David Fagin; Becoming A Racist: The Unfortunate Side Effect Of Serving Your Country?
So this little fella, David Fagin, at the Huffington Post writes about how our military service turned us all into racists, because his uncle, a police officer on the mean streets of New York City said racist stuff in his presence, so that means that everyone who puts on a uniform is a racist. In his bio, Fagin says that he’s a “Writer, musician, Trump Resister, food snob”, well, actually, he’s just a snob.
One of the more shocking things to learn about the white nationalists’ rally in Charlottesville this past week, was not that they blame the protestors for the death of Heather Heyer. As stupefying a statement as that is, you expect cowards like that to shift the blame away from themselves whenever possible. After all, the entire white power and neo-Nazi movement is based on blaming someone else for your problems.
In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Vice News’ Elle Reeve mentions that security for the neo-Nazis was not provided by the Charlottesville police, as one might expect, but by veterans of the Iraq/Afghan war.
To hear that these veterans claim they were ‘radicalized’ in Iraq and Afghanistan during their tours of duty is one of the more unfortunate things to come to light regarding the side-effects of serving your country.
By now, we’re all familiar with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and even with proper treatment, the debilitating state it can leave a returning soldier in, sometimes for the rest of their lives.
Yeah, junior, another thing that might shock you is that not all veterans can be shoved into one of your social cubbyholes – we’re not raised on breeding farms and have our heads stuffed with racist propaganda. We come from the same society that produced you – some people come into military service damaged and they come out the other side the same way. And, oh, by the way, if this blog teaches anything, it teaches that just because someone tells a reporter that he’s a veteran, that doesn’t make it so.
But to think that even a small portion of them are returning from duty harboring feelings of such intense anger and disgust toward anyone who isn’t white, leads one to believe the military isn’t doing enough in the area of outreach, post-discharge. After all, not every soldier returns with a desire to protect and defend those with beliefs and convictions that stand in direct contrast to everything our military has fought against, and fights against as we speak. But, however small the percentage is, running security for white supremacists is quite a unique avenue regarding symptoms/display of PTSD, and these individuals obviously need help.
Most of us know someone, either a friend or relative, who’s returned home from the Middle East suffering from PTSD. And, tragically, most of us know someone who’s not been given the help and assistance they deserve from the country they’ve fought to defend.
Here’s another thing that may surprise you, David – PTSD doesn’t make us racist, it just doesn’t. Thousands of people who suffer from PTSD didn’t go to the rally in Charlottesville. It’s pretty likely that anyone with PTSD would avoid a large group of people who are being boisterous, so you’re just being ignorant now.
The utter failure by our so-called Commander-in-Chief to condemn these hate groups has prompted the leaders of our armed forces to do the unthinkable, to step out of rank with the president and speak out against it, themselves. And, while their action is commendable, the military needs to focus their attention on treating this new type of expression of their trauma, as, although returning from battle steadfast in the “Us vs. Them” mentality is nothing new, taking a job as security guard for neo-nazis, is.
There is only one side to this fence, and to think we’re not only welcoming home members of the armed forces whose opinions and beliefs have been shattered and damaged due to their perilous environment, but who find solace in a President willing to condone those twisted beliefs, rather than make it his mission to do everything he can to help them, makes one worry about where the next Charlottesville will be, and who, exactly, we’ll be fighting.
The President did condemn the racists at Charlottesville, you just chose not to hear it, because he included the bad people on the racist side with the bad people on the anti-fa side, and you didn’t like that.
People who serve in the military come out the other side of their service more aware of the concept of inclusion based on superficial things like skin color – they live and work daily, hourly with people who are different than they are, culturally and otherwise. They eat, sleep, work closely with each other because their lives depend on cooperation in a way people in your world would never understand.
And, oh, yeah, by the way, that doesn’t change when they take off their uniforms. Some of my closest friends who I’ve met after I left the military have been Black and Hispanic.
So cram it, food snob.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
“After all, the entire white power and neo-Nazi movement is based on blaming someone else for your problems.”
So how is that different from you blaming a gross of racists for America’s problems?
Get back at me, dog.
Yes, I noticed the irony of that statement, too. He has no problem with people blaming their shitty situation in life on Whitey keeping them down.
I grew up in an affluent suburb in Connecticut where people judged more on the content of their wallet than the color of their skin. When I joined I came to realize that the only way to truly judge someone was by giving them a challenge and seeing if they show up. I don’t now, nor have I ever, seen any proof that there is any merit in judgement based on an arbitrary, superficial trait of anyone. From what I’ve seen in the military, 99.99…% are more concerned about helping their fellow Man.
Any suggestion that it’s anything else is an insult of the highest order.
Shame on you, Mr Fagin.
And if he wants to ‘fight’, he’s barking up the wrong GD tree.
He’s taking lessons from Shaun King. The white guy using his “privilege” to be black so he can hate whitey too.
Even though, he’s white. It seems like there are more white people telling us how horrible white privilege is than black people or other minorities. Maybe its just me but if they feel so privileged, they should give up their jobs, houses, bank accounts, etc., to minorities no strings attached.
This pathetic punk went to the same school for dumb asses that the Kommissar went to imho
Another pajama-boy clone with no “real world” life experience running his cakehole about things he has no knowledge of.
Pansy looking little bugger, ain’t he.
From his photo, I can see why he never served. I think he would have been about as popular with his peers as Pvt. Manning.
Sunken-chested, slouching, latte-slurping, dorkwad whose mother should have thrown him back…
Oh, I could go on but I don’t have ChipNASA’s list of stuff.
‘writer, musician, DT resister, food snob’ – those are his job quals? Does he have a real job, or is he just doing the PR thingie to pump an album?
Well, I did say that the more they plunk the same string and sound the same note, the more they drive people away from them.
I guess that old guilt-by-association part (he’s a white boy, if you hadn’t noticed) hasn’t occurred to his tiny little brain just yet.
Huffington HAD to give him a job because he has a women’s studies degree, just to prove that it is a worthwhile degree.
I checked out his twitter, and…jesus christ on a rocket-powered pogostick in a trampoline field. I thought the racists were joking about ‘every single time,’ but it’s getting to be less a ridiculous statement with some coincidences, and more like a general safe assumption.
Sounds like David got some sand in his mangina.
“got some sand in his vagina” There, fixed it for ya.
If I learned anything from military service it was that America is a very diverse country.
David Fagan doesn’t know that because the only thing he has served is his pie hole.
Listen to the Dubliners (below) singing ‘A Nation Once Again’. It may soothe your angst a bit.
Don’t trust this shit bird fagin-He is really a crook and hangs out with a gang of children. Where is CPS. Should I say no more. Just ask Charles Dickens. One can email him in London for a sitrep.
Likely gives the kids moldy sausages.
Oh, I have a few things to throw at DAVID FAGIN. He’s a mick.
In Dickens’ Oliver Twist, Fagin is a villainous old man who trains and uses young boys as thieves. Also, a fagin is a person who teaches crime to others.
Being as it’s a name with a Gaelic source, aka Irish and Scottish, it turns out to be a baby name, too.
Therefore, to make sure I hit all the notes, I will add ‘A Nation Once Again’ to this mix, just to give it the full service. Enjoy the Dubliners. They’re THE Best!
The Wolfe Tones do a pretty good version, too. Me, I just think this idiot is an embarrassment to the Irish everywhere…and we are everywhere. (Substitute “black” for “military” in his statements and see how -ist he is.)
not bad…the tenor banjo is less prominent, but yeah, it is a pretty good version.
It just goes to show just how far out of touch liberals truly are with reality, I wonder how quickly that booger-eating snobbish candyass would plug his ears and yell “YAAAAHHH, YAAAHHHH, I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!” as soon as you started telling him facts?
Do you think this self-involved twatwaffle will celebrate St. Pat’s Day?
I DOUBT that sniveling snotnosed bunny fart of a Sparkle Pony will do that, he’s likely prepping his next contribution to the white guilt campaign, let alone he’d likely faint at even the scent of beer!
So, lemme get this straight; every single problem in this country comes down to white racism, and white racism is caused by people who catch PTSD while serving in the military, and people who are white snob food critic, writer, gay sounding, whiners who work for left wing publications are immune to the effects of PTSD induced racism, and…..
Ah fuck it….buddy, you are a moron. And I caught my PTSD from living in the same world with you.
The greatest risk this guy ever seen, crossing NYC traffic to get a Starbucks mochalattefrappacappuccino, iced, with Splenda. Decaf of course.
“Lowering your IQ below room temperature-An unfortunate side effect of writing for HuffPo” would’ve been a better title.
Or “How huffing paint turned me into a sub-moron”
Or “Those meanies in JROTC picked on me in high school. THIS will show them!”
I can keep going…..
I’m sure the Jocks flushed his head down the toilet FAR more often than the JROTC Cadets did!
Let’s hope so.
Me thinks he was the target of many Atomic Wedgies in high school.
Dumbasses gonna be dumbasses. It’s their nature.
Thanks for providing proof of that fact, Fagin.
So, David is blaming the military for him being racist even though he probably didn’t serve?
I’m surprised he’s allowed to work at such an “inclusive” organization like huffington post being a self-admitted racist.
If you click on the comments balloon, he’s getting a lot of negative response, partly from people who have served in the military.
Someone refers to him as a ‘useless blob of electronic fishwrap’. That is priceless.
The comments are tearing his ass up over at HuffPo… and deservedly so!
Now that’s funny!
This mangina Manhattanite is probably so self-bubbled he’s never been to a military base, much less Iraq or Afghanistan. Hell, he’s probably never even been to upstate New York…
Take the queefer to the range and let him fire an M4 so he can catch the PTSD himself (or is it “zeeself?). Good grief how does such drivel ever reach print?
fucking fuck no….these a-holes don’t deserve such privilege.
Let him go through what every other recruit goes through for the privilege of setting foot on a rage and putting his dick skinners on our beloved friend, the M-4.
Again, only if he can make it far enough to have that privilege. 🙂
setting foot on a range…not rage….though rage shooting is fun too.
Hook him up with Gersh Kuntsman.
He’s likely at least THREE TIMES the MEGA-WUSS that KUNTsman is!!!
Wow, curse the Marines. They made me room up with not one but two big black guys while at LeJuene. Guess I should have hung a Confederate flag on the wall and goose stepped everywhere. Instead we became friends drank beers… alot.. hung out at the nco clubs and barbeque on the beach. Oh for shame, I met their families. That’s just two of my black friends out of dozens and dozens over the years. They should have sent us all to war together so we could all come back hating each other.
Having black friends makes you racist, according to HuffPuffers. Not having black friends makes you racist, too. Apparently being white makes you racist, which must be horrible for poor little Faggin–er, Fagin.
I wonder if Fagin here is a vegan, or gluten free, or organic only in his food snobbery. I think a trip through boot camp, infantry school and a tour in combat with C-Rats would cure him of his food snobbery and his delusions about race in the military and PTSD. I just love it when self appointed experts, Monday morning quarterbacks and the like, feel the need to chime in on things they shit all about. And ass wipe rags like the Huffington Post giving them a voice.
Good money says his “coffee” order is ninety syllables long.
I don’t know, C-Rats might be too good for him. There were a couple months at the beginning of my Afghanistan tour that our food was so bad, troops were begging for MREs to eat.
Half of us lost weight because we kept getting diarrhea from the kitchen being contaminated. Some meals I’d grab a couple packets of saltine crackers and ate those with a canned drink because my ass was so sore from eating the cooked food.
C-rats were pretty good in Nam.
Except the limabeans. They were give aways to sweeten the trade for something palatable.
I’ll bet he would eat dog shit if he went without food for a while. Probably too dumb and pussified to to kill the dog and cook it instead.
C-rats were better than the MRE’s when they were full of those dehydrated thisses and thats.
Dehydrated pork patty = track pad
When I was in A-stan we had a KBR crew in our chow hall that could fuck hard boiled eggs up, thus we DID NOT mind going on Convoy Missions that had us eating at mess halls in other camps!
Good God, the “PTSD makes you [fill in the blank]” again? Newsflash, dickshitter, PTS doesn’t make you a nazi, and lots of people get it without joining the military. Hell, I’ve been diagnosed with it, and I never enlisted. Lots of combat vets don’t have it. You just keep retreading that Hollywood bullshit from the post-Vietnam era about how veterans are supposedly killers waiting to snap. It was bullshit then and it’s still bullshit today.
David Fagin, I would call you a twat, but that would unfairly imply that you are useful for something.
Got to add this to the comments. A conversation came up at work about the black Bronx NYC judge whom was called cut em loose Bruce due to him releasing black felons when they were arrested by White NYC Police officers. My partner/co-worker Jimmy who is black then called me a racist for the remarks. Then like a minute later he says to me-Jeff, your the only one in Brink’s that gave me a condolence card when my mom passed away. Sadly, after I moved in 2007, I found out that he passed on.
Yeah, I’ve seen these people before. Their views are along these lines:
“Oh my GOD! You’re so raysis, you can’t even see how raysis you are, you raysis!”
So what about non whites? Does he think their skin colors bless them with the inability to be bigoted? I guess saying that all us white people think alike is OK from him.
One of the current trends is “redefining words” by claiming that the definition of racism requires the ability to oppress and have power. Because of that, only white people can be racist. You know, ’cause in the history of the world non-whites have NEVER had power over white people, EVER….
If you pull out an old dictionary from 10+ years ago, they’ll abscond you for rewriting history or having a fake dictionary.
I’m in the minority where I live. The town is predominately black. You should hear the tirades some of the folks go on about the hispanics in the area. But that’s not racist, eh? 🙂
I spent some time working in the Pomona CA area. The first thing I noticed was that the blacks and hispanics hated each other. I got along fine with both. I am not a racist but I am also not blind.
Before I left CA, during the school year it seemed an almost weekly occurrence of Black on Hispanic mass fight if not outright rioting at some high school or another.
Can’t imagine it has changed much.
Sadly, I’ve had people say that to me and be serious about it.
They don’t like me suggesting that they’d be happier if they stopped being inferior. -:-)
I’m confused about his view of post-traumatic stress disorder, aka PTSD.
Is he even vaguely aware that women and men and children (I’m all-inclusive here) who have been physically battered and raped also develop PTSD? And what are the statistics on any of those groups, individually or collectively, becoming nazis and/or raysis because of it?
This bit of brain fluff he concocted out of his morning brainfarts is so full of holes, it holds less water than a sieve.
It’s obvious that he’s doing attention-whoring on a bigger scale and now he’s getting backlash for being a bad-mannered, ungracious, discourteous lout. I’m being as patient as I can with these obnoxious children in adult bodies, but at some point, my patience will come to a screeching, sliding, ice-slick smack against a phone pole halt.
On the bright side, his dad may call him.
This turned into a long comment and might veer slightly off topic. I’ll understand if anybody who wants to tl:dr: My own view is that HuffPo is failing, and will continue on a downward course of increased radicalization until it either fails completely or reaches a small sustainable niche. Its ongoing attempt to become an MSM-level player will never happen; there are simply too many others chasing the same dime. There’s an interesting back story here worth pointing out. The Huffington Post was started by Arianna Huffington who was a ditzy social climber in Los Angeles. One unique talent of Arianna’s was the ability to talk her celebrity pals into writing stuff for free to help her fledgling website. Such a policy of scarfing up freebies also extended to contributing writers who were told that “exposure” on HuffPo would help them get other writing gigs that actually paid. HuffPo, with Arianna still in charge, was acquired by Aol, the re-branded America Online, in 2011. Aol itself was purchased by Verizon in June 2015. Verizon then announced it would buy Yahoo! in July 2016, and would eventually put everything under a corporate tent called Oath. Arianna, who probably saw the writing on the bad-mojo wall, departed a month after the Yahoo! purchase announcement. And in all that time, with all that virtual tsunami of money washing around, nobody at HuffPo ever changed the policy of not paying contributing writers. Such as David Fagin. When Arianna departed last year, she was replaced by Lydia Polgreen, an arguably militant black lesbian and former staffer at the New York Times, who has made no secret of her disdain for President Trump. On Polgreen’s watch, all stories about Trump leading into the election had a boilerplate footnote: “Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims—1.6 billion members of an entire religion—from entering the U.S.” When the Yahoo! deal closed last month, Verizon ordered cost cuts at HuffPo which resulted in the firing of 39 people, or about 15… Read more »
…… and cheap!
Long but interesting comment PG. Thanks
What a bitch.
yep Fag-in and Kunts-man….lolz
This Fagin boy makes some good points. I know for a fact that most Viet Nam vets are nuts. An Obama supporter told me so.
Hey, Davey, your mommy called. She fixed your bed and threw away all those yucky towels. You and your boyfriend are free to move back in.
David Fargin should be fired by Huffpost for discrimination against his own veteran coworkers. Upon doing a simple google search for “huffington post veteran writer” I discovered three writers for Huffington post that are veterans.
John Bruhns is an Iraq war veteran and writer.
Hal Donahue is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force. He served throughout Europe, Asia and the Middle East, on the staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and with the British Royal Air Force. Following retirement, Mr. Donahue was employed as a vice president of several major energy companies. Mr. Donahue has served as a member of the board for several corporate and not for profit organizations. He now to devotes his time to assisting military veterans and working to elect veterans and supporters to all levels of political office. He and his wife of more than 40 years, Marg, reside in Scranton, PA and are the parents of three children. Mr. Donahue is a graduate of Colgate University with a BA in Economics and he received his MS in Administration from Central Michigan University.
Kevin Martin was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri and enlisted in the military at 19. He spent 20 years in the Navy where he was able to travel the world and experience many different cultures. After the military, Kevin decided to pursue a legal career. He currently attends Georgetown Law.
Why is the Huffington post hiring Veterans to write for them if they think Veterans are racist?
[…] Hat: Euthanasia In California – “Kill Me Or Get Sued!” This Ain’t Hell: David Fagin’s “Becoming A Racist – The Unfortunate Side Effect Of Serving Your Cou… Weasel Zippers: Hundreds Of Antifa In Berkeley Chase Down & Beat People In The Street As […]
Hey David Fag on ! Yer mom called, said to tell ya yer spaghetti-O’s are done if yer hungry. Fuggin Pussy.