Weekend Open Thread
August 25, 2017
Above Mecca
The city of Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, is the holiest site in the religion of Islam. Non-Muslims are prohibited from entering the city, and each year, 15 million pilgrims make the trip to worship. The tower is the Makkah Royal Clock Tower, part of Abraj Al-Bait, a complex of skycraper hotels for worshippers to stay in. The clock tower is one of the tallest buildings in the world, and it sports the largest clock face—measuring 141 feet across.
Category: Open thread
First again!
Read it and weep, ye mere mortals!
OK, where is everybody?
Alone and unafraid here on the WOT…
I’m hunkered down for Harvey.
Stay safe out there.
How bad does it look like Harvey may get?
Pretty bad.
It’s supposed to come in at Rockport (E of Corpus Christi) go onshore, back off shore & up the coastline to Houston (Tuesday) – pumping rain onto Central and East Texas from today until late next week. More than 10″ rain forecast for Houston. Already waves are running 13′, tide levels above 2′ in some places.
The prediction on mid-day news was for 10 inches of rain, which translates into how much flood volume? That’s the real issue.
Here is a link to the NWS Enhanced Radar showing activity:
The rains go from below Corpus Christi into Louisiana.
The Chief had me cleaning out the chicken coop.. apparently such menial tasks are beneath her… lol
You used a number, I used a word and only a word.
Please see my ‘First again!’ posted above at 1:09 pm on the Official TAH WOT Clock.
(Performs celebratory victory roll over TAH Headquarters)
1.) That was a reply to yourself.
2.)I used all caps for the proword
“FIRST” which may or may not matter.
We may need to request a ‘First’ ruling from today’s Duty WOT Referee…
I’ll second that so you can be second.
Ok Mick. I concede my attempt to unseat you as being first. With absolutely zero backing from anyone I can see that it is a lost cause. I bow to your firstness.
This time.
You are not alone, Mick. You are never alone. In a world of 7.5 billions, it is impossible to be alone – EVER!
However, I was off in cloudspace trying to find out why McD’s has dropped the Premium Wrap, because I kind of liked that. It had everything I wanted, and now it’s gone, and that means I have to go to Kentucky Fried Grease and get their chicken tenders and get a bottle of ranch dressing, just to have a freakin’ Premium Wrap.
I am sad.
Congrats Mick, I was not properly abusing my F-5 key! Again, work gets in the way of self abuse!! We bow to your first!!
Have a great weekend!!!
Third … sigh
top 10?
waiting for the hurricane…so far an underwhelming light drizzle. Check back with Greybeard and I next week to see it that changes.
Looking at the rotation on the clouds on the National Weather Service pages, it looks like Houston to Corpus is gonna get wet. We can hope for the best, but Alicia is still in my memory bank.
“The clock tower is one of the tallest buildings in the world, and it sports the largest clock face—measuring 141 feet”
Yeah but is it accurate?
It’s in Mecca, it’s still set 1500 years ago
“The clock tower is one of the tallest buildings in the world, and it sports the largest clock face—measuring 141 feet”
That could be changed rather quickly…. too bad the SJW howler monkeys aren’t worried about that kind of discrimination, that only allows muslims there..
Mecca, an excellent target for either a conventional Nuke, H-Bomb or Neutron Bomb!
Top 20! Woo-hoo!!
A fellow retired Army buddie of mine recently sent me this….I totally laughed my ass off.
If you were ever a 1SG or a SFC who ran a land nav course for officers, you will understand.
Enjoy all and have a great weekend!
(Turn up your volume a bit)
“The pond on the map is blue”
Is he at Lake Bandini?
I tend to like Lieutenants, they taste like chicken unless they’re former Enlisted. Ever talk one into asking for a FAP Request Form?
API, I’m assuming this is not what you mean. (grin)
FAP is a real thing in the USMC as well.
Fleet Assistance Program.
It involved sending Marines to fill billets on bases. Usually it was for the beach house, Stable , Gym. etc.
When I was at Electronic Maintenance Battalion, I dumped one of less than stellar Marines onto Camp Guard for three months. Our production numbers actually went up without him wasting bench space.
And I sill missed first
Oh, Skippy. You just have to keep trying. I know you can do it. Some day you’ll look back on this and say “I remember when I longed to be first…”.
I have great faith in you, Skippy. You have the potential to be First, just like everyone else. You only have to put your shoulder to the boulder, your nose to the grindstone, glue your ass to the chair and your finger to the F5 key. Or you could just ambush it.
After all, I had the dream. I made it to First. And I did it without the F5, too.
If a girl like me can make it to First, so can you.
One of these days
ONE of these days you’ll make it, I have faith in you!
TOP twenty and I award myself Honorary First yet again, so *NYYYYEAAAHHHHH*!!!!
“The city of Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, is the holiest site in the religion of Islam. Non-Muslims are prohibited from entering the city”
Well, scratch that bus tour.
Maybe one of those trojans that Mars ejects will find its way there some day.
Sir Richard Burton made it into Mecca…. All it cost him was his foreskin.
And he was a kick-ass man! I would bet a dollar to a doughnut that he was one of the inspirations for Sir Harry Flashman, VC. Consider the similarities:
* Army officer
* Sword expert
* Linguist
* Explorer (sourced the Nile, though he was sick and stayed in camp while his partner actually found it),
* Kama Sutra expert (translator),
* Ability to “go native;”
* etc., etc., etc.
Harry Flashman for sure!
I’m Here BITCHES!!!!!
I’m FIRST in getting divorced today and somebody who had been abusing the system and being narcissistic and causing distress for many had their ASS handed to them today.
I got a gift from the Gods and Goddesses and Santa and the Easter Bunny all rolled in one today.
I hope Bernath cries in court like I saw today, but much worse.
Congratulations, ChipNASA – and condolences. “Splitsville” is never fun, even when it’s necessary.
I love reading divorce papers on line from the County Registry of Deeds. Not sure if that’s
available in all states but it ranks right up there with mugshots.
I admire your reserve, and your cool head, ChipNASA.
I still remember the exact time and date that my divorce was finalized.
I see YOU sound and feel like when I heard my now Ex-Monster go nuts bawling when I had the papers served to her and she obviously KNEW that her free ride on MY hard-earned money was at an END! I wasn’t married to that THING long enough for her to sue me for alimony, no kid with her either and a few years later she dared to call MY family for help because her house was being foreclosed (They gracefully hung up on her after softly saying “Sorry, nothing we can do, ‘bye.”).
I got full custody of my daughter and got to watch the ex go to prison a year later for defrauding BoA out of $100,000.
Thanks all.
Only hours old and still trying to wrap my head around it.
I appreciate the TAH family quite a bit.(LOTS!)
Maybe now you know how I got a tiny bit of inspiration for the Wall of Insults®™
Having your life back? PRICELESS.
DITTO with recovering a big chunk of your sanity!!!
Someone in my life recently got some Karma delivered to their dumb ass in a well deserved comeuppance…
What a friggin’ mess this crap is.
I hate drunks, I just hate them…
Damn. Have a good weekend y’all!
Congratulations Mick!
EX-PH2 will be busy this weekend training for an upcoming competition.
“Shoot low boys, their ridin’ Shetlands”!
“they’re” not “their”….dumbass fingers. 🙁
RIP, Lewis Grizzard. Gone far too soon.
Some of my favorite deployment readings
At one time both Lewis Grizzard and Dave Barry had regular newspaper columns. We didn’t know how good we had it.
Really, I’ll be spending my time with that Damme fellow.
Maybe that’s what liberal PETA pukes want Rodeos to be like?
Is Finland part of NATO? I hope not. Do they allow women in the military? I pray not. Must be damned boring in Finland.
😜. 🤣. 😁. 😅. 😂. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
I was out in the gazebo on the courthouse square enjoying the pre-hurricane breezes.
What is odd is the number of people who have been out buying water. Really? We have pitchers, canteens, even a couple of 5-gallon water cans we fill up for drinking water, plus a bathtub, and all sort of 5 gallon pails that can be used to store water in for flushing the toilets.
Millennials. Dumber than a box of rocks.
Last night Graybeard, I was reading about that very same thing. The article showed empty shelves were the water was and people were interviewed as saying “I don’t know what were going to do”.
My first thought was…”go home, turn on the tap and fill every freekin’ type of container you have including the sink, bathtub, washing machine and whatever else you have laying about.
Millenials are truly so dumb, that if they ever catch up with the idea of storing water ahead of a bad storm like Harvey, they’ll ask you how you store electric power in a plastic jug, too.
I mean, after all, if you’re going to prepare for an emergency, you should have all those water/food/power issues worked out ahead of time, shouldn’t you??
Electricity? Try to teach them about how to run and maintain a generator and they’ll cuss you out about Global Wormening from the emissions, but watch their heads implode when they have to go more than five minutes sans their IPhones, Ipods, pads, any other electronic input or Facebook…
During Ike and its aftermath, even the batteries the phone landline system runs on lost juice.
I know one thing – none of my former Scouts or Venturers is among those who are going to be caught short.
“Be Prepared” is still a pretty darn good motto.
For Leave No Trace, Principle #1 is “Plan Ahead and Prepare.”
For the Millennials it seems to be “Huh? What?” or “What does CNN say I should do?”
In a true long-term breakdown of civilization’s conveniences, a lot of them would die.
On the other hand, one former Scout of my acquaintance did “pad his stockpile” with a case of Shiner Bock ahead of time.
You trained him well, Greybeard. A hurricane is best enjoyed with quality brew.
I’ve got a cold one waiting for me at home. I’m prepared!
I have two oil lamps, lamp oil, kitchen matches, and a stove that can be lit with matches if the power goes out. Gas pressure didn’t fall in the 2011 bad storm. Doubt it will fall again unless the pipeline is compromised, and then everyone will be shut down until it’s repaired.
I went looking for lamp oil for our favorite 2nd daughter-in-law and there wasn’t even a place on the shelves for it.
We have our own 200gal propane tank about 1/2 full.
Loved those typhoon parties while stationed on Okinawa. Not anymore, Marines are in “duty status” during typhoons and are prohibited from consuming alcohol.
“In a true long-term breakdown of civilization’s conveniences, a lot of them would die.”
I prefer to see it as a culling of the herd.
Proof that Darwin was right.
Drank my last Shiner this morning after I sprayed the back yard. Time to restock.
Never run the risk of running out of ammo or Shiner.
Donuts to dollars Ex-PH2, the only aisle that is full is where the “common sense” is stacked.
Between working on the hovel, been putting up vegies the past few days. The garden exploded with all kinds of fresh produce. Been canning dill pickles, garlic pickles, bread & butter pickles, tomato juice, tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, salsa and relish. A lot of work, but worth it later on. Will be enjoying my bountiful booty all winter long & then some. Aldi’s vegie shelves can’t even hold a candle compared to mine. 😉
Garlic pickles???? Oooooh! Skyjumper. you are my god. I’m assuming that you have more mouths to feed than I do, however.
There are some things I use a lot of, and some things I hardly touch. My shelves reflect that. But I tend to buy things in quantities so as to not have to run back for more for a while.
Nope, just my big mouth here, Ex-PH2.
Usually add one large clove per jar, but depending on the mood of day, maybe two…….after I stock up on mouthwash & minty toothpaste. 😉
Sometime after the season, I stand back, look at all of the canned goodies and say “what the hell was I thinking”?
Usually dole some out to friends and neighbors……only after they sign in blood that they promise to give the empty jars back to me. 😉
I have an old recipe that is something like that, but it uses 3 garlic cloves, lots of fresh dill, and the pickling broth is something you can use to cure a sore throat, too. You don’t have to cook the pickles, you pour the hot pickling broth into the jars, which are sitting in hot water to temper them, and then put the seals and rings on them.
The have to sit for about six weeks to be pickles. I think I will dig that up next year, and see if I can find pickling cukes at a farmstand. There’s plenty of them around here. I just don’t have a big enough yard.
But I do have two goldfinches in the sunflowers now!!!
SWEET baby Jesus wrapped in C4, Claymores, Det Cord and duct tape on a broke-dick bamboo raft stuck up Shit Creek without a paddle, are they really that helpless? they’re not unlike cattle during winter, completely dependent on others for survival. Seriously, if you leave a herd of cattle alone for the winter, they’re dead versus a herd of Buffalo which will do fine. On a snowy pasture, cattle will starve and dehydrate unless hay is delivered and ice on the ponds broken through versus the Buffalo which will forage beneath the snow for food and eat the snow for water. The more i see of Millenials, the more I see the movie “Idiocracy” as a premonition!
Yes, API, they are that helpless. They won’t use napkins because paper towels are more versatile. They have no idea of table manners. They order takeout and expect a taxi to deliver it. They really know how to waste money in ways that you never thought of. In an emergency, they’ll wait to be told what to do instead of taking the initiative.
People like that are a Commission Salesman’s wet dream come true!
I drive rideshare here in Austin…
These millennials give a whole new meaning to the word moron…
Ain’t no morons like Austin morons.
Keeping Austin weird.
I hope everyone pulls through this storm.
I also expect there will be some decidedly -odd- stories of millennial encounters with the hard reality of “hurricane”.
Ditto, in spades. I’m looking forward to reports of dimwitted stuff done by millenials (e.g., surfing in the storm surge, selfies on the beach) by way of anyone who resides in the areas hit by Harvey. Slainte!!!
” I’m looking forward to reports of dimwitted stuff done by millenials (e.g., surfing in the storm surge, selfies on the beach)…”
does it never occur to them that in a tropical storm they will get more water than they can ever use – free? It’s called RAIN.
Provisional Proxy FIRST, yet again!
For those of you on the Texas coast – watch your ass and stay safe!
Always, HMCS(FMF) ret.
Texans know how to take care of their neighbors. The good ol’ boys have checked their chainsaws and outboards already. I know I’ve seen pictures of the Texas Baptist Men getting their mobile kitchens and tree-removal trailers ready.
We’ll have half the rescue and assistance done before FEMA gets off their adzs to check their computers. Texas National Guard has already been activated, as well.
And the Texas State Guard. First-ever all-call with almost NO exemptions, even calling back Inactive Reserves and instituting a stop-loss. Absolutely unprecedented.
Pets, Graybeard. What about pets that people forget to take care of or leave behind? During Katrina, they just threw food on the floor and drove away.
At the risk of committing an TAH faux pas; How many of all of us are in or from Washington? The state, not the other place.
Me: Grew up in Olympia, live in the Tricities. Likes E Wa a lot, but need to find a place over here where the Trees haven’t been planted on purpose…
Apologies for being nosey.
Roger in Republic, Just south of the Canadian border between Tonasket and Colville. Grew up in Sumner. School at CWU. Immegrated east from Kent in 02.
“…a place over here where the Trees haven’t been planted on purpose…”
Just remember that NO entity on Earth plants more trees than the U.S. Lumber and Paper Industries!
I’m across the creek in the ‘Couve…
I was born in Ellensburg, Kittitas County, Washington.
I had my Basic Combat Training and my Republic of Viet Nam training (prior to going to the Republic of Viet Nam) at Fort Lewis, Washington.
When I worked on the Sundance Mountain/Trapper’s Peak forest fire, Spokane, Washington was where I was hired.
“Non-Muslims are prohibited from entering the city”.
Well then, surely they won’t mind if we said Muslims could not enter our city? Oh wait. DJT said some of them can’t enter our country and they had a rag doll.
Part of their “Holier than Thou” attitude.
Carpet bomb the place with dead hogs.
I’m thinking a DC-10 fire tanker. Skip the retardant slurry. Load it with pig blood. 1 pass should be sufficient.
YEAH, I wonder about that shit as well… IF Islam is truly SUCH a peaceful “Religion”, then WHY the total absence of any Christian Churches, Synagogues, Buddhist or Hindu Temples in Countries that declare themselves “Islamic Republics” as well as the attacks on Churches by Muzzies elsewhere such as Africa, WHEN was the last time we ever heard of Catholics carbombing a mosque on Eid-al-Fatr but we’ve seen muzzies do it to Churches on Easter!
In that context “Peace” is the absense of opposition to worldwide Islam.
Much as, to the Communist, “Peace” is the absense of opposition to worldwide Socialism.
Those two points explain a very great many things.
Tolerant Islam strikes again.
A fact that may interest only me: this is brewed in Bangalore, India:
Given the history of India’s partition after gaining independence – and the Koran’s account of how Mohammad entered heaven – I’m personally convinced the name of the brew was not accidental.
FWIW: it’s not bad at all. And it’s great with curry. (smile)
NICE!!! If I ever find that at a store I WILL buy and partake of some! In the meantime I’ll stick with “Arrogant Bastard Ale”, something I’m still sure was named after me!!!
Just a minor item for today’s WOT:
In an apparent victory over rival Maxine Waters to utter the most stupid shit possible, California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi told an interviewer this week that a Patriot Prayer rally at the Presidio of San Francisco should not be allowed because:
“The Constitution does not say that a person can yell wolf in a crowded theater.”
Meanwhile, Maxine is reportedly reeling from a tweet by Clueless star Stacey Dash, who said of a recent BET appearance by Waters:
“This is how you spin a corrupt media buffoon sucking up her late in life 15 minutes.”
Reports that Maxine is still having staffers research the meaning of the word “buffoon” are unconfirmed…
Hmmm… please don’t expect Nancy to speak her mind clearly about anything in the future. Her mind went south a long, long time ago. The more she runs her yap, the dumber and more senile she appears to be.
I hope the Patriot Prayer group gets its permit approved, even if it makes her liver quiver.
Actually, the Patriot Prayer rallies planned this weekend in San Francisco and Berkeley have been cancelled by the PP organizers. Apparently the combination of the words “Patriot” and “Prayer” in a combined phrase caused things to reach critical mass among the local apparat. In a move to disrupt one of the planned rallies, leftist counter protesters called on supporters to take their dogs to the rally site at Crissy Field, and leave a dog poop symbol of resistance wherever possible. Was that classy or what?
Viva la revolución, Fido.
I knew the SanFran lefties could be shitty, but seriously……
Here is a phony david Yankovich pleas make him famous. He lies about his service are all on this twitter. HE did 7 months of service claims 4 also claims Obama sent a SUV for him due to his ibe knowledge on North Korea. Please show everyone what a sleeve ball he is he’s running for congress.
I am his ex gf we have a child together he does not pay child support.
All lies are in the twitter I run it.
He abandoned his kids moved to Wisconsin to bang a married woman because I told him to get a job after 5 years of sitting on his ass. He should not run for congress.
Seriously fuck you admin fuck you im bringing you stolen valor
What? Can you BE more incoherent?
***disclaimer*** I’m not an admin here, just trying to help you get pointed in the right direction.****
Ms Powell, before you make another post I’d like to suggest that you read the “TAH FNG FAQ” The link for it is located at the top of the page. Two questions from the FAQ apply in this situation
3. Q: How do I contact the site admin/owner?
A: See the Contact Us button on the site banner. That’s the same place you found this “TAH FNG FAQ” button.
5. Q: Why is my first comment moderated?
A: Jonn covers that in the Contact Us page. I’ll quote a section of it here:
Your first comment will be moderated here – it’s not an attempt to stifle debate, it just keeps the spammers at bay. So if this is your first time here, please be patient. If you change your screen name or email address, it might happen again.
Then from the Contact Us link comes this bit of info:
If you have a suspect that you want us to check out, please include this information in your email;
Full name:
Current Address:
Date of birth:
Branch of service:
Approximate dates of service:
Any claims:
Links to claims:
You can email me at “admin (at) thisainthell (dot) us“. This is my preferred mode of communication – especially if you’re reporting a suspect.
Sheriff Arpaio has been pardoned.
And Gorka just resigned:
(Unrelated, but I put it here for the ‘breaking news’ bit.)
You should SEE his resignation letter!
One festering anal fistula pardons another. Somehow it’s fitting.
And you are not fit to shine the shoes of either of them.
Sucks to be you.
Your Nobamma empty’s out Camp X-ray and is a hero.
Greetings and Salutations to All my Kith and Kin and All the Ships in Outer Space:
I’ve just been notified by the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (i.e., “B.O.I.N.C.”) that the IBM World Community Grid has a brand new scientific research project that our personal home computers can participate in, the MICROBIOME IMMUNITY PROJECT.
I realize that in the past, some of you have expressed reservations about volunteering to use your computers for analyzing raw data, but that’s your choice.
As for me, I’ve been doing this now for many years, with no problems whatsoever, earning several virtual Internet awards in the process.
When you volunteer your computer for this work, the data analyzation is done using unused space on your computer’s hard drive, operating in the background, without interference, as you continue to perform your normal computer activities, and/or running when you aren’t using your computer.
There are many scientific research projects that you can choose from, and I run several of them on my computer all at once.
We live on this Earth in a marvelous age, when there are so many scientific discoveries being made so rapidly, that there aren’t enough researchers, laboratories, or computers to handle it all.
That’s why universities and research institutes all around the globe are farming the work out to private individuals who volunteer the use of their computers.
Come join with me in this great volunteer effort!
Who knows what YOUR computer might be involved in discovering?
Thank you.
John Robert Mallernee, Esquire, KB3KWS
Disabled War Veteran, United States Army
Ashley Valley Shadows
Vernal, Utah 84078
Regarding Hurricane Harvey and the Mayor’s Advice:
“I’m seventy-one years old, and to this day, I still wear my United States Army dog tags, not only on a chain around my neck, but also laced into my jump boots, and on my key rings.
Just as they did when I was a soldier in the United States Army, the dog tags I wear today contain my full name, Social Security number, blood type, and religious preference.
I wear them now for the very same reason the United States Army issued them, i.e., for the benefit of emergency personnel who find me unconscious, and/or to identify my mangled, unrecognizable corpse.”
Won’t the ocean waters wash the information right off their arms, and won’t their arms be devoured by fish and alligators?
Go to Galveston sometime and read the story of the Great Storm.
They hauled the bodies out in barges. Then the tide washed them back in and, under martial law, everyone physically capable had the duty of picking the bodies up (several days old at that time) to pile on carts to be buried. They were still recognizeable – and people had to deal with picking up the corpses of people they knew.
I thought the POTUS & VEEP traveled on separate planes in case the worst happens. Just this week at the Phoenix airport, Trump & Pence stepped off AF1, and I was thinking – damn that pussy Paul Ryan becomes the prez if the SHTF w/ AF1. LHM!
Well, Hurricane Harvey is now feet dry and I’m getting a lot of rain here in the land of the prancing manbun and #libidiot enclave known as Austin…
The news is full of updates with everybody having something to talk about other than Russia, or whatever else they find that attempts to denigrate our President, TO LITTLE OR NO AVAIL…
Have they run out of bottled water yet?
Anyone need a new pet? Better be careful going outside after the storm, especially if you live on the coast
Just N of Houston in the Pineywoods we’ve received a bit over 7″ of rain today.
Lots of damaged buildings in Corpus, Rockport, Aransas Pass, Matagorda, Katy and south of Houston.
The tides are >2′ high, the rains translate into extensive flooding across Texas from Louisiana to south of Corpus. We’ve had several reports of drownings. Don’t know how many missing yet.
On the other hand, there’s not been a great influx of refugees yet.
But we are due for more heavy rain into mid-week from the stalled Tropical Storm/Depression.
At the Graybeard Compound we are all high and dry – with no loss of electricity yet.
What part of the Pineywoods are you at?
Sam Houston National Forest between Huntsville & New Waverly.
FWIW, we are at 18.6″ of rain cumulative at 2000 hours. The Graybeard compound is high and dry, and all our kith and kin are nearby and accounted for save the NG son – who is just accounted for. ::grin::
Looking for more rain the next 3 days. We’ve not lost power for any significant length of time yet. With the ground saturation we may have some trees lay over. The tornadoes did not get closer to our house than 10 miles, and seem to have quit forming.
Houston is really in a world of hurt.
Graybeard, there seem to be people with no sense at all in every corner of the world.
They’re told to stay away from flooded underpasses on highways during a heavy rain that leads to serious flooding everywhere, but they drive right into it. When they show up on the TV news, their cars are buried up to the roof lines and they may or may not be sitting on the roof, or trying to make their stupid way through 4 to 5 feet of water that no sensible person would go near.
When I see these things on the news, I wonder how many of these twits would survive a real disaster, such as – oh, wait, a major flood is a real disaster, and sometimes, some of them drown.
Saw this article from USA Today
Nation’s oldest Civil War pensioner collects $73 a month from VA
Wow…very interesting.
News not good about Houston area. Sure hope that all our TAH family are safe and somewhat dry.
Have heard from an associate too near Houston – so far they have no flood water in their house, but most definitely are preparing to be isolated for the duration.
Prayers up for all.
Would it be appropriate to ask for a roll call thread for those most directly impacted by Harvey?
Prayers out and best wishes to all in the path of Harvey.
Graybeard & kin are all safe and hunkered down at this point.
Anyone heard from David or Fyrefighter?
Last comment from Fyrfighter was at 2:53PM yesterday.
Last comment from David was at 10:53AM yesterday.
Don’t know if either has contacted Jonn since then via email.
Hoping that both (and families) are safe…
Graybeard Compound is ok. Lost power for about 20 hours. Cut off by flooding from any town in three directions, but well stocked.
Lots of my friends who never had to worry about flooding before in the Houston area are seriously under water. More rain en route.
More rain than anyone expected, coming on faster than usual, and staying abnormally long.
Lots of stories of folks helping others out, lots of volunteers with all sorts of watercraft going to help from all over.
Real America is showing up.
GRaybeard, best to you and your family.
Stay cool. Watch out for gators.
In other news Daniel A Bernath, the disbarred and disgraced attorney who fled both California and Oregon due to the legal Karma bus has recently been declared a Vexatious Litigant by a Florida Judge.
Got a link? That would be awesome news!
Bodies of all ten sailors from the USS JOHN S. MCCAIN have been found.
Another blow to unpopular freedom of expression:
The STORMFRONT web site has been kicked off the Internet.
Whether you acknowledge it or not, this is bad news for EVERYBODY.
What if someone doesn’t approve of YOUR opinions?