The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks
Last September, the Washington Post asked their readers to stop accusing them of being part of some big “media conspiracy”. That by doing so, we consumers were being “lazy and unfair”.

Fact is, there really is no such thing as “the media.” It’s an invention, a tool, an all-purpose smear by people who can’t be bothered to make distinctions.
Last Saturday night, Jeff Mason, the president of the White House Correspondents’ Association claimed that the media was not “Fake News” according to Breitbart ;
“It is our job to report on facts and to hold leaders accountable. That is who we are. We are not fake news.” said Mason, “We are not failing news organizations and we are not the enemy of the American people.”
Well, then where were you for the eight years prior to the Trump Administration? A quick perusal of Memeorandum these days is just a page full of anti-Trump rhetoric and insults of those who voted for him – from nearly every “main stream” news source.
The Post even ran an article two weeks ago about how Trump voters voted the way they did out of racism you know, despite the fact that Clinton is the same race as Trump. I don’t remember them treating Obama voters the same way – I guess their racism was better than ours.
In fact, the media is uniformly hoping and praying that Joe Biden jumps into the 2020 presidential race, you know, despite the fact that Biden has proved himself to be unqualified for any job in government, including functioning as a Congressional intern.
Americans voted overwhelmingly for President Trump – most of us because we couldn’t stomach having another President Clinton. Instead of trying to understand why a large number of Americans chose an inexperienced politician over a large number of career politicians, infinitely more qualified than Trump, by the standard generally accepted by the media, the media has decided to insult us instead. “Fake News” also means news that doesn’t matter – and that’s the type of journalism that The Media has decided to engage in rather than investigating the real news of the day.
By the way, if you have to take every opportunity you can to claim that you are not “Fake News”, that’s fake news, too.
The Washed-all-up [Com]Post is about as centrist as say, The Village Voice and if “Creepy Uncle” Joe Biden were to run in 2020 I’m sure that President Trump will steamroller him like Ronald Reagan did Mondale in 1984. Joe Biden isn’t even competent enough to cook fries at a fast food franchise, he’s about as smart and competent as a TSA puke at an airport!
API, I think you insulted TSA pukes everywhere.
Hope so! The grabby feely maggots need to be insulted!
(Stolen from a commentorat The Liberty Zone)
I do not think Biden is competent enough to clean up puke at the airport.
Tool + Fool x Uncool = Joe Biden.
No one did more to elect Trump than Hillary Clinton.
Yeah. What Jonn said.
Baloney. WaPo is far too coy about its state, and has long-term memory defiict.
Marshall MacLuhan predicted what we are currently confronted by in The Gutenberg Galaxy in the early 1960s: “Instead of tending towards a vast Alexandrian library the world has become a computer, an electronic brain, exactly as an infantile piece of science fiction. And as our senses have gone outside us, Big Brother goes inside. So, unless aware of this dynamic, we shall at once move into a phase of panic terrors, exactly befitting a small world of tribal drums, total interdependence, and superimposed co-existence. […] Terror is the normal state of any oral society, for in it everything affects everything all the time. In our long striving to recover for the Western world a unity of sensibility and of thought and feeling we have no more been prepared to accept the tribal consequences of such unity than we were ready for the fragmentation of the human psyche by print culture.”
He made it plain that technology has no per se moral bent—it is a tool that profoundly shapes an individual’s and, by extension, a society’s self-conception and realization.
WaPo is whining about its loss of individual importance in a wide ocean of the medium it now inhabits. What a pity that it is less relevant now than ever.
IMHO the WaPo along with the rest of the mainstream media mourns the loss of control over information they had in the days before the internet when they could censor what they saw fit to further their agenda and the vast majority of people couldn’t find out the real truth. Even today they remain dedicated to being the D-rat Party’s Pravda.
AKA as (D)ouche-Bagging. 🙂
‘mourns the loss of control’- yes, they do. The availability of social media has removed that authority from them and it will never return. While it is widely abused as a ‘look at me’ construct, it is also a direct source for instantly reporting the very panic, terror and hysterics in the public that McLuhan refers to, which is what we see constantly displayed on social media.
If not for that venue, where raw footage is sent to live streaming and we get to see the uncensored riots and damage and responses, when would we have an opportunity to decide for ourselves which side of the fence we want to sit on? It affords those on the right a chance to see it and know that their choice is the better one, and those who are wavering may and sometimes do lean toward the right side and away from the left.
Reality really is a harsh mistress in this case.
His better-known book ‘The Medium is the Message’ says essentially the same thing.
WaPo mourns its loss of control, like the irrelevant fuddy-duddy it has become. They’ll never get it back.
Let’s not forget CSPAN, which enables us to check the media reports against what they actually witnessed. Long before Trump, and even before widespread internet, a comparison of events covered by CSPAN and the same events covered by the “real” media showed clear evidence of ignorance, laziness, and incompetence, if not actual bias.
As to their claim of—
“It is our job to report on facts and to hold leaders accountable.
I reply “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? I guess that falls on the shoulders of those “pajama-clad” bloggers since the media refuses to do it.
The maggots are afraid the conservative patriots are going to use wapo’s poison against them, thats not fair, I mean we get to shyt on people first they said!!!
Americans voted overwhelmingly for President Trump…..
This is incorrect.
Trump received 62,984,825 (46.1%) votes while Hillary received 65,853,516 (48.2%.)
It is hard to claim “overwhelmingly” when neither major candidate received a majority of the votes.
That being said, the term “media” is used to encompass more than just “the press” as used in the Constitution. If the WaPo wants’ to claim they are not part of the press, that’s fine by me.
If they do, neither the paper, the editors or reporters would be covered by the special exemptions given the press such as not having to reveal a source in a criminal investigation or a higher standard for libel and slander.
Walk the talk, WaPo. If you aren’t part of the media, give up those legal protections that apply to members of the media.
I define overwhelmingly as “enough to win the election”. The other three candidates were overwhelmed.
Wide Load was devastated. Some of her supporters talked about killing themselves. Others swore they would leave the country. Yeah, I’d say that was a rather overwhelming victory.
Not to mention 306 electoral votes to 232.
I knew someone was going to go to the electoral college.
Even there, “overwhelming” is may not be appropriate or correct.
Out of the 58 presidential elections held, Trumps percentage of electoral college votes ranks 46.
Given the polling and predictions, Trump’s win was surprising, but one can not honestly say that it was “overwhelming” in either the popular vote or the electoral college vote.
While in my opinion it was far from overwhelming in the popular vote, if the Election were a Pron movie it would have ended with Hillary’s face being spackled like a glazed doughnut and her left buns up with her ass spanked so hard it looked like a Jap Flag and the Donald yelling out ” Next!!”
I will never forgive you for that imagery.
Me too… First thing on Monday morning too…
Popular vote also included the voter fraud from illegals. Give it a rest, and…. MOVE ON
“Popular vote also included the voter fraud from illegals.”
As well as the dead people’s vote in every major metropolitan area! Let’s not forget that CA’s moonbat Governor signed a bill into law allowing illegal aliens to vote.
The Electoral College is the vote that was held. No other vote occurred.
Or are you going to revisit the World Series based on total runs scored?
Or, for the slow learners out there: No “popular” vote has ever been held for President of the USA. You have never voted directly for a President.
The voters do not directly cast ballots for President, nor does the Senate, nor do a random selection of wombats.
Get over it.
Right on target
Wombats can’t vote?
Well they can, since no ID is required to vote.
If it weren’t for the Electoral College, the major metropolitan areas aka the deep, deep blue areas would make the decisions for us in nearly every Presidential Election. just LOOK at the area of the USA that voted for President Trump versus Das Hildebeast and you’ll see that President Trump DID win in a landslide, only lily-livered sniveling liberals bawl about him winning. Let’s also look at the flagrant voter fraud in major metropolitan areas, the recount in Detroit only gave us a small sample of it and thus IMHO the crooked big city voting fraud machines would also choose our Presidents for us if the popular vote was used, our Founders knew what they were doing when they came up with the Electoral College.
HEAR, HEAR! And if we as a nation had continued to implement the Electoral College the way the founders intended, the EC vote would have looked more like the county-by-county vote.
And it’s a good thing the Electoral College is specified by the US Constitution.
Long ago several states had constitutions similar to the US Constitution in that some legislative Senate seats were allocated per county, not by population. And US congressional districts did not all have the same population. Rural districts (Red districts?) tended to have a smaller population than urban centers (Blue districts?).
The US Supreme Court ruled such practices un-Constitutional. Thus, the Electoral College and the two-Senators-per-state provisions would be un-Constitutional if they were not specifically detailed in the USConstitution.
In the Presidential race the popular vote is meaningless. Trump received 306 Electoral College votes to Clinton’s 232- she was nowhere near the required 270. I call that overwhelming.
If 306 to 232 isn’t overwhelming, then we shall simply have to agree to disagree. Wasn’t winning the Electoral College the goal all along?
AW1ED and OWB,
The context was :”Americans voted overwhelmingly for President Trump…..”
The statement was not about the Electoral College.
Furthermore, as stated about, the percentage of Electoral College votes for Trump ranks 46 among 58 Presidential elections.
The election was a good, solid, and surprising win. “Overwhelming” in terms of any number used is a bit of a stretch.
I agree, but surprising, unexpected, devastating and historical are words that could be used
Yup. In the election that was actually held for USA President #45, 306 Americans voted for Trump versus 232.
Since no other balloting occurred for President, no discussion of any other totals or counting has any meaning. They are, in effect, imaginary.
Deal with it.
Okay. Americans gave Trump an overwhelming victory. And we did. You say tomato. I say potato.
OK, gc. Agreeing to disagree was my preferred position to take with you, but since you insist:
So what that Trump’s winning margin was 46th of 58? 12 even more overwhelming victories for others does not diminish his win’s overwhelmingness. He would still be our president if his win had been less overwhelming, or more so.
It just doesn’t matter. He won, by a considerable margin.
PS: Pretty sure it was Americans voting in the Electoral College. At least that is how it is supposed to work. Maybe they didn’t get to check ID’s.
This would be an interesting argument if we lived in a Democracy. It’s too bad that we live in a Representative Republic. America overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Even places that voted for Obama over the past eight years went for Trump.
Let us think back to that wondrous evening, of November 8th,and well into the early morning of November 9th.
The stunned looks.
The disbelief.
The endless wait for the turnaround to the left that never came.
The stunned silence.
Savor it…..
What a difference a day makes…
I can’t help myself. No self discipline. Those folks were…overwhelmed!
Gee whiz, the Clinton News Network (more like The Clinton Pravda) edited out where that chubby red-headed wombat flew the bird at the camera while she bawled. Stay as classy as you are right now, liberals!!! :LOL:
“Savor it…..”
Oh, I do. At this moment I have a smile on my face remembering it. I admit it—I gloat.
As only 54% of the eligible voters in this country voted in November for presidential candidates, I would say overwhelmingly is correct.
The amount of voters that stayed home and didn’t vote, overwhelmingly provided a win to Trump in this election. That 90ish million people added to the 62ish million who voted for Trump is “overwhelming”.
At that, how many of them were out protesting about Trump winning, though they didn’t even vote? Why didn’t they vote? Maybe the media and their bullshit about how Clinton was going to take it home easily caused a percentage of that?
The same media that ate crow the day after, but quickly threw the, “well ACTUALLY we were correct because the results were within the margin of error….” bullshit out about their polling bias that kept showing Hillary winning.
I like your thinking.
I have my moments.
It was overwhelming in America as a whole.
Trump won 3084 counties in America whereas the benghazibitch won a grand total of 57…
So you are saying that the deep blue libidiot areas of the country count more than the whole rest of the country…
Although the county numbers are in contention now, the trend is truly clear, Trump won a landslide election, period…
I stand corrected, Trump won 2597 wideload 486 out of 3084 counties total in America.
The numbers are still overwhelming.
“[W]e [media] are not the enemy of the American people.” Yes, and used car salesmen are decent, forthright, and honest as the day is long. Let’s see: OJ was not guilty–and a jury agreed. Shane Ladner was awarded two Purple Hearts. The newsies talking about the news to other newsies is just one big ass circle jerk.
And Bergdahl served with distinction…
“It is our job to report on facts and to hold leaders accountable. That is who we are. We are not fake news.” said Mason, “We are not failing news organizations and we are not the enemy of the American people.”
Another lie… right up there with “The check’s in the mail”…
“The check is in the mail.”
“I love you no shit.”
And my personal fav:
“The Duty Driver is on the way, Sir.”
Don’t forget, “It’s your baby!”
“NO SHIT, there I was…”
“If you enlist, your choice of duty station is guaranteed”
“I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you”
What Jeff Mason has to say is mostly irrelevant. The White House Correspondents Association dinner stopped mattering to shoe-leather journalists about the time it turned into a celebrity circle jerk.
This year’s version pretty much points to the problem. Hasan Minhaj, an Indian-Muslim writer for the Daily Show as the main draw? Apparently they couldn’t find a handicapped lesbian Syrian-Wiccan refugee who works for the Huffington Post to check more diversity boxes. There were also guest appearances by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein still coasting from Watergate circa 1972. It wouldn’t have been a surprise if they had trotted out doddering old Dan Ellsberg for a special cameo.
Bottom line, at least it seems to me, is that The American news media has pretty much lost all respect from the public because it went for the cheap hit. Instead of trying to win respect back, it’s now trying to blame its audience and readership.
These so called ” News Sources” have a huge problem in that they are ran by smug cock-knocking leftists and “journalists” who think they can take a few pictures or videos, put their leftist spin on it and expect people to believe it.
Meanwhile regular American citizens with access to the internet are examining raw data and footage and uncovering the REAL news and putting it out.
Look up what 4Chan did to the Antifa princess moldlylocks within a day or two of the Mainstream media painting her as a Victim of right wing thugs
(prestitutes) “Waaaaaahhhhh! Trump makes us look irrelevant! No fair! -We- matter because we say we do! Why won’t he -obey- our demands that he show up so we can heap scorn on him? Doesn’t he know we are powerful and Americans think what we tell them to?”
“WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!he -can’t- be -winning!-“
“Presstitutes”, LOL, I am SO gonna steal that!!! 😆
Awesome, I’m going to use that too.
Regretably, i did not coin that bit of accurate description.
Few expected a Trump victory. The media were in the tank for his opponent and used every device to seal defeat for Trump. But, despite the media’s best efforts, the American voters overwhelmed their choice at the polls and made a victor out of the media’s slam-dunk, surefire loser.
That better? In point of fact, the number of Trump voters was overwhelming, quite contrary to the hope and expectation of the media geniuses.
And the winning just keeps chugging along. And no, I ain’t tired of it yet.
The Washington Pos and the New York Times in tandem tried to brand the competitors that had just beaten them, focusing on Breitbart and Reddit, as “Fake News.” CNN and the rest of the captive Democratic media took it up.
Breitbart and Reddit both responded with link after link citing false stories by those two entities and CNN, demonstrating exactly why all three have been losing viewership.
Reddit added the memes (cartoons), for fun and for distribution on social media.
Sow the wind; reap the whirlwind.
I thought somebody would have learned the lesson from Hillary’s attempt to pick a fight with a green, cartoon frog, but no: these idiots have graduated to telling us the “A-OK” hand sign is now a symbol of white supremacy.
JUST WHEN I think that liberals can’t get any more snot-nosed, infantile, imbecilic, smug, sneering and arrogant at getting pissed-off and “offended” by anything under the sun, they prove me wrong. 😆 BTW, I’ve heard that the “Okay” hand gesture means different things in different places. For instance, I’ve heard that’s how you call someone an asshole in Brazil!
The MSM’s fixation on “fake news” and their constant need to claim they’re the “one true source” reminds me of an old story. It goes something like this:
1. If only one guy thinks you’re a jackass, it’s probably just a personality conflict. And if anyone has an problem, it’s probably him. Don’t sweat it.
2. If only a few guys think you’re a jackass, probably no need to be concerned. Everyone has enemies and/or personality conflicts. That’s life; you can’t please everyone.
3. However, if half the people you meet think you’re a jackass . . . well, chances are damned good you’re a jackass. Maybe you should take stock and make the necessary changes in your behavior before reality steamrolls you.
4. And if you have to tell everyone who will listen, “I am not a jackass”, well, . . . go get fitted for a saddle.
Equally important when it comes to media bias is the facts they fail to report.
On any given day take a look on line at Fox News, CNN and say BBC. Just look at the headline differences as to what are important stories.
If I get called before Congress to testify and when they put the oath to me to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth what happens if I respond I will if you will.
Truth! You can’t handle the truth!
I think there’s a general rule that if you have to TELL people you’re “still relevant” – you’re not.
If you have to TELL people you’re “impartial” – you’re not.
If you have to TELL people you “don’t have an agenda” – you do.
Which reminds me of an old joke.
A country boy takes a trip to the Big City. When he gets there, he passes by a construction site. The workers are all sitting around, doing nothing, sipping coffee and taking a break. The country boy wanders right into the site, past the orange cones and pedestrian barriers and starts looking around.
Eventually one of the workers looks up from his coffee and yells “Hey, Buddy! You can’t be in here! Can’t you see the sign? It says ‘Men Working!'”
And the country boy looks at the sign and says “where I come from we don’t need a sign – we can tell by watching ’em!”
[…] Skirts Twitter Suspension The Political Hat: Victims Of Communism Day 2017 This Ain’t Hell: The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks, also, Springsteen Admits He Was A Stone Cold Draft Dodger War Is Boring: The U.S. Military Moves […]
Joe The Biden took a big step up in my eyes when he shut down those silly challenges to the election and certified the Congressional College.He shut the protesters up right in the middle of their sentences and most looked like a deer in headlights as someone gave them pretty bad advice to try it leaving them looking foolish.
“It’s Over” he said quite emphatically and then left the stage.
“Americans voted overwhelmingly for President Trump”. Just one more alternative fact – you’re dead wrong. Several million more people voted for Hillary.
This has already been covered, your numbers included corpse votes and illegal immigrant votes. If you can’t converse with the grownups, you’ll have to go sit at the kiddie table, snowflake.
Just stupid.
Yes, Joey, you certainly are just stupid.
The apparent popular vote difference was about 2.86 million, Joe. And while I’d take issue with the particular choice of words above, your observation – while arguably true – is also irrelevant, for a number of reasons.
1. Most if not all of Clinton’s plurality in the popular vote total came from 3 locations: metro NYC, metro LA, and metro Chicago. Let’s just say none of the three have a particularly good reputation (or historical record) regarding running clean elections in which only legitimate votes are counted.
2. Even assuming Clintoon indeed received that many more legitimate votes than Trump (I don’t), She Who Would Be Queen still received barely 48% of the popular votes cast for POTUS – 48.2%, to be precise. Thus, she did not obtain a majority of popular votes cast. She’s thus has no “more legitimate” claim than does Trump based on popular vote totals – less than half the voters wanted either of them.
3. Finally, the popular vote is a nice “beauty contest”. But the POTUS is elected by the Electoral College – and if someone gets a majority there, it’s “game over”.
I believe the final Electoral College total was 304 Trump, 227 Clintoon, and 7 faithless electors. And since 270 or more Electoral Votes is all that’s required to be elected POTUS . . . that means “game over”.
Yer “girl” lost, Joe. Get over it.
Millions and millions of us are not getting over it. You know why. Trump is being attacked on every front. Other than lobbing a few missiles at Syria over dessert (“entertainment”), he has been spectacularly clueless and ineffectual. Nope, No one’s getting over it. He’ll suffer death by 1,00 cuts. I don’t think he’ll make it thru his first term.
Death by 1.00 cut? What is that, another of your brain farts? Do you spend your entire time smoking dope, or is this just one of your rare episodes of figuring out how the keyboard works?
Did you freeze in the protest march on Sunday? Or were you too much of a wimp to get cold and wet, and you stayed home?