them in schools for Gender Fluid Studies.


My goodness, you guys are so bloodthirsty!! You should have more sympathy for these unenlightened people.

They were promised all this STUFF, and they believed it, the way some people believe that there are space aliens among us now, and now – well, these poor souls are our of jobs.

What’s next? Radical lefties getting steady jobs and voting Republican?

I’m shocked at your response. Shocked, I tell you! They may not be able to apply for unemployment benefits, either. Daesh is so bankrupt it can’t find its own ass with both hands and a mirror. There’s nothing left to steal, either. What on earth will they do? I mean, how many kebab shops can one neighborhood support?


Yeah, the Air Force blew up their piles of cash!

A Proud Infidel®™

Gee whiz, what about the people they massacred every chance they had as well as selling Yazidi girls and Women into slavery,… I’m all for marching them off the tallest cliff possible because ammunition costs money and there’s too many of them to hang. Sorry Ex-PH2, I’m just TOO STINGY to bother giving them a group hug, let alone a flying fuck or a $15 an hour job.



And there aren’t any cliffs handy tall enough to march them off of, so now what’re you gonna do? The logistics for building a cliff tall enough make that project economically unfeasible for the USA.

Meantime, you also assume that they won’t demand health care, food, shelter, new clothes, and pocket money, and I don’t think that any taxpayers in the USA should foot that bill.

If we’re going to do this properly, they should build their own cliffs tall enough to plummet to their deaths, and bill Angela Merkel for the expense. And she can feed, clothe, and house them, too, since she thought they should get a cookie and a hug.

A Proud Infidel®™

There ARE ways of getting rid of them, after what they’ve done to so many people I’m completely against letting them continue to breathe. They switch alliances just as fast as they change their stories, let them rejoin any society and they’ll become terrorists as soon as they come across yet another nuthatch of an imam promising them 72 virgins.


Or there’s this solution.


” What on earth will they do? I mean, how many kebab shops can one neighborhood support?”

Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.


Yeah, but despite my sarcasm in that question, they are going to be a problem.


Returning foreign fighters!

Future home town terrorists.

They should never leave the AOR.

One option.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let them loose on our soil and things like THIS could happen:


You mean space aliens aren’t among us and Giorgio Tsoukalos is wrong? I’m shocked.


The Commander in Chief of ISIL/ ISIS is mincing around a golf course near Washington pining for Reggie Love 💕


Didn’t one of his (step)daughters have only a year of high school left?


Yeah, and the older one supposedly had an internship with Harvey Weinstein. And Michelle called Harv the Perv a “wonderful person”.


Unfortunately we are going to be hearing about Obama, his husband, and their kids Malaria and Sharia for years. The Boy-god-King can do no wrong in the eyes of the left.

A Proud Infidel®™

Michelle 0bama could have shit in the WH Rose Garden in front of the media and they would have fawned over her for “Using renewable organic fertilizer” or some shit like that, but let them see FL Melania Trump wearing stiletto heels to go board Marine One and they go spastic!


Too many of the American people have the spine equivalent to an overcooked noodle to do this but, IMO, this needs the Black Jack Pershing solution.


Yeah, well there is a group of experienced war fighters who might say to this:

“Some people just have to die”.


“Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.”


Scavengers have offspring to feed, y’know.

George V

The ISIS guy’s statements sound like what I saw reported from Afghanistan after the Taliban regime fell in 2001. The Taliban people would say “I’m not a soldier, I’m just a Talib” (meaning, a student). Riiiight.

And as far as …” nine months of actually fighting an actual war seems to be doing the trick.” The Russians have bombed the crap out of ISIS over the last months. That has also helped.


“I was just a common soldier…never killed…”
Reminiscent of the ‘see no evil…hear no evil…say no evil’ of Hitler and Tojo’s menagerie…
Nobody was the perpetrator…all just sideline observers


kill on sight


The problem is that they do not have a 10-miler or marathon to build leadership qualities.

No NASCAR sponsorships, no branding deals, and they don’t have a general for every 100 soldiers.

I mean, what are they thinking?

mr. sharkman

The western media is never, ever going to report exactly what ISIS fighters did to thousands of innocent, defenseless civilians.

They should all be put to death. Turn them over to whomever will get the job done in 1 night and be done with it.


I hate to say it, but I completely and unequivocally concur.


They did report it in the beginning, but I guess it turned them stomachs after a while. The blood lust didn’t run as deep in them as they had thought it would, so they backed off.

Now what they do is send out stories about this person living in rubble or that one trying to get info out, but have backed off the real destruction. The thousands that have been wantonly slaughtered will probably never be found or even reported until mass graves are somehow uncovered, and then – oh, the shock of it!!!


I think it’s traditional for the losers to claim they didn’t actually use their weapons. It will be interesting to see if, like Napoleon’s army, they flock back to the colours upon the reappearance of a Caliph.

When I was stationed in Germany I had occasion to converse with a number of German WWII veterans. Only one admitted to fighting on the Western Front, and he was a radio operator who surrendered at Normandy. The rest claimed to have been on the Eastern Front. This, I thought, was rather unlikely considering the casualty statistics.


Had some oldies in my reserve group who still had their soldbuchs and with a couple krugs were willing to share stories. Great fun was had by all.


I know a guy that fought on the Russian Front for Germany. The stories are brutal and he is lucky to be alive. Among other things he said after he managed to pull out, that is run as fast as shit they surrendered to any American they could find because the Russians just shot them.

mr. sharkman

‘This, I thought, was rather unlikely considering the casualty statistics.’

It actually makes a fair amount of sense when you look closely at how the Germans rotated their units for rest & refitting.

The ‘reserve’ in the East had to be combat-ready, all the time, due to the nature of the warfare there (Sovs going for deep penetration all the time from ’43 onward, and often launching entire front offensives just to draw off the German mobile reserves).

For example, 9. & 10. SS that caused so much heartache during op Market Garden were in the west for rest & refit after heavy fighting on the Eastern Front.

Basically, most major German combat formations spent some time on the Eastern Front at one time or another.


Shoot all of those goat fuckers or you will be seeing them for years to come

mr. sharkman

The French tried to warn us about this re: KLA but we were too innocent, well-intentioned, and naive to listen.

Carlton G. Long

The Kenyan and his former staff would surely lament there not being drip pans under each and every one of those vehicles.