The world Obama made

Most of the media is focused on the missile strike that the president launched against the Syrian government’s capability to use chemical weapons in their civil war while ignoring completely the fact that the Obama Administration had promised us that they had negotiated away those chemical weapons without firing a shot. The New York Times reports “Syria Strike Puts U.S. Relationship With Russia at Risk“;
President Vladimir V. Putin’s office called the Tomahawk cruise missile strike on Syria a violation of international law and a “significant blow” to the Russian-American relationship, while Prime Minister Dmitri A. Medvedev said it had “completely ruined” it.
Yeah, well, the Russians “completely ruined” any relationship when they allowed the Syrian government to maintain some chemical weapons.
In the pages of the Washington Post, Margaret Sullivan complains that “The media loved Trump’s show of military might. Are we really doing this again?”
Missile strikes may seem thrilling, and retaliation righteous.
But journalists and commentators ought to remember the duller virtues, too, like skepticism, depth and context.
And keep their eyes fixed firmly there, not on the spectacular images in the sky.
Anyway, the Fox & Friends folks discuss the deceitful Obama Administration this morning with our buddy Jim Hanson;
Category: Politics
By journalist, she means DNC typist. By commentators she means DNC narrative reader.
Remember, war by a Dem president is not war, it is the righteous ruler called upon by the deity of the left to rule over lesser people being forced to action.
War by a Rep president is a usurpation of the above.
Once you understand the political narrative you understand that nothing any Dem does is ever “bad”, “wrong”, “mistaken”, or even “less than perfect” and anything done by anyone else is the work of the devil they don’t believe exists.
Thanks Uncle Jimbo.
Susan Rice is a lying muslim p.o.s.! The bitch said the obozo admin. got rid of the chem weapons in syria..gee thats funny, seems the airstrike hit a warehouse full of them….lying slut!!
I ass-u-me that the left still labels any and all criticism of the previous administration as “racist” while making up any kind of criticism of the Trump Administration including fake news.
The previous what?
ass-u-me…..that’s what happens when we assume something, we make an ass of you and me LOL
‘administration’ – something that didn’t exist until 1/20/17.
How long before the Washington Post starts squawking about “Tomahawk” missiles?
They will soon have out the “hatchet job” of an article.
Annnnnd there we go….
(Mother Jones, but still..)
Yeah, Mother Jones id about as centrist as The Village Voice or the Washed-all-up [Com]Post.
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Отъебись и умри.
Хорошего дня
Ha ha I see what you did there
Oh, I hope I was clear! 🙂
Greek to me.
Is it too soon to say, “Obama lied about WMD?” How’s about, “Kerry lied about WMD?”
At least I’m willing to admit that perhaps they were simply naïve instead of outright lying. What I really believe is that they just didn’t care as long as the sound bites on the evening news advanced their agenda.
When did anyone in the previous administration ever tell the truth about anything?
Let’s not forget wearing the right suit and tie for those occasions.
To paraphrase Ann Coulter, “Obama is worse than Neville Chamberlain because Obama at least had Chamberlain’s mistakes to learn from.”
There’s ignorance, and then there’s weapons-grade stupidity.
The JEF was only concerned about his “legacy”… and tried to flash his “cred” as a healer and peacemaker. They lied about everything…from Syria to Libya to Iran, and tried to get the public to believe them.
Trump has a fucking mess to clean up… and a big broom, as well as a big stick is needed to do it.
And it looks like President Trump is not even remotely hesitant to use either.
Nice to see POTUS have a good week..
Uni-polarity is long gone.
Thanks Obummer.
I have to clean house this weekend. If the weather is nice, I’ll open the windows and let in a breath of fresh air.
When I take out the trash, I will be thinking of those who went before Jan. 20, 2017. Well, bye.
Sticks head out window during layover on way to Casa de SEA…feels nice to me!
It was nice enough today in SLC, UT. A little cool, intermittent wind an rain. I was able to finish raking and weeding the yard. Enjoyable.
And now it’s snowing tonight.
Uncle Jimbo has been one of my faves for years. He is a retired Army Special Forces master sergeant who has made the big time in conservative media. Probably no one but Fox would put him on TV.
Team Obama’s “cavalcade of capitulations and catastrophes”– good one!
I first bumped into him on the Black 5 blog. I’ve seen him on Fox several times- he’s doing well.
IIRC, he was on Rachel Maddow at least once.
Sullivan has a point, but it seems to me she’s using the wrong sources to support it. Mother Jones? Glenn Greenwald? Please. Duller virtues, like skepticism, depth and context should not be dependent on having a political axe to grind. The writers at Mother Jones haven’t liked a politician since Lenin, and Greenwald supports open borders.
Still, what Sullivan is talking about is the difference between TV news as an entertainment medium, and what Jimmuh Carter called “the pencil press.” It’s not a surprise that people like Brian Williams would get a ratings boner watching the launch of Tomahawk missles. If it bleeds, it leads.
What would be a surprise is if Williams got a truth woodie because somebody did the scut work of providing iron-clad forensic proof that Sarin gas used in Syria was linked directly to Assad. Proof more than just third-hand information filtered through so-called eyewitnesses via, say, the usual flakey Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Which despite the lofty title amounts to a single UK-based guy, Osama Suleiman AKA Rami Abdulrahman, who has an obvious anti-Assad bent.
Well, first they said Trump was a puppet of the Russians, now he’s doing things that they say are bad for relations with Russia. Are they going to make up their minds?
These MFers–and that’s what they are, screwed the country so many ways I count them all. Bunch of rads, commies, marxists, lying, rotten bastards. All of them. Every last one.
I guess attitudes about bombing Syria have changed in the past three or four years:
Nah, I still think they ought to wall off the place and let them fight it out until they’re down to rocks.
But anything that shows how useless the previous administration was at dealing with, well, any conflict, I’m good with it.
“Nah, I still think they ought to wall off the place and let them fight it out until they’re down to rocks.”
I say once they get to that point it’s time to NUKE ‘EM ‘TIL THEY GLOW.
The most disappointing part about all this is that Trumpster won’t get the Nobel Peace Prize for sure now. “O” got it for all the peacy things he was going to do later but the repubs would not let him. A sad day indeed.