James Stephen Blanton, phony SEAL
Someone sent us their work on this fellow, James Blanton who, for some reason, claims to be a Navy SEAL in order to enhance his roofing business as you can see in the image of his business card above. Of course, because he’s being featured on TAH, you can guess it’s not true;
All of that paperwork and not one mention of any SEAL training or SEAL assignments. He was a Seaman, Electronics Technician Striker on the submarines USS John Adams and USS Tecumseh for more than eleven years. But not a SEAL.
NOTE: The folks at Specialized Roofing and Insulation, Inc. tell us that Blanton no longer works for them, so don’t bother to call them about him.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Isn’t being a Bubblehead enough? Damn, I couldn’t be a submariner.
Sure ya could.
It’s called Sea Pay AND Sub Pay AND SDAP (if you’re a nuke), which when you hit 6-7 years of sea time and E-6 over 10 is some pretty healthy coin.
Jumping out of an airplane is easier and gets extra pay.
I once got a ride on a hospital litter bus. They put me in the middle and I got the Willie’s in minutes and they had to get me out of there stat. My bubblehead bud talks of sleeping with torpedoes. No way.
“My bubblehead bud talks of sleeping with torpedoes.”
I’ve done that on sub ops…it’s no big deal. Sleeping on a carrier with 3 million gallons of fuel and the ordinance stockpile was probably no less dangerous.
Whatever you do, don’t tell him about hotracking.
I guarantee our pays were a lot more than jump pay.
Going from memory here, but when I went from boat to shore duty, I lost money, because BAQ, VHA, and comrats didn’t make up for loss of sea/sub/pro pay (close to $900/mo back then.)
Yup! I was offered Nuke Propulsion on a Sub out of high school but turned it down. Staying under water didn’t bother me but it didn’t seem that exciting so when the Army Recruiter asked me if I wanted to jump out of planes “Hell Yeah” was my reply. Probably not the right choice.
Woulda been great to retire with my special pays figured into the formula.
Jump, Dive, Demo, SDAP (at the IDC Rate)and my Sea Duty Bonus….awww yeah.
Another phony SEAL.
— sigh —
After looking at his records posted above, it looks like he made it all the way up to ET1 (E-6), then got knocked back to ETSN on 08 Oct 1991. Our Team TAH Navy brethren may want to pitch in here in case I’m not reading this correctly, but it looks to me like this assclown probably got court-martialed in order to have been busted down like that.
In any case, a low pass from ex-OS2 is definitely in order here.
Bring it. Phony SEAL in the open.
Cleared hot.
You’re on the right track, he went up to E6. “NJP” is an Article 15, Captains Mast in the Navy. He received one of those early in his career, but apparently didn’t learn from it.
Looking at the list of commands, under “ship or station”, there’s a break in assignments from December 1, 1990, to May 16, 1991. Him, I wonder why he’d disappear during that specific time period? 🙄 /sarc But, that’s long enough for him to be declared a deserter.
He returned to custody on May 17, 1991. He may have been subsequently court martialed and booted out.
I feel like something else might have happened during those dates… Something a coward might want to avoid….
Probably off the books black ops super soldier type stuff going on. Don’t ask, it’s classified.
It’s possible the May 1991 timeframe is when he was booted and sent to Squadron 6 to bide his time before he got booted.
There’s a five month gap in his list of ships and assignments not listing him with a unit. Before that gap, he’s assigned to a submarine, blue team/crew. Then the gap, then assignment, as an E6, to commander submarine group, the next higher echelon. He’s subsequently listed as an E3.
When I saw deserters returned to the ship, they had already been dropped from the books. They were subsequently turned over to the post to await military justice in the hands of the next higher echelon to their unit, or with the post.
Actually, no. The November 1990 is a “normal” eval. The one in May was, as previously noted, a special eval, not one expected during a reporting cycle.
Probably something the boat did before they kicked his ass off the boat and sent him to Squadron.
You got it wrong.
He seals roof leaks. It’s all a misunderstanding of roofing terms.
Seal, water, underwater, demolition etc.
Yep, everything he learned about SEALs he learned from Phil Swift. Even how to fix a boat.
It looks like he was a nuke Electronics Tech, qualified submariner, made petty officer 1st class (E6): ET1(SS). He was busted to ETSN just prior to discharge.
He had to screw the pooch somehow to be separated as an ETSN (E3) after 11 years, and being a ET2 (E5) at one point. My guess is he failed a whiz quiz or two. He served during the height of The Cold War in the Nuclear Triad which helped keep us safe…but something went wrong, horribly wrong. Looked like he was going career until…
He figured he’s just toss that phony SEAL embellishment on his biz card to pick up some more work. No harm, right? Not until he tries working on some Vet’s house.
Come correct and remove that shit. He could’ve just said Navy/Sub Vet, and all would’ve been good…but no. Stand clear, fire in the hole!
He was a Nuke ET1 (E-6), did drugs, busted to SN and was thrown out for PRP violations. So his claims of SEAL sounds LEGIT to me.
Sounds about right… although the NJP’s I watched during my career that involved drug abuse, the CO usually took them all the way down to E-1 (last one that I saw was on recruiting duty where the CRF NC1 pissed hot for THC and was taken all the way down to SR and booted out).
RO’s weren’t under the PRP, weaponeers were.
That being said, he stomped on his dick, ran it through a meat grinder, soaked it in gasoline, and set it on fire before scattering the ashes to the wind.
Drugs are the most likely culprit, although other shit will do too. This wasn’t NJP, he had to have a court martial to get busted down 3 paygrades, de-nuked, and de-subbed.
Any way you looked at it, he took a perfectly good career, pissed it away, and now has to lie about it.
I took a second, more detailed look at his record. Seemed to be a non-shitbird for most of his career.
Probably failed a whiz quiz and got an admin discharge.
As HT3 said, he should have said USN sub vet.
Not a shitbird, but not stellar either.
Notice he never did much in the way of schools, never got a supervisory NEC, etc.
As an old grunt who enlisted in the Marine Corps on an open contract and got picked for 0351 due to my superior intelect (LoL) I am amazed that these guys who are obviously so book smart can be so dumb.
I get stepping on your crank and getting busted and truth be told many of us have done stupid things that could have cost us a rank or two but claiming to be a SEAL on your business card? That is a special kind of premeditated stupid.
let us hope it will not spread….
Guard, settle an issue for me. I went open contract too, and got assigned 0300 out of Parris Island, then when I got to Geiger was told I was an 0331 Machine Gunner. We referred to the 0311’s as “rocks” but they always fired back with the customary, “fuck you asshole.” In the grand scheme of things, are you saying 0341s are smarter than 0331s and 0351 are the smartest? LOL
Ha! I think I remember that I was given 0351 (106mm Recoiless Rifles)right out of boot camp and out of my platoon, all of us on open contracts got an 03 MOS except the one fat guy they made a cook and the shortest guy they made a radio operator.
106s were phased out about a year after I got out of ITS and I spent most of my early years as an 0331 or 0311.
A decade later when I joined the Guard and was brought on as an AGR and sent to Iraq they again recognized my superior intellect with MOS assignment and I was made an…..11B!
Submarine Electronics And Latrines (SEAL)
What I don’t understand is why you would put that on a business card? Are Americans in search of a roofing contractor really going to make a decision based on this type of BS?
I know that when I needed a roofing contractor my primary concern was whether past customers were satisfied with the work–not whether the sales dept had a military hero.
Unless the military aspect is a central skill to the job, why include it?
Because narcissism…
Maybe his employers need to know about his false claims:
I was thinking the same thing and sent them a nice email.
Annnnnnnnnnddd they just replied at the bottom of the Thread.
He’s shitcanned. (A while ago)
This is something I can’t understand either.
But then again, I always politely decline military discounts and get that awkward starey-slience when somebody says “thanks for your service”, so this is something I’d probably never understand anyways.
I got a $60+ discount at Lowes last week on the purchase of a new stove … our first smooth top. I also feel somewhat uncomfortable when someone thanks me for my service. Seems it is I who should be thanking the country for giving me the opportunity to serve. The first many years of my life we lived in a three room house (2 or 3 rooms … depending on who was counting)with dirt and linoleum floors. I benefited greatly by my Navy service. Thank you, United States.
“I also feel somewhat uncomfortable when someone thanks me for my service.”
That’s why I like veteran owned businesses…”here’s your shit, see ya!”
So true! Lol. There’s a gun store here run by a couple of OIF/OEF vets. Infantry dudes. Typical customer interactions include copious use of the words fuck, motherfucker, cocksucker, asshole, etc, as well as offers of free samples from the extra-large beer fridge.
Can’t fuckin complain about service like that.
I will never understand people like this. Never.
We are complicated, I know, just ask my 15 ex wives. I just got back from a deployment to Atropia, where I flew C-130s on compass call missions… fucked SAPA and the Danovians up! I deal with the demons by slaying a bunch of cheese.
Dennis Howard Chevalier
Denny H Chevalier
How ’bout your sooperseekrit missions over Paprika?
Or over Macho Grande?
I don’t think I’ll ever get over Macho Grande.
I’m still getting over Nachos Grande at Raoul’s Escondido yesterday.
What about those missions to Smellialand? And where would we be without the triumph of Camp Spartacus?
Thought he missed that one because of the flood…
Another booger-eating bedwetting pus-nuts no-load goat fart of an embellishing dingleberry of a Swamp Donkey.
I hate to see this … good career pissed away, probably by a hot piss. E-6, not far from retirement. Yeah, yeah, I know, he did it to himself. Was a time in 70s the Navy would give one a pass the first time for certain hot piss test, sometimes sending them to Jax for 6-8 weeks for drug rehab. Also same place for fat boy and ETOH rehab. I think fat boy and ETOH rehab are still there, or they were when I last heard. The drug rehab is long gone. No second chances. I understand why the programs were established … there were many senior enlisted and officers with tremendous corporate knowledge who were discharged. All that knowledge was lost, some prior to eligibility for retirement. Knew an O-3/E with 19+ years OTD. Another HMCS with 19 with one too many ETOH issue OTD. They were gone prior to the implementation of this program I do believe. Good men and women make mistakes, and often those singular mistakes ruin an otherwise stellar career. That bothers me. Seen it many times to good men and women. One mistake and OTD. We all make mistakes. The fortunate ones are never found out or are given a second chance by an understanding CO. Often, though, a CO has no discretion in handling a matter. OK, it’s just an old man here. I don’t drink so I’m not crying in my beer, but making an observation. Blessings to all.
BTW, this guy should have had his business card read: “U.S. Navy Submarine Sailor” There is tremendous respect within and without the military for bubbleheads. Not all can do it. I couldn’t. I get ‘ancy’ thinking of being confined. Someone on TAH recently stated he would trust anyone with an SS designator with his life. That’s the way it is within the various communities within the military. We trust each other, frequently with our life.
But Senior Chief, I will say this about that: integrity matters. And if you get your fish ripped because you can’t play by the rules, you’re no longer a brother of the ‘phin.
Understand … can’t have someone aboard a sub who is ‘dippin’ in the snuff’ so to speak. It’s a tough enough environment as it is. Heaven help the crew and boat if someone is not at 100% b/c of a distraction such as drug abuse. I’m not saying that is what happened in this instance, only making a general comment about commitment, loyalty to one’s shipmates and to the command.
Retiring as an E-6? (non-medical, of course)
Probably not a good career.
Only days before the election, Ash Carter wanted to loosen enlistment standards …
… but now:
Imagine if you-know-who had won.
After sitting through the Army transgender training I hope the new administration rethinks their stance on accommodating such personnel and especially recruiting them.
Without being judgmental it needs to be recognized that transgendered people simply have what amounts to a chronic condition which mandates ongoing care and monitoring which is thus, not generally complimentary to the requirements of a military career.
We already preclude military service for any number of conditions which are less of a potential hindrance.
But, but, IDC, what about diversity? How can we have a formidable, effective fighting force without diversity?
Lol….I know you didn’t type that with a straight face.
Hell, I couldn’t read it with one.
Nope, I forgot the /s at the end.
TRUE DIVERSITY includes everybody, especially cisgender heterosexuals which have been getting shat on via policies from the previous administration.
My issue is not with those who have made the transition.
It is with those who enter the military expecting to get it as a freebie.
It is a choice that they do not have to make, and I do not know what makes them think I or anyone else should have to pay for it.
How long would someone undergoing a sexual reassignment be non-combat effective/no-deployable. I remember what a manpower drain it was when I was in a maintenance shop with pregnant females missing duty for medical appointments, then add on the maternity leave. Even though they are not on deck, the Corps counts them against the unit Table of Organization. My understanding is that a sexual reassignment includes intensive hormone therapy, psychological evaluations and then the surgery. You can probably knock one year of actual service that they would perform. Plus, you need give them a day to spend at the uniform shop getting the new uniform.
Just another ball-working dude.
I imagine he landed the roofing contract at All-Points Logistics HQ in Merritt Island, Florida.
Being a Nuke ET he must have really stepped on it hard; otherwise he should be working in the Nuclear Power field instead of Roofing. That rating was the one that actually operated the Reactor plant. Pissed away a decent career then threw away good money in civilian power.
I know a lot of RO’s that got out and got as far away from nuclear power as they could.
I will say I stayed in a semi-related field, but the idea of getting my SRO license and spending the next 30+ years in rotating shifts sounded to me as appealing as punching myself in the dick.
But roofing? Yeah, that’s a first for a former RO.
Yeah when I need my roof fixed my first thought is to call a Navy SEAL? Umm No. When someone kidnaps a family member I call a Retired SEAL.
When I need my roof fixed I call a Retired SEABEE
A Bubblehead bud sent me this video of the inside of a sub. https://www.facebook.com/cnninternational/videos/10154114453624641/ Sorry it is CNN, but even a blind squirrel etc.
The 17May91 entry on his enlisted performance evaluation is listed as reason code M for Memorandum that could be a NJP, SCM, GCM etc.
The following entries on 91Oct08 are listed reason code S for Special. Special evaluations could possibly be derogatory in nature.
Perhaps the time between May91 and Oct91 was spent in the Brig.
Some that and some waiting for his paperwork to clear.
Unfortunately I was West Coast, although Charleston was winding down as a submarine base at the time.
Can’t be too terribly many people who were there at that time.
This guy was no dummy. It appears he finished first of 115 in a six month class from DEC82 until JUN83, finishing with an average of 3.381. The NEC was 3353. Any of you bubbleheads want to tell us what that is?
This is the kind of guy, I just want to grab him by the collar and ask him WTF he was thinking to have shit all over what appears to have been a pretty good career. He is well on his way to 7, maybe 8, and he stepped on his crank big time. Man, WTF is wrong with you?
Finished first in his class at prototype. Maybe not first on site qualified, but did well enough on the out hull exams, transphase, graded watches, final, and oral board to get ranked where he was.
Did so-so (or a little worse) at NPS. Not unusual. Guys who blew through NPS didn’t always do as well at prototype, and just the opposite was true.
3353 is Submarine ET (reactor operator). 3354 is EM, 3355 is MM, and 3356 is MM/ELT (Engineering Laboratory Tech, or the nuclear chemists.)
Supervisory NEC’s on submarines were 3363, etc.
On surface ships, they were 338X, depending on rate, etc, and 339X for supervisory.
Did anyone email him at the address listed on the business card?
His malfeasance was during the GW. Makes you wonder what it was.
Two words: command sweep.
Happened on my first boat not long after I left. LOTS of people went bye-bye for that.
Mr. Blanton no longer associated with Specialized Roofing and Insulation, Inc.
We are strong supporters of our military and were shocked when this came to our attention several months ago.
That certainly is good news. Sorry you have to have that experience.
We appreciate the reply.
(Well not speaking for everyone but I believe they’d agree)
Excellent, having a lying cocksucker on staff is bad.
BOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!! *rumble* *rumble* *rumble* *rumble*
I served with this guy on the Tecumseh. He was separated from the Navy because of non-Navy related and much worse than drugs.
He most definitely was not a SEAL.
shoot me an email if you don’t mind, T- Cup
shoot me an email if you don’t mind, T- Cup