Maj. Gen. Darrell K. Williams demonstrates death by limp grip.

| March 8, 2017

I am sure all you steely eyed warriors in the Army have at least seen the Beretta M9 at some point.  Holding one seems to be intimidating for a few folks.  Can any of you Army guys explain this new technique in weapons handling?

The good General appears to be demonstrating some kind of new MTC (modified tea cup) grip.   Thumb clinched at a perfect 45 degrees and some kind of new RMTF (radically mangled trigger finger).  The problem I see here is way too much NTH (nose to hammer) space.  He has great duck lips for the Pew Pew Pew but if the slide brings that rear site just under the helmet…for a brief moment there is no glare in your sight picture.

I thought the MTC grip with the RMTF was something new in the Army.  But after doing a bit of research I found that others have been demonstrating proper NTH space.

Can anyone explain this new method to me?  General John Wick  here has me mystified.

Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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Thay fellath…
You just don’t understand how much that trigger thing needs to work it.
Tho we jutht have to pull it clother to our noses tho we can pull it better…
Now you just sthtop with the bad wordth…

A Proud Infidel®™

Yo better THTOP THAT before you hurt someone’s feewings, let alone wound their inner child or self esteem!


I reached out to my inner child and the little bastard bit my finger.


I am -so- stealing that one….


Actually, he seems to be holding it semi-sideways which would constitute the normal Half-Hollywood firing position. So what’s your beef with a semi-legit hold like that Hardin? Who you gonna believe, some damned gunny small arms instructor or a Hollywood director seriously dedicated to his art?

Sheez! Jarheads!


Oh, and I forgot to mention, you’re probably some kinda gun-nut, white supremacist raciss now for even bringing this up. Just picking on the general because of his melanin overload.

Liberal demonstrators forming up outside your business and your home in 3…2…1…


You forgot that it is also George Bush’s fault.


Well, it’s about confounded time!!! Finally, someone found some guys who are worse with a gun than I am!

Thank you, Haysousse!! My life is ALL better now! I can move on to more important things, like which nail polish color to choose that won’t make me look fat.


It’s the Army, they don’t really do marksmanship stuff, they call for Artillery.

10 years in the USMC 12x on the KD range

4 years in USMC Reserves 4x KD Mod range

11 years in the Army 1x pop up range, 2x Alt Course “C” Record Fire Qualification (25M Paper Targets), 1x Pistol qual range.

that army time includes 5x deployments (3 as Inf, 2 as Medic)

That being said, I did end up teaching/qualifying the Doctors and nurses that were deploying with me on my last tour. Some of the DR had not held a pistol since Officers basic 18+ years before. I ended up getting a ARCOM for actually getting everyone through the course with out anyone being shot and with out having to shoot any of their targets for them…

MSG Eric

We had a medical service corps Major in 05 who couldn’t shoot for shit tagged to go with us. But, she was very obviously not qualifying on purpose. She figured because she was MSC she could get away with playing dumb and not have to deal with the consequences.

It really is unfortunate that Soldiers from every unit/branch don’t get out to shoot more, especially in the reserves. Army Reserve Command’s philosophy is pretty much that “58” rounds you shoot to qualify an M4/16 is “weapons training” for the year.

Dave Hardin

Interesting, I did not realize there was that much of a difference between the Army and the Corps.

You are saying that the average admin clerk in the Corps does far more weapons training than a grunt in the Army?

WTF are grunts in the Army doing the rest of the time?


Post gate guard, post police call and motor pool, when they’re not in sexual harassment or EO classes, that is.


Pffftt. Duh?!…..

It’s in full auto so it’s hard to hang on to.



Mel will show them how to do it!


Saw a YouTube today of a bunch of studly young Army warriors at the range. One of them held up a Mossberg pistol grip 12 gauge and took a sight picture before firing. It smacked him right in the face, reminding me of the same thing happening to me a few years back. My damned brother-in-law was observing and grinning like that proverbial Cheshire cat as the blood trickled down my nose.

Me, old Airborne trooper, said, “That sumbitch can’t do that to me,” and held it up and fired another round. The second smack smacked some sense into me and almost got my brother-in-law smacked for the smirk on his smug mug. Too late to stop the bleeding, Ol’ Poe came to the conclusion that maybe you should forget about a sight picture and just fire that beast from a sturdy hip hold.

A very short time later that Mossberg 12 got sold and replaced with a Remington 870, 20 gauge pump with a regular stock. Sweet, no bleeding and I daresay it will still clear a door entrance or a hallway in short order. And for those of you who would claim a 20 gauge insufficient to the task, why is it I never hear of anyone volunteering to be shot with a 20 gauge to demonstrate its ineffectiveness?

Kinda like a .22 long rifle hollow point defensive handgun: No one ever volunteers to prove its ineffectiveness in stopping an aggressor. And more folks get killed by .22’s than any other caliber.

Know what I mean?


I have an old friend who is an ER Doc in Alabama.

He said “anyone who thinks the .22 is not effective should spend a Saturday night in the ER with me.”

MSG Eric

Why kill someone with a 12 gauge when you can severely mutilate them with a 20 gauge for trying to rob your house and/or kill you and your family?

Much more gratifying that way, though I could be the only one thinking that.


Because if they are dead, they can’t sue you for all their medical bills and pain and suffering. Also, there is only one version of what happened in the police report–your version.


Unfortunately, their NOK can – and sometimes do – sue. But the fact that there’s only one story for the police to hear (yours) if you need to use deadly force to defend yourself and/or your home and family is indeed a plus.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

A war buddy of mine asked the judge if he could countersue the NOK’s attorney for “Operating a human body in a negligent manner and wasting oxygen.”

The judge was pretty sure those weren’t actionable torts.

2/17 Air Cav

PT. I did that with an M16 in BGT, pressed my nose up against the charging handle and thought, “This can’t be right–or am I supposed to be bleeding when firing this thing?” Needless to say, my bloody face caused a minor issue at the range, but after assuring the DS that, no, I hadn’t been shot, I was good to go thereafter.

2/17 Air Cav



Yes, their NOK can sue, but the damages likely to be awarded in a wrongful death case for a criminal dirtbag are likely much lower than those for a big stack of medical bills and a pain & suffering award for the surviving felon. Also, the guy missing a limb or whatever is not in front of the jury, even assuming a verdict favorable to the plaintiff, telling them why you didn’t need to shoot him.


A 20 is only slightly smaller that the smoothbore muskets of the War Between the States, and the slugs fired approximate the payload of the rifles of that era.

That seems adequately lethal for discouraging enemy foraging in your camp.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Smoothbore Muskets”? MAYBE the Mississippi Rifles, but the vast majority of both sides carried .58 Caliber Rifles, either a Springfield which was favored by the Union or an Enfield which was favored by the Confederates, both of which had rifled barrels.


The Irish Brigade at the battle of Antietam carried mostly .69 smoothbore Harper’s Ferry muskets, which is why they weren’t effective until within 50 yds of the sunken road.


Exactly. Tactics and thinking had not caught up with technology.

Conversely, time and again, rifle-armed troops in that war were ordered not to fire until “within range” at 100m or less, giving up a 200m range advantage.

Musketeeers cannot oppose the artillery of that era. -Good- Riflemen can. Until the artillery also became largely rifled…..

The Army turned down the Spencer repeater. Lincoln fired one, and overrode the “experts”.

Later, the Ordinace types selected the single-shot Springfield over widely available repeaters, to “avoid troops wasting ammunition”. Custer’ troops at Little Big Horn suffered the consequences, facing a larger force armed with many repeaters.

And then ther was the disaster of the “Great War”….

It is truly eye-opening to actually fire the weapons of our forefathers. It helps to understand how and why some battles happened as they did. Also, to understand the incredible balls it took to stand in the line and march into that death-swept killing wheatfield at Gettysburg.


Think you are confusing the 20 with the .75 bore of the old Brit Brown Bess musket. Wrong war.


Nope. The .75 “Bess” is closer to the middle of 10 and 12 bore.

A 20-Bore is about .61 caliber.

A great many muskets were used in the WBTS, You may have noticed monuments with a large ball on top of four smaller ones, as a sort of pyramid. That is a “buck and ball” load for a smooth bore.

The .58 would be a 24-bore.

Both sides obtained rifles as able, but the early battles featured a crap-tone of smoothbores. Used under 100 meters, they can fire faster than rifles, especially when fouled, and the buck-n-ball load is more likely to produce hits. The “Minne Ball” sped up rifle loading, but the smooth bore will always be faster and easier to load.

I shoot a fair bit of BP weapons. The common musket is -much- deadlier, within its envelope, in a linear military formation.

Fascinating that a war initially fought with smoothbore single-shots was ended with rifled cartridge repeaters, and proto-machineguns.

(And the arguments will echo for another couple of centuries….)

Just An Old Dog

The General could be a great leader. Marksmanship is a skill not everyone masters.
Except for Mad Dog.
Mattis can shoot you dead with everything.
Including an azimuth.

A Proud Infidel®™

The Great Warrior Monk (Now SECDEF) Mattis once killed an entire enemy platoon by merely shooting an azimuth.


I heard Chaos’s steely gaze can light MRE matches at 50 meters.

A Proud Infidel®™

Chuck Norris has a poster of “Warrior Monk” Mattis on his bedroom wall that he looks at first thing in the morning for inspiration.

Dave Hardin

Gen Mattis once killed 6 insurgents with a grenade…without removing the pin.


Gen Mattis, lethal range: yes


Chaos can split atoms… WITH HIS MIND!

Must have gone through the same program as Jensen from “The Losers” (need to watch the end of the video):

MSG Eric

Very cool underrated movie.

MSG Eric

Having shot the pistol I’ve seen quite a few variations of firing it. It makes me wonder how some people survive walking out of their front door everyday.

We had a CSM (we didn’t want) go with us to Iraq in 05. She busted her nose open twice with an M4. Once with an ACOG on it and once with iron sights.

When I asked others who were on the range with her how the hell she busted her face open with iron sights, they couldn’t explain how she did it. (She also took all damn day to qualify with the M4)

ACOG was simple enough to understand, but she had an NCO laying there with her and told her, “CSM be careful, the kick will push that ACOG back into your face.” “I got it!” “Roger. 3…2…1…BAM.” “Ouch!” Nose busted open by the quick-sight post.


Some people are just stupid.
You can’t fix stupid. Just bloody it up some.


Ain’t ready to be marines yet.

Nailed it!


Making the M9 look righteous no matter what star officer fucks it up on some boring range!

(Wish I knew how to post a pic)


The hardcore REMF in the upper photo is a clearly a combat REMF, check out his “combat” patch. I believe it is some logistics command. Both these jokers are obviously not professional trigger pullers.


I was going to say that instead of it being “some kind of new RMTF” it was some sort of REMF technique.

Roger in Republic

It looks like he is demonstrating ‘Close quarter combat stance’. They are teaching it to LEO’s and others for use in clearing rooms. The pistol is held close to the body so as to be quickly shifted between targets. The arm is less likely to be knocked from your hands in a close quarter engagement. It is more point shooting than carefully aimed. When held close, the sight picture is adequate for instinctive close range shooting.

Dave Hardin


Yup. Did some of that pistola training but for the Army. variations on a theme for you musically inclined folks…


The proximity of the target to his left indicates this may be a CQ drill.
The thumb position is still a challenge…

MSG Eric

But with CQB training, you hold it close, but when you fire you push it out so the slide doesn’t smack you in the face. If the slide was half an inch longer, he’d be losing an eye.


Three observations:

1. None of us know how well MG Williams shot the day that photo was taken. For all we know, he could have had a perfect score at the range.
2. If he’s putting rounds on target, the fact that his technique isn’t “pretty” is irrelevant.
3. If a freaking MG is using his sidearm he – and all of his staff – have already fooked-up pretty damn badly and have far worse things to worry about than looking pretty for the camera. (smile)

MSG Eric

Well, I would add that for M9 qualification, you get 40 rounds to hit 30 targets. So, it should be “easy” for anyone to qualify with it because of the extra 10 rounds.

Though there are still those who can’t hit a target without throwing the pistol at it.


Pardon my ignorance, but that is 40 rounds, 30 targets at what distance(s)?

MSG Eric

Standard pop-up targets are 40 rounds for 30 targets from 5 meters to 31 meters. There are 7? different targets at varying ranges.

There are 5 tables, 4 are standing and the 5th table is walking forward to shoot. So, those targets get a lot closer. Each table you fire at 5-7 targets, but get 7+ rounds each time. Twice you get 1 round magazines in order to do a magazine change between targets and in one table you have three magazines to cycle between.

Total you have 4 5-round magazines, 4 7-round magazines, and 2 1-round magazines.

Perry Gaskill

Personally, I think it’s a bit sleazy to cherry-pick photos to imply Army generals are limp-wristed dweebs suspected of being light in the low quarters. Such innuendo is diabolical enough to be almost Soviet in its tactic. Or something a Marine might do.

The photo of Williams was taken with a telephoto lens, and is an example of shortened perspective. The weapon is not as close to his face as the camera would make it appear; look at the length of his forearm. Both photos were also taken following recoil; Wick might in fact be pulling the weapon back after the magazine has been emptied.

There has also been debate about whether a shooting stance should involve having the elbows locked when the arms are fully extended. One argument is that unlocked elbows provides for better recoil control allowing the weapon to be brought back on target faster. A downside is that recoil is likely to bring the weapon back closer to the shooter’s face.


He’s a Major General, no one dared correct him!


But is he the very model of a modern Major General?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

We fired the 1911…because I carried the 60 it was issued as a sidearm…not sure what this guy is doing…but it’s pretty entertaining shit to be certain.

Not all Army are uncomfortable as this around firearms Hardin…and I’ve met a few Marines whose primary job took them so far from infantry they forgot their roots…probably if you’re not infantry and firing regularly there a lot of people in all the services who are pretty funny to watch around the pistol range…

Beretta is an Italian weapon…the Italians haven’t won any war since Roman times so why we like their weapons I’ve no fucking idea….


An Italian Weapon?

I thought it was a Mel Gibson weapon….


MSG Eric

We “liked” their pistol because we wanted a base in Italy from them. Plain and simple.

2/17 Air Cav

The Italians did beat the Ethiopians. Of course, since the Italians had planes, bombs, and machine guns and the Ethiopians had spears, I’m not sure that win counts.

2/17 Air Cav

Veritas Omnia Vincit

That does explain why they have so many more woundings than killings…




This is too damned funny! What is with the hand over the nuts??? Ballistic protection or a conduit for the recoil?? Not even going to comment on the ummmm Lateral Hold method…

I figured that as a tanker if I found myself HAVING to use my pistol, Id probably really screwed the pooch. Our primary weapon was the our good ol’ trusty 105 mm breech loading single shot. You know, kind of like a great big ass Martini-Henry.

My Dad, squid that he was, was trained to fire a pistol the way the Ex PH2 describes. Back in the days when the Army published Field Manuals you had to actually READ, I do believe I have a copy of a pistol marksmanship FM that describes the Stand Up, off hand on your hip, Pistol extended, method of firing. The illustrations accompany the text, not the other way around…

Regarding both Flag Officers method of holding the pistol…thank goodness its NOT a 1911A1!


Well, really, if you think about it, you have to have some way to keep your pants from falling off your derriere, because most gangbangers wear pants that are falling off them, but no belts. I can totally dig the gangsta grip method.


My Dad – WWII Army Infantry – fired his pistols the old “dueling stance” way – weapon-side to target, arm extended, feet aprox shoulder-width apart. Shot very well, too.


Late to the party, but that grip is just r.o.n.g.
I’d like to see the rest of his stance – and if, as Roger R says, he’s in a CQC scenario and trying to keep the weapon close to the body, other factors may be involved in why he is using that grip.
As Hondo says, if he scored well, that is the point. I can have a perfect grip and stance and not get it on the paper (I hate to admit it, but his has happened) or a messed up grip and get all Xs. Getting the round center mass is the point – as the old saw says “If it works, it ain’t stupid.”

After my Airborne son’s Guard unit ran a weapons qualifying weekend, they posted pics on FB with one guy squatting on the balls of his feet to shoot pistol. I don’t know how he hit the broad side of a barn doing that. And I don’t know how he did it. But if he qualified, it don’t matter.


Never stand behind me when I have a loaded gun.


In the early 50’s Dad was teaching Mom how to shoot a pistol.
She was doing pretty well with the .22 Colt revolver (a beautiful little gun!) so he handed her the Walther P38 he’d captured.

He forgot to tell her about the difference in recoil.

The bullet hit the 10-ring, but the pistol almost hit Dad in the head as he stood behind her.

She laid the pistol on the bench and never touched it again.


I was ‘invited’ to go over to Bolling AFB’s shooting range for some target practice by a CPO who made a nuisance of himself around women. I paid for the gun rental and the ammo, loaded the CLIP (snerrkk) and watched while he showed me how to do it right. So help me, he put his left hand in his left pants pocket and said that’s was the way to shoot properly.
Now, I had never heard of anyone not being allowed to use two hands to hold a .38 pistol, which has a heavy recoil, when shooting, BUT when I used both hands to steady my aim, he got VERY upset because I was doing it all wrong.

He was also standing behind me. Well, I didn’t have a pocket to stick my left hand into, so I just held that gun in my right hand and let the recoil take effect – TWICE. And, yes, I still had my index finger on the trigger.

He didn’t ask me to go shooting with him again.


So the rule is more clearly stated as “Never stand behind me when I have a loaded gun.[..and you are being a condescending jerk.]“?


Actually, for your time frame from your description the old CPO was probably right – until Jeff Cooper and Bill Weaver started teaching two handed pistol shooting, “proper” pistol shooting was with your body almost at a right angle to the target, firing hand on the gun, weak hand out of the way, preferably in a way which minimized muscle strain like thumb in belt or pocket. One hand, standing bolt upright like a man. And yes, there have been a lot of perfect scores like that, and please note, that means all 10s at 50 yards with a .45.

Young lady, you need some serious range time with a better instructor if you can almost lose control with a .38.


Well, it was 1968, and I had asked the Marines in my division if it was OK to use two hands. They said, yes, lots of people did it that way, so the only person restricting my ‘control’ of the recoil was that obnoxious CPO. I had to get him off my back somehow.

I did hit the target, however, and then I went back to work.

Gordon Rottman

Someone’s watching too many TV shows and movies.


It is weird as fuck that you guys are choosing to target this general for ridicule.


Which one, piuperdink? The left one or the right one?


Why, because they are not ridiculing you?


I’d target my own wife for ridicule if she shot like that.


MRS D is ridiculing the General.


Please don’t try to tell us that you taught the good Maj. Gen. how to hold a pistol, Lars.

He is much to accomplished to be one of your students.

FWIW, I freely mock anyone who is supposed to know what the heck he’s doing with a pistol and holds it like that. But I will jump the case of anyone who fails to follow firearm safety procedures.
A exSF friend of mine, however, will promise to kill anyone who fails to follow his range orders in his private range. As I consider him a man of his word (unlike Lars) I believe him.


I also think it is complete bullshit so many “Marines” want to ridicule the army. You do not see us ridiculing the Marines, do you?

I served and worked with Marines regularly. They are no more competant or better trained than US Army light infantry. Their “elite” reputation is more marketing than substance.


‘served and worked with Marines regularlyu’ – OK, then. What units? What regiments? What battalions? What squadrons?


Mostly units from the 3rd Marine Division. Dozens. I also attended their Jungle Warfare Training course. Which had more than 100 marines and 4 soldiers.

I was stationed with 1st/1st SFG(A) in Okinawa, 350 soldiers and 10,000 Marines. I lived on Camp Foster, a Marine base.

Much of my career and specialty training was joint service.Most schools in the intel community are joint courses. DLI (twice), Civil Affairs (though they now have their own school), Signals Intel/LLVI (Marine’s call it Radio Recon), hell, there were Marines in my Infantry Captain’s Career Course (though one of the Marines in my course I still regard as one of the best officers I have ever met).

Why do you always try to attack me or my credibility rather than the stuff I actually say?

So you agree that Marines (except special purpose Marines) are not better trained or competent than US Army light infantry?

If so why are you attacking my credibility, if not why not address that point SINCE THAT WAS THE SUBSTANCE OF MY POST.

Dave Hardin

Well there it is…3rd Marine Division. We don’t allow them to be in America for a reason.

3rd MarDiv is where we send Marines to Rotate.

There is a reason that anything west of Lejeune is Odd. Even the Navy thinks they are odd.


Dave Hardin

Nice kitten video there, Marine.


But I did question the stuff you actually say, Piuperdink. Read for comprehension.


You didn’t address the claim. You tried to call bullshit on my credibility/experience for making it.

Dave Hardin

I still think your eyes are sexy as hell.


Needing some attention poodle?

Go get your meds balanced. You are sooooo fucking sensitive!


They served 13 months for a tour in Nam.
Army tour was 12 months.

You really want to call that marketing?
Go stand in front of the wall and say that.

MSG Eric

Nah, I would never ridicule the Naval Infantry….

2/17 Air Cav

“You do not see us ridiculing the Marines, do you?” Bwahahahahahahahahah. You were in the United States Army and not some other country’s weren’t you?


I think he was stoned at the time – or in his safe space…


I am referring to this board. Not in service. You don’t see Army veterans frequently ridiculing the Marine Corps on this board. If anything they defend it.

Of course, I have heard plenty of negative shit said about Marines while in service. I was in Okinawa when Marines (and a Corpsman) raped the schoolgirl. And I was at DLI when Marines attacked and stabbed a female jogger because they wanted to know what it was like to kill someone.

The Marines are not doing well in the press right now either. Yet, this board is not ridiculing the Corps about the current issue either. In fact, my bet is an effort to ridicule the Corps concerning this issue would be responded with several people of all services defending the Corps.

Dave Hardin

First of all, it was probably the Corpsmans idea. Define schoolgirl.

What did the jogger do to “ask for it”?

Marines don’t read the Press.

Civilians fucked up…they trusted us.


Corpsman’s idea? Rape was a problem on Okinawa when I was with 3rd Med, 70-71. Never was a Corpsman involved. IIRC, every damn rapist was a Marine. Being a Corpsman does not increase one’s propensity to rape.

Dave Hardin

It doesn’t? Hmmm…I have seen the FMF do strange shit to Corpsman.

Then again I have seen Oki do strange shit to everyone.

Besides all that, you are breaking Lars rule 31…people on this board do not criticize Marines.

I am offended

Dave Hardin

Wait…3rd Med Bn is Fumble Stumble Stagger and re-Group.

So, there you go…not 3rd MarDiv so your experience is invalid. (Lars rule 13)


“Better dead than 3rd Med”

Charlie Co., 3rd Med 2001-2002


HMCS: That must be a new saying. When I was there, the saying was ‘this place sucks’ or words to that effect. Yours rhymes, so it’s better.


Yeah, we were known to act out, including the night I stole a jeep and tried to leave base. Seems I was on restriction for whatever was my ‘fuck up of choice’ at the time and thought it was a good idea. It wasn’t, as was later ‘splained to me. Okinawa was my best tour of duty, as I’ve said here before. I really enjoyed the Grunts and their collective insanity. Some might call their behaviors something else, but, hey, being in the suck can make one nuts. Having said that, OK was not my favorite duty station. That would be Millington/Memphis.

No harm, no foul, Dave. I tend to defend Corpsmen until such time their behavior is indefensible. Then they go under the bus. Props …

Dave Hardin

So do I bro. I also served with Army units that were great.

I think Taylor still has fantasies about giving up some man pussy.

I just want to remind him that I think he is sexy as hell.

2/17 Air Cav

Let’s start listing atrocities committed by service personnel and Veterans, shall we? That would be a fun exercise, wouldn’t it, Lars? That way we could help cement the image of all military and former military as beasts w/o consciences who either want to harm the innocent or wish we could. Yes, that’s the ticket! Well, fuck you and your rape/murder anecdotes.


Two crimes were committed with you in the area. I’m hoping you have a solid alibi before Detective Sipowicz turns up.

2/17 Air Cav

We are, what, minutes away from Commissar’s telling us that the reason the general has been targeted is because he is Black. Don’t keep us waiting, Lars. You who called indicted Veterans, including former GIs, not too very long ago, are now pretending to stand up for the Army? Don’t make me dig those cmts up. Just call us all racists and shuffle away.


Really? I thought he was Episcopalian.


To tell a family secret, I think his grandmother was Dutch.


I heard he was black Irish

Dave Hardin

Just say “Fuck you Marine”, we will then have evidence that Lars is wrong once again.

MSG Eric

I don’t recall ever saying Fuck You to a Naval Infantryman, but that’s just me.

Though I did have UnCarnal Knowledge with a female Marine and she was Catherine Bell hot, so I feel pretty good about that.


Don’t forget his “analysis” that the SECDEF was a “sociopath”… and I called him out for that.

Sgt K

The general is practicing the “Two Star” shooting technique. As in “I got two stars Sergeant (or is it Private?) range safety NCO. I shoot however the fuck I want.” -All of this is conveyed non-verbally of course, using only a glance between the two.

MSG Eric

And the Sergeant is standing back taking pictures and laughing at how he shoots behind is back. He’d be eating popcorn if he had any.


Never even held an M9 in my hands but I do notice in the photo that the ejected case is projected vertically. Does the M9 put hot brass down the back of your shirt like the 1911A1?


26L, I went and looked at both photos again. In the first one with the Maj.Gen. doing the ducklips – I would guess that the brass is angling about 45 degrees from vertical, going high over the right shoulder. In the 2nd one with the melanin-challenged General, the brass is just coming out of the chamber and, again, looks like it should be going at a 45 angle from vertical.

So – without putting hands on one myself I’m going to guess that the brass should drop into the back of the shirt of your buddy on your right.

MSG Eric

Yep, about a 45 degree angle up and back, but not very far. It really only goes about 2-3 feet away from you by the time it hits the ground.


As distasteful as it would be to contemplate, I would like to see a breakdown of rapes committed by US service members. The breakdown should be by Service, CONUS, OUTCONUS, age group, etc. I wonder if the numbers vary significantly from the number of rapes committed by stateside civilians, including male college students?


I’m not suggesting in my above post that if the number of rapes committed by US service members is less than those committed by US civilians, that service members get a pass. No passes for anyone for rape. None, ever.


Sitting here contemplating the universe. Got Meat Loaf, Dan Fogleberg, Gordon Lightfoot, Croce, Eagles and a few others in queue on youtube. Life is good. Seeing Lightfoot on 20MAR. The Russian is on phone speaking in Russian/Czeck/whatever to whomever. Putin, perhaps. Speaking Russian this time, I think. My third time seeing Lightfoot.


She’s giving an account of how she seduced you last night to the Rooski edition of National Enquirer.

Dave Hardin

She is telling her mother you forgot International Womans Day…AGAIN !


I saw Gordon Lightfoot in Vegas a few years back – Sundown put a hook into me years ago, I think I was 12 when that came out.

2/17 Air Cav

I got it! Although the pic shows the general shooting, what it doesn’t provide is an accurate caption. The caption should have read: General demonstrates what he meant when he sternly cautioned troops, “And do not let me see anyone shooting like this!”

Damn I’m good. That should get me a Moerk Award nomination.

MSG Eric

Only if you post it to the Pentagon home page.


An acquaintance of mine was a Navy reservist. Her unit was going to active duty in the sandbox, so she and her cohort had to qualify with M-9 pistols.

She is about 5 feet all and about 110 pounds. As a hobby she shoots Cowboy Action matches, Gunfighter style (Single Action pistol in each hand, firing both at the same time, usually alternating shots. She used small .38s). She was -good- at it.

She told us about her qualification day. Told to pick up the M-9 pistol and fire one round at the first target, she did so, one handed. Good center hit. “No, Girlie! Use the other hand too!” “Yes Chief” (swaps pistol to left only, snaps out another center hit) “No dammit! -Both- hands! -Both- hands!” “But chief, there is only one pistol.”

So, they put a pair of M-9s in front of her, loaded with 5 each. She proceeded to grab both and empty them into targets close and far, as one 10 round string, hitting all and quickly. (She was -good-)

….(gobsmacked Chief). “Ok. You are qualified. Don’t ever do that again, and for F####s sake don’t tell anyone about this…..”