Saturday morning feel good stories

| July 29, 2017

From Fairmont, North Carolina;

An investigation revealed [Rodney Thompson, 40] had broken into the home of his ex-girlfriend, 32-year-old Lacora Hill, Edwards said. As he came through the home’s back door, Hill fired multiple shots. Hill’s two small children were in the home at the time of the incident.

Hill will not be charged in regard to the shooting, Edwards said.

In Pemiscot, Missouri;

…before deputies could arrive, a man called 911 to report that he was able to get the suspect to stop beating the woman and took her with him into his farm shop to keep her safe until officers arrived.

While the man was on the phone with 911, the suspect arrived at the farm and was cursing and threatening the farmer and woman with bodily harm, according to Sheriff Greenwell. The farmer told investigators that the suspect had one hand behind his back during the tirade.

The farmer told investigators he kept telling the suspect to leave his property. The woman reportedly told the farmer that the suspect had a gun earlier.

The man kept threatening the two and approached them in a threatening manner. The farmer told the man to show his hands and get off the property or he would be shot.

Greenwell said the suspect continued to approach the farmer and the woman and said “you ain’t gonna shoot me.” That’s when the farmer told investigators he was afraid the man had a gun and was in fear for his and the woman’s life, so he shot the man in the leg.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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If by “leg” they mean center mass until the threat has been halted, then yeah, leg.


You too eh! In the leg for gosh sakes. I was expecting, “So he shot the man in the head” or “He shot the man three time in the torso”. If I thought there was a gun, there would be no leg shot with the possibility of someone returning fire.

Frankie Cee

“…shot him in the leg.” Good Grief! Don’t people know that a leg shot won’t stop a shooter? Have they never seen a Western Movie. Those guys keep on killing after they’re shot in the leg. But the citizen did right in getting the victim away from the bad guy, and into a safer place.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Where in God’s name is Lash Larue with his trusty bull whip to grab the perps gun hand or any of the Saturday B Western cowboys to shoot the gun out of the hands of Bud Buster, Yakima Kanut (when he played a heavy) Leroy Mason,etc.

Doc Savage

“you ain’t gonna shoot me.”

Famous and not so intelligent last words.

Wonder how that would look on a headstone?

chooee lee

Here lies Les Moore. Four shots from a fourty four. No Les no more.

Deplorable B Woodman

Too bad that leg shot didn’t hit the femoral artery. Then he’d be a DRT. And that’s a good thing, boys and girls.


In the leg? and what if the dude had been high on PCP or something, leg shot isn’t going to do a damn thing. Center mass all day everyday.


If one isn’t going to shoot center of mass, one might as well fire a warning shot. Then at least you don’t face a civil suit or possibly crminal prosecution by some progtard prosecutor.


“Warning shots” are often actionable. Unless they are directed into a reliable bullet stopper, they usually open up big cans on “liability” and “negligence”

Just -pointing- a firearm is “deadly force” in most jurisdictions.

If your -life- is in danger, dont screw around with trick shots or “warning shots”.