Saturday morning feel good stories

| July 1, 2017

From Las Vegas, Nevada;

About 2 a.m., a homeowner on the 7700 block of Pyrenees Lane, near Blue Diamond Road, awoke to the sound of glass breaking and retrieved a handgun, the Metropolitan Police Department said. He fired several shots at a male intruder, striking him twice.

The intruder fled before officers arrived, Metro said. University Medical Center later reported to police that a person with two gunshot wounds had arrived at its emergency room.

The injuries were not considered life-threatening, Metro spokeswoman Laura Meltzer said.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Good shooting. Too bad the turd isn’t resting comfortably in a morgue.


Yep. I’ll give guy a pass on missing a few shots because it was 2AM and a middle-of-the-night home invasion scenario.

But if he can hit the target twice without causing “life-threatening injuries”, the homeowner might might want to consider acquiring some better ammo. Or a better pistol.


or a LARGER caliber! lol


My ole neck of the desert
Too bad he missed