Kokesh needs help

| October 18, 2007

Well, it had to happen. Adam Kokesh has gone ’round the bend. This is the banner on the primadonna’s website these days (thanks to Robin from Chickenhawk Express for twigging me to this);


He’s been on Hannity and Colmes and he thinks he did such a bang-up job defending himself and his exercise in racist behavior by calling Ann Coulter “Coultergeist” and David Horowitz a “two bit bigot”. Ann Coulter isn’t even scheduled to speak at the Islamo-facism Awareness Week events at George Washington University – but he has to show everyone how clever he is by making up a new hateful word for someone who engages in free speech that happens to run counter to Kokesh’s…um…ideas, so to speak.

Oh, and Adam, “two-bit” means 25 cents and has nothing to do with bigotry. I know they didn’t cover that at whatever art history or basketweaving class you’re taking at GWU, so I’ll give you a pass on that bit of ignorance.

Now suddenly, because he has the GWU administration cowed into not punishing him and his cohorts, he’s a “ruthless anti-facist attack dog for hire”. Well, in the real world, he’s a pestering poodle humping rational people’s collective leg.

But let’s look at stuff that points to Kokesh’s “gone ’round the bend” syndrome (well, besides the fruity banner);

Frankly, I would be honored to share a stage with Kucinich and Paul. For Kucinich, I’m not so much a supporter as I am an enthusiast. He is one of the few members of Congress who still have principles and stick to them. I’m much more a supporter of Paul because I think his principles about the Constitution and limited government are closer to my own, but I have the same respect for both of them. It’s funny to note that Paul is now lumped in with this communist slur when his (our) views of limited government are really the opposite of communism. It also says “congressman Dennis Kucinich and presidential candidate Ron Paul” when they are actually both congressmen and both presidential candidates.

That’s the kind of mental illness with which we’re dealing – someone so steeped in a false ideology that Kucinich and Ron Paul seem rational and worthy of support. And the reason Kokesh supports Ron Paul? “I think his principles about the Constitution and limited government are closer to my own” yet, he’s a Leftist and also supports Dennis Kucinich who wants to expand government – quite a disparate view – the view of an irrational person.

Kokesh should have been honest and told us that the only government he wants restrained is a Republican-led government. He wouldn’t have the same restrictions placed on a Democrat-led government. Kokesh is just another tool of the Democrat party – and he’d support a Ron Paul candidacy right up until after a Paul win in the Republican primary.

But according to his website, he’ll tell you what’s important for you to think after David Horowitz is done (in a larger room – if that’s even remotely significant).

We have a venue now for my speech for next week. I will be going on the day after Horowitz in the room (a larger room) next door in the Marvin Center at GWU. The flier reads:

On the effects of war on racism and the dehumanization of the Iraqi people

Um, Adam, m’boy, I’ll clue you in; dehumanization of the Iraqi people includes jerking our troops out of Iraq immediately and leaving Iraqis to their own devices to establish a working government and security for their people – like you want to do. When your daddy is not selling polo ponies, maybe he can explain it to you.

And I noticed that Kokesh still calls himself Sergeant Kokesh – further perpetuating the “phony soldier syndrome”. Kokesh hadn’t been a sergeant for at least three years before his discharge, but he still clings to the title – despite the fact he was busted to private for smuggling an Iraqi pistol back from the war. That’s the real reason he’s dissatisfied with the war – he got caught being a sociopath.

Speaking of crackpots, Robin at Chickenhawk Express finds that Cindy Sheehan has discovered our plot to install George W. Bush as our Emporer for Life. My question is; who’s leaking our dastardly plans to the Left? Gateway Pundit has a report of Moonbats Vs. Move America Forward in Berkeley. Its too bad these folks can’t find jobs to occupy them gainfully. Speaking of moonbats Crotchety Old Bastard writes that their queen Cynthia McKinney is planning a run for president from California as the Green party candidate. But we here learned about her impending run from Zombie last week who has pictures of McKinney and Sheehan stumping at Beach Impeach IV.

Need some more moonbattery? Well watch Diane Watson on Redstate explain to a room full of them why the impeachment of George W. Bush can’t happen until 2009 – then watch out, buddy; narrative from Protein Wisdom. Watson claims Democrats have evidence of impeachable offenses – does anyone truly believe the Democrats have evidence and won’t show us?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Politics, Society

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“Well, in the real world, he’s a pestering poodle humping rational people’s collective leg.”

Jonn THAT will go down as one the best lines EVER!
BTW the Rush Limbaugh letter is up to $850,000! That’s one helluva smackdown!


Jonn wrote: Thanks, Robin. It’s those messages I get from you which I read at 5 in the morning that get my juices flowing – you’re my right wing blogging muse. 🙂