VFP Geezers and Code Pink at the Newseum

| January 18, 2009

Dave in Texas writes at Ace of Spades that Nancy Pelosi is considering pursuing the Bush Administration after they leave office for imagined war crimes.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Fox News Sunday says she’s open to the idea of prosecuting Bush administration officials.

“I think you look at each item and see what is a violation of the law and do we even have a right to ignore it,” the California Democrat said.

The old coots of Veterans For Peace partnered with the hags of Code Pink yesterday at the Newseum in DC to point their arthritic and unclean fingers at the corporate media for being complicit in the Bush Administration’s imagined crimes. Their spokeman says that the Newseum is the “showpiece of the corporate media” and that’s why they chose it for their theater.

This is a nine-minute video, you’ll want to scroll through the first 6 minutes to avoid listening to the guy with the horrible Philly accent and get to the part where the protesters begin violating everyone’s right to have a peaceful tour of the museum without screeching harpies mindlessly shrieking empty platitudes.

So while everyone is looking to the future, Nancy Pelosi and the horse-blindered Left are still steeped in their Bush Derangement Syndrome. Actually, they’re afraid they’re going to lose all of the money they got from the BDS-sufferers to fund their lavish, work-free lifestyles what with The One being in office now. Remember the picture of the Vets For Peace member’s car I took a few months ago at the National Archives;

Vets for Peace Archives 008
They still want to impeach President Nixon and thirty years from now they’ll still want to impeach President Bush

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Liberals suck, Phony soldiers

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Let them do it. First, let them name the crime. Each crime has a list of elements, numbered one to about 5. Let them name a crime, and specify its elements.


Even for VFP, that was pathetic.

Near the very end, the guy says, “Hello Kevin”.

Kevin is Kevin McCarron, who while an officer in the VFP DC held signs up to the windows of ambulance buses entering Walter Reed that said, “Maimed For A Lie” and “Enlist Here and Die For Halliburton”.

McCarron is a scumbag for doing that. Even if you believe that, why is McCarron rubbing the wounded’s nose in it like the troops were a puppy the crapped on the rug?

That’s going to end the war, at their expense? Do they derserve it McCarron because they didn’t listen to you and served?


I must take gentle umbrage at the ‘Old Coots’ epithet Jonn.

Maybe ‘shitheads’ or even ‘pukes’, but as an old coot myself (and about the same age as the guy in the video) I’d prefer not to be lumped in with such creatures – whatever else you might call them.

I’ll leave others to decide whether ‘hags’ is an apt description of ‘those’ Code Pink persons. Several I’ve seen aren’t even female, just feminine.


I agree with Ponsdorf, us old coots don’t wanna be lumped in with shitheads or pukes. But hags is good for the Pinkos. Dried up, withered old hags.

Adirondack Patriot

The one bumper sticker in the photo says: “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism”.

Dear Lefties: Tanks for the invitiation! I am going to have an extraordinarily patriotic four years starting tomorrow.

P.S. — When you put a “Proud American Revolutionary” sticker on your car, please make sure it’s an AMERICAN MADE CAR!


I guess they don’t use the rear-view mirror very often.