Richard Anderson passes
Devtun sends us the sad news that Richard Anderson, most famous for his role in the 6 Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman as Oscar Goldman, passed soon after his 91st birthday. Wiki says that, like most of his generation, Anderson was an Army veteran during World War II.
He is most famous for his line ‘Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology.’
Category: We Remember
He was also the “Shell Answer Man”…
R.I.P. Hope he went fast and painless, in his sleep.
All these actors dying at living to ripe old ages…guess a lifetime of playing make believe must be good for you huh?
Or having enough money to support great medical care, the healthiest lifestyles, and most expensive cures, and safest armed security to avoid many of the normal pitfalls of common folks’ lifes might be factors. Too, not all of ’em do that well – example, Steve McQueen passed at 50.
A great character actor, from “Forbidden Planet” to “Tora Tora Tora” to “Gettysburg”…
thank you for your service to our country during its most urgent hours, RIP…
I had completely forgotten about him in “Forbidden Planet”…thanks for jogging my memory.
He doesn’t look in that picture like he did in the Stargate tv show.
Rest in peace Mr. Anderson.
I think, that you are thinking about Richard DEAN Anderson of Stargate fame. Unless you were being humorous.
Ah ok.
Different guy.
Rest in peace.
Was watching “Steel,” an episode of Twilight Zone the other night and realized that just a few days ago it was 30 years since we lost Lee Marvin, a WW2 Marine. What these men experienced in their younger years no doubt had a role in shaping their ability/talent. They have no equals today, as far as I’m concerned.
Good actor, great man and a Great American !!!
RIP Soldier, Mission Accomplished !!!
Anybody found any details about his service? I enjoy reading about such things, but I didn’t see anything specific in a routine search.
Pinterest has a photo of him in his class As dated 1942 (which put him at age 15 or 16), as well as other celebrities who served back in the day.
Looks like Army Air Corps on the lapel….interesting. Thanks.
Richard Anderson interview on a podcast.
And still a handsome old gentleman.
God bless him and keep him in everlasting peace.