Tuesdays with Claymore
You’re starting with a false narrative to begin with
Someone has a case of the Mondays
Was it fascism when Harry Reid did it?
You deserve the lawyer you pay for
Trying to appease the world is what got you Trump in the first place
Hillary could have won with DU’s help. Yup.
Bombshell…part eleventy thousand
White Knight Virtue Signalling
“Oddly enough, they’re intelligent people”. Asshat.
All you God worshipers are the problem
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
Democrats drink and drug heavily and blame it on Republicans? I havent been that shocked since I found out that water was wet.
They still don’t understand that the divide between them and people in the real world is wide and growing wider.
Nancy Pelosi is borderline senile. It must hurt to know that but refuse to recognize it.
There is too much angst-ridden psychobabble in that stuff now. They lost. It hurts. Tough bananas.
For all the thoughts, pithy comments and, in the rare cases where DU says anything objective, rebuttals I could offer here, I just don’t feel morally right saying anything more than…
What. A. Bunch. Of. Fucking. Losers.
They are convinced that a righteous movement is brewing. They feel they are the purveyors of truth and light. They view the opposition as not just misguided or misinformed…you are evil, pure and simple. The thing is, I’m actually sympathetic to those who honestly think they are going to physically die as a result of this president’s policies; they genuinely think they are going to lose life giving treatments, and they might be right, but these people are not the rank-and-file by any honest assessment of their membership. Those people are nucking futs…they are the true believers, but even those fringe dwellers lack the fortitude to actually pull the trigger on this phantom civil war they keep talking about. If someone else were willing to do it for them, I’m certain they’d craft a very compelling hashtag campaign or catchy protest chant…solidarity!
I always find their violent threats so laughable. Like Mondays Man there, talking about how he’d like to beat Trump supporters with a club and it would take 15 people to pry him off.
Except not all of us are fucking pussies. The average Trump supporter would put a .45 caliber hole where your liver used to be. Violence is NOT what you want.
Oh right, some would mention the Scalise shooting as a reason to not laugh at the left’s threats. Nah. Dude had the element of surprise and a long rifle, yet the only death was his. Scary, but also pathetic.
My favorite reply to the “snowflake” epithet; an avalanche is made from snowflakes. Pfffffft. Like I said, they’re all about violence as a path to get what they want, but only at someone else’s expense. They have no ass in this game and vast majority never will.
If all 22 of them got together in one group, what would happen?
Would the earth cave in under their feet?
One can only hope.
You’re right, Claymore. They seem to want violence. I don’t believe, however, that they would participate in any way. They’re too chickenhearted for it. They would sit in dark corners, sipping stale coffee and watch it on TV.
I do think they’d take part in the violence Ex, but only in the way a school-yard bully does… they’d do it once they identified a much weaker easy target, whom they outnumber 10 to 1. That mountain grammie is so delusional, it’s laughable…but sad, because this is a segment of our population..
This is what they cannot abide people carrying sidearms. it is very hard to lynch the armed.
Possiibly, Fyrfighter, but I do believe they’d run like rabbits at the first sound of a police siren. I’ve seen that happen. They want it to happen, but they don’t want to get caught. Black ski masks, and all that. That’s why I think the DUers would watch but do nothing except wet their pants over it.
That was an entertaining cacophony. Evidently all you Bible thumping, gun toting loons that fill the voids between cultural enlightenment centers in this country have been using the Right Wing media to spread your hysterical nonsense.
I suspected there was something terribly wrong with you people.
Awww… you need a hug, Marine?