Spc. Caleb Michael Collins; Soldiers Medal for rescue attempt

Chief Tango sends us a link to the story of Army Specialist Caleb Michael Collins, who was killed while he was trying to rescue a friend;
In July 2015, Spc. Caleb Michael Collins, 22; Spc. Shyhein Andrews, 21; both from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, and a friend visited the Halona Beach Cove on the shore of Hawaii.
A wave knocked Andrews off the ledge of the Halona Blowhole, and Collins dove off the 25-foot ledge to try to save him. Collins managed to reach Andrews, but a large wave swept the two men out to sea and they apparently drowned in the rough surf.
Collins was with 524th Sustainment Support Battalion, 25th Sustainment Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, the news report said in referring to a release.
He was honored for his courageous actions, disregarding his own safety and risking his life to try to save a fellow soldier, according to the news report.
No greater love….
Category: Army News
Rest in Peace, Spc Collins.
“No greater love than to lay down ones life for a friend”…..Jesus’ example to us!
Rest in peace young Soldier. God be with your family.
Turning into a sad news day. Fair winds and following seas, Specialist Collins.
Hawaii…..for a its green and beauty, its warmth and balmy breezes, it’s still a dangerous place to be stationed.
Rest In Peace, fellow members of the 25th Dimension.
“No greater love….”
You said it perfectly, Jonn.
Rest in peace, Spc. Caleb Michael Collins
A fine young American. May the Lord comfort those left behind.
I know this beach.
My best to their friends and families.
Water is a dangerous thing.
Seems like once a month someone was washing up.
Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.
Thanks for the beautiful comments! Caleb was our son, the youngest, and our only boy. We are so proud of him for his courageous act and the way he lived his life. We miss him and ask for continued prayers for his family and friends. Much Love to Everyone!❤️
Ernest and Dawn M Collins
Thank you, Mrs. Collins. Know that our prayers are with you.
Yeah, you ever look at your computer monitor and wish you could hug a post (as in a comment)?
Yeah, I’m feeling that way right about now.
\(•́ ╭╮•̀ )/
Prayers for all of you from me.
Darn dusty in here all of a sudden.
Yes, ma’am, I will.