Should Veterans Be Banned from…Universities
An article from a newsletter for the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS – outside the Fort Carson gates) Social Justice Collective Weekly is making the rounds on social media. According to KKTV, the article, entitled “Should Veterans Be Banned from UCCS and Other Universities” written by Terry Steinawitz (according to the media, no one by that name is registered at the school or lives in Colorado), tries painfully to make the case that veterans are a hindrance to the snowflakes’ education;
A four-year, traditional university is supposed to be a place of learning, of understanding, of safety and security. However, there is an element among us who may be frustrating those goals: Veterans.
UCCS is known for its number of veterans who are full and part-time students. But these veterans of much of the school prides themselves on may be hurting the university.
First off, many veterans openly mock the ideas of diversity and safe spaces for vulnerable members of society. This is directly in contradiction to the mission of UCCS. Many veterans utter the mantra that they, “do not see color”. But the problem lies in their socialization into the military culture that is that of a white supremacist organization. They have been permanently tainted, and are no long fit for a four-year university.
Second, many students are frightened by the presence of veterans in their classrooms. Veterans usually have an overwhelming presence in the classroom, which can distract other students. This is usually true for vulnerable individual such as LGBTQQI2SAA, who have been known to be the butt of insensitive jokes made by veterans.
Finally, veterans usually are associated with extremists right-wing groups such as the tea party and the NRA. In order to provide a safe place for all students, extremist right-wing groups must be suppressed on campus. This would include their followers: veterans.
That is not to say that veterans should not be allowed an education. Veterans should be allowed to attend trade schools, or maybe even community college. But, in order to protect our academic institutions we must ban veterans from four-year universities.
The university claims that the letter is not reflective of their official policy, but that it’s an expression of free speech.
I’m not going to get exercised over it, because it must be a hoax. If it’s not a hoax, it’s only the opinion of a student with no life experience. He/She has probably never had to pay a bill, nor had a lasting impression on anyone’s life. “Student” means they’re still learning, even though they think that it means they know everything.
Category: Schools
Which is why “they” get all butthurt over it. We laugh at their idiocy.
Well if they’d quit doing LGBTQQI2SAA ‘things’ they wouldn’t be butt hurt……….
“This is usually true for vulnerable individual such as LGBTQQI2SAA, who have been known to be the butt of insensitive jokes made by veterans”. I don’t know if the author was going for comedy, but he got to comedy with that line.
I had to look it up. Apparently, this is a thing:
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Pansexual, 2-Spirit, Asexual, Allies.
I don’t know what most of that is and I’m glad about that.
I wonder if they’ve managed to fit all of that on a bumper sticker yet.
My grandpa fought for the Allies. Might have been a different group though, cause he wasn’t fighting for gay rights as much as being shot at by Germans.
I cry cultural appropriation! Allies was our term!
I was SO hoping that was a joke.
When he said “butt” I knew it was a troll.
Jonn smelled this one right. No way this is fo’real.
Does anyone have any idea as to what ‘LGBTQQI2SAA’ scores on TAH Name Scrabble (Home Version)?
Name Scrabble basic score is 32.
Double or triple at your discretion.
Ban professors, teachers, communists, liberal assholes of all types and give free tuition to veterans!! THATS THE AMERICAN WAY!
I don’t know about other states, but mine does give state tuition grants to veterans at the undergrad and graduate level at state universities, but not private universities.
Its very similar to robots’ “number” in a science fiction film.
I’ll take “hoax/trolling” for $500, Alex.
Daily Double … seems pretty obvious to me, especially in light of the fact that the named author does not attend the school in question.
I would have thought this was a Onion piece, myself, even 5 years ago. Now? I think it’s more likely to be real than not. There’s nothing in it that would be out of character with the modern Left.
I’ll put it this way, IF this is just some college guy’s drunken joke, I bet there’s still a lot of SnoflakeNazis™ that are nodding their heads going, “Right on, man!”
Wow, back in the 70’s I went to college for like 8 years. I don’t ever remember anyone being afraid of me because I was a Vietnam vet. maybe college students were tougher then. Or maybe kids had to work, so they didn’t get butt hurt so easily as these kids who live in moms basement!
If that isn’t a hoax, the stupid is VERY strong in this one… Maybe it’s just Joe trolling….Colorado Springs is only 100 miles give or take from Boulder…
That and Boulder is a CO version of Berzerkely, CA.
That explains Joey’s affinity for HWSNBN and vice versa. Two pod people.
Two identical twins, only separated by a rectal closing spasm.
Oh, FFS.
I’ll keep on being a hardworking, intelligent, fully formed person that is a Veteran that goes to University.
And you keep on being…well, you.
The real reason snowflakes don’t want Veterans in the classroom — Vets (and older students) tend to destroy the grading curve. Not that we’re (I qualified on both counts) any smarter, we just have a strong work ethic. That was my experience after I went back after retiring.
I just love screwing with them. Angry snowflakes make me so happy I can’t describe it.
You know what you describe its trolling, right?
(Gallic shrug)
My first semester of college after leaving active duty, I was taking a needed humanities course at the local community college.
Since I worked nights to get max shift differential, I was in the day classes. These could charitably be called “13th grade”.
I worked kinda hard to get that Army College Fund, so I was a serious student. The usual slugs sat in the back chattering while the instructor tried to teach. Tired of the distraction, and without thinking, I barked at them “AT EASE!”, turned back to the instructor and said “you were saying sir?”
Total, absolute silence for the remainder of the class, other than raised hands for questions, none from the back two rows.
Later, as I gathered my things to leave, the instructor stepped over and said “….can you teach me how to do that?”
Thought about it… “Yes sir. But it might take a couple of years of your life to get the delivery right.” He laughed.
He was also far quicker to cut off shitbag behavior after that.
hehehe. well met, well played! Good on ya!
I actually had one show up to take the final exam after not being there since the first week. The professor was like”Well, I dropped you from the class months ago, and this exam only counts for 25% of your final grade, anyway.” Had one leave class for half an hour, then come back with breakfast. The professor didn’t even pause in her lecture. The old NCO in me has to fight back the urge to place boot in asses.
Had several professors recommend an academic career for me after I finish with school, since I was a “teacher” in the Army. I tell them I wasn’t a teacher, I was an instructor, and therein lies all the difference.
my reply to snowflake, terry steinawitz at
Your broadside was a collection of hyperbole and logical fallacies.
To broad-brush paint a group of brave men and women, who served our nation honorably smacks of YOUR FASCISM, and is a “No True Scotsman” Logical Fallacy.
Your comment that Veterans are usually associated with right wing extremist groups is another logical fallacy.
Pray tell, what double blind, peer reviewed, studies did you ascertain that knowledge from? Care to cite and relevant broad-based demographic studies to vet your allegations with?
Or are you yourselves just leftist shills of a greater conspiracy to foment discord where none now exists?
Our socialization into Military life does not involve any so-called ‘white-supremacist’ inculcation or indoctrination.
Your hyperbole is illogical, and without any basis in objective reality.
Your actions, were they to actually cause any discrimination towards veterans, Terry, would see you in front of a federal judge to be tried for discrimination, and a violation of the RREO act the landmark 1964 anti-discrimination act.
Also, if said veterans were disabled, you would also be answering charges for violations of the Americans With Disabilities Act, for discrimination and denying equal access to them.
I would normally expect a salient, cogent reply, but I am not holding my breath.
Bullies usually have the ability to only think in one direction.
May you live in interesting times.
Nicely done.
Too many big words and big ideas. Terry will never understand.
Psychobabble Reply from one of Terry’s “Alternate Personalities”:
Terry Steinawitz
Sep 1 at 6:36 PM
Message body
You realize that double-blind studies are used in the medical studies. Now, if one was to do a study of veterans as a group to try to gain attitudes, they would more than likely use an interview method. Unfortunately, that method is very qualitative and not very empirical. Also, it would be extremely time consuming and expensive. A survey method would allow for the gathering of more quantitative data and be much cheaper. Unfortunately, the research team would need to limit responses to make the data actually codable. Doing large scale attitudinal research is a bitch, sadly.
Anyway, I’ve attached our reasoning for the newsletter below. Enjoy!
(I did not open their attached .docx file, over the issue that it could have been a malware/ransomeware or trojan infected file)
Phillip Wittol
One can only hope that this cat is the reincarnation of Jonathan Swift and the purpose of the letter is the opposite of the thoughts expressed in the essay. If not, then this guy is a twatwattle.
And by the same token, if a Veteran does not like the LGBTQ community, would it not be the same as this individual not liking the Veteran community?
Talk about hypocrisy.
That should be a class: hypocrisy 101.
And I love the way we are all painted with the same brush. Sure, I agree wholeheartedly that there are a portion of Veterans that are uneducated, dishonest and self-serving shitbags. But there are also others who are moving forward, getting on with their lives, helping others and doing the right thing.
The same dynamic could be said for any other class structure.
If it’s a public University/school paid by tax payers funds, they have to let qualified students in. My highest grade was High School and Doo Wopp University.
Mine too.
Rama Lama Ding Dong.
Donated my wax collection to the DJ’s at Hofstra College, Uniondale, LI, NY in 2007 when I moved down to the Gun shine State. Got the stuff on CD’S now.
Yours in vocal group harmony
Must be someone who is afraid of seeing his own cowardice reflected in the mirror every time he looks. What a spoiled brat.
Oh, in case anyone is wondering, the best jobs right now involve oil production, so companies are looking for people with degrees in geochemistry and petrogeology – stuff like that. The demand for such people is high.
The demand for people with degrees in gender studies – not so much. Ya want fries with that?
I’ve got nothing…But apparently this little Sparkle Pony doesn’t either, but certainly is in desperate need of a remedial writing class specializing in grammar and punctuation.
I would bet my last dollar that this Snowflake is a vegan, butthole SJW who thinks we need to wind back time to the days of segregation, playdoh, silly putter and colour forms.
I’m convinced that it’s Grade ‘A’ Troll Bait, written by a veteran.
Me, too.
Probably but they way things are with statues etc., it well could be real. Nothing surprises me anymore.
BTW, are all the monuments to Sheets (KKK Grand Cyclops) Byrd gone yet?
Haha 😀 You are probably right Jonn. If that is the case and it was a Vet who wrote this, than he totally wins the internet lol.
Boring night in the barracks at Ft Carson?
“Here hold my beer, watch me make a zillion people’s heads catch fire,”
Veteran troll bait, complete with typos.
Ooooh. And -we- all could play too!
(Evil laugh)
No way a vet wrote that. He didn’t use the word “fuck” in the place of a comma one single time.
Want to have fun sometime? Go into a vegan cafe or restaurant loaded with libtards and order Veal in a voice loud enough you can be heard by others and watch heads explode!
I always tell people who are Vegan that for every animal they don’t eat, i’m going to eat 2.
I also ask them if God didn’t want us to eat animals, why did He make them taste so good?
Ask a vegetarian to read “The Naked Ape” some time. Most primates do eat meat any time they get a chance. Chimpanzees hunt and cannibalize their neighbors. Vegans are idiots, in my view.
Here they are stalking, and beating another chimp to death!
graphic and violent. Enjoy!
Most animal we eat are vegetarians. So, if we are what we eat, then I guess I’m a vegetarian. It’s what I tell my veggie friends as I’m ripping into a steak or burger.
even grazing animals eat the insects within the grasses they graze on, so I guess vegetarians are missing the point at least to an extent.
I like to ask Vegans if they think farmers are going to turn all of those cows, chickens, et cetera, loose? As in emancipation? Will they be free to discover their potential? Now I can ask if they can enroll in the college or university of their choice, where formerly veterans may have been polluting the air. Cool, huh?
You have got to be kidding me !!
Who or what is this dipshit phallic licker spreading this bovine manure.
Next Question?
An alternative, more comprehensive (though not exhaustive) acronym is LGBTQQIP2SAA: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit (2S), androgynous, and asexual. Occasionally, we’ll see a third a for ally, and sometimes it’s preceded by an s for straight ally.
My work here is done…
Thank you for the translation.
If your work was to induce Ice Cream Headaches, yes your work is done.
I want to know what happens when the SA (straight ally) is put on the end. Does the 2SA (I assume you can be both 2 spirit and androgynous) get upset that their ID has been usurped?
Damn. Here I was thinking this was the corporate acronym for a new Hanford Site contractor…
I hadn’t thought of the veteran trolling for fun angle to this. Thank you for restoring my blood pressure to something non-lethal. Isnt there one of those funny academy things in Colorado Springs, or some kind of Army post near there too?
LOL “I thought weed smokers were annoying”. Ha.
just reading the definition made me want to hit something. Sadly, I have a misguided daughter doing a double Master’s, one of which is in Women’s Studies, at a prestigious school. And no, I ain’t payin’ a dime of it.
Even in STEM, courses such as Cultural Sensitivity are creeping into the curriculum as mandatory courses.
Whats a two-spirit? Is that both vodka and tequila?
‘Two spirit’ can be someone practicing shamanic spirit medicine, meaning s/he is human and also transits to a spirit animal. Another term for that is ‘spirit walker’. It’s someone who lives in two worlds, human and other, usually a 4-legger.
Sounds like a cover for beastiality…
Think “shape-shifter” and you get the basic concept.
Not beastiality, no. PN is right – shape shifters, people who walk the spirit paths. The shamans of Yakutia do that.
ahmma spirit drinker
Two Spirit
Bourbon and Scotch
Nice one. I was wondering if one of those might be a species designator.
Did anyone tell Colin Powell that he used to be the Grand Kleagle of a “white supremacist organization”? LOL
That immediately reminds me of the “disguise” scene in Blazing Saddles.
The special snowflakes are a bunch of wimps.
I support my fellow veterans in attending college. It helped me enormously. I work in the computer field.
Troll. Ignore. Not worth the time.
Reading that made my LGBTQQIP2SAA itch.
Oops..there I go again making insensative jokes.
I think that there’s a cream to fix that… or maybe it’s a powder?
I thought it was a shot in the left nut, I mean testicle, using a square needle, then roto-routed with a knobby pitch covered stick, then being painted with woad so that you turn blue…well you know the rest.
It’s a creamy powder, or if you are Bi, its a powdery cream…..
LGBTQQIP2SAA izzat a new MOS? LegGruntBravoTangoQuarterQorpsIntelligenceProfile2AirAssault20 E5 type (Promotable)?
I also think it’s GOT to be a troll altough many a candyassed freeze-dried hippie of a college perfesser likely DOES think that way.
What…in the BLUE HELL is “two-spirit”?
Ironically, that’s one of the terms with the longest history – only twenty years directly, but much longer indirectly. It refers to Native cultures who had, historically, a number of different terms for ‘non-binary’ gender roles.
It’s a reference to shape shifters, Jay. In Yakut spirit medicine, for example, a Yakut shaman can shift from human shape to a spirit animal such as a bear or a ptarmigan or a wolf.
In this context, it’s just about gender roles – it’s a term that was accepted around the later 90’s to cover different types of native cultures. No shapeshifting, just multiple gender roles.
This dipshit could have saved so much time for himself.
“Veterans tend to be confident individuals with leadership skills and self worth. I am a useless, ground-staring piece of shit with daddy issues, which is why I’m majoring in ethnic/gender studies under the impression it will help me get somewhere in life. If veterans weren’t around, I might feel like less of a pussy and start thinking my life has value.”
Fuck these people. If other people’s success offends you and threatens you, you are exactly as worthless as we think you are, and you should be hunted for sport.
With no Bag Limit!
I know I am new here, but …..Where in the world did you get ANY of these ideas? What facts are you using to make these radical opinions? How does the military culture equal white supremacy? If you took the time to open your mind and look at the ACTUAL facts, you would see our veterans are the reason our country is a safer place! You want safe space? No other time in the history of western civilization has it been safer! The fact that you can write this drivel and spread this misguided hate filled rhetoric is proof. 50 years ago you would have been laughed off the crazy train.
Now I’ve never served in the military, but I realize using a small bit of imagination, that these men and women who mock you for wanting safe space, realize through experiencing some of the horrors of war that there is no guarantee of a safety bubble. Life happens, people will say things that hurt your feelings. So unless you missed the pep talk in junior high, it’s time to grow a pair. Because what does happen at our universities is grown ups talk about ideas, coming from all walks of life, and that is HOW we come up with new ideas. So grow thicker skin, wake up and stop blaming your hurt feelings on one group or another. I feel safer having a room full of veterans with common sense, courage and real life experience around me in my classrooms, than a narrow minded internet worm fueling that tiny brain with misinformation.
You do realize you’re in a “room full of veterans” being on this site, right? This post was placed here for the purpose of illustrating the lunacy that is coming from the Left regarding anything that does not fit their orthodoxy. Read the other comments, they are roasting the author.
If your comments are aimed at the author of the quoted piece in question, I missed that and am sorry. It just sounded like you thought the “should we get rid of veterans” post was from the moderator of this website. That being based on:
“I know I am new here” which indicates you are talking about this website. And “Where in the world did you get ANY of these ideas?” Which sounds like you are directing your comments at the author of the post (not the article quoted in the post).
She is talking about the author of a he original leaflet
Not the admin of the page. How do I know this ????
Well she is my better half,
a former super left leaning Democrat.
She has seen the light like a lot of people are now
Thanks for the illum round. Please extend a welcome. For fun you might try to explain the source of some of our “handles.”
I’m gonna go against the grain here: I think its legit. The level of leftist snowflake SJW-hood is so high these days that I can certainly see more than a few of them despising and afraid of real people with real world experience they cannot imagine outside their protected bubble of existence (e.g. veterans).
And don’t forget-with all leftists, hating baby killers…err veterans, is in their traditional blood.
I wouldn’t be too surprised if it’s legit, because there certainly are idiots like this out there, but I hope Jonn is right.
And no, not all leftists -if you’re using that to mean people on the left- hate veterans. I once worked in a town with an ultra-liberal university… and saw hundreds donate and support a care package drive for soldiers in the field. A friend who was there said they didn’t get a single negative message in the several days they were out there. Lots of people on the left dislike the GOP, and dislike the wars, but very few -and yes, sadly not none- hate veterans. It’s just that the few that do scream it from their rooftops while the ones who fully support our veterans aren’t heard from as much.
“…sadly not none- hate veterans.”
THEN how about the snot-nosed booger-eating candyassed fleabag hippies who tormented out Vietnam Vets throwing animal shit at and spitting at them while calling them “Baby Killers” as well as other harassment of WOT Vets? That’s quite a case of selective amnesia you have there, HIPPIE!
Don’t like it? then jam two flowers up your ass sideways, then SUE ME and if you get anything I’ll split it with you, MIGHTY liberal of me, ain’t it?
As I already said, there are, regrettably, some assholes who take their politics out on veterans… but my point was they’re in the minority. To me this is the flip side of the ‘conservatives are racist’ coin – are there racist conservatives? Yep, sure are. Are they the majority? Hell no. But liberals who want a reason to hate conservatives are happy to paint with broad strokes.
I probably know a lot more liberals than you, and thinking back through the years I can only come up with one instance of a person I knew calling veterans murderers. And she was immediately shut down by all the other liberals around there. Coincidentally, I also can think of one racist conservative I knew… but the many others didn’t put up with that shit either. In a world where there’s people who still believe the earth is flat and lizard-men have taken over our politicians, it’s not so hard to believe you’re going to find a few idiots and assholes who believe any old thing. That’s on them. But mistaking the whole group based on the actions of a few who identify similarly politically is foolish. And yes, that applies to the liberals who are calling conservatives on the whole racist, too.
If you’ve had to personally deal with assholes like that, I’m genuinely sorry – most people, regardless of politics, have zero respect for people like that. Mistreatment of veterans isn’t a liberal value, just as racism isn’t a conservative one.
We are STILL dealing with those assholes. They didn’t go anywhere. Sure, some of them died, but the rest of them now inhabit positions of influence where they continue to spew their venom.
No, I wasn’t in VietNam, but that reality doesn’t stop the lefty loons from calling me a baby killer anyway. And they still spit on us. It’s been a couple of years on the spitting at me, but only weeks since being called a baby killer.
What can I say? That sucks, and they suck. I’ve rarely encountered that myself, and those people tend to be shunned by all the liberals I know.
Again, I hear racist stuff from a conservative I know fairly often, too… but I don’t think all conservatives are racist. I just think that one guy can be an asshole about racial stuff. Interestingly, he’s a pretty decent husband and father, too – people generally aren’t 1-dimensional caricatures of idiocy.
I lean liberal, I have family and friends who serve, and I’ve got nothing but respect for people who do. It ain’t a ‘left’ thing.
This is either some dickhead trolling or an unusually-cowardly snowflake using a pseudonym to avoid facing the repercussions of their elitist chickenshit. If I was to put money on it, I’d guess the former, but ya never know.
I want to believe it’s some student veteran at the school who heard a few… less worldly students express a similar sentiment, to which he wrote a tongue-in-cheek response. In which case, I wouldn’t call him a “dickhead troll;” he’s a personal hero and I’d like to buy him a round.
I think that’s what happened, as – though it’s not perfect – the grammar, punctuation, and all-around writing is of a higher caliber than most champions of social justice (I’m far from perfect, please don’t start criticizing my grammar); also, he references Tea Party and NRA as “extremist right-wing groups” while, given the past few weeks, there are many “associated” groups (regardless of validity) that would be much more relevant to a real argument.
If I’m wrong, I’d still like to buy the author a round and talk for a bit, as he/she/[enter appropriate pronoun], clearly has a need for real, objective education that is not being met by their school.
Also, with antifa wearing masks and hypocrite ethics professors swinging locks on bike-chains at unsuspecting victims, using a pseudonym doesn’t seem like an “unusually cowardly snowflake.”
If it’s a hoax it’s still full of nonsense. I know a few veterans who think of themselves as liberals and have voted for Obama twice.
I know. I know a few who did as well. What the hell’s up with that? When I was in boot camp (Feb-May 95) I remember a couple of Drill Instructors yelling at a recruit because he was dumb enough to admit he voted for Clinton.
“Oh that’s right!! The military doesn’t need a raise!!”
“”You must be one of those new ‘Clinton Recruits’!!”
were two of the comments the DIs made. Of course they’d be drummed out of the Marine Corps for uttering such blasphemy now a days!!!
When I was going through Basic Combat Training, it was run, run, run constantly, with all of my time consumed with learning new stuff, and because of fear of a spinal meningitis epidemic, we were kept very isolated from everyone and everything.
One day, I overheard a couple of guys talking about their pay, and curious, I asked them what they were talking about?
They told me it was payday, and I should go see the Drill Sergeant.
When I saw the Drill Sergeant, he very gruffly thundered at me,
“You worthless maggot, do you think you DESERVE to be paid?”
Embarrassed I sort of humbly lowered my head, and he said,
“Report to the Orderly Room and get your pay!”
I think “should we get rid of veterans at our school” should be put to a student and faculty vote at EVERY college in the Union. Then the results can be published on line so I know which school to never send my kid to.
“I see your students went to for the ‘no vets’ amendment at 46% and the faculty went for it 83%. Thanks for making my choice not to come to this shit-hole school so very easy.”
If the SJW are so afraid of Veterans in Colorado, and the administration can’t police their site under the guise of “Free Speech” then close the fucking school(s) problem solved.
See how easy that was. No Drama at all, that easy. And it allows more time for them to smoke some weed. Dipshits.
My kids are looking a schools right now. That one is off the list (ok it was never on the list regardless 🙂 )
“The university claims that the letter is not reflective of their official policy, but that it’s an expression of free speech.”
I’m guessing here, but I’d bet that there are a large majority of the faculty and staff that seriously believe what was in the article.
I’m with Jonn about it being a troll posting it… and they have the school on their heels answering questions about the culture of the school.
No, not even close.
Not only do universities recruit veterans, the overwhelming majority of professors are very respectful of military service.
Even very liberal universities.
Commissar, the ONLY time they’re respectful of Military Service is when you’re face to face with them, once you’re out of their office they go back into their left wing IDGAF about it mode. I’ve seen it wit Corporate management as well, you find twice the amount of two-faced ass-kissing weasels there as you would around a Brigade HQ Staff.
BULLSHIT! I’ve seen to many use their podium to demean groups that they do not agree with, INCLUDING VETS!
Enough said…
And how do you know this? Do you sit in the staff rooms at lunch talking to them about your service? Do they invite you to Department Meetings? Do you get to sit down with the deans and school president and ask them about their feelings towards vets?
The main reason they are welcoming towards vets is because of the $$$ via the GI Bill and TA…
Here’s a decent article from the NYT that talks about the distribution of conservatives in academia. Generally speaking, sure, they’re outnumbered, and there’s been a leftward trend, and the numbers in New England are absolutely staggering, with 28:1 ratios.
I’m not surprised by that, having spent time in Connecticut, but I’d add that even among liberal professors, there were many (not all) with nothing but respect for the military. Not all liberals hate the military, let alone the men and women who serve, even if they detest the wars or conservative politicians.
One other point of interest that jumps out from the article, though, is that the Rocky Mountain area -including UCCS- bucks this trend and has gotten more conservative, with Engineering and Business professors being more conservative than liberal.
This is not a “leftist” thing. It is some idiot with an opinion. She is an extreme outlier and with 300 million Americans in the country idiotic opinions like that are going to be put into words by some tiny fractional minority.
When we hear some of the absolute nut case things right wing extremists claim we do not take them to represent views of the right.
An extreme view that is prevalent in college.
Mind you, I’m not in the US, but at my local college in this small, central European country? The loudest screamers are the leftards. They dominate the students union, and, even though voter participation for this useless “union” is below 25% of all students, make policy for all students.
And yes, they are, in a mass, on that level of stupid. This is not an extreme outlier. There are legions of such zombies, in the US and in the EU.
I’m currently in a US School in a doctoral program. The only political comments I’ve seen by students and faculty have been leftist talking points. The comments made are often about things when questioned they can’t support, or documents/legislation it turns out they haven’t actually read. It’s sad.
The dean sent out a letter yesterday that had nothing to do with politics but somehow still managed to put in a disparaging comment about Trump.
I remember when university was about intellectual engagement and debate, and not about understanding, safety and security.
A few years ago I would have dismissed something like this as a joke. But now? With how utterly mental many kids in college are? I’m not so sure anymore.
I’ve figured it out!
Poe and Jonn were having a few beers, and got into an argument about who could get the most comments on a hot-button topic.
Poe won the coin toss and went first with a post about using a .22LR as a self-defense round.
That topic being exhausted, Jonn did his best with a post about banning veterans.
So: to help Jonn win his bet with Poe, we need a lot more comments on this post.
I can’t believe that wasnt written by a veteran to troll leftists. It’s just too trolly to be serious.
I concur. Those who think this is serious need to get their bullshit meters recalibrated.
True, but think of the colleges that have expelled or tried to expel recruiters, ROTC, the American Flag etc…I find it hard to believe anyone with that mindset holds any kind of respect for a veteran.
Five or ten years ago, I would have agreed with you. Now, I’m not so sure.
These expulsions from their mothers’ vaginas who should have been aborted instead of born are nothing more than spoiled juvenile brained entitled brats who need a good dose of the lash.
[…] With The Arrest Of Sheikh Abdullah El Faisal The Political Hat: Cheese Rape This Ain’t Hell: Should Veterans Be Banned From…Universities?, also, Starbucks Pimping Out Veterans For Profit Weasel Zippers: Daily Kos Claims Nobody’s […]
Two comments.
First, we need a “Starship Troopers” political system YESTERDAY.
Second, stop paying to send kids to college. Let them work their way through. That’ll starve the college’s back down to what they were originally meant to be, and it will mentally cull the herd taking classes.
First, we need a “Starship Troopers” political system YESTERDAY.
yeah…ya gotta be a member of the party comrade…..oh…wait….whut?!?
I really, really get tired of being misunderstood. So let me try AGAIN.
Citizenship should not be automatic. It should be earned.
Would that be wrong?
It’s fukking bullshit.
Your well reasoned argument has completely changed my mind on the subject. And may I thank you, humbly, for graciously sharing your far superior intellect with your inferiors?
I don’t know what I’ve done for you to curl your lip at me, but feel free to stretch it all the way over your head and knot it behind your ears, okay?
I’m a citizen…you are beneath me and unworthy of comment.
Probably a reference to the book by Heinlein, not that gadawful movie.
Sadly, too many folks who get US citizenship for free treat it like it is worthless. Which just boggles me.
“too many folks who get US citizenship for free treat it like it is worthless.”
yeah well so effing what? We(military/government) support and defend and serve the citizenry, warts and all. We don’t have to agree with them and we have no authority to interfere with their constitutional rights.
We start doing that, where does it end?
Service guarantees citizenship?
I would like to know more.
It IS a REAL flyer, approved by the administration. My daughter posted it this morning, someone in her unit who goes to school there saw it. I also said it had to be fake, but found that the media had already been notified and interviewed the administration who admitted they approved it:
My comments were – If anyone can post anything, free speech and all that, why have an approval process? And if someone submits the same hate-filled screed about one of their precious protected groups (LGBTABCXYZ), would it also be approved?
It’s good to know that no student interviewed agreed with the flyer and students were taking them down as they found them.
I have to say I’m proud of my alma mater, University of South Florida, ranked #1 for veterans.
How about we yank all federal funding, as per GI Bill statute? How would the snowflakes like it then?
Better yet, what if getting federal funding for school, as in the Pell Grant or other publicly-funded tuition programs, required military service to qualify?
In my state, vets get plenty of tuition assistance at state-funded schools, and the GI Bill for private schools. Without that, some of these schools would close their doors.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and give a guess that this is a clever piece of satire.
There is no student by that name at the university. There is no known person by that name in the state. The accronym for the LGBTQ community is ridiculously long, and would not be used by an actual left wing activist. The language used is exagerated “left speak”. It sounds to my ears like satire.
So, that’s what I’m going to call it for the time being, unless anyone cares to offer a rebuttal. I’m open to opposing views.
The acronym for the LGBTQ community is ridiculously long, and would not be used by an actual left wing activist.
I tend to agree with you, but the acronym is legit. A doctoral level text in a class I went through earlier this year used the acronym LGBTQQIAPP.Activists have been adding to it regularly since LGB was coined a few years ago.
LGB is a respected Manufacturer of G Scale Model Trains and I HATE to see some sniveling heart-on-the-sleeve bunch of bleeding heart snotnoses hijack it!
So, would Bradley/Chelsea Manning be welcomed to the school?
Well I’ll put my two cents on this when I go back to school in the fall the first snow-flake that gets in my face is getting there lights knocked out plane and simple
Nuff Said
Good day all
My advice to you would be get in there and just crush the program. Just bite your lip and get out of there with your degree. The hassles that can follow are not worth getting skylined over for instant gratification.
I know swallow my pride. And move forward
I’m not going to give the snow-flake the satisfaction
Or anything else to cry about. I have three battles
Going to school now and all of them have told me to start mentally prepared myself…
Good advice – I’d did the same thing when I went back to get my MBA.
If these snowflakes have a problem with “sensitivity” to diversity, then they can learn a lot from veterans. Where else can a diverse groups of Irish, Swedes, ‘Heinz 57’ red necks, inner city blacks, Filipino, Puerto Ricans and latinos from Los Angeles work together, deploy together, laugh & cry together and truly see and live the common thread of humanity for years at a time ? It is the laboratory where the equation of “love thy brother” is proven daily. These little cup cakes haven’t & and likely never will experience the devotion and respect seen amongst military whose lives they trust in the hands of their “diverse” brothers in arms. In fact that is usually the main thing we all miss the most of the experience whether it was for 4 yrs or 40.
My son recently left active service as USN (SWO) officer and now reserve as he is in University in NC. His male instructors by in large admire him (academically at the top) but also befriend him as they have not had the experience of leading . The few veteran Professors can smell him out and usually find a way to start a conversation about treasured memories in the Marines, Navy,USAF, CG USA etc.
CAPT “Bones” USN (ret)
Amen !!!!
Sure – ban vets from the college campus, along with all the funds they bring. Yes, ALL the funds.
Then, ban all athletes from campus. After all, they focus on all silly stuff like winning. Can’t have that. Yeah, take away all those funds as well.
Those two bans should close most colleges and universities. If not, maybe they could consider taking back all those degrees they awarded to folks who later joined the military, with full refunds, of course.