Lilyea World Tour, Day II

| January 30, 2009

Raoul sends along a picture of Jonn’s vacation, Day II, where we find Jonn (on the right) attending a Ricky Martin concert with Richard Wheeler (left).

(H/t Barstoolsports.)

Category: Bloggers, Politics

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You need to post spew alerts with this stuff, TSO. Too funny!!

No One Special

Ah, so now I see the importance of his name. I thought lilyea was his I see its more of an explination.

Lil? Yea!


This made my Friday! Thanks TSO! 🙂


Liar, liar, leather bondage shorts on fire.

That’s last year’s IVAW Recruiting Fair…


If I had to guess, that’s somewhere in Europe.


OMG!!!! Where else in the world can one see a leather clad gay dwarf and a rainbow-Speedo hippie in the same frame?
is the person in front, throwing up from the sight???

Adirondack Patriot

Man, the years have not been good to Billy Idol. Good thing he has Joey Ramone’s heroin-skinny clone to look after him.

airborne injun

I thought that they already had the democratic convention. Thats enough to gag a maggot!!!


I can see Jonn now… with Mr Rourke

“De Plane De Plane”


OK… This is totally off topic… but, I laughed my ass off at this and felt it worth sharing. And since we’re on such a serious subject anyway…

Caution… language (and spew potential)


Oh.. credit where credit is due. I found that on “Neal’s Nuze” on


yep, definitely Euorpe…the chick behind Dicky near the fence has the ever present purple reddish hair. A sure sign!

Jonn Lilyea

For the record, I shaved that mustache off years ago.

richard wheeler

And I recently shaved my head.Not a great picture of me but the camera certainly is kind to Jonn.Enjoy your vacation.