Another Day, Another FALSE accusation by the left
Randi Rhodes wasn’t attacked by rabid republican meanies after all:
The NY Daily News has the story
Air America host Randi Rhodes wasn’t mugged
Tuesday, October 16th 2007, 12:28 PM
There’s no truth to the rumors that Air America host Randi Rhodes (above) was mugged near 39th St. and Park Ave. Sunday night. She is scheduled to return to the air on Thursday.There’s no truth to the rumors that Air America host Randi Rhodes (above) was mugged near 39th St. and Park Ave. Sunday night. She is scheduled to return to the air on Thursday.
Air America radio host Randi Rhodes is temporarily off the air, but claims she was brutally attacked near her Manhattan apartment are bogus, her lawyer and a police source said today.
Fellow host Jon Elliott claimed on the liberal radio network that Rhodes had been mugged while walking her dog, Simon, on Sunday night. Elliot, who said Rhodes lost several teeth in the attack, waxed about a possible conspiracy.
“Is this an attempt by the right-wing, hate machine to silence one of our own?” he asked on the air, according to Talking Radio, a blog. “Are we threatening them? Are they afraid that we’re winning? Are they trying to silence intimidate us?”
A police source said Rhodes never filed a report and never claimed to be the victim of a mugging. Cops from Manhattan’s 17th Precinct called her attorney, who told them Rhodes was not a victim of a crime, the source said.
Rhodes’ lawyer told the Daily News she was injured in a fall while walking her dog. He said she’s not sure what happened, and only knows that she fell down and is in a lot of pain. The lawyer said Rhodes expects to be back on the air Thursday. He stressed there is no indication she was targeted or that she was the victim of a “hate crime.”
I guess it wasn’t her turn to “Speak truth to power…”
Its sad she isn’t an illegal alien, then she’d be: Faking the muggings Americans won’t…
Jonn added: Robin at Chickenhawk Express asks (with tongue planted firmly in her cheek) “But one thing we need to ask…. Where was Rove? Where was Cheney and his shotgun? Where was President Bush? And where the heck was Barney the dog?” Michele Malkin comes clean and admits (tongue planted firmly in her cheek, as well) “It was my fault!”
Category: Antiwar crowd, Media, Politics
OH Dang, not again! I’m going to link this post – I wrote this morning about the VRWC part II. Everything that happens is the fault of evil conservatives.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. Really. What else would you call this?
(As an aside to Ms. Rhodes, drinking can cause that… stumbling, loss of memory… just a thought to a possible cause…)
Jonn wrote: Thanks for the link, Kathy – but just a small point; this was written by my young intern staff member, Don Carl. But, he’s doing a good job, wouldn’t you agree?
[…] Academia, Stupid News, Pelosi, Loony Left by Kathy at 10:56 on Oct 16th, 2007 | | Trackback URL | Print This Post | 1 Comment» […]
But, I am NOT a Lewinsky-type intern, rubenesque as I may be…