Monday morning feel good stories

| March 27, 2017

In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the owner of a laundromat chased a thief from his store and followed him up the street. Eventually, he fired at the crook, hitting him twice in his chest, so I have to guess the crook turned around at some point. Today’s lesson is to look beyond the target before you shoot – the business owner also shot a bystander twice in her hand. The thief is in critical condition and the bystander is stable.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Hack Stone

The robber was hoping to make a clean getaway, but he will probably be hung out to dry.


Slow clap in effect!

Silentium Est Aureum

Stupid move on the shop owner.

While PA has a “stand your ground” law, the story doesn’t say if the thief had a weapon. If he didn’t, the owner is fucked.

He’s still fucked because he’s going to get taken to the cleaners by the innocent civilian he shot.


Yep he pretty much did everything he could possibly do to wear out his right to use deadly force.

I still prefer thieves to be shot so maybe they won’t act criminally again, but I wouldn’t do it by acting out criminally myself. Bad move.


Philadephia has laundromats?


Ancient Chinese secret


Ah! So!

But the real good news is that the Blackhawks are in the playoffs again.

Hack Stone

That is how the street gang that I hired to protect me launders their money.

Wilted Willy

I would only use hollow point ammo so it won’t leave the body and do much more damage! And also, never forget, center mass people, center mass!


Hollow points can fail to expand, or plug up and fail to expand, or penetrate X inches of flesh in an area X-3 inches thick.

Most HPs will go clear through most arms, many necks and legs, and sometimes torsos and heads.


All of which indicate Rule 4 is in effect. Know what is between you and the target, and what is beyond.

No HP makes up for a stress-induced trigger jerk, either.


I’m actually surprised since the shooter was pursuing the perp rather than standing his ground in his own defense.


That’s good news for the owner, but doesn’t help the bystander.
If’n the owner is a man, he’ll take care of the bystander’s bills. It was, after all, his poor aim that caused her injuries.