Harry Tye comes home

| March 29, 2017

The Washington Post reports that Marine Corps Private Harry Tye finally made the trip home from Tarawa;

Under drizzling skies and barren trees, they watched as Tye received a funeral with full military honors [at Arlington National Cemetery].

Soldiers handed [Tye’s nephew, David] Tincher a folded American flag and, according to Marine custom, casings from the 21 rounds fired during the service.

And two of the nation’s top Marines, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly, both retired generals, helped honor the man Tincher knew only from family stories.

“I think my grandma would be unbelievably and eternally grateful for this,” said Tincher, who served for 14 years in the Air National Guard. “This was one of the things that really shaped her life, and the entire history of the family.”

Private Tye’s homecoming was yet another event made possible by the good folks at History Flight.

Category: We Remember

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Welcome home, Marine.

A Proud Infidel®™

Welcome Home Warrior, and Rest In Peace. You’ve earned your place in History and Valhalla.

2/17 Air Cav

He was accounted for last year and, finally, he is granted eternal rest on home soil. He was with Company E, 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines, 2nd Marine Division, USMC. Welcome home son. God bless you and History Flight.


Rest in peace, sir!

And thank you to all those involved in bring our boys home regardless of how long they have been away.


Yet from his life a new life springs
Through all the hosts to come,
And GLORY is the least of things
That follows this MARINE home. -RK

Welcome home Private. There are thousands of young men who rose their hand and swore allegiance to the US and the Marine Corps long before I did the same and earned the coveted EGA. Pvt Tye’s sacrifice is no less than that of our vaunted Marine hero’s. His legacy is carried forward in the smell of gun oil, the scratchy blankets, taste of dirt on a ruck march and sting of sweat on the range. It is a beautiful reminder to all Marines that he was not long for the Corps, but his bravery to stand against evil is woven into the fabric of our wonderful Corps. Semper Fi!


It got dusty in here. Welcome home, Marine. Rest in peace.


Welcome Home, Brother

Green Thumb

Welcome home, Marine.

Rest well.


Our Freedoms are given to us strictly at the behest and sacrifice of Brave Young Men such as Private Harry Tye.
We are FOREVER in your debt. Welcome Home.

Bill M

Welcome home Marine. Rest in Peace with you brothers-in-arms in those hallowed grounds.


Under the wide and starry sky
Dig the grave and let me lie:
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will.

This be the verse you ‘grave for me:
Here he lies where he long’d to be;
Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.

And the Marine, home from the war. Fair winds and following seas, Private Harry Tye.


Welcome home, Harry Tye. Rest in peace.