Nidal Hasan sentenced to Death

| July 6, 2017

FORT HOOD, Texas — Nidal Hasan, the Army psychiatrist convicted in the November 2009 shooting rampage that left 13 dead and 31 wounded, was sentenced to death Wednesday by a military jury.

Prosecutors had sought the death penalty, saying Hasan’s murderous rampage at the sprawling military base here left tragic and devastating loss for victims and loved ones.

Hasan, 42, was convicted last week on 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 charges of attempted premeditated murder. He appeared expressionless upon hearing the verdict, which came less than two hours of deliberations.

The death sentence required a unanimous verdict by the jury of 13 military officers. At minimum, Hasan faced life imprisonment. Still, while Hasan could be the first serviceman executed by the military since 1961, the appellate process could take years.

Before an execution date is set, there will be automatic appeals at military courts for the Army and the armed forces, said Victor Hansen, a military law expert at the New England School of Law. Hasan could also ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review his case and file motions in federal court. Moreover, the president must eventually sign off on a military death sentence, which would be carried out by lethal injection.

Family members of Hasan’s victims supported the sentence.


Category: Politics

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The Stranger

Die motherfucker!


The POS will probably die of old age.


Yes indeed! Some of us recommended this outcome at the beginning….8 freaking years of screwing with this worthless wart on the ass of humanity and they finally get around to doing what they SHOULD have done that day! BLOW HIS FRIGGING HEAD OFF!! imo


“[The] appellate process could take years.”, why? The bastard did it, he’s proud he did it and a long appeals process will just keep him from the paradise he seeks.
Hasan, you jihadi f***, do the honorable thing and take the quickest route to exit the planet.

Thanks, Roh-Dog


Did someone hijack a Tardis? I thought he was sentenced about 4 years ago.

Any update on his appeals so far.


You right. Just scoured the ‘net, no news but Christmas in July is coming up… -fingers crossed- this douche nozzle could be laying down in a fridge by August!

The Stranger

I just realized the same thing. I just had my blood up to be FIRST on a thread!🤠☇☇☇


Good riddance to rubbish.


May he suck pig balls in hell!

The Other Whitey

Feed this cocksucker alive to a herd of Texas feral hogs.


Kneecap him first, so he can’t run, and the hogs get the scent…

The Other Whitey

I thought the bastard was paralyzed already.


He’s a paraplegic, you don’t need to kneecap him.

(Fyrfighter’s comment was especially funny to me, since I’m in a wheelchair. LOL)


Sorry Gravel, and yeah, it’s been long enough, I’d forgotten about that, so thanks for setting me straight guys


Seriously, I laughed my ass off.


Kind of like throwing a party where nobody comes… kneecap him and “is that all ya got?”




His victims didn’t get a chance to appeal their death sentences…
Lousy fuck…


Insh’allah, bitch.

A Proud Infidel®™

GOOD RIDDANCE, may he be slathered in bacon grease before he’s put down like the animal he is!!!


Toss an empty pistol in his cell.

Bill M

Load the injectors with bacon grease and fill him up enough that he gets several blocked arteries, leading to a major heart attack. Sounds like a lethal injection to me. Then we can watch him suffer for however long it takes this bast*rd to die a lingering, painful death.
Am I being too vindictive?

CC Senor

Nah, I think a lot of us envision something like this:

or this:

MSG Eric

Imagine how much of a crime reduction there would be if this was the actual way the execution happened?

Bill M

Article is from 2013. Where is he in the appeals process? Yet another reason to be glad Trump was elected. Shillary would have probably commuted a death sentence; I doubt Trump will spend more than however long it takes to sign his name to the rejection of his appeal to the President.

AW1 Tim

Lethal injection is too humane.

I’d put him in a cell with a single light, above and out of reach, that stays on 24/7. Poured concrete rack with a single mattress and blanket, and a standard cell toilet/sink.

Nothing protruding for him to hang himself from.

Lock the door, and give him no human contact ever again, beyond opening a slot at the bottom of the door and sliding in a tray 3 times a day with 600/calories/meal.

When the trays stop coming back out, weld the door & slot closed, and turn off power to the light.

Denise Williams

Why the mattress and blanket?

By feeding him 3x daily, clean water and indoor plumbing, we’re providing him better living conditions than a large percentage of the planet enjoys, thereby proving our humanity.

So, I repeat my question. Why the mattress and blanket?


Man! I knew the wheels of justice turn slowly, but what the fuck!


I clicked on the link and it’s from 2013. Has something else happened in the meantime?


Speaking of wheels, here’s my question:

Since he has been enjoying his all expenses paid vacation to Kansas the last four years, when it comes time for his one hour of the day out of the cell time in the exercise yard, how does he get there?

Does he have either a motorized or manual wheelchair or does he have to be strapped onto a appliance cart and wheeled out to the yard by a guard? Is his prison nickname Hot Wheels?

Either way, it’s gonna be a long (what, 20 to 25 years until the appeal process is exhausted) time until he actually assumes room temperature.


hopefully, they use a system of catapults.


Uh oh – I’ll bet President Obama grants him clemency!

Seriously, though, what’s the point in publishing a nearly four year old story?

Jonn Lilyea

My thoughts exactly.


Just out of curiosity, how can President Obama grant clemency if he’s no longer President?


That’s the joke. It’s a 2013 story, and President Obama was president at the time.


I was thinking to hard, pre-coffee, this morning. 🙂


4 years? try 8 years!!

Frankie Cee

Is Thursday, the new “Old News Day”?


HT3 '83-'87

“Aloha Snackbar”…dickhead!


The line starts here for volunteer executioner, who is second?


I wouldn’t lose a single second of sleep over pulling the switch.

Denise Williams

Me! Me! Me! Oh please, let it be me!

Or, make it a lottery, with really expensive tickets with the proceeds to go to the families. I’d gladly do a GoFundMe to meet any price for the chance.

Old Trooper

Lethal injection? Fuck that! Too expensive. I’ll donate a couple of 230 grain .45 caliber hollow points for a double tap behind his ear. Hell, I’ll even donate the 1911 for the job!

The Old Maj

So the wheels of justice turn slowly for this one.

Old Trooper

No shit!!! 8 fricken years, just to get to this point!? Shit; with all the appeals, I’ll be dead before this asshole!


Is this a Russian hack?


May his last meal be pork.

Green Thumb



Posted by “Tom Huxton?”

Don’t recognize that name and I’ve been on TAH since probably 2012 or so.

As for Hassan I’m normally a supporter of the death penalty, but this fucker is paraplegic and in pain so I say let him live out his life in prison and in pain. Don’t give him the martyr’s death and release from suffering that the needle would bring – let him spend the next 40 years looking at nothing but gray walls and thinking about what he did.

BTW, funniest Duffel Blog Article headline ever: “Admin Error Sends Bradley Manning to Death Row, Nidal Hasan to Gender Reassignment Surgery

Read more:


-That- headline is song-worthy:

“To dream …. the impossible dream…..”





Bill M

Now that works for me.

A Proud Infidel®™


Wilted Willy

I say we bury this prick in a nice pile of Texas fire ants and slather his body with honey! Steak him out in the middle of the mound and stuff his mouth with bacon! Put bacon grease all around his nuts and let them have at it! I hope it takes at least 2 weeks to kill him!!!

MSG Eric

“Moreover, the president must eventually sign off on a military death sentence, which would be carried out by lethal injection.”

I’m thinking that as long as it happens within the next 7.5 years, I don’t see an issue with POTUS signing off on this execution. If anything, he’ll approve it via Twitter and have them do a live feed over Twitch or You Tube so we can all have BBQ’s and celebrate while we watch.


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A good hemp rope is the correct solution to this problem. Although, even manila rope would be appropriate for this SOS. Fed to hogs should be his carcass’s disposal method.


There’s one funeral nobody will mind Westboro picketing!

William F. Milcarek

Put him in super-max solitary, never to be heard from or reported on again.