al Qaeda not feeling the Hope

| January 25, 2009

The Washington Post writes this morning that al Qaeda is trying to retool their message to make Obama the great Satan like they did to george Bush, but dawgonit, he’s just too well liked;

Obama has been called a “hypocrite,” a “killer” of innocents, an “enemy of Muslims.” He was even blamed for the Israeli military assault on Gaza, which began and ended before he took office.

“He kills your brothers and sisters in Gaza mercilessly and without affection,” an al-Qaeda spokesman declared in a grainy Internet video this month.

The torrent of hateful words is part of what terrorism experts now believe is a deliberate, even desperate, propaganda campaign against a president who appears to have gotten under al-Qaeda’s skin. The departure of George W. Bush deprived al-Qaeda of a polarizing American leader who reliably drove recruits and donations to the terrorist group.

With Obama, al-Qaeda faces an entirely new challenge, experts say: a U.S. president who campaigned to end the Iraq war and to close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and who polls show is well liked throughout the Muslim world.

Of course, the Post is quick to point out that al Qaeda got down right racist;

Soon after the [November election], the attacks turned personal — and insulting. In his Nov. 16 video message, Zawahiri denounced Obama as “the direct opposite of honorable black Americans” such as Malcolm X. He then used the term “house Negro,” implying that Obama is merely a servant carrying out the orders of powerful whites.

So NOW we can call those al Qaeda guys evil, because, it turns out, they’re racist. They were fine as long as they were only killing US troops, but now they’ve insulted “The One” – they’re so in for it.

I wonder if al Qaeda is getting their talking points from a certain member of the IVAW;

Kokesh and al Zawiri should pool their advertising budgets in order to reach more people, seein’s how their target audience seems to be in the same demographic pool.

Category: Politics

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WTF, at least El Rushbo is constitutionally qualified to be President!