New York elites disapprove of Paterson’s choice

| January 23, 2009

New York State’s Governor Paterson took my advice and named an Upstater to replace Hillary Clinton in the Senate. His choice, Ms. Gillibrand, is barely an Upstater but I suppose Albany is about as far Upstate as you can find a Democrat in New York. But just like the way they treated Sarah Palin, the New York City elites don’t approve of the mother of two who was supported in her campaign by the National Rifle Association and she doesn’t drink the Democrat koolaid as deeply as they’d like (New York Post);

Sources said “at least five” members of the state’s Democratic congressional delegation called Paterson to protest the possibility of Gillibrand’s selection. One, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy of Nassau County, even threatened a primary challenge. Gillibrand faces a special election in 2010.


Liberal Democrats have been wary of her because she ran for re-election with the backing of the National Rifle Association, opposed the federal TARP program to rescue banks, and has been less than enthusiastic about gay marriage.

I guess that’s the best my homies in Upstate New York can hope for – they might get better representation with this appointee than anyone they could get elected with those clowns in NYC controlling the entire State.

Of course crackpot, single issue anti-gun zealot, Carolyn McCarthy, threatened to run against the newly-appointed Senator in 2010 (New York Times);

Representative Carolyn McCarthy, a Long Island Democrat and ardent gun control activist, said Thursday that if Ms. Gillibrand got the job, she was prepared to run against her in a primary in 2010. Ms. McCarthy was elected to Congress after her husband was killed in a gunman’s rampage on the Long Island Rail Road in 1993.

Can’t let those minorities stray too far from the Democrat plantation, can we?

Category: Liberals suck, Politics

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Kirsten Gillibrand was an interesting choice and most of us Upstaters haven’t heard of her. She can basically be labeled a Conservative Democrat. Her father was a Republican lobbyist to Gov. Pataki. I guess the reason that she’s a Democrat is that she’s a supporter of abortion.

The Democrat Party, the party of abortion, the only surgical procedure that deliberately takes a human life.

Obstreperous Infidel

Sorry about your husband, Mrs. McCarthy, but the “evil” gun didn’t kill him. The monster that used it did. I know. I know. It’s all about how one “feels”. Don’t they try to champion themselves as the “rational” party?


of course, they disapprove, she is not one from them, Manhattanites or Long Islanders…


Wait… Mr. McCarthy couldn’t have been killed by a gun. Guns are “Banned” in NYC aren’t they? I’m sure all the criminals know this and refuse to carry or use them.

I’m sorry for Mrs McCarthy’s loss… but depriving other law abiding citizens the means to defend themselves against animals like the one who killed her husband is certainly not an “improvement”.

I was happy (well… happy as I could be seeing another “D” added to the Senate) to see Ms. Gillibrand selected by the Gov.