Guest post: Restraining and Peace Orders for Dummies
Last night, Don Shipley asked us if we could spread the word on how to apply for a restraining or peace order.
So here’s his advice;
In some States they’re called Restraining Orders, in others Peace Orders and they range for 6 months to several years in length. Most are given out for acts of violence or potential acts of violence, (the X Husband who threatens.) But more and more, with the age of the Internet, are given out for cyberstalking and cyber harassment.
If you’re being harassed with email and Internet postings the FIRST thing to do is ask “those” clowns to STOP.
Write “Please don’t send me anymore emails or make anymore Internet Postings about me/us.”
***You may be asked in Court if you asked for the harassment to stop***
Second is to NEVER delete any emails sent to you. Save or print them and highlight the parts where they say they’ll drown your wife in a river, parachute at night on to your property and kill everyone, or them having dreams of shooting you and your wife. Look carefully for threats and subtle hints that are threats as they add up.
Look carefully at pictures they attach in email and post on Facebook, Google+ and Icelandic and Webapps websites that are easily proven to be theirs. Sending you pictures of men with AR-15 rifles shoved in their rectums is a threat and so is a depiction of you in a coffin and so is snipped scenes from the Walking Dead cannibal throat cutting scenes sent to you, your children and your better half.
My wife and I share email accounts and she has access to all of them. When it’s sent to me she also sees it and that’s a bad thing for the despicably disgusting degenerates who scare our women and children sending terrifying images and pornography over email that’s easily accessible to our families.
When they say they’ll “Commeth” that is a direct threat. Save it.
All cyber degenerates are prolific writers, lurkers and stalkers and they forget where they write things. They make your business their business. Learn to use Google to find where they lurk and “Snip” their postings and rants. Also “Snip” what they are doing to others as it’s important to show a Judge that you are not ALONE. That dozens, perhaps hundreds are also their victims. Get and save the postings of children, parents, widows and any other innocent ones they attack.
Watching Judge Judy reruns helps much. The best, most organized case always prevails. Simple, plain facts or what YOU perceive. Looking GOOD and professional in Court is always the way to win. Suit and tie…
Judges judge. That’s what they do. They will judge your case against the defendant/s (clown/s) you seek a RO/PO against. They can claim all day long that “I never sent that Email, somebody hacked my account” and it won’t work with a well put together brief. That package doesn’t need to be a college thesis either. Judges are very used to nervousness from good people who have never had any trouble with the law and you’ll be afforded time to “spit it out.” Relax…
NEXT… Is a trip to the Magistrate in your town in wherever USA or the Clerk’s Office with your package. You’ll need the defendant/s name, address, and date of birth which are very easy to find. And I’ll be very happy to help you with that information quickly.
NEXT… You’ll fill out a simple paper stating what has happened. STICK TO THE FACTS and make it STRONG and compelling that you need help. You are a tax payer and you are asking for some very simple help. Have dates and have the proof. Show what has happened in the past 30-days and the past. Highlight “threats.”
If your wife is also on the “deranged hit list” include her in a separate RO/PO. Judges frown on disgusting old men attacking women. BIG TIME. It’s also a BAD MOVE when your children have access to your computer and can stumble upon the degenerates’ depiction of “Daddy in a Coffin.” Traumatizing children ain’t good for degenerates in the Courts eyes.
NEXT… You’ll raise your right hand and swear what you’ve written is the truth. In some states, you’ll see a Judge immediately who’ll look over everything and ask questions. In others, the Magistrate makes the decision and a “summons to appear” are sent to the police in that clown’s town to be served to him.
The great part of a RO/PO is they normally must show up in “Your State” within seven to ten days for court. If they don’t show you are granted a RO/PO for a period of time that means “NO CONTACT” with you of any kind. The Judge will also ask who and where else you’d like the RO/PO to cover? Put down your children’s school, your place of employment, spouse employment and anyone else they’ve attacked close to you. HAMMER THEM and protect yourself, family and friends.
When they do show you’ll just simply show and tell the Judge “What happened and What’s Occurred.” You’ve lived the nightmare, just tell the story. If the defendant/s (clowns) have restraining orders already in Virginia and Maryland tell the Judge that. It they have a Domestic Violence trial in Missouri tell the Judge that. Warrants and Bench Warrants in other States show the Judge. Explain you are not alone in these despicable attacks.
Show him a pattern of disgusting insanity.
NEXT… The defendant will speak to the Judge or his attorney will. Hopefully the defendant will speak as it doesn’t take the stuttering and weak-minded Jeffrey Dahmer side of them to come out. Stay quiet, don’t interrupt, take notes as you’ll speak again.
You should have no trouble securing a RO/PO. All you’re asking for is for them to stop and leave you alone anyhow.
The beauty of a RO/PO are the restrictions that go along with it. They can’t buy or possess any weapons and ones they have can be confiscated. And there is a very real stigma associated with anyone who has a RO/PO against them. It says loud and clear that somebody got tired of your bullshit and went the extra mile to get you to stop; that a Judge heard both sides and found the defendant guilty. It quickly makes them an outcast in the legal system and shows them as somebody that has REAL problems controlling themselves in Society.
In the mind of the deranged they should be able to do and say whatever they want whenever they want and you should just sit there and take it. In the mind of a sociopath you are somehow cheating when you ask for help. A sociopath makes all the rules after all.
But a RO/PO costs them much in travel to your State from Florida and attorney’s fees and standings in their communities and community legal system.
They become known to Police quickly as they spend much time serving them and they’ve all had trouble with the law before.
If they violate the RO/PO (and they will as they can’t control themselves) you just file more charges with the Magistrate. It all adds up.
Sooner or later they’ll be talking to their neighbor using tin cup tap signals and seeing the world through a small mirror extended through gray bars.
The final beauty is after they’re found guilty of violating the RO/PO and sentenced to prison, are the laws concerning them doing it again within two years of being found guilty. The penalties stiffen significantly to felonies. After that comes doing anything else to you within 20 years and it ain’t good. Bad Stuff… Alcatraz stuff…
As with my case, having three RO/POs in two States hasn’t convinced the guilty that they’ve done anything wrong because that’s what being insane does to a person. Both have been thrown in jail with bonds in the thousands and pending two-year sentences in the Thunder Dome but it’s adding up quickly. And both face trial in Missouri for doing it to another person as they did to my wife and I.
Sitting on the sidelines doesn’t work when phonies group together like seed ticks and latch on.
If you are a victim then STAND UP NOW and face these cowardly clowns in Court.
Bottom Line: Don’t cancel your trip to the Netherlands because you think all Dutch people belong to groups of masturbators. Go see your Magistrate.
There is plenty of room in already overcrowded prisons for other victims of the degenerates…
Category: Legal
Pay attention to what Senior Chief says if these idiots start with you.
Everything is evidence. EVERY LITTLE THING.
That includes whatever crap you find on the internet that you know they put together.
These crackpots tends to gloat publicly over what they’ve done. A watchful eye makes it easier to collect evidence that they lie like the rats they are.
Just to add a small bit, when you catalog the emails, make sure you include the info of which email account they were sent from. If you can, use a reputable search engine and try to determine if the ISP is the same for the emails.
To add to that: if you can, make sure you also capture the email headers along with the normal printable version (many email packages/services don’t routinely show all of the email header info, but most have a “show headers” or “show full text” option that does). Email headers often have information that assists in determining an email’s origin – or determining it to be real vice fake.
You said it much better than my clumsy attempt at it. Thank you for providing some clarity to my fumbling attempt.
Just emphasizing that you need both the offensive email text/attachments and the email headers from those same emails. The text and/or attachments contain the materials that may constitute actionable harassment. The email headers can help trace and document the origin and validity of what was sent.
Another bit of useful email knowledge:
If you forward an email in the normal fashion, for others to review, the needed header information is largely lost.
When asking others to reviewemail, or for evidence preservation, you should “forward as attachment” where possible. (Microsoft Outlook, for example.)
It’s a good idea to remember that these people have no goal other than to try to frighten you. They will use every trick in the book, as Senior Chief indicates.
They will also engage in baldfaced lies and then contradict themselves online, which is why screen shots are so valuable.
If you understand that, you’ll succeed in stopping them.
It’s nice to see that the system the DRG has attempted to manipulate and pervert to their own ends has turned on them and is giving them a little sumpthin-sumpthin.
And IIRC, it ain’t nearly done with them yet. Better late than never.
Question guys: Is there any right to declare to these clowns that if they approach you or yours that they should expect to find you fully prepared to defend yourself, your loved ones (to include your pets) and your property?
As someone who posts conservative opinion pieces I have been threatened with beatings and death and always told the perps that if they showed up to be prepared for a fight. Was that a threat on my part in the eyes of the law? Could that be turned around and used against me or is it a simple declaration of self defense?
Any lawers here?
In the words of a well known, well regarded US Army Ranger/MMA Fighter: “Send whoever you want, just be sure that you don’t want them back.”.
I have been told that they will “Cometh”, and I am not hiding, but haven’t seen anything of them in the years since they first threatened me.
I know a good one NOT named Bernath in Florida. I can send you his number. 🙂
I asked a lawyer at church today about this in a hypothetical question..
She said that while saying “be prepared for a fight” in and of itself is not a crime or actionable, it can leave a bad impression with a judge / jury if you ever get into an altercation. It can be perceived as “looking for a fight.”
She said to consider something else like “I will defend myself to the fullest extent of the law” or something like that.
I think she was trying to say “don’t use words that can be construed as ‘bring it on,’ but rather use words that assert your legal rights and status.
The better CCW courses often cover that topic, or a very similar one.
There are people who try very hard to bait their victims into saying or doing something dumb, or just easily misinterpreted as actionable. Then the victim winds up getting to experience the grindstone of the legal system.
It is -very- hard to retake the high ground, once lost. Stay at the top of it.
The last three sentences got me all fuggled up. I’ve got 5 bucks, somebody sell me a clue.
At any rate, glad to read about SCPO Shipley properly using the legal system against the fools at the DRG complex in FLA.
Ahhh, a sly reference to DRG in the last two sentences. The last sentence still confuses me, maybe because I am having bourbon for breakfast.
in two of the three last sentences. Damn you bourbon.
All Dutch are Masterbators? WTF is that supposed to mean?
One of the best quotes I’ve heard:
The two biggest lies ever told are “I never masturbated” or ” I stopped”
You never stop? Not even to sleep? Ouch, man… that’s gotta hurt like hell!
A sly reference to the Dutch rudder gang, of which the two individuals SCPO Shipley referenced, are plank owners of the DRG. If memory serves me correctly, A Proud Infidel, came up with that name in reference to these jerk sticks that torment for the sake of tormenting. API, enlighten us if you could.
Back when I first came on the scene I had asked how could Danny, who claims to have such a hard time walking, operate the rudder controls on a plane. Someone mentioned that there’s a hand operated device for aircraft rudders called a “dutch rudder”.
I made the mistake of Googling that term. ***OOGAH***OOGAH***WARNING***DANGER***OOGAH***OOGAH Do NOT google it. Just don’t. I was on my work computer and for 2 weeks afterwards I jumped when the phone rang expecting the IT department to rain fire on me.
From there the dutch rudder moniker developed a life of its own.
I’ll take credit for launching the moniker “The Dutch Rudder Gang “, fits them just fine, don’t it?
Good thing I usually block a holes who squawk any garbage on FB I dislike, especially when I find them uncivil. Unconcerned about emails as well, since I am aware that all emails and internet postings can be tracked, identified with the aid of computer forensics, and the authors dealt with. I prefer not to attack anyone or promise retribution of any kind, since I know that’s trouble. I have been tempted, however.
One thing I would like to chip in. If the DRG doesn’t know your identity are don’t take this as a recommendation of giving them that info in a hope of “baiting” them.
Everyone that has had to lock horns in court With Buttblast will tell you that it is a huge stresser.
It’s a game you Don’t want to play.
One thing you can do is send a few pesos to the SV sites to help keep the lights on.
Just waiting for payday and I’ll be sending some more Shekels.
What Don & Diane have been put through from DB, Wigginfeld & Cryer would make most people crumble…Nope, not them. It sucks for the harassment they’ve received, it’s beyond comprehension that anyone, let alone 3 of them, are capable of such lunacy. It appears it’s all coming to an end though, Wigginfeld was taken away in cuffs a week or 2 ago and there’s a Warrant out for DB…Hopefully soon enough D & D will be at Warriors Rest in peace and doing what they do best, taking care of others. God Bless those 2 people!
Additional: Wow! Just Wow! I’ve been a paid subscriber on the Shipley’s site for 2 yrs & didn’t see the newest video that Don posted yesterday before I posted above comment here. I’ve now seen it & maybe it’s not coming to an end in the near future, it appears as though they are escalating things exponentially, it’s gone to a new level…an even more disturbing level than before.
These Stolen Valor psychos are dangerous people, never take them lightly and always expect the unexpected…no matter how bizarre the road being traveled may seem.
Again, God Bless the Shipley’s and their family. I’ve been lucky enough to speak with Diane a couple of times on the phone, she is as sweet as pie, these people don’t deserve the hell that has come to them from these scum. Thank God Don has the training he has, a lesser man may not be able to tolerate this bs as well as he has…A stronger man mentally I’ve never met.
Wow, just watched it.
Some crib notes for whats going on.
Birdterd is filing another lawsuit in Florida ( about number 10 if you are counting)
Birdterd paid a process server in MD to serve the Shipleys.
Said Server did not properly serve the papers ( he stuck them on the mail box and took a photo… totally illegal) yet Birdterd swore to the Judge the Shipley’s were served.
The Judge wacked his pee pee and told him if he didn’t properly serve the papers he’d dismiss the case.
Birdterd hired another inept process server who tried to serve the Shipleys INSIDE the courtroom while Cryer and LoNGdoNGsLurPeR41 were getting their asses handed to them. Illegal as well.
Birdbath is goading this loser on, sending him highly edited clips of the Shipleys carrying weapons and talking about “poking fakes in the eye”
The Loser process server, who apparently is too stupid to use google is being bought into the DRG, aka ” Los PEBCAS” (People Exploited by Birdbaths Crazy Ass Schemes).
Los PEBCAS, goaded on by Birdterd are actually gathering a group of armed individuals to serve the Shipleys… go as far to say they will go into the Shipley’s Barn. All of this is being passed around via group emails.
Of course its another tactic by Birdterd to rattle the Shipleys.
Its simply another violation by Cryer and LongDOnGsLuRper41 thats going to land them in more shit, and its likely to put that Server out of business.
Great breakdown…It scared the hell out of me when Don asked them if they were effing crazy. lmfao.
They are nuts,,,, One thing I left out is that the legal issues of Cryer and LoNgdonGsLURper41 they went to court for recently WEREN’T something that Don was behind. The state of Maryland charged the two. DuLLass kicked the can down the road and Cryer was able to get his charges nolle prosequi.
However one thing that came out of this is that the local LEOs and courts know exactly what the score is with the DRG.
Cryer has seriously dicked the dog by jumping in on this process server goat rope and flapping his cock holster about getting an “armed team” to go on the Shipley’s property to serve court papers.
All these threats are more than likely apt to be added on to Dullas’s case, and Cryer, in my opinion should be charged with this AND prosecuted for the last crime.
I wondered what that was about, because I don’t subscribe to the video channel at ESE.
Bernath has made it clear in the past (and D & D have posted video) that he is not afraid to carry a weapon with him. He’s a bully and has been for years – his problem is that he’s encountered a group of people that are not afraid to “push back” at him and the others instead of rolling over and giving into his demands.
I’ve said it for years… things will not end well for Bernath when this is all played out legally. There’s a jail cell and new “friends” waiting for him, LongDOnGsLuRper41 and Cryer.
Birdturd is a puppetmaster of the DRG. He is pulling the strings and Cryer, Dullass and the process serving are dancing like retarded monkeys at the end of them.
You can bet he won’t be around when those clowns get slammed.
Once hes locked up the strings will be cut.
He’s barred from appearing in court in Florida without representation. Is he ignoring that, or did he find someone to rep him? I can’t imagine anyone dumb enough to take him as a client. He still has a hearing on paying attorneys’ fees to people from his last escapade.
I really can’t keep up with this idiot’s tap dancing antics any more, without some kind of input from someone like you, Old Dog.
Birdterd is not barred from representing himself in ALL courts in Florida.
From what I understand that ruling applies to a single district.
It basically something that forces him to drive out of his back yard to pull his shit.
Sans Berdbath being deemed mentally incompetent he will ALWAYS be able to use the courts to play his bullshit.
Some things can be done to slow him down but he will pull shit until he assumes room temperature
Okay, is this new lawsuit something new? He tried to get TSO/AL’s responses to his complaints thrown out in May and that was entirely denied him, on each specified complaint. But that was in May.
Is this some new complaint over and above that? He seems to have a lot of money to throw around.
Tidings Folks, I’m just chiming in to give additional info that supports this post & site: Some of these names listed we have seen before: A while back, they attacked Jonn & Mark (His Attorney) With some outrageous false websites showing addresses, photos and fake court records stating he was a pedophile, perfoming beastiality, and all manner of outrageous lies, then posted those sites, in various places on the web. I was brought into this by one of these folks, Dallas W, who was attacking the SFA and other SF brothers and then he went after me when I was enjoined as a result ofTeti’s failed lawsuit. In the course of that, all of us were falsely accused of trying to bribe a friend of Dallas’, named Shawn, where he lied and said we tried to offer him $10K to lie about Teti… claiming our claims were lies and we asked him to support us… (Crazy convolutions meant to confuse and obfuscate the facts.) He had actually reached out to me earlier, claiming he was a legit FORCE RECON Marine and would speak to that community to out Teti for lying about being FORCE Recon. Then, when he was busted for being a poser, too- he turned on me and joined Dallas in his crazy attacks. Ironically, he then said, we threatened to kill him- and he turned up dead, apparantly he had drug issues and it appeared to be an overdose. Why it became very relevant to our case was that his posts and Dallas’ were being shared on the Teti Facebook Fan page run by Teti & Jenn Dare and supported by Dale Comstock as he too was sharing Teti’s fake websites against me on his SOCON site. When we pointed out that these were all malicious lies and quite criminal to falsely accuse us of: blackmail, extortion, bribery, and death threats as well as accusing us of pedophilia and beastiality they finally deleted those posts and cut away from Shawn and Dallas. What we all found extremely strange was that another woman, whom none of us knew,… Read more »
One thing I have noticed from being outside looking in at Teti is that he is smart enough to not align himself with people that are loudmouthed posers.
He started a Reddit thread a few years back to try to attack the Stolen Valor Community.
Witengenfeld and Bernath and various sock puppets of theirs started going apeshit on the thread and he promplty shut it down.
Teti, while not being everything he claimed is certainly a trained individual who has the ability to find ways to harm people or hurt them financially. He has the assets, the time and the ability to plan out courses of action.
He is also smart enough to not run his mouth about what he is going to do. No internet bravado, no traceable threats.
He understands the concept of being “the quiet professional”. He has been aware enough of his public image to be very discreet in how he presents his side of things.
Last of all he is very much an Alpha type personality and has proven he can be sadistic and violent.
He proved that when he killed a dog in his stint on that survival show.
That is a clincher for me. Only someone with serious issues kills a living creature for a simple thrill.
I truly believe that he is very capable of orchestrating or committing the acts you described.
i think i know him better than you and i disagree on alot of points… (1) he was famous for announcing what he was going to do and claiming anything he could, whether he had done it or not. (2) he constant;y aligned himself with anyone he could fool and he constantly cut away from folks once they figured him out. (3) he let anyone join him and when they went a way he couldn’t control, he’d claim he never had anything to do with them, when he often sent them in the first place and continued to feed them privately while denying them publicly. i have subpoenaed emails, admissions, affidavits, depsotions and experience that attests to this. and yet, here you are, saying something that isn’t true, and not sure why you’re here or what your saying but it apperas to be defending teti, refuting me and some how saying these guys aren’t related to teti? i personally don’t reaally care “what you believe”. i care about what’s true and fact. i said he did it. i have his own admissions. i don’t make things up. i have court documents to back all my claims. so i don’t give a rat’s butt if some one wants to “sue” me for saying it, or believe it or not. teti did it. he admitted it. i said he did it. i said he admitted. what part of your belief matters on that? what is your actual experience with teti? do you know him to make your statements? if so, say so, and say how. if not, say so, and be clear- and say you THINK, blah blah blah. teti is NOT an alpha male, he is a cowardly beta male pretending to be an alpha. teti is not a quiet professional either. he’s a damned loud mouth liar that claims alot of shit he never did and lies about the real guys who actually did stuff. i know this cause i know him and i lived it and have witnesses so, what do you have? so, let me back up and… Read more »
Hmm, in one post there’s “SF CPT MH” who seems to write rather eloquently.
Then along comes “mykel hawke” who can’t seem to find the shift key and seems to by typing rather angrily.
Are they one and the same, or is one of the posts from a teti sockpuppet?
Okay, not a lawyer, not gonna play one, and didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so question:
We’ve all seen the video of Buttbreath strutting around like a crazy peacock on his front lawn wearing his pistol openly (a violation of FL law, BTW, as FL does not allow open carry.)
Given the fact he has RO’s against him in at least two states now, is he required to surrender his weapons, or is he only required to surrender them if he has a RO taken out against him in FL?
Just curious.