Anti-fa; the domestic terrorists
Politico reports that the loose collection of Left-wing extremists known as Anti-fascists has been named a domestic terrorist organization by the Department of Homeland Security. This is not my surprised face.
Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.
Of course, this lends credence to Trump supporters who have charged the Leftists with violent episodes from two murders in Seattle to a bike lock in a sock in Berkeley. It goes back to the violence that they visited upon each other during the Occupy Wall Street episode a few years ago.
Of course, Politico can’t help but blame Trump, because they’re part of the media;
In interviews, law enforcement authorities made clear that Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric and policies — first as a candidate and then as president — helped to create a situation that has escalated so quickly and extensively that they do not have a handle on it.
“It was in that period [as the Trump campaign emerged] that we really became aware of them,” said one senior law enforcement official tracking domestic extremists in a state that has become a front line in clashes between the groups. “These antifa guys were showing up with weapons, shields and bike helmets and just beating the shit out of people. … They’re using Molotov cocktails, they’re starting fires, they’re throwing bombs and smashing windows.”
Yeah, Trump wasn’t around while the OWS people were raping and killing each other, crapping in the streets and making a general nuisance of themselves. If anything, OWS created the Trump campaign in reaction to their general childishness.
Dozens of armed anti-fascist groups have emerged, including Redneck Revolt and the Red Guards, according to the reports and interviews. One report from New Jersey authorities said self-described antifa groups have been established in cities including New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and San Francisco.
Yeah, well, when the folks on one side of the political spectrum start using terms like “fascists” and “rednecks” to identify their opponents, they’re looking to instigate a physical confrontation.
Category: I hate hippies
Now treat them like terrorists.
No more rubber bullets.
Do we have room at Gitmo?
Don’t forget they are paid by soros..we need a warrant for that bastard for inciting insurrection! Or better yet a political hit list! imho
And his son, his heir-apparent.
Perhaps we should invoke the “both foreign and DOMESTIC ” part of our oath
I take every bit of my Enlistment Oath seriously, “…from all enemies foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same…”
Absolutely, a thousand times over, HOOAH, against all enemies, foreign and domestic!
Haven’t seen much of them here in Red State America, likely because their handlers know their minions would get their asses handed to them. Come to think of it, the little shits only get bold when they outnumber their intended victim by at least ten to one!
In such fine 2nd amendment supporting “Constitutional Carry” locations like Berkley, Washington DC, etc. They do make exceptions, but not many.
Send this to any pathetic, ignorant, soros slime that
want to destroy America and Her history!!
Maybe the morons will want to tear down West Point, and Arlington!, Maybe Mt Vernon…yeh, soros the p.o.s. would love that!!
Molotov cocktails? Why am I not surprised. Molotov must be rolling over in his grave….
An offshoot of the Anarchist movement using the same tactics. Same shitheads, different flag.
Antifa shows up with all sorts of different symbols…watch the videos…you’ll see symbols on, flags, posters, clothing from communist, anarchist, Hamas…etc. They seem to have confusion in what exactly they are supporting other than being plainly anti-american..
My take, they’re anti authority of any kind. Reminds me somewhat of the radicals of the 60’s when they were bombing police stations.
Reminds me of a spoiled 5 year old brat throwing a screaming tantrum in the candy aisle because mommy said no. Brats get spanked.
Obamas’ comrades.
And they now reside in our government,schools etc.
Probably because if it was all mass-produced and said the exact same thing, George Soros would be caught funding it with no “plausible deniability”.
If they knew their funding came from a “literal” Nazi supporter, I wonder what they’d do.
A problem with “anarchy” as a philosophy is that it is very hard to organize the efforts of ones co-believers.
Sort of heretical to try, eh?
The current mob is doing a pretty good job of making their displeasure known, without becoming sufficiently organized where conventional law enforcement can infiltrate and disrupt.
Flip side is that really -smart- LEOs could form a small faction at cross purposes, perhaps by being more purist, and be disruptive by being anarchistic. However, it would be -extremely- hard for any authoritarian/organized group to fake this convincingly.
Locating the effective swarm-leaders trend-setters and removing them from the field of play works. But it is probably more ruthless than we will currently stomach.
Cutting off the ability of idiots to -finance- them also works. That cuts -way- down on their logistical means to bother folks outside their preferred AO. This also makes them mostly a problem for the folks that coddle them in the first place.
It could be kind of entertaining to round them up, put them all in a football stadium, charge a PPV fee to televise it, and let them all have a go at each other. Whoever survives at the very end is the winner.
The Romans used to have gladiatorial combat in their coliseums, so this just one-ups the Romans.
Do different matches on different days,say Monday: AntiFa versus KKK, Tuesday: Aryan Nation vs. BLM,… and not only sell PPV, let those who want to spend the money rent a webcam for the match! Survivors of the matches would be patched up for future engagements.
Welcome to Thunderdome, Bitch!
Under Section 806 of the USA Patriot Act, organizations and individuals designated as domestic terrorists by the federal government are subject to civil forfeiture. From the ACLU no less:
Seizure of assets – Sec. 806: Section 806 of the Act could result in the civil seizure of their assets without a prior hearing, and without them ever being convicted of a crime. It is by far the most significant change of which political organizations need to be aware. Section 806 amended the civil asset forfeiture statute to authorize the government to seize and forfeit: all assets, foreign or domestic (i) of any individual, entity, or organization engaged in planning or perpetrating any act of domestic or international terrorism against the United States, or their property, and all assets, foreign or domestic, affording any person a source of influence over any such entity or organization or (ii) acquired or maintained by any person with the intent and for the purpose of supporting, planning, conducting, or concealing an act of domestic or international terrorism against the United States, citizens or residents of the United States or their property or (iii) derived from, involved in, or used or intended to be used to commit any act of domestic or international terrorism against the United States, citizens or residents of the United States, or their property.
The Democrap party should take notice and George Soros should pay close attention to those “foreign” provisions.
You bet your ass, take everything soros has stolen and pay off our national debt…then HANG THE S.O.B.!
There are a few testimonials floating around by people who left or escaped from antifa groups. Stefan Molyneux just posted a video where he interviews one. And there’s a post dated 2014 or ’15 written by a kid who escaped from BAMN.
Soros actually has dual US-Hungarian citizenship.
Just like Antifa, Lars likes to label anyone who disagrees with his rants as a Nazi or Racists.
I will give him credit for not being stupid enough to try to physically attack Trump supporters in public.
He has become more bitter and radicalized in the past few months, so he may go down that path. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we saw news footage of Lars engaging in some sort of cowardly attack on a group of conservatives he labeled as Nazis.
I can his mug shot with a bruised and battered face after he bucked up against the Police and they stuffed and cuffed him.
I wonder if his pension would be affected after he was imprisoned as part of a terrorist gang?
I’m sure he’s QUITE a lonely guy given the attitude and demeanor he displays here on TAH which I think would make him susceptible for recruitment into outfits like that out of a craving for companionship.
Lars has made at least one threat on this very blog, when he said he “can’t wait to meet you fucks in person.”
Seriously? That seems … unwise.
It seems damned unhealthy! LOL
That’s true, he’s said something like that to me as well. I have a younger sister who is a diehard libtard (Doesn’t every family have a crazy sibling?) and she acts much like Babbles McButthead, disagree with her and she goes batshit, debate her and she goes nuts, spoof her side and she walks out of the room in a dramatic hissy-fit saying you attacked her!
The ex-antifa guy interviewed by Stefan Molyneux describes some of them as “addicted to rage”.
He hinted twice, in another column, that there was something afoot to unseat Pres. Trump. When I went after him for that – ‘you know about something and you haven’t reported it? Should I report YOU?’- he went up in smoke.
I knew he’d react that way, over the top, so yes, I’d say that something is stirring under that pasty-faced melon of his. He’s been so unwilling to admit he’s wrong about the Reichstag and the German Nazi party that it’s as though he’s been up to something behind the scenes. Remember that miles-long set of talking points he did a while back, almost like a power point presentation, about socialism versus fascism?
There’s something bubbling under the surface with that boy, even as dumb as he seems to be.
He -is- still one of us, however much he works at being the “outsider”. His service is far more extensive than mine, for example. Whatever our political differences, I respect that he did serve our country.
Absent any -overt- acts indicating something beyond blowing steam, I am unwilling to cast aspersions of something genuinely sinister on the part of anyone here.
The genuine “problem” will make overt acts, and the signature tends to be obvious. If and when one observes such actions, or is reliably informed of them, one may take appropriate defensive measures.
And the thought of what some folks on this forum consider “effective defense” ought to deter all but the insane.
I spent a good chunk of my early life as the “outsider”, until I got the hang of human interactions (to whatever degree that I have). Probably why so much of what I direct at him is “coaching”, even if it is delivered backhand.
But I will certainly consider what you and others have posted here.
Something you might need to know is that one tactic of the American left has employed for about a hundred years is to have true believers enlist in the armed services for the purpose of causing trouble in the ranks and to gain credibility to use/abuse upon separation.
Sound familiar? It should.
Well if the Kommissar qualifies as a domestic terrorist…confiscate ALL HIS GOODS, PROPERTY AND MONIES! imho
I live in the belly of the beast (SF bay area). I wrote a letter to my State senator BEFORE the Berkeley fiasco last weekend. That was karma.
Dear Senator,
I notice an article in the August 21 Chronicle indicates you will be holding hearings reviewing the activities and funding of “neo-Nazi” and fascist white supremacy organizations in our State. I would encourage you to include the violent “antifa” and Black Lives Matter extremist Marxist groups in your review as well. These are the ones killing our police officers and sacking and burning cities around the country, and embracing slogans like “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” and “what do we want? dead cops! when do we want ’em? now!” They cover their faces with masks, and the only thing that makes them different from the KKK is they dress in black instead of sheets. Who funds them?
Calling these thugs out, does not make one a Nazi or KKK sympathizer. My dad earned a Silver Star fighting Nazis in Europe, and died fighting Communists in Korea. My brother and I both stood up to the Communists in Vietnam. Our daughter and son-in-law are police officers, by the way.
I recognize there are many peaceful protesters involved in expressing their opposition to the repugnancy of neo-Nazis, inter alia, but there exists a cadre of hard left violent troublemakers whose purpose is to instigate violence. This was related to our group of retired Military Officers by an Alameda County Sheriff’s Captain at a luncheon on Coast Guard Island sometime after the Berkeley Yiannopoulos fiasco.
I hope you won’t turn a blind eye to these extremists.
Don’t really expect a response.
No response is needed, is it?
From the Domed Whorehouse in Sacramento? Yeah, I wouldn’t hold my breath, either. To think, they pay my salary! Which makes sense, since if I owe them money, I better pay up immediately if I don’t want to wind up in court and/or jail, but if my paycheck is late, i.e. the owe *me* money? “Well, these things happen, and we’re very busy, and it’s not that big of a deal…”
Yup. Been calling those seditious violent cunts that for awhile and it’s triggered our resident domestic terror supporter. He hasn’t been the same since. I guess being on the wrong side of history and basic observation caused the triggering.
What we’ve all been waiting for. And according to escapees, some of these groups treat their minions as bad as they treat ordinary citizens.
Oh! So they were (secretly) viewed as a threat under Messiah BHO’s admin?
What will be interesting is to see how His Greatness, Most Surpeme Leader and Visionary BHO will spin this little tidbit of information… because honestly, it’s about the most surprising thing I’ve read about this? Who all, cabinet level, was involved in this decision making process? Was the Benghazi Butcher aware or in agreement?
All the crying from the left about Trump and Russia… this would be more damning than any collusion that would be proved for the right.
…just don’t think this is going to get much coverage in the MSM.
But the MSM doesn’t have time for this kind of thing because Trump and Russia!
Indeed. The Glorious Leader’s DOJ came up with this, not the Trump Administration. That has an effect on the landscape…
While Veterans were overtly portrayed as dangerous. WTF!
Christmas came early this year. That’s two years in a row!
Antifa is anti-a-lot of things; logic, civility, freedom, psychotropic medication…
I am past tired of their bullsh*t.
They have two choices at this point, go away or get stupider.
Ball’s in your court, stupids.
I wonder how soon they’ll be bawling for help from the likes of the ACLU and SPLC once the FBI and DHS get on their case? Free speech? Last time I looked, that did NOT include assaults, arson, rioting and looting!
“Last time I looked, [free speech] did NOT include assaults, arson, rioting and looting!”
Well, you’re just not enlightened enough to see that they NEED violence because that the only way the raysisss will understand. It’s holy violence, they’re sacrificing their safety for a higher cause.
And just for the record, I’m not kidding with that ‘logic’.
YouTube it.
Have a trashcan that’ll hold vomit on hand.
You see their talking points, you can read their webpage manifestos. The fact that they are being monetized by people like Soros and their timing indicates it’s probably bullshit.
It comes down to…. Hillary lost.
*IF* you can stand watching Chuck Todd try to news this is worth a read/watch. He lets Mr Cohen from SPLC punt all over his question.
I don’t know what tuition is a Dartmouth, but you couldn’t pay me enough to go there.
That’s an interesting interview, RohDog. The professor seems a bit smug about his own position, as well as evasive, especially at the end of the interview. He almost comes off as an enabler in the interview.
But while it is distasteful to know that someone like him appears to be defending the antifazis, he has acquired and publicized a lot of information about them that might not be available if he took a more antagonistic route.
The more you know about your enemy, the better.
I don’t know about that.
Even if one uses a squint, tongs and a hazmat suit, handeling Antifa is still akin to playing with uranium.
My .02
True, but uranium will kill you if you don’t know enough about it to handle it properly.
An example: until about 1960, if you worked in ceramics, you could get depleted uranium to use in mixing glazes. It produces an incredibly brilliant red when fired. In fact, the red glaze for Fiesta ware in the 1950s was made with depleted uranium, but firing it did not reduce the radioactivity of that red glaze.
With the nuclear age, it was no longer available for that, which is just as well because exposure to raw uranium ore and depleted uranium is just as deadly as the red Fiestaware glaze.
So it’s best to know as much as possible, especially from the viewpoint of someone who seems to be an enabler like this professor or like someone else whose annoyingly long TL:DR comments are meant to put us in our place.
confiscate his property, goods and monies too! imo Hit these a.h.’s in the pocket book and watch them scream!
Well, if somebody thinks they’re entitled to throw violence my way, they don’t get to cry foul when I respond with violence that’s more accurate and more effective than theirs. It’s called “self-defense.”
Don’t threaten me or mine, and I won’t kill you. It’s very simple.
“Don’t threaten me or mine, and I won’t kill you, it’s that simple.”
Ditto that, may God have mercy on any of them that mess with my family, home, friends, neighbors or neighborhood if he sees fit BECAUSE I WON’T.
So, now we can indisputably say a certain crapweasle has “pals” who are domestic terrorists.
He has outright said it in the past. He has “friends” that are Anitfa and they’re just trying to make the world safe for Commie’s or something.
Commissar Crapweasel has made it crystal clear for some time that he favors open borders. The main Berkeley vision apparently being happy workers marching boldly into a one-world paradise to the strains of a John Lennon activist anthem.
Which means the flag of our fathers, paid for at great cost and passed to us in trust, is thrown on the trash heap because it gets in the way of an international group hug. And if you disagree with that view, you’re labeled a neo-Nazi, or White Nationalist, or xenophobic, or whatever other pejorative radical leftist groups can come up with to trigger violent conflict.
Because that’s the nature of what they do. It’s how they roll. It’s part of the package when a goal might also require intimidation by burning shit down for the lulz. And at a certain point, the specific goal might not actually be all that important anymore, one goal will serve as well as another, because deep down what really matters is to sustain the violence itself.
He does? That doesn’t make any sense. That would be like Russia and Germany having a non-aggression pact during WW2. Nazis and Commies agreeing not to try to kill each other? Nahhhhh
How can they be labeled domestic terrs when they are endorsed by the democratic/soros party. No use in using caps when I type out dems and soros. I Don’t want to waste the ribbon ink on the larger letters.
Note how some prominent dems are now speaking against the lunatics.
The cynical assumption is “optics”. The loons simply make the other lefts look -bad-.
But i suspect a few may have connected the dots, and forsee a day when -they- piss off the Sturmabteilung.
Or they remember that the Sturmabteilung themselves only lasted until the Schutzstaffel decided to line them up against a wall. Then things got really nasty.
Ribbon ink.
I had to google that.
Anyone besides me think those interesting times are here?
Watch your backs, people.
The lady doth [understate the situation] too much, me thinks.
Smooches, Roh-Dog.
We can’t afford to become complacent. EVER.
I already do so and that’s why I stay locked & loaded.
That’s what ammo is for.
Did a round count today (finally). Let’s just say it’s easier to write the count in scientific notation.
We just bought a new house, moving in this week. I suppose this is as good an opportunity as any to get a proper count of my ammo stash.
Does, indeed.
A sturdy basement I hope.
Not many basements in SoCal, but my wife has earmarked a section of the walk-in closet for munitions. Gotta love an Asian redneck girl!
Lucky bahstid
Everyone BETTER turn their attention to Jesus, the Bible and the world…a 2nd tornado is headed for the east coast, new madrid is ready to split the country, yellowstone shake rattle and rolling more than it ever has, the ring of fire is lighting up, more earthquakes that all of history combined..American has been warned and I believe the eclipse was the last warning, WAKE UP PEOPLE…we are at the END OF THE AGE AS WE KNOW IT!
You forgot Harvey and that dog that ran into traffic in front of you last week. I’ll be polite and stop there. “In the same way, no one has knowledge of the things of God but the Spirit of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:11
Please tell me that was evangelism through sarcasm.
Please review:
Matthew 24:36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
John 14:1 is also a good point to remember. “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”
Don’t stress out. He’ll be back.
Uh, desert, New Madrid is a strike-slip fault that points down into the continent’s mid-section. The sand-blow remnants and tree roots show that the New Madrid quake dropped the land in that area by several feet. North America isn’t going to split in half, no matter what the quake kooks say on any quake site you go to.
You’ll get subsidence, not a continental split. Besides, the Continental Divide is several hundred miles to the west, north of the Rio Grande rift zone.
You don’t have to believe me. Ask a geologist.
Take a chill pill, drink some beer, and chill out, man.
If you haven’t already, check out the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Some say an event comparable to the one in January 1700 is overdue.
Thought some would find that interesting.
Yes. Thank you. That might explain the famous Great Wave Japanese tapestry from that timeframe.
The Virginia quake a couple of years ago was a piece of the plate above the mantle peeling away and falling into the athenosphere. It is slowly happening all over the southeastern US. That’s interesting, isn’t it?
I expect there will be more of those in the future, everywhere on the planet.
IMHO Babbles McButthead has let himself be brainwashed into an intellectual logic and common sense-free mental oblivion where he has a Bernathian grip on facts and reality where no amount of time, effort, patience or crayons spent explaining things to him will produce results.
Oh, pity the poor fool, API. He thinks his former status gives him an edge with people who might try to usurp the throne. He’s just practicing his speechifyin’ stuff for that day.
I’m thoroughly convinced that he is obsessed with hearing himself speak and I offer the multiple times he has made manifold responses to his own comments, as evidence of that, he strikes me as the type who will have conversations with himself in the mirror just to make himself feel important and accomplished.
I think he is paranoid and delusional, or close to it.
Remember, it was the strawberries that stopped him… he just needs the key to the ward room….
At least Queeg had a legit excuse. Commissar is just a shitbird.
Mr. T agrees.
“It was in that period [as the Trump campaign emerged] that we really became aware of them,” said one senior law enforcement official tracking domestic extremists…”
Note the bracketed phrase. I’d be willing to bet the “senior law enforcement official” never mentioned the name Trump, but merely mentioned the midpoint of the 2016 elections. And the identity of “Antifa” didn’t arise until well AFTER the elections were over. So, I’d say Politburo…I mean, Politico is playing loose with the truth.
Got your surprise face on yet?
Yeah, I didn’t think so…
You say that as if Antifa wouldn’t even be a thing IF Hillary had won.
That can’t be possible, someone in particular even says they hate everyone! Even democrats!
If Das Hildebeast had won we’d be hearing leftists bray about how we needed to go to the back of the bus, Conservatism is dead,… just like when whatshisface got elected in 2008.
Thugs will be thugs. This year they call themselves antifa. Last year it was something else.
Remember the SDS? Weathermen? Black bloc? All the same same.
(As a side note: ten years ago you got the same “don’t fear the commie” style nonsensical argument if you spelled “bloc” with a “k.”)
Some have become so desperate to distract the rest of us from ferreting them out of colleges that they get violent – a really good excuse to rid our colleges of the vermin. They just can’t help themselves.
But, since this is a free society, they will continue to breed.
Some more info from the Daily Caller on how far AntiFa and their “friends” are trying to extend their reach:
I saw that on Drudge. That Yvette Felacra chick has been agitating crap all over the place (YouTube her). At some point her school system suspended her for being involved in assaults. Then the teachers’ union stepped in to defend her right to ‘political protest’. I’m not sure how far and what direction that situations gone, at this point not-a-damn thing would surprise me.
Lefties gonna lefty.
Felacra was arrested in July, in SoCal after an extensive eight month investigation by the CHP. There is another female from Sac (cannot remember her name, do remember she was living out of her old Ford Pinto and had a GoFundme page for living expenses) was also arrested about that same time, somewhere in the mid-west on identical charges. I’ll try to remember that critters name and link to her arrests.
Felcra’s arrest was reported in Berkeleyside newspaper. They have a fairly good archive on her there:
Fucking AntiFa….they should all be sent to ‘Work and Reeducation’ Camps, never to annoy again.