Myth of the 97% Scientist Consensus on Global Warming

| May 23, 2017

In an argument, between those who believe climate change is natural, and those who support man-made global warming, someone is going to throw the “97% consensus among scientists on global warming” card or something similar. By “consensus”, the idea is that scientists consider this a “no-brainer”. The planet is warming up, we’re contributing to it, and 97% of the scientists agree.

The reality? That consensus doesn’t exist. This is based on a study done on a selected number of peer reviewed studies. A look at the actual study does not support the 97% consensus claim. There’s not enough information in the paper to conclude, or infer, that there is a consensus in the scientific community regarding global warming.

From the study’s abstract:

We analyze the evolution of the scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming (AGW) in the peer-reviewed scientific literature, examining 11 944 climate abstracts from 1991–2011 matching the topics ‘global climate change’ or ‘global warming’. We find that 66.4% of abstracts expressed no position on AGW, 32.6% endorsed AGW, 0.7% rejected AGW and 0.3% were uncertain about the cause of global warming. Among abstracts expressing a position on AGW, 97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming.

The study was done in phases. The first phase started with a keyword search of their database.

The two keywords used were “global warming” and “global climate change”. Most of the people, who have done searches on the Internet, via keyword, would know that different combinations of keywords tend to provide different compositions of results. Why not use something like “average temperature change”, “climate cycles”, “space weather”, “climatic optimums”, “climatic minimums”, or other keywords that could also bring up climate related articles?

By using “global warming” or “global climate change”, the researchers are attempting to get results that would point to a majority agreeing on man-made global warming. Out of the thousands of academic journal articles available, a researcher could drastically narrow down the results. The kind of results they get depends on the keywords used to search those articles.

The timeline used for this search went from 1991 to 2011 excluding papers generated before 1991. Considering that it has been more than five years since the “newest” paper considered for the study, this time range is automatically out of date. Additional studies have been done since 2011, with an increasing amount of the studies pointing to the sun and other natural causes for climate change. The “universe” of results and studies have changed our understanding of the topic since then.

Yet, people would like to throw the “But there’s a 97% consensus that the planet is warming and people are behind it” argument.

Out of the results, the researchers pulled the abstracts out, and categorized them. These abstracts were sent to those who rated these abstracts on whether are not they supported man-made global warming. The results are shown in the abstract, with most of the papers reviewed, out of the 11,944 papers considered, not taking a position on global warming. That was a whopping 66.4%, with the balance going towards those that specified agreement or disagreement with man-made global warming. From this balance, 97.1% supported manmade global warming.

From there, the researchers sent 8,547 invitations to the authors of the papers. They received 1,200 responses from these authors. After they narrowed that list down to 1,189, they invited these authors to self-rate their paper’s support for global warming.

From the 1,189 scientists, reviewing 2,142 of their own papers, 97.2% endorsed man-made global warming.

This is where the 97% shows up. This is the “97% consensus” that is used to argue that the majority of scientists “agree” to man-made global warming. If you’ve read this far, you could tell, by the numbers, that 97.2% of 1,189 scientists does not constitute a near consensus of all the scientists.

Now, ready for the kicker? From the paper itself:

Nevertheless, 11,944 papers is only a fraction of the climate literature…

A fraction of those 11,944 papers doesn’t constitute a scientific consensus, within the scientific community, on manmade global warming. The so called “scientific consensus” supporting man-made good warming doesn’t exist.

You could download the study itself from here:

Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature

Category: Reality Check

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Hmm your entire post here seems like a bunch of facts and logic… therefore it’ll never be accepted by the members of the man caused global warming religion. I expect that everyones “favorite” college educated idiot will make an appearance soon to tell you all the reasons you are wrong…


Thebesig, you left out the threat of carbon. Carbon is the biggest threat to everything.

Never mind that all organic life is based on the carbon atom’s very flexible ability to bond with oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and phosphorus, and other assorted elements. Carbon is proposed as the biggest threat of all to everything!

We’re doomed! Doomed, I tell you!

A Proud Infidel®™

WHAT ABOUT the Zika virus? Someone once talked about THAT like it was going to be the doom of Mankind.



No way. You’re already dead from the bird flu!


Doom is everywhere, API. Everywhere.

Maybe if we could find a way to use sulfur, which can also form long chain molecules like carbon does, we could reduce the threat of carbon in CH4 (methane) by replacing it with hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

Carbon is, in fact, such a threat that every time someone like the Piuperdink breathes, the air in his vicinity becomes loaded with carbon dioxide.

If only that could be captured and bonded with sulfur, the resultant carbon bisulfide might actually be sufficient to produce a useful product such as viscose rayon.

Sonny's Mom

Plants are sure lovin’ it. Notice how that iconic native plant, poison ivy, is just bustin’ out all over?

The Other Whitey

And his reasons will boil down to “You don’t toe the Pravda line, therefore you’re racist!”

And he might even pull some previously-unheard anecdote about “this one time at band camp” that makes him know more about your career field (in which he’s never, ever worked or been trained) than you do.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Its all due to Nibiru, creating a pole shift….I saw her dancing at the Jiggly room, she was 1 hot babe !-)


Here’s some more facts from the paper that he left out:
4. Discussion
Of note is the large proportion of abstracts that state no
position on AGW. This result is expected in consensus situ-
ations where scientists ‘. . . generally focus their discussions
on questions that are still disputed or unanswered rather
than on matters about which everyone agrees’ (Oreskes 2007,
p 72). This explanation is also consistent with a description
of consensus as a ‘spiral trajectory’ in which ‘initially
intense contestation generates rapid settlement and induces
Figure 3. Percentage of papers endorsing the consensus among
only papers that express a position endorsing or rejecting the
a spiral of new questions’ (Shwed and Bearman 2010);
the fundamental science of AGW is no longer controversial
among the publishing science community and the remaining
debate in the field has moved to other topics. This is supported
by the fact that more than half of the self-rated endorsement
papers did not express a position on AGW in their abstracts.
The self-ratings by the papers’ authors provide insight
into the nature of the scientific consensus amongst publishing
scientists. For both self-ratings and our abstract ratings,
the percentage of endorsements among papers expressing a
position on AGW marginally increased over time, consistent
with Bray (2010) in finding a strengthening consensus.
Also, he left out the conclusion: I’ll let you download the paper and see for yourself but I’m sure you won’t. Spoiler, it’s not what you think and you won’t like it.

AW1 Tim

Consensus is not science.

Published papers…. HAH! You, of all people, ought to know that when the leftists get hold of the publishing arms, especially the scientific journals, they get to weed out everything and everyone that disagrees with their current fad du jour. In this case, global warming, with a side a human-enhancement.

It’s easy for them to get to a “consensus” by only publishing what papers they agree with, and allowing, every so often, a mildly contrarian point.

The real truth is that humanity has absolutely no discernible impact on climate change. None. Zip. Nada.

Is the planet warming? Maybe. If it is, it’s likely only returning to a warmer period that may well be the norm. The Earth has only recently emerged from another ice age, a rather long lasting one, and we’re likely on the rebound to a warmer state before it starts to swing back down again to cooler temps.

But when you get right down to it, the entire argument supporting human interference with the climate is specious. We simply aren’t that powerful enough to do that, at least not yet. One volcano spews out more sulphuric gas than all of humanity to date. More CO2 as well. One volcano.

The real support for all of this is twofold: power and money. Wealth redistribution, and power. The leftists are using the useful idiots of the green movement as their pawns for political influence, and thus gaining access to cash through guilting the larger nations. It’s like the anti-hunters using “Bambi” to prey on children, but not quite a subtle.

So yeah. More silly ballyhooing and scienty-talk from the shills of the left. But the people aren’t buying anymore. They’ve peeked behind the curtain and scene the sausage making at work.


Dammit, besig, you’ve gone and gutted Dennith all over the clean floor. Who’s gonna clean that up?!

Sonny's Mom

Maybe we could send Dennis a copy of that poster in FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder’s office:


(Real) science embraces skepticism.


In 1970 they were talking about a coming ice age? Now just recently I read another report saying the same thing….the earth is constantly in a state of flux and whatever goes around , comes around,been that way for millenia! imho


But that does not fit The Narrative.


real science doesn’t have a narrative 🙂


I’m on the road now and can’t argue, sadly, but I’ll leave some real ‘junk’ science here for your pleasure. Yes, there’s some puns there:


Durnit, LC, you beat me to it! Congrats!

That is the funniest thing I have ever read.

A Proud Infidel®™

Another leftwing bullshit barrage from Babbles McButthead in 5, 4, 3,…


Not worth my time. Climate change denying is idiotic at this point.


indeed…the climate changes.


Yes, Commissar, I am a climate denier. I still say climate doesn’t exist!



I still have my furnace running, Thebesig. I am sad.


Not sure what asshole you pissed off on facebook, but they sure had a lot to say, other than actually giving their name, or anything other than insulting you..

Oooh, and as a bonus, you got Lars’s panties in a wad.. he’s gonna take his toys and go home…

The Other Whitey

Whatsammatter, Commissar? Allergic to actual science?


Exactly. It is not worth your time. Nor our time.


What is he babbling about now?

Earth’s climate changes on a recurring if irregular basis. I have a chart that shows those changes quite clearly. Does anyone have a clue what he’s yapping about this time?


And I am still waiting to freeze to death like my teachers told me was going to happen in the 70’s.
Fuck you communist Lars, explain to me why I never froze to death. The summers are very hot where I live. And they have been hot as long as people remember. It was 108 today, and it will be tomorrow, but that’s the way it is. And it was 85 last week, we all smile at each other and say summers here. In communist land I guess it should be 72. Maybe if we all voted for Bernie it would be 72 all year long. The Indians out here were found in the 1700’s to have built their abodes half in the Colorado river to cool down in the summer. History does not count to communists, they can cure all just like the fascists, Fuck you Lars.

MSG Eric

If it gets warmer or colder Bernie won’t really notice. He owns three houses so he can always be where the temperature isn’t too extreme.

A Proud Infidel®™

Looky there, Babbles McButthead knows he hasn’t even a single rational argument, so he sneers at us and goes back to his “Safe Space” to pout!



Dave Hardin

Great post. I have always wondered how 2.8% of people who call themselves scientists were brain damaged.

So, 97.2% of the scientists that wrote papers supporting human causality to global warning agree with what the wrote?

Hmm…did 2.8% change their mind or are there multiple papers by the same scientist. 1 bad seed in the crop can reek havoc on these kind of things.

I concede, I have read this study now several times and I have no idea how these people come up with and meaningful analysis.

I did a study of my own and found that 99.9% of ISIS terrorists that were shot in the face did not commit another act of violence.

I would say the Soviet is maybe 50-50 or probably 60-40 when it comes to loving me at any one moment.

Oh, and if you smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day, drink like a fish, and sit on your ass most of the time the chances of you developing Alzheimers is reduced by…lets say…85%.

I have generally found that 97.2% of people couldn’t agree on anything. So since that number seems to be wrong 100% of the time I therefore summarize that data to be completely arbitrary.

Lord, I must be bored.


@thebesig, you missed a couple of points. At least according to the digest I read a couple years ago.

First, they used Google as their search engine, as opposed to more specialized engines geared towards research.

Second, they only searched for hits on “global warming,” or CAGW, or such. Thing is, that will not turn up papers discussing (say) atmospheric research if it doesn’t use those words, even though that would be valid data.

Third, many researchers complained at the time that the study mischaracterized the conclusions found in their papers.

…Upon re-reading, I will say you did mention the issue of search phrases, but did not (to my mind) emphasize how easy it was to miss a large number of papers which never mentioned “climate change,” yet were highly relevant to climate research.


I missed the part where they were excluding articles that rejected the theory they were supporting.
3. Results
The ISI search generated 12 465 papers. Eliminating papers
that were not peer-reviewed (186), not climate-related (288) or
without an abstract (47) reduced the analysis to 11 944 papers
written by 29 083 authors and published in 1980 journals.
To simplify the analysis, ratings were consolidated into
three groups: endorsements (including implicit and explicit;
categories 1–3 in table 2), no position (category 4) and
rejections (including implicit and explicit; categories 5–7).
We examined four metrics to quantify the level of
(1) The percentage of endorsements/rejections/undecideds
among all abstracts.
(2) The percentage of endorsements/rejections/undecideds
among only those abstracts expressing a position on
(3) The percentage of scientists authoring endorsement/
rejection abstracts among all scientists.
(4) The same percentage among only those scientists who
expressed a position on AGW (table 3).

Could you point it out?


Missed that bit. Sorry. 😛

MSG Eric

You would think that scientists have some fancy database of actual papers where they can pull studies discussing a particular subject.

The fact that they used “Google” to do a search is just so ridiculous I can’t even comprehend how they call themselves scientists. Especially since Google has been shown to have political leanings, the algorithms show you results based on what it expects you want to see, and even accepts funding from businesses that want their websites to pop-up at the top of searches for their particular site (and not just the “advertisement” sites.)

This is similar to when they had a conference to talk about Pluto being a planet and a small room of scientists decided Pluto was a dwarf planet within days just to get it done. Just so scientists could say, I was in the room and got to vote about Pluto being a planet!


There are search engines optimized to look through online research papers. Alexis? It’s been a long time since I read up on that.

2/17 Air Cav

“But there’s a 97% consensus that the planet is warming and people are behind it.” Well, even if that were true, so what? There was a 97% consensus among Big Media that H. Wideload Clinton would be president right now. And that was probably more pure math behind the election confidence than global warming enjoys. There’s a tremendous amount of grant money available to researchers who agree with algore and co. Don’t agree withe them? Rotsaruck getting funding.


And once upon a time, there was an even grater than 97% consensus that the Earth was flat… we all know how well that worked out..libtard dumbasses!


When was that? Probably not any time since, oh, 300 B.C., when Alexander spread Greek learning from the Mediterranean to the Indus river.


Norman, you were right, it was a very long time ago, so what’s your point??? Mine, since you obviously missed it is that at the time, the greatest scientific minds in the world agreed about something, and were then proven wrong… if you need more examples, how about the sun revolves around the earth, or if you go over 60 mph it will kill you(first advanced when trains were invented, is that recent enough??) I could try to explain more, but if you just scroll up and read what thebseig wrote, he explains it at least as good as i could


A more relevant example would be that until the 1600s the consensus was that vermin spontaneously appeared from trash. This was before microscopes allowed scientists to examine the reproductive organs of insects and such.

Another good example would be the ridicule some scientists suffered after suggesting meteors were extraterrestrial.

The flat earth myth came from Washington Irving’s biography of Columbus. Irving claimed the clerics of the Spanish court thought the earth was flat, when in fact their actual position was that Columbus’ estimate of the earth’s size was far too small. In this they were correct. Even the ancient Greeks were familiar with the concept of a round earth. What is ironic is that rationalistic scientists used this story to illustrate the ignorance & dogma of Christians who argued against the theory of evolution. It’s been whipped out in similar situations for the past 170 years. The irony? The allegedly logical & factual scientists were one relying on the dogma about belief in a flat earth instead of investigating historical fact.

2/17 Air Cav

Some porn queen needs to name herself Global Warming. Man, what a scream that would be.


Doesn’t the singer Pitbull use that theme in his album titles?


Now, see, if they’d used the psychology of advertising to round that 97.2% number up to 98%, it would be even more threatening. Round numbers count for everything.

And #bunnieslivesmatter!

MSG Eric

Another case where that 98% applies significantly:

“98% of us will die at some time in our lives.” – Cal Naughton Jr.


98% of all species that have ever lived are extinct.
Let them go in peaces. – George Carlin


Nicely written.


Almost 15 years ago Mars and Earth came about as close to each other as we ever do. Along with a large number of other amateur astronomers I viewed that planet then with a modest back yard telescope. A common thread among the community then was how the Martian polar ice caps had shrunk in recent months. At that time “Global Warming”, was the craze but to those of us looking at Mars, it was Solar System Warming, or something – we didn’t suspect anything other than our Sun. As much as we kept yelling to look up and see what is happening on other than our Earth, it seemed that no one was interested in such a far off place and how could that have any influence on us here. Seems it keeps coming down to the scarey fact that about half of our population have an IQ with two digits and they are surprisingly vocal. Whatever mine is, at least I consider climate change on distance planets in the mix of things we are seeing and I can’t blame man for much of what is being witnessed overall. In fact I’d suggest that a look at Jupiter lately indicates some climate change is taking place there right now too. Climate change is certainly a verifiable fact. Blaming it on the actions of man is silly.


Thebesig, there is paleontogical evidence that 7,000 years ago, the Swiss Alps were free of snow.

It comes and goes as it wishes to. WE have no control over it. Period. I’m waiting for reports – er, complaints of permanent ice returning to the area of the Northwest Passage.


The clowns who spew this garbage (the “studies,” not you, thebesig) fail to understand that many among the unwashed were steeped in simple concepts like scientific method, logic, critical thinking, and such and some literally wrote the book on how to conduct accurate statistical analysis. Pretending that 97.2% of 32.6% of a whole arbitrarily constructed from either carelessly accumulated or purposefully skewed data would have gotten these “scientists” laughed out of a college/university science program only a few years ago. There are so many errors in that study that the results hold absolutely nothing of value.

When you start with meaningless data the conclusions are also meaningless. On the other hand, it is possible to use flawed data, flawed logic, and finally draw correct conclusions, but they are till meaningless simply because the methodology getting there was flawed. And cannot be replicated.

Besides, studying studies only produces a conclusion that indicates how many people studied the topic not the relative importance of the topic compared to anything other than the whims of those producing studies.


And you have to love that peer-reviewed research…

The authors’ note that, yes, they did in fact argue that the “conceptual penis” causes climate change. Here’s an excerpt from their section on the climate, which they, of course, blame on the “hypermasculine machismo braggadocio isomorphic identification with the conceptual penis”:


Yep – Section 2.2, to be precise. Here’s an excerpt:

. . . . Climate change is driven by nothing more than it is by certain damaging themes in hypermasculinity that can be best understood via the dominant rapacious approach to climate ecology identifiable with the conceptual penis. Our planet is rapidly approaching the much-warned-about 2°C climate change threshold, and due to patriarchal power dynamics that maintain present capitalist structures, especially with regard to the fossil fuel industry, the connection between hypermasculine dominance of scientific, political, and economic discourses and the irreparable damage to our ecosystem is made clear.

Yes, you read that correctly. The article claims that the dong is responsible for global warming.

FWIW: the actual “peer-reviewed article” has been archived in case the “Scientific Journal” that was stupid enough to publish it pulls it from their Internet site (I’d guess it’s a good bet they will). The archived version is available for viewing/download at


They have the whole thing over at WUWT, in case anyone wants to read it.

The comments are priceless, too.


AZ to VA in my field there is an individual who created his own professional journal to get his “science” published. He is so awesome he is his own peer review. Nice huh?

When proponents of an idea only publish the work of those they agree with, you will have incredible statistics to tout. There is no knowledge gained from that…only the vapid continuance of a set of opinions masquerading as science. I was fortunate to participate in conference last week chock full of PhD types who focus on regulation radioactive air emissions, some of it was pretty long-haired. Did they all agree with each? HELL NO! I think I learned more from the debates, than I did from the Power-points…(Again, imagine that :)).

I was going to go off about environmental modeling, but that would be another topic.

Regarding the climate change thing; yep its going on, always has and always will. If there were still dinosaurs running around we would be blaming climate change on them.

How would you like to have been the dude/dudette to discover that the Bering Land Bridge was umm closed for renovation (not there, underwater, freaking gone)? I imagine something like WTF went through their mind. Followed by DAMMIT now we got to invent floaty things…hmmmm lets call it a boat or something…

Jerky Dave

I have absolute proof of man-made global warming. I think you guys must be just too dumb to realize it. Let me explain. I am outside during the winter and I feel cold. I step indoors and I immediately feel a lot warmer. Why, you ask? Because man has directly and deliberately increased the temperature in the building. So the warming I feel is entirely man made. And this is happening throughout the world. So, it is global.

On the opposite side, I stand outside during the summer and I feel hot. I walk inside and immediately feel cooler, due to air conditioning. Ahhh…. man-made global cooling.

Hmmm it seems we have off setting penalties. Repeat the down.


MSG Eric

I don’t recall where I saw this, but it might’ve been here on TAH. This video is fantastic as a response to the climate change crap.

The fact that they are using statistics to specifically find the answer they want is really not so surprising. Statistics will tell you whatever you want them to, IF you have a prescribed answer you are looking to get before you start them.

It is 45ish minutes, but the guy dismantles Bill Nye’s talking points so well it is fantastic. Along with the fact that there was supposed to be a debate and it was cancelled by the climate change troupe’s side.


OK, so 97.2% of 32.6%… since when did 31.6% become an unassailable supermajority?


Oh, you didn’t get that message? It recently handed out. I believe it was on a Tuesday in April.

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

OK, let’s take a poll of TAH members:

Yes, I believe that man is the cause of climate change.


No, I do not believe that man causes climate change.

Here’s the results:

The New York Grimes
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Overwhelming Consensus on Climate Change

The report is in! Over 97% of the members at the “This Ain’t Hell” website and blog have overwhelming voted that Global Warming is Fake News. That’s right, a consensus!

You read it here first, be sure to share this with your liberal family and friends.


It’s fake news at my house. I still have the furnace running. That’s where you get them – the furnace, still running, and still having to wear a sweater because when you go to get the mail, you freeze your ass off. That’s the key. There was another key, but I couldn’t find it… but I will.

Meantime, on another planet….


I too had free access to journals and articles in a couple of my jobs. I would read the climate science papers – the real science not the BS sociology stuff. Most often the studies followed good science practice, until the conclusion. Without fail, there would be a non-sequitur whereby the study indicated man made global warming – though there was no connection in the study whatsoever. Early on I concluded that the entire climate science field was not about doing good science but about chasing the grant money. Guess who controls the grant monies?

I was not a big swearer but “WTF” became a regular part of my lexicon from analyzing these sorts of studies.

thebesig: excellent smack down on Martinez. I have family who like to post garbage anti-gun studies. It is delightful to deconstruct the so-called science in these studies. It is funny when they shut up because none have any science background, yet they sill believe the anti-gun “scientists” – usually sociology types whose misuse of statistics is nothing short of appalling.


aGrimm, are we related? the family you speak of sounds remarkably like my siblings…lol.. even though a couple of them do have some scientific background, they’ve let leftist indoctrination win out, and buy anything the left serves them..