Americans’ confidence
Chief Tango sends us a link to the latest Gallup poll on Americans’ confidence in 14 institutions. The military and small business lead the pack, well ahead of Congress, the President, journalists, etc….

I suppose that’s why the journalists do there best to undermine confidence in the military at every opportunity.
Also, not surprising;
Republicans and Democrats essentially flipped their confidence ratings of the presidency this year. Republicans’ confidence surged 46 points compared with 2016, while Democrats’ confidence fell by 49 points. Last year, with a Democrat in the White House, Democrats were much more confident in the presidency than were Republicans. This year, Republicans’ confidence in the presidency is 50 points higher than that of Democrats.
Category: Politics
I have less faith in polls than I do most of the snooze media. Remember the libs sneering at us saying hildebeast was a sure bet to win?
It’s hard to watch that, and not be struck by the spectacular level of arrogance it would require to show such disdain, not only for Donald Trump, but also for the voters who put him in office. And if you can show that kind of sweeping contempt for those voters, you’re also showing contempt for the electorate in general.
And the nation…
I waited until madcow said ‘you haven’t gone to hell’ and responded with ‘no, but YOU have’, and giggled.
That’s pretty much what I do when I watch it. 🙂
I think that’s where madcow came from Ex-PH2.
Talk about getting some 190 PROOF Schadenfreude…
I see confidence in Congress has skyrocketed to 12%.
This is my surprised look.
“I suppose that’s why the journalists do there best to undermine confidence in the military at every opportunity.”
Curious about what you think contemporary examples are? I grew up in post-9/11 media environment and feel the press is very rarely critical of Pentagon and never critical of soldiers (even Berghdal & Manning).
Well, there was the fellow, whose name escapes me at the moment, in the Pacific Northwest who murdered a Park Service officer and the media told us that the Army had trained him to kill, left his PTSD untreated, and that they had trained him to be a survivalist. He drowned bare-chested in a mud puddle (in winter) and it turns out he had never deployed and the Army had booted him early in his military career. There was Timothy McVeigh whose military service in Desert Storm made him a conscienceless murderer. Jared Loughner had visited a recruiting station once and he was called a veteran when news broke of the shooting of Gabby Giffords. These pages are replete with examples of the media jumping the gun and blaming military service for various crimes.
Benjamin Barnes is the turd that murdered the Park Ranger.
Thanks. Here’s a link to what I wrote in 2012 about him, and the subject of Media vs. Vets.
The MSM really supports the troops…in a “shake your hand while they piss down your leg” kind of way.
I see the difference. I thought you meant active duty military.
Media coverage of vets is terrible. No argument here.
Eleven years of “MASH” was not exactly a big sloppy kiss for the armed forces. While things may have improved, there is a long way to go to get to “neutral”.
The “Poor broken thing” and “Had to enlist because had no future” cow-patties are still being shoveled.
Go look up any active shooter post on this site. They throw the military stamp out as soon as possible, even if in the case like Jonn’s post on this already, they guy got punted early.
Check all of the crime posts on here, as a matter of fact. If there’s even a hint of the guy being in ROTC, let alone basic or active, he’s labeled as a veteran.
Finally, just for shits and giggles, search out the PTSD posts on this site alone. Then check any of those crime related posts. They’ve gone out of their way to paint veterans as unstable and dangerous more than once because it’s classic yellow journalism. You manipulate your reader by amping up the threat, the danger, the panic and then you shit all over everyone else tangentially related in the long run.
This media meme of veterans as drug-crazed, homeless, violent pathetic losers was created post and during the war in the Viet of the Nam. It is pretty much total bogus bullshit. The real truth is that, statistically speaking, military veterans who completed their service honorably are better employed, have more stable families, and are better citizens than those who never served.
Yep. B. G. Burkett and Glenna Whitley showed exactly that (along with many other eye-opening things) in their excellent book Stolen Valor.
Read it if you haven’t, TN. It documents how the media created the “messed-up, broken Vietnam vet” image from a handful of aberrant cases – some of whom weren’t even vets – and then tarred ALL Vietnam vets with that image.
I am currently reading it. I am quite impressed with how well written it is. It is practically prose compared to some of the drivel posted here by our resident progtards. Next, I am going to re-read “Two Eggs on My Plate.” Someone gave me a copy, since I lost the one I bought in Hereford, UK when I was doing a CQB course with the 22nd SAS.
I am obviously personally aware of the stereotype because I work in a vet free environment.
Of course the veterans that do the most to reflect poorly on us are the most likely to make sure everyone around them knows they claim to be a veteran.
Wait a sec.
“…Vet Free…”
“…reflect poorly on us…”
How can your place of employment be vet free if you are a vet? Are you hiding? Represent! You fight the bad stereotypes by being the good one.
All the better to justify prohibiting all vets from owning firearms. They know that we’re the biggest threat to a rogue government.
The single greatest occurrence of the media actually attacking the character and credibility of veterans was during the summer and fall of 2004 when they kept up an unrelenting attack on the Swift Boat vets in the media’s attempt to sell John Kerry’s version of his four month tour in Vietnam. The media did everything they possibly could to disgrace those honorable sailors, refusing to even listen to their side of the story, earning the lifetime contempt of many here, Tex.
By the way, has John Effin Kerry released his military records yet, as promised?
He never will because they prove he is a lying SOS. Even the LSM could not effectively refute what John O’Neil put in his book written long before Lurch started his life as a professional pol.
I was in OSUT from May until a week before the election, so I missed all that.
I did live long enough to hear John McCain’s service trashed too, so I though it had more to do with politics poisoning everything it touches.
Your views are colored by the fact you haven’t been alive long enough to know much about what has transpired over the past 50 years. Since you “grew up in post-9/11,” you are a mushroom (kept in the dark and fed the liberal BS).
My confidence in the accuracy of Gallup polls is still the same than last year.
Zero percent.
I’m with you 100% Yef!
Gallup repeatedly told us Trump was toast.
Gallup and the MSM suck the Barbed Cock of Satan… which swings between the legs of Cankles McPantsuit.
Gawd. Brain bleach, please!
Gallup didn’t poll the 2016 election horse race and made no predictions.
Read your own link. There are no polls about who is going to win and no predictions as to the outcome of any state or the race in general.
I read your comment to say no election polls and blah blah blah.
Looks like there was a lot to do with the election. I didn’t search for your specifics because I found that to be splitting hairs. You seem to be implying Gallup wasn’t interested in the election…which doesn’t appear to be true. I’m not going through every entry there looking for anything further, because I’m at work and simply don’t care that much.
ADDENDUM: After reading your link TN, I see what you’re saying there. Thanks for explaining.
Thanks. Pundits flubbed 2016 way worse than polls.
The confidence number for newspapers is curious, and raises an interesting question.
At first glance, a 20 percent to 27 percent jump doesn’t seem like much because the overall confidence level is so low. That’s until you consider that it also represents a 35 percent change in confidence over the past year. So, what’s going on?
It seems to me either the survey is reflecting support for the vendetta against President Trump by big-city dailies, such as the New York Times and Washington Post, or it’s reflective of the other 1300 local dailies countrywide who have focused post-election on something other than an obsessive compulsion about the White House.
Can you say “skewed poll results”?
I knew you could!
I’m not so sure. If you look at the full Gallup poll results, it shows the 2016 and 2017 newspaper approval broken out by party. Apparently, Republican approval declined slightly, but Democratic approval for newspapers almost doubled since last June. While it’s true journalists often tend to tell readers what they want to hear– or face shoot the messenger– the Gallup results don’t seem to make any sense.
During the last election, the press predicted emphatically that Hillary would win in a landslide. Instead, she got beat like a rented mule. Given that, why would post-election Gallup poll respondents who identify as Democrat not react to a betrayal of trust and respond with lowered approval?
Nice to see that confidence in police is relatively high…I’m absolutely sure that those who don’t have confidence in police are surely grateful when the police arrive to save their sorry asses from criminals or at least round up the culprits for adjudication
I’d be willing to bet that a big chunk of those that disapprove of the police have a criminal record. After all everybody in prison is innocent, just ask them.