You don’t believe liberals want to take your guns?
In my email today from the NRA is an article those of you who scoff at the idea that liberals want to confiscate our guns may find enlightening:
Back when Mark Glaze was executive director of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and later Everytown for Gun Safety, he went to great lengths to portray his master’s anti-gun positions as moderate. Glaze used the typical gun control advocate refrain that his groups were merely seeking “commonsense” gun laws. The anti-gun campaigner used every opportunity to remind his audience that he was from Colorado and the son of a licensed firearms dealer. When discussing Colorado’s magazine ban and private transfer restrictions in 2014, Glaze assured that the laws improved safety, but that the “Second Amendment is going to be protected.”
Earlier this month, Glaze finally dropped all pretense of moderation and acknowledged his and his associates’ radical anti-gun goals. Writing on behalf of a new gun control group called Guns Down, Glaze endorsed mandatory firearm owner licensing, alluded to a “government buy-back” for commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms, and called for restrictions that would prevent even the law-abiding from accessing guns.
In a departure from Everytown’s messaging, Glaze downplayed the importance of background checks, claiming that they “alone aren’t the answer.” According to Glaze, “To truly tackle the gun violence epidemic, lawmakers must go further – after the guns themselves.”
Glaze’s central thesis, and Guns Down’s organizing principle, is that there are too many guns in private hands the U.S.; regardless of whether those guns are lawfully or unlawfully possessed. This oversimplified view of gun ownership harkens back to the handgun prohibitionist messaging of the 1970s and 80s.
In other words, just as with healthcare, where liberals want to decide who gets treatment in their socialist utopia, they want the same authority to decide who should possess a gun. Want to bet those of you with those “unhealthy” conservative views would not be among those selected to keep and bear arms?
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Death by a thousand cuts. Go ahead. Tell me the government and police will keep me safe from you.
Our hope should be that the scumbag and his family are attacked by a group of liberal gun owners and this whimpy prick has nothing to defend his family!! A man that won’t defend his family is not a man, but a wart on the ass of society imho But then a.h.’s like him and bloomberg do have guns, they just don’t want YOU to have guns!!
I’m afraid they view U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand as the proper model…a bit ironic since The British Empire was front and center for why the Second Amendment was included prominently in the Bill of Rights…just a few words keep us relatively safe…amazing, really…and libs on the courts would discount those words completely if they could…just ask Ginsburg if she’s awake or even alive
Don’t confuse the issue with facts.
As the 300 said at Thermopylae, “μολὼν λαβέ”
You misquoted them…
No you didn’t–my bad. That is the correct Greek form of molon labe.
Is that what that was? I just thought it was the keys on my keyboard I never use.
Sorry ’bout that. It’s the only Greek I know, aside from some food names. 🙂
The hysterics alone in what he says are enough to be worrisome. Since Chicago has just about THE tightest gun control laws in the country and gun crime on the streets is increasing hourly, it is as obvious as the difference between night and day that gun control DOES NOT WORK.
All you will see coming out of the Chicago Police Department is ‘yak, yak, yak’ and the new Cardinal Cupiche has gotten right into the act on it, too.
It does NOT stop gun-related crimes.
It does NOT stop people from being killed or injured.
It does NOT reduce gang crimes.
It does NOT stop driveby shootings.
When these people who are so desperate to seize weapons from law-abiding citizens say the stupid things they say, they are really saying they don’t give a crap about you or your safety. Period.
Here are the most recent Chicago gun-related crime statistics.
Pay no attention to the asshole behind the curtain. Just make sure he’s dragged out of town on a rail.
Ex-PH2, thank you for this link. I was taken aback to say the least. Someone putting the numbers in their true perspective.
I read the story of the Muslim woman who dropped her newborn baby from an 8th floor apartment window. Cause her family is harsh. The four counts of murder were reduced to 1 count of some kind of manslaughter of a family member and she got 4 months probation. Four months probation for dropping your baby out of an 8 story window. And all her Muslim friends rallied around her because “they knew her family”. Sick, just sick.
Sick? Yes, it is. She could have just taken that child to a fire station and left it, no questions asked.
Yes Ex, but as we’ve seen over and over, islam has no respect for life at all
It is definitely a mental disease.
A Woman converting to Islam is like a chicken converting to KFC.
They not only want to decide who gets healthcare treatment. They want to decide what treatment you receive. That UK baby is exhibit 1. Remember, for proggies it is all about control–control over your life and how you live it. They want to make sure you live it in accordance with their rules and values. They want us all to be good, compliant progtard state subjects. If they could, they would make sure we all take our gov’t approved doses of “Soma,” the state issued drug in “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley.
Ummm… I think that is what the War of Independence was about, wasn’t it? NOT being good, compliant little subjects.
These bozos also want to restore dynastic succession. Why else would they groove on the Kennedys and the Clintons and the other scumbags they worship so slavishly?
When it comes to the phrase “gun control”, for our
CommunistSocialistProgressive “friends” the operative term IS NOT “gun”. For ourCommunistSocialistProgressive “friends”, the operative term is “control”.What they want is control. Guns are merely the cause célèbre du jour they’re using to attempt to achieve said control.
It might be more on point to say that the presence of our guns is what is preventing them from achieving control. I don’t doubt for a minute that if the Democrat party could take our guns, they would abandon the ballot box and the electoral system to seize power. At the very least they would do away with the electoral college and that would likely be only a preliminary step.
Is there any way to make ‘Progressive’ and its derivatives into a really offensive slur?
Just askin’.
You mean it isn’t already?!?
Shhh! They’ll hear you! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Those little snowflakes’ill just have to melt then.
I’ve been drinking bourbon and fixing my chainsaw. I don’t care if those soy munching, man-dals wearing, Moscow mule in the copper cup drinking, jam banding, moms basement dwelling, public librarian dating, NPR totebag carrying, Apple Watch looking at, pussyass mother f***kers…
I forgot what I was saying, oh yeah, f*** ’em!
Nice list there, Roh-Dog. Do not hold back.
You know all that crap about the so-called ‘climate pact’, or whatever it was? And China signed it. But China is adding more coal-fired power production to its infrastructure. I guess the Chinese are just cynical enough to cross their fingers behind their backs when they nod and say ‘Yes, of course.’
China only cares about China. Any foreign policy based on any other premise is a waste.
True ‘dat….
I think I know what to do. If one of them says, when asked about political leanings, ‘I’m a progressive’, then you get this ‘eeewww!’ look on your face, and get up and walk away, looking back over your shoulder a couple of times, grimacing.
It’s too distasteful for words. Social ostracism does work.
Overly liberal.
Proglodyte. While not “offensive” does encapsulate the mind numbing stupidity and regressive thinking of the “liberal/progressive/democrap” enemies of all free thinking Americans.
You can have my guns…
They’ll be smoking, hot to the touch and covered in carbon, located near a pile of brass.
Or at the bottom of the proverbial lake.
Pick one.
I wish he would try to come and take it.
Want to bet those of you with those “unhealthy” conservative views would not be among those selected to keep and bear arms?
Or “unhealthy” PTSD disability claims.
It worries me that these will be used against veterans.
This sort of thing already has been used against veterans.
Was a financial manager couret appointed? You are then judged mentally defective, thus instantly a prohibited person.
Thanks for your service.
Well, you should now know that Billy Nye, the phony science guy, says ‘older people need to die off so that climate science can advance’.
There’s a link to his spume in this WUWT article, at the beginning.
I want to see him come crawling on hands and knees from out of the ruins of some city, begging for food and stuff, because he is such a shit.
You first, Nye. You go right to the head of the line.
Of course he’s not referring to that as policy for his “class” of people. It is only an expectation of us peasants who don’t support the “party”.
Oh come on, PAY NO ATTENTION to the man behind the curtain, IT’S FOR OUR CHILDREN and tomorrow!!! Or so say the libtards, they know that doing their agenda all at once would result in a biblically huge “OH, FUCK NO!!!!” from nearly everyone so they’re doing it as incrementally as they can and I’m also sure they want to turn the rest of the USA into the same crime-free utopias that places such as Chicago, NJ, LA and Mexico are AND make the USA as immune to violence and mass shootings as say, Europe where they’ve allowed to be infested with muslims.
Well, but if Poland and Hungary are telling the Big Mahoffs in Brussels that they are fed up with the whole ‘let’s all be buds’ thing, the cracks are starting to show, you know. And cracks tend to widen over time.
That news was on Reuters this morning, so I posted it at this link.
A gun manufacturing lobbying group is perhaps not the best way to determine what “liberals” want to do.
But by all means buy more guns. They’re selling as fast as you can make them, and Federal legislation restricting purchase and ownership isn’t getting a floor vote for at least four years.
Are you really from Texas or did you move here from somewhere else?
Texas Nomad.
You are one post away from getting in my pink list of progtards, libtards, or even worst, the red list of communists and socialists.
I can’t tell yet if you are just an useful idiot repeating progressive propaganda or you are one of those hardcore believers. Time will tell.
I don’t think you are necessary a progtroll or a libtroll, and of course everyone have the right to his own opinions, but you are under close observation. I got my 40 power Leopold Mk4 gold ring spotting scope on you, Texas Nomad.
That’s good glass Yef, what’d it set you back?
If you ever need a triggerman you give me a shout.
“…by all means buy more guns. They’re selling as fast as you can make them, and Federal legislation restricting purchase and ownership isn’t getting a floor vote for at least four years.”
My wee just tingled. 🙂
Nome, I do believe I gave you the liberal’s own quoted words. That they came via the NRA is immaterial. You’re just pulling out an old liberal red herring and dragging it across the discussion here. Won’t work with this bunch so save yourself the effort.
When our guns are the only thing saving your ability to elect your leaders, you can come back here and thank us.
Well, I think Texas’s point is that you gave us a liberal’s words. I’m considered a liberal by most here, and I’m pro-2A. I know plenty of mainstream liberals who feel similarly. And of course there are liberals who are against guns, too. And yes, they’re in the majority of Democrats. But overall, they’re in the minority of voters.
Liberals aren’t a cohesive block, and thus aren’t coming, en masse, to take your guns. Some want to, but they won’t succeed. Partly by design – the politicians want to be seen ‘doing something’, especially after tragedies, but they know that the moment they push too much they’ll lose because of opposition from all parts of the political spectrum.
Yeah, no. Democrats march in lockstep about social issues, that is why they are continuing to lose traditionally democrat voters like white blue collar union giys.
He must be from Austin. I hear that’s a big liberal stronghold.
Austin isn’t Texas.
I hear that Austin is to Texas what Asheville is to NC.
Throw in Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham in there as well.
and The People’s Republic of Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill outlawed gun ownership. It’s a token law they can’t enforce, but it speaks volumes to their mindset.
Asheville is a blue dot in a red sea. Austin, Asheville, and Portlandia are the holy trifecta for the Proglodytes.
Ok, since the NRA isn’t good enough, here’s their actual website. Plenty of talk about less guns. Of course, they’re geographically vague, but with all the NRA blabber, I don’t think they’re talking about less guns on, say, Chicago’s southside (raaaaaacist!!!). Unfortunately, forcing me to have less guns will not have a meaningful impact on violent crime.
As for the second part, you’re right. Although not even Obama could pass federal gun legislation, so it’s probably even longer than four years. Great! But on this one, kick them while they are down, so they stay down. For ever.
And ever and ever, Amen!
“You hit ’em, they just get back up. I hit ’em, they stay down!”
-Frank Castle
“as fast as you can make them”
The key word being “you”.
So you don’t like guns, the NRA etc. Got it.
TN, do a little research, PLEASE, only committed leftists actually believe that the NRA is a lobby for the gun manufacturing industry.. My family and I are all life members, and not one of us is a gun manufacturer…
If i may be so bold as to speak for my brothers and sisters on this site, facts are always welcomed here, leftist propaganda, not so much…
I’m a blue-collar Catholic government employee from SoCal who’s married to an Asian chick. I’m an NRA member. What’s that you were saying, Tex?
So why is Lars not here running his trap ???
Saturdays he goes to the gay bar down the street for a pint and a pinch.
The one with the rainbow flags, not the one with the pink ones.
The rainbow flags with the black and brown stripes, because, you know, diversity.
yeah cuz the green blue and orange pillow biters really exist…cray cray
Shall we address the scientific absurdity of the proposition that brown and black should be in a rainbow anyway? Do they even science bro?
well the entire community has skewed the normal concept of Tab A and Slot B, so I doubt it is worth the time.
Growing up I knew some boys didn’t like girls the way I like them. Knowing that an early age give me a strategic advantage to close with the chicas.
Some chicks love to hang out with gays dudes and if tolerating them means I’m a ‘good guy’ and gets me in, so be it.
I don’t really care either way, but everybody is fair game for a joke
I got it and snickered. Btws, they’re a great utility to raise property values.
But let him see one with a Star of David and he’ll want to ban and/or burn the place.
Some “diversities” are more ‘equal’ than other “diversities.”
And they don’t see the hypocrisy in that stand at all.
Its his weekend to cater the “communist people’s party to change America” luncheon.
Never mind that all the data, all the evidence, all the facts point to the truth that deaths by gun are declining in this country, homicide rates have been dropping for over 25 years now, while gun ownership is up, and there are more guns, and more gun owners than there are serving members of the armed forces, and yet our gun related deaths are not in the MILLIONS per year.
But then when did facts and truth ever matter to the liberal mind?
add to that fact that in the gun free foreign country utopias the liberals dry hump about incessantly, violent crime and gun related crime is generally increasing
The Red Sox just blew a three run lead so I’m too pissed to default to watching Louder with Crowder so I’m going to field this one:
Because there are evil. They wonder them to themselves, “what evil kind of son of a bitch would commit such acts of horror?” The problem is it’s THEM! Those people hone their empathetic ‘skills’ to the point where it overrides the sentient mind. They are mad with trying to fix the worlds ills by legislating us to all lock arms and sing non-denominational hymnals while we all bow to the One World government.
What angers me more: the Sox letting Pujols waddle into home, libs, or my typos.
Pujols? The Angels’ Big Papi? Hypocrisy much?
No, no, no. I respect him as a player, his batting is unbelievable! 3 time MVP says it all. It’s the lack of defense of my Sox, and the lack of effective hitting, a bullpen that’s falling apart. Typical Boston stuffs…
Fear the Govt. that fears guns.
Glaze my donut you little pussy!
You tell him, Fu!
Government buybacks, eh? Well, I maybe I just refuse to sell my lawfully-obtained property. You don’t like that? Well then, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if you’re coming for mine, you better bring yours. You might want to brings some friends, too. You’ll probably want those friends of yours to come armed as well.
I’m easy to find. My property bears the Gadsden Rattlesnake. Then again, so do all of my neighbors. You sure you don’t want to rethink that gun-grabbing plan there, Glazey?
I think guys like Glazy are like that Gets Cuntsman fellow.
Guns scare people like them, so they don’t think anyone else should have them.
“Gertz” not “Gets”…
(fuggin’ autocorrect)
I’d do it for the right price. For instance, for my .22 that I spent $99 on, I’m gonna need $10,000.
The government will spend $500 on a screwdriver, so they can and should make this shit happen.
But, but, the children. Isn’t it all about the children?
It’s not about guns.
It’s not about “the children”.
It’s not about “the less fortunate”.
It’s not about public safety. Or health. Or “the common good”. Or any of that nice-sounding verbal pablum.
For the committed Progressive, it’s about IMPOSING A MEASURE OF CONTROL – over whatever anyone does.
“For your own good,” of course.
The fact that historically left-leaning governments achieving such control over their subjects have lead to organized murder by these governments, exclusive of wartime casualties, of roughly 140+M innocent humans in the 20th Century alone is irrelevant. According to our Progressive “brethren”, that’s simply a “coincidence”.
“Don’t Fear the Commie”.
If the universe truly has a sense of humor, Mark Glaze will be crossing the street someday and get run over by a drunk illegal immigrant. From El Salvador. With MS13 tattoos. And a couple of illegal firearms in the vehicle. Which is stolen
And a severed head or two in the trunk.
Oh, that’s too easy. If the Universe has a really fine sense of humor, Mark Glaze would get stopped for a traffic offense, and somehow the cop writing the ticket would ‘smell’ that something wasn’t quite right, and tell him to open the trunk of the car. And it happens in New Jersey.
And there would be a nice, big box with at least two handguns and several boxes of ammo, plus one of them there semi-automatic assault rifles he’s so afraid of.
Now that would be super awesome.
Oh, like Mark Kelly?
Anything to get attention for himself, wasn’t it?
Mr. Glaze, let me explain something basic to you. Since I can’t change my font to primary colors or upload a PowerPoint slide, I’ll use simple words.
1. A compromise by its very definition means that two sides of a debate give up something in order to achieve a goal.
2. As gun owners, we have been giving up our rights for decades. Each time we were assured that this new law was all you wanted. Then when it failed, you demanded more.
3. Your side has not given up anything.
4. So go fuck yourself so hard it becomes a featured video on PornHub and leave us alone.
The freedom to own a gun or to not own a gun IS the compromise position. The extremes are that no one is allowed to own a gun vice everyone is required to own a gun.
Allowing the left to define the extremes as everything other than their way is perhaps the biggest failure by we who believe that the entire Bill of Rights is essential to the continuation of our (mostly) free society. Tinker with any of our rights jeopardizes all of them.
The only answer I have ever seen from a hoplphobe is “We compromise by allowing these deadly weapons to exist.”
Fuck ’em. I’m long done being nice to them or wanting a dialogue with them.
Well, as much as I enjoy watching you guys bitch and moan and wallow in your angst, there are cracks in the shell of the ship of [dictatorship] state.
If you spend a little time digging, as I do, you’ll find the news that Poland and Hungary are NOT happy with the EU and the demands from Brussels – not one tiny little bit.
And now, the northeastern part of Spain known historically as Catalonia is making loud noises about independence from Spain.
Some financial astrologer made a forecast of a period of ‘explosive’ events, referring to the world’s financial markets. I think he missed the boat on it. It appears to be the world’s collated countries that contain what were once autonomous provinces until WWI and WWII bundled them into one ‘state’ under one ‘rule’. The Basques have been pawing and snorting over independence for decades. Now it’s the Catalanes. And there is also talk of secession in this country – you’ve all seen it and repeated it.
All I’m saying is things are slowly changing and those gun grabbers are afraid you might turn on them. Wouldn’t it be a kick in the teeth if they were simply sent packing? Personally, I don’t think any of them are worth the price of a single round, but that’s just my opinion.
As someone who works for the government, I myself don’t worry about any of this. The government could never orchestrate any type of gun confiscation ever. We ant even keep our own employees staffed pad and disciplined; we can’t move simple processes through or beurocratic system (and I’m not talking about politics I’m talking about administrative department and agency processes that make government jobs so difficult to do). Never in a million years – couldn’t happen.
And as some married to an Australian I always find the pointing to the example of Australia to be flawed; when the Port Aurthur shooting occurred the Australian citizenry were so appalled that the vast majority willingly gave their firearms over. To this day outside major cities those with land, farms, or who live “in the bush” still have their rifles and shotguns. Handguns are viewed as a tool of police and criminal gangs like the mafia / drug runners. And the culture is incomparable to US culture because Australia isn’t a gun culture. So trying to compare the US policy on getting people to turn over their firearms willingly for cash won’t work here like it would in Australia. The cultures are so different in that regard.
I own a lot of firearms and I have never been worried about the government.
Sure. Just like the government can’t possibly prevent someone from draining a swamp on privately-owned land by declaring it a “protected wetland”, then enforcing that declaration in court. Or just like the government can’t force you to buy something you don’t think you need as a condition of breathing (can you say “ObamaCare mandate”?).
People: “The government could never (insert rights violation here.)”
Government: “Hold muh Constitution.”
The Supreme Court told Jackson he could not remove folks from the southeast.
They disarmed them, then deathmarched them to Oklahoma.
Lots of examples of government misconduct, including in the 20th century. “Internment” ring a bell?
So hows that about a confiscation not being possible?
Not all death-marched like the Cherokee; and not all Cherokee death-marched. Some of the earlier head families (Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek) went by horse and cart and staked out some good land.
Quite a few “Creek Indians” (Muskogee and its various alliances) went by ship from Florida (these must have been the “Red Sticks” who E & E’d to Fl.) to Mobile Point AL, then to Pass Christian, MS by ship, then up the Mississippi by riverboat. Some died enroute due to yellow fever (100), drowning (over 300 on the Monmouth), etc.
Yeah, a lot died — I think about 30% died during the various movements, but not all the deaths were from a “Bataan-like” death march.
I’ve a bit of interest in this history since one of my ancestors was a “Lower Creek” from Georgia.
A lot of people don’t realize that the “Seminole” (from Spanish cimarrón. Run-aways; wild ones) were in actuality Upper Creeks (“Red Sticks”) who escaped to Florida. “Seminole” was (then? still?) a pejorative to them.
I have native ancestors who were Creek; and the other side who were slaughtered by “Red Sticks” in 1835; and the slaughtered’s relatives (my direct ancestors) who fought in the Second Creek/Seminole War …. had a hatched wound to his head …. and married a Creek woman.
Oh … yeah, I forgot. Sorry for the ramble.
Yeah, not “hached wound”
Hatchet! Tomahawk.
Sheesh …
Nevertheless, disarmnament first, then un-personhood, etc, etc. etc. Lots of “dead” and similar negative outcomes.
“Never again” seems about right for a response.
Poetrooper rings bell, TAH readers salivate.
Still blowing cocks and working balls behind the truck stop, Joe?
Nah, I’m gonna leave that gig to you.
You might want to wipe the semen off your lip, Joey.
Still waiting for Mama Cankles McPantsuit and Bernie to give you all of the free shit you want? You must love sucking at the tit of the government, don’t you?
What did Donald Trump do to you to get you all wee’d wee’d up, Dildo Joe?
Joey never has anything useful or intelligent to say, as usual. He’s just trawling for attention, like the attention whore he is.
Okay, Joey, you got our attention for – what? – 30 seconds?
A colossal idiot, you are.
Oh, you mean intelligent commentary like this: “You might want to wipe the semen off your lip, Joey.”
But you guys are as easy to bait as the orange cheeto.
Happy Sunday Joe.
I’m just pointing out the obvious, Joey.
More like, “Poetrooper speaks and Little Joey stands up on his hind legs and barks ferociously,” don’t ya think Joe?
Left yourself hanging out there, Joe.
Joe has a “man crush” on you, Poe… he wants to be the man that you are, not the ghey porn fluffer that he is.
One way or another, Senior Chief, I’m living inside his head. When I write, he comes running.
Rent-free, no less!
Shouldn’t that be “PT rings bell, Joe salivates – then yaps like Chihuahua”?
Yeah, if you add, “While standing on his hind legs, front paws tucked under his chin, dancing in furious little circles.”
I kinda figured he reflexively humps the air when he reads your posts, types his response and then retreats to his basement to masturbate with nekkid pics of Diane Feinstein.
“…nekkid pics of Diane Feinstein.”
BARTENDER! A triple shot of Acme® Brain Bleach™, pronto!
At least he had the good taste (unexpected in SARC’s case) not to say “Recently taken nekkid pics.”
And nekkid pictures of Maxine Waters, too.
Let’s see if W2 will send him some out of his Maxine collection.
I’ve heard it’s huuuuge.
Heh, heh…
EEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!! Mind bleach, please!!!
Wow, it’s been over a week, i thought you’d finally listened, but I guess once again, i have to repeat, Please Joe, for the love all that’s Holy, STOP SNIFFING GLUE!!
Damn fat fingers, wrong name..don’t know where the extra “F” came from.. must have been for Joe
Right wing alarmist narrative about a left wing alarmist narrative.
With respect to scary assault weapons only half of liberals want to take your guns. And a quarter of conservatives.
As for taking all guns. Almost nobody wants to do that. There is still bipartisan support for sensible gun controls.
However, guns as a political issue has been in decline since the 80s anti crime rhetoric. In fact the side MOST politicizing gun ownership is the right because it scares paranoid people like POE into turning out to vote.
Among liberals gun ownership is not a particularly high priority political concern and thus it is not used much by leftist politicians to garner support.
“Sensible gun controls”? How about enforcing existing current laws for starters? How many times have you heard about a perp using a gun to commit a crime and getting a slap on the wrist from some judge or local DA?
How about getting rid of judges and DA that are “soft” on those that commit crimes with guns?
“How many times have you heard about a perp using a gun to commit a crime and getting a slap on the wrist from some judge or local DA?” One experience I went through. Uniforms arrested a 16 year old for driving a stolen car, in possession of a stolen handgun, which had been taken in a home invasion. At the time, it was almost impossible to get a 16 year old waived to adult court, unless it was a murder or rape.
After jumping through the many hoops, I managed to get the yute waived to adult court, for charges of driving a stolen car, receiving and concealing stolen property, two counts, the car and gun, possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony, use of motor vehicle in the commission of a felony and home invasion.
The yute pled guilty to driving the stolen car, R & C of the car and gun and home invasion. He wouldn’t plead to the use of a firearm charge, as that is two years mandatory prison. The prosecutor agreed to drop the firearm possession charge. The judge gave him 5 years. 5 years probation, that is. Which made me wonder, what’s the fucking use?
Depends on how you define “sensible”. Some
ignorant fools“good Progressives” feel that an “assault weapon ban” is “sensible”. In fact, some think that banning anything other than a single-shot long gun is “sensible”. Ditto requiring registration of all firearms.All of those assertions are IMO asinine. The reasons why in each case should be blindingly obvious.
Oh, ‘sensible’ = okay for me, but not for thee.
IMHO sensible Gun Control involves things like breathing, trigger squeeze and target acquisition.
YEAH RIGHT, you fanny-sniffing pseudo-intellectual brainwashed blot of monkey farts, just look at past comments from Hitlery Cankles cackling about how proud she was to be an enemy of the NRA as well as comments by one of YOUR Senators from the People’s Republik of Kalifornia concerning gun confiscation!
Uou lose yet again, Babbles McButthead!
C’mon Lars, Gallup? The same folks who predicted a Hillary blowout? And even if the Republican figure is correct what do you want to bet the sample was made up of urban RINO’s who have the same irrational fear of private gun ownership so many urban liberals have.
As for, “Almost nobody wants to take all guns,” yeah, well that’s what they always say right up until they do it. Why is it that in cities controlled by Democrats hand gun ownership, the most effective form of personal defense, is made so difficult and open or concealed carry is illegal? You know damned well that if it weren’t for that pesky 2D Amendment restraining them, the Dems in those same cities would ban all gun ownership in a flash.
And if guns aren’t a political issue, genius, why was your presidential candidate telling her followers she’d be willing to look at an “Australian” solution to the problem? Any lefty demagogue worth his salt knows that one way to get the crowd fired up is to promise to end mass shootings of, “The children.”
Lastly, Lars, Ol’ Poe was turning out to vote long before the damned gun-grabbing socialists took over the Democrat party. You’ve been attacking my varied writings for far too long to believe that bullshit that I’m a paranoid, single-issue, hot-button voter. Know what turns me out to vote, Lars?
Knowing that there’s a liberal fruitcake like you out there whose vote I have to cancel.
Yeah, Lars, almost nobody wanted to exterminate all those Jews rounded up in the Greater Reich from 1940-1945. The majority of Germans were just in favor of “sensible control” of Jews.
How about that “sensible” diet Stalin worked out for those kulaks in Ukraine? Lars and his ilk would call that a really successful, state-sponsored weight-loss program, no doubt. Yep, most of ’em were light as feathers when they went into the ground.
Yes, Lynsenkoism was a REAL scientific advance for agriculture, wasn’t it? I think it was Chairman Mao who let 32 million (maybe more) Chinese people starve to death using Lysenko’s ideas.
Hell, you don’t even have to go that far back in history to find just how this shit works. Venezuela. Maduro disarmed the law abiding citizens and armed his “faithful”. Yeah, this shit would NEVER happened here right? As my beloved says, he will go down fighting for what he believes in and he’ll take a whole bunch of the “Lars” types with him. Molon Labe bitch.
Biggest idiot on the planet dropping another load of psychobabble.
I’ll just drop this in right here: Mentre mi rivolgo a lei, Commissario, siete un idiota cui madre sconosciuti perché lei era così brutto, è spaventato il Santo merda fuori di lei.
Guns as a political issue aren’t in decline. I see this every night on the evening news. Now it’s Cardinal Cupich sticking his oar into it and babbling on a subject about which he knows NOTHING.
Must be nice to live in a daze in such an insulated world of cotton cocoons and starfish, where nothing is wrong… everything is just fine… we’ll just go buy the world a Coke and sing a song about it… everything is just fine.
Aldous Huxley couldn’t have been more right.
You (plural) keep using that word…
Back when Bloomberg’s group was new, I saw that the mayor of Biloxi, MS was a member. I sent him a not-so-nice e-mail about it, and though I got no response from him, I did see in a later list of members that he was no longer on it.
“Free men own guns,
Slaves do NOT”
_Our Founding Fathers
the very reason why so called “gun control” [which as anyone with 1/2 a brain or any honor or integrity full well knows, is in fact “citizen control”]
is racist AS WERE THE VERY FIRST “GUN CONTROL” lEGISLATIVE SCHEMES IN OUR COUNTRY [To prevent Black African Americans from being able to get guns & defend themselves & NOT become slaves. Covered up by the “Presstitutes” & kept from America’s innocent Blacks by the evil anti-2nd Amendment Tyrants such as Obama Clinton Schumer Menendez Sanders Warren Fienstein etc etc, the late great Martin Luther King was adamantly pro-gun & he regularly kept an arsenal & plenty of ammo.
“the people are the Master,
the gov. is the Servant,
the people MUST always be well armed,
les the Master becomes the Servant”
_Our Founding Fathers
Never forget what that evil Tyrant Adolf Hitler [who was Hussein Obama’s mentor, hero & idol] said:
“To conquer any free people,
first disarm it’s citizens”
_Obama;s & Clinton’s mentor, hero & idol Adolf Hitler
[like with “common sense gun control”, with which Mr. Hitler went right ahead & disarmed Nazi germany’s innocent Jewish People]
“Heil Hussein “Heil Hit-Liar-ree”! “Heil Hitler” Heil Satin”