Manning anxious about release

| April 22, 2017

David sends us a link from Fox News which reports that the fellow who was born a man and named Bradley Manning until he was sentenced to prison for being a traitor is real happy that President Obama has pardoned him;

Her case pitted LGBT rights activists, who warned about her mental health and treatment as a transgender woman living in a men’s prison, against national security hawks who said she did devastating damage to U.S. interests. The former cheered Obama’s move, while the latter called it an outrageous act that set a dangerous precedent.

Manning might be back on the street, but it probably won’t be working out well for him. Presidential pardons don’t change public opinion.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Actually the little twat was not pardoned but actually had it’s sentence commuted by the greatest POTUS of all times. (Sarcasm)


his “release” should be when the trap door opens beneath him!dangle there dingdong!


Dollars to donuts he will be on public ‘assistance’ most of his life. Or, maybe he can get a gig, paid for by the LGBT community, in which he travels the country giving speeches about tolerance and acceptance and being a traitor. Really, who would hire him?

Frankly, I can’t see him as a salesman/woman/it)in the lumber section of Home Depot. I think he might do well in the feminine hygiene section of CVS.


MSNBC will give him a ten year, multi-million dollar contract as a military expert.


GMTA, Instinct. Brad will do great on the Richie Madcow show.


He’ll be a “poster child” for some lefty cause for a while, then disappear, just like Cindy Sheehan.

I’d be thinking that he permanent place of employment for the rest of his life would be behind dumpster #2 at the local ghey bar…


Cindy who?


She still hanging out at the Bush ranch?


Stunt double for Rachel Madcow. They’ve got the same hairstyle after all.

Or masked AntiFa loser getting punched at a Berkley rally


Whatever “job” it gets will be short lived. I’m thinking 14 months from the time he walks out the gates. Straight suicide, overdose, death by some kind of “misadventure”, take your pick.

Pinto Nag

Just what did the women who frequent CVS ever do to you, that you’d wish THAT on us????




Bob Barker will soon be proud….


He gets out on May 17, IIRC. Which makes me wonder why he’s on Twitter.

I don’t get why anyone would side with this turd after what he did, just because he shares some minor traits with them. Robert Hanssen resembles me in a few ways (white, male, Catholic) and none of those commonalities lessen my desire to see him thrown off a cliff.

Perry Gaskill

The Twitter issue popped up a couple of years ago. Apparently Manning doesn’t make twerpy tweets directly. He has people who do it for him on the outside.

MSG Eric

Well apparently they can’t house women in the correctional facilities so he’s staying in on post lodging there. Except when he threatens to kill himself or goes on a hunger strike, then they put him in the cleaning lady’s closet.

The Other Whitey

Watch the wannabe-eunuch Bradley Manning’s fan following disappear as soon as he’s out, since he’ll no longer be a fake martyr for “teh gheys.” I wonder if he’ll pick another fight with an actual girl and lose (again).



The Other Whitey

I have yet to meet a gay dude whose standards are that low.


“Everywhere is freaks and hairies
Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity”

Thanks to: Ten Years After


Has he had a chopadictomy?


As Bradley walks out of prison and the gates close behind him, the guards briskly walk back inside.

Suddenly, Bradley drops to the ground like a sack of wet cement.

Investigation will later reveal that a hunter in “Hunting Area G” on Fort Leavenworth tripped and dropped their rifle. The rifles impact with the ground caused the weapon to fire and the round ultimately struck Bradley right in the brain housing group.

Man I should write some fiction, eh?

Misty the Medic

I would read the hell out of that book.

A Proud Infidel®™

Look at the bright side, even though his sentence was commuted by the previous POTUS, he still has a DD which makes him completely ineligible for any and all Veteran’s Benefits thus he has to fund his hormone therapy and snip & tuck himself.


Commuting his* sentence does not expunge his felony record, either. Somehow I don’t see this turning out well for Manning.

I’m OK with that.

*X-Y chromosome hasn’t changed.


When people fake, usually it’s for one thing, that adulation people heap onto service members. Bradley is finally going to get that when he walks out of prison. I’m sure he has always felt, in his own narcissistic way, that he deserved that adulation, even before he released all that information. I’m sure he’s going to have benefactors after he gets out, a book deal, a speaking tour, interviews. But I expect that at some point, either during it all, or when the public forgets about him, it will become too much. Mark my words, Brad will do himself in. I’m not saying this to be a cruel asshole. He’s going to burn out.

A Proud Infidel®™

I see that too. According to some statistics the suicide rate among the TG crowd is far higher than any other section of the population and given his maladaptive past habits and deeds…


He’ll move in with that decathlon he/she whatshisname, Brooth – something like that – won’t look for a job, and will whine so much that Brooth with kick his ass to the curb. And that will be the end of that.

A year from now, five years from now, no one will remember any of this silliness, and yes, I think he’ll pick a fight in a biker bar with a biker dyke (yes, they are that) who will beat the crap out of him.


He won’t “pick” a real fight with anyone because this “guy” has been a total pussy his entire life. That is why he wants a fake pussy now. He truly needs a final solution. I like OAE’s fictional one, personally, but Andy11M’s is more likely.


I don’t know about that, rgr769. He tried to pick a fight with a girl when he was deployed and she beat the crap out of him. Remember that one? I think it was right after he got busted for leaking stuff to Wikileaks.

Pinto Nag

His ‘final solution’s won’t have anything to do with his pelvic region. And stop calling him a pussy. If you must call him by female slang, call him a cunt. He will never be anywhere as useful as a real pussy.

A Proud Infidel®™

Well Bradley Manning DID get his ass beaten into the next week by a Female Soldier he picked a fight with when he was overseas, maybe he’ll do it again?


Yup. I’ve met several biker dykes. Great people and some more man than I am and im not ashamed to say it or have them watch my back in a bar fight


Manning is a fucking traitor.


Agreed. And IMO the Army was absolutely stupid to take the death penalty off the table prior to his court-martial.


Spot on.


No doubt obama demanded it and being good little obozo ass kissers, they complied!

2/17 Air Cav

WTF is that thing doing on Twitter? Fed inmates are on social media?

Perry Gaskill

An interesting sidebar to Manning was the news last week of plans to file charges against Bradley’s co-conspirator Julian Assange. CIA Director Mike Pompeo brought it up in a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies:

“As long as they make a splash, they care nothing about the lives they put at risk or the damage they cause to national security,” Pompeo said. “It’s time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is: a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors, like Russia.”

The predictable backlash was immediate with a lot of hand-wringing by people such as Glenn Greenwald who were upset because Assange’s 1st Amendment rights were being violated. To which Pompeo apparently responded that Assange doesn’t have any rights; he’s an Australian who is hunkered down in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London.

Greenwald, for what it’s worth, lives in Brazil with his husband, and was neck-deep in helping Eddie Snowden steal NSA material.


I don’t think it has had its dickectomy. Now it will be on the street, no money, basically nothing going for him. The LGBT community will throw him under the bus when he has served his usefulness. Oh, they will parade him around for a while, but soon they will tire of his fucking insanity bullshit. Someone above said he will write a book. Yeah, he probably will and it will be a bestseller and he’ll make the talk shows so equally creepy people can fawn over him. Now, since no dickectomy yet, he should stay in prison another year or so, get his whack job at taxpayer expense, and then get out. Such a procedure is tens of thousands of dollars, followed by a lifetime of hormones, psychological treatment, etc. You do know they need psychological treatment, don’t you, so they feel good about themselves? And it can’t be just any psychiatrist. It has to be one who feels his pain and will feel comfortable being in the same room with this bag of shit. I doubt the LGBT groups will step up to pay for his shit. Fuck him. He was sentenced to what, 30 years? He did about four or so. Now he will be on the street. Who will hire a bag of shit with a DD who has shown he will rat out anyone with whom he disagrees. Yeah, he’s the kind of person you want working with your customers, having access to sensitive information (names, credit card numbers, etc.). Again, fuck him. Refuse to leave prison you turd. He will exist at taxpayer’s expense via food stamps, welfare, housing, etc. So basically, instead of being kept at government expense behind bars, he will do so outside of the bars. Yeah, I like the idea of paying for this turd to exist.

Green Thumb

I imagine they will upgrade his his/her discharge and toss in a Ranger Tab to boot.

Green Thumb

He/she will be working balls for beer money before Oprah and the book deal go through….


Oh, you just know he’ll be on Oprah. He’ll praise that pile of shit Obama b/c he feels his pain and understands him. He’ll bash Trump b/c of lack of funding for the horseshit LGBT community. Yeah, they deserve our tax dollars. Probably want reparations for being oppressed for centuries.


I had no idea you could milk a cat!

Oh, you can milk just about anything with nipples.

I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?


Sweet Weeping Jesus! Some things should not be said in public.


A conversation between Gaylord “Greg” Focker and Jack Byrnes. Meet the Parents (2000)



Cracks me up every time.


Him and Bruce Jenner teaming up to give speeches at every snowflake confab across the country. I can see it now. Bleach..I need brain bleach


It may be on sale at the hardware store. Check the Sunday paper for the sale price.

When are we going to stop giving these whackjobs the spotlight and focus more on the people who do worthwhile things with their lives?


There’s plenty of brain bleach at the TAH World-Wide HQ, in the Gift Shop… 50 gallon drums for a box of Cuban ceegars or adult beverage of Jonn’s choice

Silentium Est Aureum

On a happier note, Larsie will finally get that “roomie” he’s been looking for on Craigslist.

Just An Old Dog

Can you imagine the cat fights between those two bitches?
I pity whoever is in the same Apartment building they share.


We can only hope there will be U-tube video. But I worry about his real cat being subjected to that.


Wonder how long before another suicide attempt. Without the US Army being so close at hand, it might take this time.


Yes, but do you think anyone will really pay any attention?


The left and the MSM will cry that the military drove him to suicide with their unfair persecution.

I’ll smile knowing that an oath-breaking traitor isn’t around any more. 🙂

MSG Eric

80% bet that his wang never comes off and he “changes his mind” about it after he is released.

Just an excuse to garner sympathy from the populace and from the impotus in chief, King Barry.


Didn’t they start his “treatment” already? If so, wonder if that’ll be a service connected treatment that the VA will then complete?

The way things are, I imagine we (taxpayers) are somehow going to be on the hook for it.

A Proud Infidel®™

He got a DD thus he’s NOT eligible for VA Health Care. I’m sure he’ll try to stick taxpayers with the bill via Medicaid.

A Proud Infidel®™

If he ever tried to hit me up for support I’d likely have to tell a snowflake like him in a “diverse” way, something like this:

Eat shit and howl at the moon
Come mierda y aullar a la luna
Mangiare merda e ululare alla luna
Manger de la merde et hurlent à la lune
Comer merda e uivar para a lua
Jíst hovno a vytí na měsíc
Eet stront en huilt naar de maan
Ешьте дерьмо и выть на луну
Valgykite šūdas ir staugia į mėnulį
Jeść gówno i wyć do księżyca
Ci shit kuma kuka a watã
Kula shit na kuomboleza katika mwezi
Jedite govna i zavijanje na mjesec
Mangiare mmerda e ulula à la luna
Hani mut dhe rënkime në hënë
Ith agus dh Howl aig a ‘ghealaich
Spis lort og hyle mod månen
Ät skit och tjut på månen
Cun shire, oo qayliya dayaxu
Manje kaka ak rèl nan lalin lan
चंद्राकडे कचरा व आक्रोश करा खा
Mangan taek lan sesambata ing rembulan
Ēd sūdi un gaudot uz mēnesi
Mănâncă rahat și urla la luna
Éttu skít og spangól á tunglinu
Jan kaka eta howl ilargia at
أكل الخراء والعواء في القمر
Kumain tae at alulong sa buwan
Egyél szart és üvöltés a holdra
Manducare stercore ululantes in luna,

Just An Old Dog

It’s already been said here numerous times, so I will just agree. Manning is a weak-minded narcasissitic bitch.
He may be welcomed with welcome arms by the lunatic left and supported by them for a while, but the left is a fickle mistress.
He will be used until another wackier, more edgy piece of shit becomes their cause de jour, and he will be left to his own devices.
In addition there will be elements of the left who will attack him as a fraud or not LGBT enough.
He will end up being found dead by his own hand within the next five years.

Stephen McCartney

The diagnosis is unchanged. It is ‘gender dysphoria’ plain and simple. As a disease it truly has victims and they are sad, very conflicted and prone to suicide. To make matters worse, the treatment now , as prescribed by the media social and gender justice “experts” is surgical and hormonal transition.This I believe is driven by a morbid curiosity regarding genito-urinary reconstructive/deconstructive surgery and fills up People magazine and the View episodes. Of statistical note, the depression and suicide rate is unchanged after the surgical reassignment. If a surgeon operated on a disease and had consistently no impact on improvement of that process, he’d have his credentials pulled. My point, do not treat a mental disorder with a scalpel. We learned that with prefrontal lobotomies in the 1940’s. Focused mental and supportive counselling is needed. Place the effort there. PVT Manning will have his TV era and wearing of the proverbial “cunt cap” at televised demonstrations but the “crash” and suicide risk looms in the background. I hope those around him and those who use him know that and don’t accelerate or enhance the risk.
CAPT Bones USN (ret)


You’re correct about the Dx being the same, but the DSM-V has soften up considerably regarding the expectations and recommendation regarding patients that despite all options want reassignment. To me it reads like enabling.

Off the top of my head, I think the suicide rate is about 48% and yes, remains unchanged in those that actually transition…but longitudinal studies will have to reveal if it drops as laws change an/or acceptance increases/decreases. Contrast that to the overall rate of suicide being about 3% and it’s hard to get anyone to write that, many preferring to phrase it instead in ways that make it look like a more significant number.


Hmm. Last time I checked, 3% x 16 = 48%.

Yeah, a “suicide rate greater by a factor of 16” certainly seems like a significant difference to me.

Deplorable B Woodman

When “Manning” gets out, “he” needs to crawl into a deep hole and pull it shut behind him. There are too many vets with long memories in the general population.