The Billy Bottoms saga

| June 27, 2017

I ran across this story looking for FGS today – it’s about 27-year-old William Bottoms a career criminal in Louisiana. He’s been given several opportunities to turn his life around that he’s generally ignored. He’s currently cooling his heels under the supervision of the Baton Rouge Police Department for the alleged murder of two men; Muhammad Hussain, 29, and Dedrick Williams, 23. According to Mr Bottoms’ girlfriend, Megan Gaylord, 27, the four of them had been doing drugs when Mr Bottoms contracted a case of paranoia and killed the pair.

Days before his arrest, Bottoms was shot by an unidentified suspect in the chest in unrelated circumstances and police took him to the hospital. After he was better, police arrested him for the double murder when they developed evidence against him. According to WAFB, Bottoms criminal history goes back more than a decade;

At only 17-years-old, Bottoms was arrested by the Baton Rouge Police Department for armed robbery and aggravated battery.

Just days before his 18th birthday, Bottoms took a plea deal and his charge was reduced to second-degree battery.

A judge sentenced Bottoms to five years in prison, but then suspended the sentence and placed him on probation.

The terms of his probation included maintaining gainful employment, random drug screening two times per month, substance abuse evaluation and treatment, and obtaining a GED. Most importantly, he was to not conduct any criminal activity.

On November 18, 2007, Bottoms broke that final term of his probation when he was arrested by the Baker Police Department for armed robbery. After only a few months of freedom, Bottoms was back behind bars.

For a second time, Bottoms pleaded guilty and was given a reduced sentence. On March 9, 2009, Bottoms was sentenced by Judge Richard Anderson to six years in prison.

Bottoms served out his full sentence, according to the Louisiana Department of Corrections. He was released on full-term parole on November 18, 2013.

Just under a year after his release, Bottoms was facing new criminal charges from the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office.

On October 11, 2014, Bottoms was charged with attempted armed robbery, aggravated assault with a firearm, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, and three different drug charges.

Judge Louis Daniel accepted Bottoms plea deal on May 2, 2016. He sentenced Bottoms to seven years in prison.

During his third stay in prison, Bottoms took part in early release programs that gave him credit to allow for early release. Because of this, Bottoms was released on March 31, 2017 on good time parole.

Had he served his full term, Bottoms would have remained in prison until October 10, 2021.

Less than four months after his release, Bottoms was shot in the chest and deputies with the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office connected him to the murders of Muhammad Hussain, 29, and Dedrick William, 23.

I’m sure the local community won’t miss Muhammad Hussain and Dedrick William much, you know since the article also has mugshots of them before they were murdered and, the circumstances of their murder included their drug use, but still, how many times was Mr Bottoms allowed to plead out for lesser sentences and take advantage of early release programs so that he was on the street when he murdered those guys. In fact, every time he got out on the street, he screwed up again and went back to jail within a few months.

If law enforcement is supposed to protect the innocent, why are they trading away that protection?

Category: Politics

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Tom Huxton

um…… bye


Same LA justice system that hands down 1 year per gram of cannabis to people with zero history of violent crime. 28 years for an ounce of grass, but they put this asshole on the street.

CB Senior

But But But Pot is bad and makes people the Devil. Didn’t you see Refer Madness?


Why would anybody have a gram of cannabis?

If is illegal is illegal and that’s the end of discussion.


You don’t think prioritizing violent crime, and having rational sentencing is worth discussing? What they locked you up for a year for speeding (speeding is illegal you know)?


I fully agree. I don’t know much about the law, but from my limited understanding, our courts are overbooked as is. This means prosecutors have to make deals because nobody has time for lengthy trials with an ever-increasing case load, and then assholes like this guy get better deals than they should. Prioritizing violent crime over things like a gram of cannabis is necessary.

That, or spend megabucks vastly increasing the sizes of courthouses, jails, police, the public defenders offices, the number of prosecutors, etc., all while ignoring the questionable ethics of all that. It’s not hard to see which is the better option.

Tom Huxton

correct. best practice is to publicly burn that stuff immediately.


You are why we imprison more of our population than any other country in the world which leaves us without the capacity to house the people that need to be there forvthwor full term.

You are also a hypocrite because the average citizen commits dozens of crimes per month because it is impossible not to.

A Proud Infidel®™

YO Babbles McButthead, one problem we have these days is that too many places are far too soft on criminals. Just what ARE we to do, give them a little binky like yours and say “Just go on and don’t be a poop stain anymore.”?


So, I guess that means you’re OK with a 3-time violent felon being back on the street after serving less than 1 year of a 7 year sentence – AKA the subject of Jonn’s article above?

Don’t bother to answer. You’re Berkeley-boi; we already know the answer. It’s always “the system’s” fault; in your world, personal responsibility . . . doesn’t exist.

A Proud Infidel®™

The more I see of Babbles McButthead’s rants and hissy fits, the further I am convinced that he has been brainwashed into mental oblivion, both by himself and UC Berzerkely.


Wow. What a load of drivel COMMISSAR Commissar, THE AMBULATORY POTATO PEELING, has plastered here for all to see.

Someone must have hit a raw nerve with him about possessing Mary Jane being a crime in many states. It’s still a crime under Federal law, unless that’s changed since yesterday. That whole medicinal quality thing, the part about stimulating appetites in cancer patients, etc., is a bogus argument. There are legal pharmaceutical that stimulate the appetite, making that argument completely bogus.

However, since the ‘appetite’ stimulant in marijuana also causes intoxication, begin caught driving under the influence of dope, in addition to causing an accident, is a legitimate criminal offense in this state and others.

What I’m interested is why this sociopath is let out of jail, when he is obviously unable to function normally without close supervision, meaning in a regimented environment where he has no choices and is told what to do, 24 hours a day. Obviously, he has a screw loose. If it weren’t so, then what other explanation is there for his repeated antisocial and criminal behavior?


There is another explanation, Ex-PH2. But it’s one that the left doesn’t want to hear.

Some a-holes are just incorrigible, evil bastards who freely choose not to live by civilized society’s rules. Once, we eliminated such threats to the rest of society.

Now, the left insists doing so is “wrong”, because they can be “reformed”.

Horsedung. Some evil bastards are evil bastards because they want to be, and will not change. Society has a right to eliminate such when identified in order to protect the rest of society from their predatory behavior.


Green River Killer: baker by day, murderer by night.

They still haven’t figure out who the Long Island Killer is. Likely never will.

James Sandecker

Green River Killer was Gary Leon Ridgway worked at Kenworth factory in Renton, Washington…. a painter, I believe

Robert Christian Hansen, the “Butcher Baker”, was an American serial killer and murdered at least 17, and possibly more than 30 women, in and around Anchorage, Alaska

Long Island Killer is deceased, having chosen “Bad Bitch” Betty as his victim, which went sideways quickly. He was sold as crab bait

Just An Old Dog

Hansen had a son that was in the same battalion I was in the Corps. I’m pretty sure his mom divorced when he was young. He looked exactly like him. Was a good Marine. Pity he had a shit bag father,


Guess I’m just a jerk…. I would think if we took the violent rapists, armed robbers who injured someone during commission of their crimes, murderers, etc. and got busy with a rope, our incarceration percentage would drop dramatically. Not to mention the recidivism rate.


Medical marajuana does not make the patient “high”

James Sandecker

Shows how much inaccurate info is floating around. You are obviously not from Michigan.

Perhaps “high” is not a scientific term.

What is “high” on your survey chart, an where does it fit between blitzed/ blonked/ zonkered/ schnockered and fooked-up? Inquiring minds want to know….. just out of scientific curiosity, you understand.


It all depends on which kind you’re using. There are strains / extracts that are used, especially for seizures in kids that have little to no THC, which is what gets you high. But when they first legalized it here in Colorado, it was the same exact thing the regular stoners used (in addition, the bulk of the people with medical cards were males 18-30… doesn’t sounds fishy at all does it?) That’s the stuff called names like green monster, purple haze, etc.and it most definitely does get a person high!


Then you are not doing it right.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO PRISON is the ideal environment for liberals, it has EVERYTHING they want:

oEVERYONE is treated the same regardless
o NOBODY has guns except Law Enforcement types
o everyone gets the same food, clothing and privileges except for when they violate policies and go to Solitary
o Everyone is kept safe and sound behind walls and fences

Anyone else?


You sir are FULL OF SHYT!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Too bad your diatribe above is incorrect.

As of 2012, barely 20 percent of the prison population is in for drugs. Nearly half are in for violent crimes, then drugs, property, and public order offenses, in that order.

That includes state and federal prison populations.


I never belived that bullshit in my six decades of hearing it.
Perhaps imprisoned after “due process”
but try that statement elswhere in the world.

And I doubt it is Yef’s fault as you claim, even if it were true.


Name one person who got 28 years for an ounce of weed as his only offense.


Not current law, but in many states the dividing line between simple possession and dealing was whether you had an ounce or more – more than an ounce you were automatically a dealer and subject to dealing sentences. Usedtabe one joint was good for five years in Texas.


Gary Howard was sentenced to 18 years for having of 18 grams of pot, his sentence was upheld this year. Not a first offense by any means, but no history of violence. LA’s own Chief Justice said that spending over $400K on a guy with less than an ounce of pot was “ridiculous” in her dissent, but it was upheld. I’m not advocating for pot, I’m advocating for getting our priorities straight.


Here’s an awesome idea. Instead of bitching and moaning about “the justice system” get YOUR elected officials to change the laws.
But it’s so much easier to complain on the internet.

The Old Maj

18 years is pretty steep for dealing and even as a previous felon in poss of a firearm. Carrying a gun while dealing drugs is an indicator that all is not simple.

Still, not unheard of. As a career criminal he had it coming.

Wilted Willy

They should stop all of this plea deal bullshit and lock them up for the full term! I’m glad this idiot took two of the thugs out of the gene pool, but he still should have been in prison. I say let the judges have theses miscreants stay at their house if they want to let them out early???


I absolutely agree with you.


Why lock him up? Bible says an “eye for an eye”, hang him, or shoot him, or gas him….PERIOD!

Wilted Willy

I hope the asshole walks into a chopper blade! They should cut of the dick of all of these child molesters so they can never do it again! As my dad would have said, slit their bag and pout salt in it! Fuck all of these shitbags!!!


Nothing says “You’re hired!” like satanic facial tats.


‘Nothing says “You’re hired!” like satanic facial tats.’

Dammit, AW1Ed! You beat me to it.

He’s got another mug shot over at the story linked above with even more tattoos on his head, face, and neck. What a dumbass.

Oh well, at least Louisiana has Capital Punishment, so he has that going for him, which is nice.

Maybe he can get Bubba, Thor, or Tiny to give him some more highly stylish prison tats while he’s sitting on Death Row.

Deplorable B Woodman

And ain’t he got the purdiest pair o’ lips for Bubba an’ the boys to enjoy? Pucker up, buttercup.

charles w

Fitting name. He is going to be a bottom bitch for someone real soon


He looks like a “shoot on sight” target to me.


How could anyone be stupid and/or doped up enough to do drugs with this sociopath…he’s one of the scariest looking dudes I’ve seen. I’d be either pulling my gun or running for dear life bumping into him. Mo and Dedrick chose….poorly


They probably wore similar tats, and thought themselves tough.

Don’t know just what drugs they were on to make him go paranoid – several of them will do that. But none of them were friends you could depend on for help, IME.

A Proud Infidel®™

As I see it, the problem is lazy Prosecutors and “Let ’em loose Bruce” Judges that put them back out on the street right back in everyone’s hair. I see that the laws prohibiting felons from possessing firearms and ammo went a long way in dissuading him from having a gun!


There ain’t no reasoning with a Son of Cain. All you can do is put ’em down.

Mike P

Shot in the chest and lived? Come on people, carry a big enough gun.


Location, location, location. Even with a large caliber.


NK got it right with executions by howitzer…or was recoiless rifle?


Well at least there was diversity.


LOL! Yeah, really confuses the mainstream media. Like if a gay Muslim baker refuses to bake a cake for a BLM party, who do they support?


I think we need an island in the middle of the ocean that is self-sustaining. Then instead of all the plea bargains and crap, we just dump them onto the island, and let them take care of themselves naturally. I’m not talking the drug convictions or any of the lesser crimes – anyone that’s got any manslaughter or major felony charges should get a vacation. Free up the prisons of all the life sentence folks as well – send them all there to boot! Or just dump all their happy asses on Bikini Atoll and let the radiation take care of the problem.


“I think we need an island in the middle of the ocean.” Fixed it.


“I think we need a Lat/Long in the middle of the ocean.”



AW1Ed – I think I like your idea even better 😉


This is more consequences from the usual suspects. The ACLU has been hammering Louisiana for more than a decade because they have the highest rate of incarceration in the entire world. The population has come down slightly but guys like this get cut loose.


Oooo, oooo! I have a better picture!

By the way, how do you embed pictures in this forum?

Tom Huxton

he is not ageing well, is he?


Ask nicely?


Just kidding- here’s your pic of Laughing Boy.


You posted the wrong one, Ed. The press wants the public to see the “cleaned up” kid. lol


I don’t think there’s enough photo shop on the planet to clean that up.


It is kind of like those guys who shot the prison guards last week. One of them had horns tattooed on his forehead. But they circulated a media photo without the tattoos. Almost like they did not want him to get caught.


You were not supposed to -notice- that…..

A Proud Infidel®™

Looks like all jailhouse/prison tattoos, all the same color. I’m sure the twinkle-hearted tinsel-headed Sparkle ponies in the snooze media will find and post say, his freshman or sophomore class picture from high school!


I wonder if he can pronounce the words when seeing them in a mirror. Must piss him off. Good.


Were I to see this critter coming towards me, there isn’t a doubt my hand would be on ye old lead slinger.


yep…my booger hook would be on the bang switch faster than a progressive can call Herman Cain a Racist.

Just An Old Dog

Its a vicious circle. Judges give light/reduced sentences with eligibility for early parole because the dockets are full and their is overcrowding in the penal system.
Dirtbags continuously re-offend because they know they will never serve out a full sentence.
Since he was 18 he has been sentenced on three different occasions for armed robbery and assault. He had sentences totally 18 years, yet he served only 5 and 1/2 years.
Criminals do weigh the consequences. They arell versed in the math of our so called legal system.


what if…..

a certain political segment of the left spectrum wants this outcome? What if the real goal is to create so much law that everyone is a criminal? What if they believed that would usher them into totalitarian control?

Well, you would get this outcome, wouldn’t you?

A Proud Infidel®™

The quickest way to turn a liberal into a Conservative? Let a violent goblin like that rob, rape or murder them or one of their family members.

Green Thumb

Old Billy here will be taking it in the bottom(s).

Right in the star-shaped target tattooed on his two-hole.


Green Thumb

Code name: Ram Man.


Lawrence bottoms is williams bottoms twin brother who is also the father of my twins who im pregnant with.there good guys just ass holes like this talking down and judging them make them act as they do…free larry and and william.i actually bonded larry out 2 months ago and am about to bond him out again..


Yeah, because being a “career criminal” defines someone as a good guy.


Seriously, you can choose to hang out with real good guys instead of criminals. It’s up to you to decide whether that is what you also want for your twins or instead raise them to be just another generation of criminals.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The sooner they bury this fuckstick the better.

Green Thumb


Those three square a day and cell space could go to someone else.

And bury him deep.


Do not confuse the actions of the prosecutors office and judiciary with those of Law Enforcement. They are not the same. As a LEO you can only arrest and charge, what happens afterwards is the result of lawyers acting for their own reasons.

Silentium Est Aureum

Part of the problem is prison is not a deterrent or enough of a punishment.

You’d think someone who had been to prison would have wizened up and realized walking the straight and narrow would be the best way to stay out, but I guess it wasn’t harsh enough.


His twin is the father of my twins i love you william and larry.there amazing men its assholes like this that judge them and dont give them chsnces to do right.and besides yall or no one knows what really happened those close to him he ia not a cold hearted willie and larry


Cold hearted or not, he is still a killer. The point of whether he feels remorse is a moot one. Especially to those he killed. He has no desire to “do right” or he would’ve done it long ago.

Wasn’t Free Willie a movie?