Explosive Ordnance Disposal 1st Class Jeffrey Thomas earns Silver Star

| September 23, 2017

AW1Ed sends us a link to the story of Explosive Ordnance Disposal 1st Class Jeffrey Thomas who was awarded the Silver Star for his actions in Iraq on October 20 and 21, 2016 while his unit was engaged in a 10-hour firefight with elements of ISIS forces after an IED ambush.

After the lead vehicle in the convoy struck an improvised explosive device, mortally wounding a teammate, Thomas exited his vehicle and swept the vicinity for additional explosive devices in spite of enemy mortar and small arms fire impacting near him.

This enabled medics to maneuver to the damaged vehicle and provide critical combat care to the casualty. Thomas then guided the remaining vehicles out of the minefield, ensuring all forces safely reached the medial evacuation zone.

“No one that was present on the 20th of October knew better than Jeff the dangers he was facing,” said Cmdr. Geoff Townsend, commanding officer, EODMU 3. “After the EOD supervisor, a friend and mentor, was mortally wounded Jeff knowingly exposed himself to hazards in order to protect the lives of his teammates and brothers in arms, and secure a MEDEVAC for his wounded teammate. His actions that day saved the lives of his teammates and exceeded all measures of selflessness and devotion to his country.”

From the Navy Times;

A 10-hour firefight ensued, during which Thomas repeatedly maneuvered through heavy small arms, RPG and mortar fire to sweep for additional explosives, enabling medics to reach the disabled vehicle and care for casualties.

Thomas then guided the vehicles out of the minefield, ensuring safe transport to the evacuation zone.

Category: Navy

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HooYah Petty Officer Thomas,



This guy does have some stones.


Well done, EOD1 Thomas. Damn well done.

Many kudos.


EOD – we can do anything.

BZ young man. You did us proud!




Well done EOD1 Thomas! Way to go, way to be Sir!


Those big brass ones clang loudly when he walks. Well done, EOD1 Thomas.


Wow! BZ, shipmate.


How long until a poser is exposed trying to pass this story off as their own? 5 yrs? 10?

That’s a hero right there. I heard he has a Service Dog to carry his huge testicles, not sure if it’s true. lol

A Proud Infidel®™

I’d say less than six months.

mr. sharkman

A risky game, posing as a Real Deal EOD badass.

If memory serves, there’s a national database of all fully qual’d, school-trained, EOD types.

Also a fairly small community.

Once, a phony was caught at Ye Olde Plank while posing as a Teamguy, trying to reel some in.

Those crafty, asymmetrical EOD types played along, demanding the phony accompany some of them and their groupies to another bar so they could all buy him a shot. Because he was a big Teamguy war hero.

They brought him to Danny’s.

Nice move, EOD. 😉


Big Brass Balls. These brave young men never cease to amaze me.


What a stroke of good timing. Now all the overpaid ungrateful sports stars have removed themselves from any Whitehouse visits there’s a lot more space for real Americans to go.


The guy looks like the statue of a Greek God.

Way to go, Sailor. You done damn well and we’re all proud as hell of you


Posers be here in 3 – 2 – 1 claiming they were at Thomas’ side throughout the firefight but declined all awards so that others could have them.


Every guy that is in EOD out to get a Medal for bravery.