Marines United; A photo scandal

| March 6, 2017

A number of people have sent us links to the Marine Corps Times article about The War Horse founder, Thomas Brennan, an Iraq and Afghanistan combat veteran and Purple Heart recipient who exposed the Facebook group, Marines United, a group of about 30,000 largely US and Royal Marines, which allegedly published photos of naked female Marines. Some of the photos were taken when the subject was unaware, while others were meant to be private communications.

After its publication, several members of the Facebook group lashed out at Brennan, making threats against him and his family.


There’s a “bounty on pictures of my daughter,” Brennan told Marine Corps Times. “It has been suggested that my wife should be raped as a result of this, and people are openly suggesting I should be killed. … Can you imagine being one of the victims?”

The story was “exhaustively researched,” he added, noting that the Defense Department is conducting an investigation “to ensure the victims receive justice” and no one else falls prey.

“As a Marine veteran,” Brennan said, “I stand by the code: honor, courage and commitment. This story was published with the intention of standing up for what is right and staying true to the leadership principle of looking out for Marines and their families.”

Of the five services, the Marine Corps seems to have the hardest time adapting to social media. All of the branches have had their troubles, but the Marines have had the most problems, from the posting of videos depicting snipers urinating on Taliban corpses to this latest scandal.

The Marine Corps is conducting an investigation;

A Marine Corps spokesman at the Pentagon confirmed that an investigation is underway, telling Marine Corps Times on Saturday night that military officials are uncertain how many personnel may be involved. The spokesman, Maj. Clark Carpenter, referred additional questions to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, but that agency’s spokesman was not immediately available.

Don’t blame your bad behavior on the people who exposed it.

My advice; don’t do anything on the internet that you wouldn’t do in front of your mother.

Category: Marine Corps

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed if you post it on the internet, or your cell phone assume you are posting it for public consumption. In some locations there isn’t a spot in the city where you aren’t being filmed all day long whether you are inside or outside….there can be no reasonable expectation of privacy if you are posting items on a the public thoroughfare of information. Privacy in such cases is an illusion and not to be confused with reality.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I should add that while I believe what I say above to be accurate it doesn’t excuse the immoral, criminal acts perpetrated by the shitbags currently under investigation. These shit bags have dishonored their service and their uniforms with their disgusting display of criminality. I hope that any actively serving Marines found to be involved in this are immediately charged and if convicted given a BCD and some time at hard labor to contemplate exactly how criminally irresponsible their actions have been.

Those of us with any honor left in us have to stand against this type of activity with a united voice so it’s clear we won’t stand for such behavior.

I am not a fan of women in combat arms, I am capable of articulating exactly why I feel that way. At no time however would it occur to me that an appropriate method of disagreement is to commit a criminal act and release photographs that were not mine to release and that were a violation of the privacy of my fellow soldiers. May I burn in hell for eternity should I ever commit such an abominable act against a fellow soldier.


Well said. I agree 100%.


“My advice; don’t do anything on the internet that you wouldn’t do in front of your mother.”

My sentiments, exactly….


Girls of the IDF is good Google.


Oh yes…I’ve been to Israel and can confirm.


Ahh yes, those Haifa girls….

The Other Whitey

Ladies with automatic weapons [wistful sigh]…


They’ll take a sharp axe to the root of this problem. Mattis will have zero patience for this.


And ‘Grouchy Bob’ Neller is likely to weigh in on this quite firmly.



The 2nd and 3rd order effects/repercussions that will result from this are going to be very bad indeed, and I anticipate that they will span the entire Marine Corps, at all levels.

My active duty contacts are saying that this is exploding throughout the Marine Corps right now, and some say that this could be as bad as, or possibly worse than, the fallout from Tailhook in 1991.

This whole thing is nuclear-level stupid for any number of reasons.

WTF, Marines. W. T. F.


I’m sure WTF has been said several times by numerous Reg’t, Bn, Co, Cmdrs and SNCO’s. Everybody below the company level just got Oh Sh*t out before they got told to STFU.


I remember when the shit hit the fan over Tailhook… ass ugly for the Navy and the Aviation community for years.


God yes, I was stationed on NAS Pensacola and it was bad. I knew one of the female pilots and she got in trouble for trying to cover it up.

That was a real bad time we had GMT’s all the time,it kinda sucked being in Navy Aviator central at that time.


Worked with an Internal Med doc who has a twin brother that was a flight surgeon with one of the squadrons at Tailhook (he was attending a medical conference at another location when it went down) – since he was assigned to the squadron his promotion to CDR was held up for two years (guilt by association)… after the Navy investigated and found he was TAD to the conference, they promoted him. Both him and his brother felt that “the system” had blackballed him and both eventually got out.


I was onboard NAS Sigonella, and ADM Boorda came all the over from BUPERS in DC to deliver an all hands ass chewing.

Thanks, Admiral, since exactly none of us had a thing to do with Tailhook.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, it’s not gay. They have that going for them.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Perhaps they can learn to be gay in prison as they serve out their violations of the UCMJ after their court martial…

MSG Eric

Its not gay if you’re in prison.


The psych term is “transient homosexuality”…

Green Thumb

And it begins…..

I hope the SJWs are proud.

When you force feed folks things like this happen. Not right, not wrong. Just a fact.


No winners here.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Except it’s not an SJW forcing anything on then that makes them release private photos for which they have zero permission to release. That’s entirely on them, and they are shit bag criminals for doing those acts.

I hope they get BCDs and criminal prison sentences, it’s what they deserve.

Green Thumb

I agree.

And as someone else pointed out, the internet is forever.

My point was more along the lines of that there should have always been separation.

And as far as the BCD’s, give them to everyone involved.


” there should have always been separation.”

Because civilian workplaces in the US where males are forced to work alongside females have the same problem. As do the Army, Air Force, and Navy.

Saudi Arabia et al. have the right idea. Right?

That’s sarcasm, by the way.

Green Thumb

Never had an issue myself I was 1)a professional and 2) I was not around it.

You cannot regulate morality and common sense.

Your a fool if you think you can. loosely translated, the good of the few do not outweigh the good of the many.

And the military IS NOT the civilian workplace.

2/17 Air Cav

The reports all refer to nude photos of women. I have never seen one myself, but I have seen my share of photos of nude women.

Perry Gaskill

Das ist ein guter, 2/17 Air Cav. Consider yourself the new Obersturmbannfuhrer of the TAH Grammar Gruppe.

Hack Stone

Did you know that the guy that proofread Adolph Hitler’s speeches was literally a Grammar Nazi?


Hah. Took me while. Good one.


The people who do these things, including revenge porn, are sociopathic to begin with.

It isn’t just Marines, it’s all the services, and it goes on in civilian life, too. With software like Photoshop, it’s easy enough to produce a trashy image that looks real but is not, and still victimize anyone who won’t knuckle under to your crap. In case you think it only happens to women, it does not. It happens to children, too, so snap out of any notion you had that it’s only one section of the population.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is the right answer, these are deviants and low life criminals committing these crimes and deserve zero sympathy for what follows.

I hope their careers are all ruined, and I hope they are made examples so it’s clear that we will not tolerate abuses of this nature within the ranks of the military. If you can’t trust the people next to you not to abuse you the system is fucked.


“If you can’t trust the people next to you not to abuse you the system is fucked.” – Exactly, and it was just as bad in the 1960s, but there was no photo software or internet service available to produce and/or broadcast this kind of trash.


Naked pictures of Walter Brennan were highly sought after by the VC. I saw it in a documentary.

2/17 Air Cav

Oh bullshit. The Mil Times report is nothing but sensational crap, reliant on very, very few facts and absolutely none that are corroborated. That there may have been a few twisted comments made by one or more British or American military types seems sure but what this appears to be is mainly posting of nude women who took selfies or were willingly photographed. Hang any bastard who surreptitiously took pics of women but, other than that, move on.

Dave Hardin

This ^^^^^


Well, I do hope you’re including anyone who copies someone’s non-compromising photos and corrupts them with photoshopping into compromising images in your ‘hang any bastard’, because there are people who do that.

The Other Whitey

I certainly would.

Still, a woman who provides somebody with naked photos of herself, and doesn’t stay with the guy afterwards, well…

Some are talking about trust. Why would a woman trust anyone with that if she wasn’t certain she was staying with him? Unless she’s either reckless or stupid, that is.

As for the girl in my story, I did not solicit her naked pictures. She sent them to me unasked (not that I was complaining at the time, but still). I kept what she sent me under wraps (no small feat for a 21-year-old lad who’s hooking up with a hot 20-year-old girl with perky natural Ds) while we were together. Had she exhibited some degree of basic decency in breaking up, they would’ve quietly disappeared. She didn’t. I saw no reason to respect anything about the now-ex-girlfriend who showed none for me, so into the wide world they went.


Yeah, but I’m not talking about that. I’m referring to someone who has no relationship with a woman taking a NONcompromising, ordinary photo and photoshopping it into what can only be termed porn, without the knowledge or consent of the woman who is targeted.
That is NOT the same as trashing some ex-girlfriend’s photos to get even with her.

The Other Whitey

I’m curious how many of these naked photos were disseminated by the gentlemen post-breakup. When a fine-looking lassie furnishes the dude she’s banging (or offering to bang) with photographic material of herself outside her clothes, then later dumps said dude, it is commonly-accepted practice for him to use any means available to ensure the aforementioned images attain widespread circulation, possibly even publication. This is not exactly a secret.

Hell, a certain young lady once showered me with pictures of her in varying states of undress–and she looked very good with her lingerie on the floor, lemme tell ya–only to later advise me (after we’d already conducted numerous joint studies of the human reproductive system, that is) that she had lost interest in me in favor of some other guy (and I remain convinced that he was far more familiar with the taste of cock than she was–which is saying something).

She failed to consider the fact that we were both Firefighter-1s in the same (rather large) department, however. I didn’t show *everybody* in the organization what she looked like naked. I just spread a few copies around my battalion and let nature run its course from there.

Didn’t think that one through, didja, bitch?


So because she broke up with you, you found it perfectly acceptable to try to publicly humiliate her?

You’re part of the problem then.

The Other Whitey

Not because we broke up, rather because she was a heartless bitch about it.

For the record, I don’t keep naked pictures of my wife.


That’s still a shameful abuse of trust. You are the problem.

The Other Whitey

If that’s how you choose to look at it. Like I said, a little honesty and decency on her part would have avoided the whole thing.

Or, you know, she could’ve just kept her naked pictures to herself rather than unloading them on the guy who, per her own words at the time of breakup (contradicting her own words throughout the relationship right up to less than two days prior), was “never gonna be a potential long-term thing.”


Nah. You’re part of the problem. Accept it and move on.

Agreed with Chris. That’s pretty shameful. I know it’s with a girl so all our values go out the window but still. Shame on you.

Semper Fk Off

There’s a legal term for it, “revenge porn” and it’s quickly becoming criminal law in many states and municipalities. So yeah, you’re part of the problem.

The Other Whitey

I feel I should also point out that she took her own pictures (with help from her sister, IIRC), then sent them to me.

I am in no way okay with anyone being photographed or videoed without their knowledge. Anyone engaging in that should be tied to a post and flogged.


YOU are still the one who shared them around in an attempt to fuck her life over because you were butthurt about how she treated you.

Don’t try the blame the victim game. “Well, she sent them to me so she’s a slut”. And you showed them around, so you are a fucking bastard.

Try this the next time you’re thinking of doing something. Would you be OK with it if that same thing was done to your wife, or your mom? Is it something you would want your mom to know about?

If the answer is ‘no’ then don’t fucking do it.


” it is commonly-accepted practice”

No, it isn’t. Don’t blame the rest of us just because you are a jerk. You think you are the only guy to get dumped? Well, aren’t you special.

Grow up and get over it.


And you actually admit it. No, proudly proclaim it. Amazing.


You screwed up, TOW. NO woman deserves what you did.

Any woman who sends these types of photos is hugely misguided. No, ladies, he will probably not be ‘the one’ and you won’t get a picket fence, puppy and 2.3 kids by being with him. I cannot believe the fucking stupidity of these ladies.

And now, having said that, those who would publish those pictures are fucking criminal. I hope every Marine who published the photos gets a bad paper discharge. Fucking immature as hell … on both sides.

Remember, too, that some of the female Marines did not willingly supply photos.

Jeez, there is enough stupidity to go around for all parties, except for those who did not know they were being photographed.


It’s called revenge porn and it’s a felony in several states. Didn’t think that one through didja bitch!

Semper Fk Off

Thank you!

2/17 Air Cav

“You’re part of the problem then.” What problem? Is there a secrecy agreement that was violated? If a woman sends a man photos of herself nude, semi-nude, or in suggestive poses, what’s she got to beef about if the photos are seen by others? I don’t get it.

The Other Whitey

They sure as hell didn’t come with an NDA.

Our relationship was fairly common knowledge. Had she said, “Hey, it’s not working out,” in any kind of decent and honest way, and waited at least a couple weeks before jumping into bed with the douchebag she dumped me for, that would’ve been a different story. She was bragging in person and on social media about how great her new boyfriend was SAME DAY. How’s that for public humiliation? Would anyone disagree that she had it coming?

2/17 Air Cav

How is it that a woman who posts a nude selfie or allows herself to photographed is a victim? How exactly does that work? Unfortunately, biology and the social engineers are not in accord on these matters. I’m not talking about depravity or some idiot’s perverse notion of sexual gratification. And I’m certainly not talking about sneaking pics of a woman, whether for posting or not. That stuff is sick. What I am talking about is a woman, in the military or not, who photographs herself or has someone photograph her in R or X-rated fashion, and then gripes about unintended—but wholly predictable—consequences.


Who chose to get into a relationship with such a nasty woman? How long did you know her before jumping into bed with her?

I know. It was love at first sight. The instant you first laid eyes on her you knew it was going to be a permanent relationship.

” Would anyone disagree that she had it coming?”

Well, we’ve heard part of your side of the story, and none of her side. So far, I am on her side.

The Other Whitey

If this fleshed out the story a bit, we’d been friends (not with benefits) for some time prior to entering into a relationship. I had not known her to be a heartless bitch up to that point. Getting together was her idea, and while we weren’t shopping for rings or talking about kids’ names, she regularly stated that she believed we had real long-term potential. Then one day she dumps me with a phone call, saying that I was just a means of passing the time, and her previous discussions of long-term potential was just her lying and me being dumb enough to believe her. Her words, by the way. The same day, she’s announcing to the whole world, including coworkers who knew we were together, how great it is to be with the new boyfriend–what was that about public humiliation? Yeah, you could say I was rather embittered.

So I guess I’m a bastard. For what it’s worth, in the years since then I have made it a practice since then not to trade in naked pictures, not even with the woman I married. I also made a point of never again dating a woman with the same career as me.

But yes, I still consider her a cruel bitch and no, I’m not especially sorry. Last I heard, her career was still going fine. Rumor has it she still sends new naked selfies to male coworkers.

My original point, perhaps not well-articulated, was not so much “blame the victim,” per se. It was that avoiding the naked photos altogether avoids a lot of problems. Clearly this does not apply to anyone filmed or photographed without their knowledge and consent. That’s lower than low. Same with photoshopped pictures. But experiences such as mine seem to me to be more of a case of the female participant sticking her hand in the fire and being pissed off because she got burned. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s how I see it.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

In some states you are committing a felony if you release such images without permission. States are cracking down on revenge porn with some serious new laws.

If nothing else it’s wise to be aware of how the law has changed…some of these people might be facing felony state charges depending on their residency.

2/17 Air Cav

Are you aware that the law does not apply if the subject took the photo herself or gave permission for it to be taken? As for that felony business, I’m not at certain that’s true but I’m unwilling to go state-by-state just now.

Green Thumb


Just wow.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The problem of being a gentleman apparently, perhaps the times have changed such that some think it’s appropriate to share publicly that which was done in private.

I have a really vindictive ex-wife, she was a serious pain in the ass during every aspect of our divorce….to this day she’s still pissed off and we’ve been apart for 25 years….our kids are in their 30s….I have never, and would never share intimate photos taken for my benefit by her.

I don’t believe you can’t see sharing that might be a problem. Each of us are certainly entitled to our own opinions though so there’s that. For me regardless of how a relationship ends something sent to you for your eyes only while together is still a breach of faith on your part if you make it public later.

How we react when we’ve been wronged speaks directly to the nature of our own honor and character, it’s easy to do the right thing when everything is going as it should. It’s when we face adversity that our character is revealed. I prefer to keep private matters private, regardless of what my ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, or whatever has done. Because it matters who I see in the mirror.

The Other Whitey

Well, VOV, you’re a better man than I. I say that without sarcasm. I honestly see this as an example of bad decisions having consequences. I don’t think that makes me sociopathic. Immature, perhaps. Then again, I was 21 at the time, so maybe that goes without saying.


“an example of bad decisions having consequences.”

True. And it was your bad decision to invest so much in a relationship with someone you characterize as a “heartless bitch”. Now you blame her for your poor judgement.


T O W…..True story: I believe it was ’84 when I met this woman from D. C. while taking an underwater archeology course down in Ft. Lauderdale. She had something between her legs that I could never get enough of. Not to mention she was the only woman I ever met that every so often wanted to be tied to the bed with panty hose and scarves. New and fun for me; I thought this was the love of my life. Guess I shoulda known when I spent a winter with her in D. C. and we had discussed marriage….the first day she left her place for work I happened to chance removing a picture of me from a frame….low and behold behind mine was a picture of some car salesman she had supposedly dumped for me. Follow that by her eventually showing me a rough draft of our supposed wedding invitations, low and behold she had used a middle name for me that obviously belonged to someone else. For too many of the younger years I found myself smitten with those who were the hottest in bed. Relationships with those women were intense until they one by one got the itch to move on. Like you, the hottest ones were the coldest hard-hearted which I thought I saw a future with…but ended up some times really pissed at myself for being so blind, trusting, and stupid over. I kept one picture of her drinking wine on my boat, with very nice tits begging to be photographed. For many years I kept the picture, wanting childishly to hurt her as she had hurt me with such ease. In time I finally came to my senses and realized if I were to share that picture, she’d get the most greedy attorney possible and own my home while leaving me in debt for years. Better judgment prevailed in time as I eventually destroyed the picture lest be tempted to pass it around and possibly have it published. Yes T O W, there are others who shared the same experience as you and… Read more »

Semper Fk Off

Litigation was your deterrent and not basic human decency or discretion? Gross. You were probably just worried she would disclose your impotence.



Well said, VOV.

2/17 Air Cav

I am not a stranger to assuming positions on matters that I personally do not endorse or favor. In this instance, I believe that most of what will be found during any investigation is evidence of normal, if sophomoric, sexual hijinks and I am reluctant to speculate beyond that or to assume that the crappy account that is in Mil Times is worth getting upset about. That gentlemanly part is rather interesting. Is it gentlemanly to take pics of a naked woman or to accept such pics? Why does the gentlemanly business begin with the pics all ready in hand?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I think it begins the minute you agree to go out with her, you don’t disclose her sexual proclivities to your friends and you don’t publicize that you’re intimate or provide details.

That’s me, I’m a private person who keeps his behind closed doors business behind closed doors. You’ll never see my junk or my naked old ass online because there are no pictures of that ever taken…nor will you see any of my current wife. My first wife may or may not have continued her naked photo ways with others…I don’t know and I don’t care.

If your woman sends you a photo you can keep or not, if you do you should treat it as a private photo unless she signs a model release for you….this isn’t rocket science. Or if you prefer delete then you don’t have to worry about being hacked…or releasing them out of spite later on.

I’m not claiming to be better than anyone, I’m not claiming any virtue whatsoever. I’m only stating how I act because that’s all I can tell you….whether what I do is right for anyone else or not I can’t answer. It’s right for me to keep private things private regardless of what the other party does. That’s my nature.

It’s been clear for sometime that what’s true about myself and my nature is hardly a representative sampling of my generation. That’s fine with me, I’ve never sought or required external approval to provide me with a sense of propriety.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, so it’s gentlemanly then to take a pic of one’s girlfriend but it’s not gentlemanly to share it? Instinct?


“Is it gentlemanly to take pics of a naked woman or to accept such pics?”

We will never know, because a gentleman does not kiss (or videotape) and tell.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, I’ll play. Change the question to “Would it be gentlemanly to….”


How the hell would I know? I ain’t no gentleman. And I got witnesses!

2/17 Air Cav

Game over. You win.


Well said, VOV Sir.


I’ll wait and see what the outcome is before I pass judgement. They don’t call the Marine Times the Marine Enquirer for no reason. Having said that, as much as I enjoy anatomically correct photography, if the subject is available for viewing publically without consent, I have to agree with the majority here and everywhere that people will and deserve to face the UCMJ and the British royal Marine equivalent.

MSG Eric

I concur. I am concerned about this, but it is a common thing. Even during WW2 Soldiers were sharing pictures of their women-folk in less than extreme cold weather clothing. There was no internet which was more beneficial to privacy though.

We often were told about females in training taking pictures they shouldn’t have for males. (Not to mention the amount of sexual relations going on every chance they could get.)

I told my girlfriend that I didn’t need to see naked pics of her, even while I was in Iraq. A big part of that was because of all the problems of people finding pictures on MWR computers, email getting hacked into, etc etc.

In Iraq I could find naked pics of women on just about every MWR computer I sat down at. In some cases it was stunning the amount of pictures on them. When I had the opportunity, I always plugged my own computer in and that helped, but I still didn’t have pictures of my own girlfriend on my laptop. I could’ve come home from any mission and found my hooch broken into, even if I had my laptop double/triple locked.

It is very troublesome, we shall see what happens with this.


During WWII my father had his photo made while sitting on a bunk in his barracks, to send home to his mother.

They were grateful, when the photos were developed, that the plane of focus was on him – not the picture hanging on the barrack wall behind him.


Had a similar experience once…wife was taking home movies to send home to her parents in Nice when I pointed out that half the women on the beach were topless. For some reason that particular reel never got developed and sent home.

Dave Hardin

So, we have a bunch of non-Marines shocked that Marines in a private closed group threatened to kick someones ass.

LMFAO, there is almost never a week that goes by when someone doesn’t threaten to kick my ass.

Taking covert naked pictures or any other type of action that is a breech of privacy should be dealt with accordingly. Knowingly spreading that information around is just as fucked up. Standing on the sidelines silent while it is going on is even more fucked up.

But, when you stand up against a wrong and get the expected backlash don’t act like pussy and complain about it. What a few of these clowns were doing was completely in the wrong. Embellishing threats made by keyboard commandos to civilians is the act of a pussy who should have stayed on the sidelines with the rest of the pussies.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Those threatening to kick your ass when you do right are indeed to be expected.

Those threatening to rape your wife and take photos of your daughter are something else entirely…exposing those who threaten families is fine by me, if you’re not making threats to the families of those you have a beef with you’ve nothing to worry about. Fuck those guys, I hope they get arrested for their threats as well. Who gives a fuck what happens to them? Not me…

Dave Hardin

Yep, Phukem. Posers have threatened to do far worse to the wives of several people who post here regularly.

I have lost count of how many ‘virtual’ bad ass posers I have emailed GPS directions to my house.


Well, I haven’t you yet this month, have I? Miss me?

Dave Hardin

WTF are you talking about? Are you chewing on the catnip again?

You are always in my…thoughts.


Hidden threats, obscure innuendos, implied inadequacies. I miss that. it was… stimulating.

Dave Hardin

LOL, you can call them the Good Ole Days.

The Other Whitey

On that we agree entirely, VOV.


Marine culture will never be acceptable to non Marines.

2/17 Air Cav

We can probably all agree that a woman who posts nude selfies is a stupid woman and that a woman who allows herself to be photographed by her latest boyfriend is too. See, that’s just stupid or foolish, rather innocuous terms that invite dismissal of the woman’s act. BUT, what do you call it when a recipient of those pics shows them to others? Oh, that’s not stupid or foolish. That’s criminal. That’s perverse. We need to investigate this and imprison the culprits, the bastards! Was Hotlips really a blonde? Now, that was funny. Wasn’t it?


Hotlips said, “Sixty-nine is divine.”
What did she know and when did she know it?!?!
Divinity has no place in the Armed Forces!
Can I get an “Amen”?


What goes in the spank bank, stays in the spank bank….or is deleted. Never forwarded or otherwise compromised.

Club Manager

Cannot help but wonder, since women Marines were photographed, and you never see a Marine with two road guards and someone to county Cadence, were they nude as well?

Seems like there is a never ending string of “You cannot fix stupid” acts by people who can reasonable be expected to know better.


Many WM’s are huge whores.

Yeah, I said it.

Club Manager

WAR STORY ALERT: I served a tour at Camp H.M. Smith in Hawaii. Recall hearing one WM telling another how she gave her Gunny a BJ to get a good fitness report. Therein lies the difference between a WM and a distaff member of another branch. The other branch would keep it a secret. Safe to say Fat Circles that many in all services are loose and not limited to WM. I enjoyed my tour with them.


[…] Silence It This Ain’t Hell: Washington Post Tries To Smear McMasters, Fails Miserably, also, Marines United – A Photo Scandal War Is Boring: Wojtek The War Bear Was Fond Of Hauling Artillery, also, American Troops In Armored […]


“Expectation of privacy” is legal term, but I think it applies. I think everyone has an expectation of privacy regarding romantic or sexual relationships. “Peeping Toms” go to jail. Even if not criminal, I would think publicizing nude photos of a girlfriend would be grounds for a civil action.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

If there’s no model release you have no right to release any photograph of anyone or anything….it’s simple.

Perry Gaskill

That’s not strictly true, VOV, or at least it didn’t used to be. Courts in the past have made a distinction between those photos intended for commercial use, such as advertising, and those for journalism, the fine arts, or the historical record. An interesting recent case was that of Hulk Hogan versus Gawker Media over a sex tape. Hogan won the case on privacy issues, and bankrupted Gawker despite 1st Amendment claims, but things could have gone the other way under slightly different circumstances.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

If you release any image of me without my consent onto a public forum I can initiate a civil suit over photographic rights to the image. Hogan’s lawsuit wasn’t about criminal acts as much as it was about who owns images if there is no model release (hint, only the person in them)…

Images of the public in a public place are a different matter Perry, images from the bedroom or in a state where a reasonable person has an expectation of privacy such as a home, or hotel room….those are quite a different matter.

Also many states now have “revenge porn” laws on the books making it a felony to publish those types of images of an ex….the world is changing and the laws are as well.

2/17 Air Cav

“If you release any image of me without my consent onto a public forum I can initiate a civil suit over photographic rights to the image.” That depends. The first question to be answered is, “Who took the pic?” Absent a contract stating otherwise, the pic belongs to the photographer.

“Images from the bedroom or in a state where a reasonable person has an expectation of privacy such as a home, or hotel room….those are quite a different matter.” No, not unless the pic was taken surreptitiously.

“Also many states now have “revenge porn” laws on the books making it a felony to publish those types of images….” At last count, 33 states plus DC had a crim statute going to what is commonly called revenge porn, despite the fact that motive is not an element of the crime. It is virtually unenforced in any state.

Hack Stone

I recall a senior executive from the Reston VA office of All Points Logistics defending one of his employees who was arrested for posting revenge porn of an ex-girlfriend. Nice to see the high ethical standards of All Points Logistics.

2/17 Air Cav

That was unlawful filming and it occurred w/o the consent of the person photographed. In other words, the SOB had absolutely no right to take the photo since he had no consent and thereby ran afoul of Virginia law.

2/17 Air Cav

No, that’s simply false. If you took the photo, the copyright belongs to you.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Not without a model release, why do you think photographers go to such trouble to get the model release?

Perry Gaskill

Ask yourself this question, VOV. Do the cops get a model release for the wanted posters in the post office?

In the past, and as previously mentioned, model releases typically acted as a commercial contract between somebody willing to pose for money, and a photographer or publisher. If Kate Moss, the little minx, poses for a cover of Vogue her release is likely to stipulate that she appear in that magazine only. and not in 4X4 Mud Puppy Monthly.

The news business also tends to be exempt from needing releases even, for better or worse, down to the bottom-feeder level of celebrity paparazzi.

HERE’S a fairly concise explanation of the issues from the standpoint of a normal person being out and about with a camera. YMMV

2/17 Air Cav

When you provide another with a photo of yourself nude or semi-nude or you allow yourself to be filmed or photographed semi-nude or nude, you want to invoke an expectation of privacy? I want another atty, your honor!


Somebody please tell me why, if the Norks want respect, they name some of their missiles ‘NoDongs’?


Someone told them they had to obey the Truth in Advertising Act.


Is betrayal of trust or confidence wrong, always, or only for the first one to betray, the second being OK?

Are we complaining about being wronged, or about who scored more points in the shitfest of shitty behavior?


Manufactured outrage to promote gender victimization PC shitfest.

It’s called a hog board. It’s be around since the beginning of time. Welcome to reality.

What is next? The Corps going to get upset when females are spotted in the barracks and get cat called? Give me a fucking break with this shit.


I guess pics or it didn’t happen will no longer be an option.


Hack Stone

Can you score me some racy photos of Elaine Ricci?


Depends, what’s in it for me?


I’ll never get over Elaine Ricci… and Macho Grande!

Dave Hardin

I don’t agree with revenge…but when you come home from deployment and find a Bitch that did this…


“I knew something was up when [wife Bella] stopped sending me pics of herself playing with our favorite chew toy,” said Duke. “Sure enough, that fornicating bitch was doing it doggystyle with some jarhead when I trotted through the door this morning.”


Just An Old Dog

For any of you Lionesses of TAH or guys who swing from the other side of the plate interested in what Old Dog looked like in all his natural glory there are a few pictures of me from my youth that are available.
Just ask and I will tell you where the cave wall is with them on it….


Yes, but then that brilliant lawer from Flordia in the south may find it, too, Old Dog.

Just An Old Dog

Who do you think drew them? By the way are we getting any word how he fared in court today?
I had a wager with myself he’d weasel out.


I just don’t get the level of stupidity involved in this – let’s see, hundreds of hours of mandatory briefings each year – Hey, let’s add some more to the mix! Or even better, Hey, I’m active duty and subject to the UCMJ, but that doesn’t matter because I’m on the internet an nobody ever checks it and the UCMJ doesn’t apply when I’m exercising my constitutional right to free speech. Or something like that. So glad I’m a retired fart.


OK. I think it’s kind of simple.
1 – Everyone wants attention, because attention means “love”, right? No, not always, and distance does breed insecurity in some people.
2 – Lack of maturity also means a complete lack of common sense, as we have frequently seen in some very strange behavior by people featured on TAH.
3 – All the lectures in the world go in one ear and out the other, especially when you have raging hormones or you’re feeling frisky.
4 – Some people will do anything, and literally use any means possible, do whatever no matter how stupid it is, because they think it will get them advanced and/or they think they won’t get caught.
5 – People really are that stupid.


6- No matter how many power-point briefings, no matter how many lectures, no matter how many times you say “Thou shalt not”, there’s always a certain group of people that just go ahead and do it anyway. Mandatory training only serves as a CYA for the command. Dumbasses are always gonna dumbass.

stephen f. mccartney

As long as we are on this topic if ANYONE has a copy of that non classified picture of “30 something” Sarah Palin in a bikini with a glass of wine in her hand..can I get one? I am tired of thinking about her being almost 52 and not knowing how much I admire that. And yes, my wife said it was OK. CAPT Bones


Seems the photos fall in to 3 categories:
1. Photos that were sent from an individual to another individual. Receiving individual shared them.
2. Photos pulled from social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, etc)
3. Peeping Tom/creeper type photos.

Category 1, you’re an asshole but maybe not a criminal (at least under UCMJ, state law varies on revenge porn laws)

Category 2. Watch what you put on the internet.

Category 3. you’re a sick son of a bitch and should be hammer as hard as the UCMJ allows.

As for the comments on the pictures, y’all are shocked? Really?

Have you never been around Marines, specifically grunts? That are some sick, deviant, disgusting, abnormal, aberrant degenerates. The only social media has done has allowed everyone else to see this.

Marines at Tun Tavern were probably passing around woodcut engravings of a well turned ankle.

Green Thumb

“Have you never been around Marines, specifically grunts? That are some sick, deviant, disgusting, abnormal, aberrant degenerates.”

Yep. however, some folks do not get this. This is why the USMC WINS!

Semper Fk Off

We don’t say shit like that.


I beg to ask – has anyone bothered to look at the shit Brennan himself has shared and posted about online (specifically, FB?) He openly and routinely denigrates women, glorified sex assault by adult woman on male juveniles and joked about masturbating in front of university faculty. That’s just the beginning. I have EXTREME doubts in his journalistic “ethics” as I have personally read and witnessed him saying the very SAME commentaries which he has lambasted the M.U. members for. Furthermore – as another guy stated, I agree that the photos fall into the 3 categories he outlined. Category 1 – you’re an idiot and if you got caught, exercise accountability. Category 2 – you’re probably going to get NJP’d, lawyer the fuck up and don’t say fuck all until you speak to JAG or civilian counsel. Category 3? You need lifetime sex offender registration and id argue perhaps a summary execution. Creeps are creeps point blank.

Marines being degenerate Marines is part and parcel of the worlds greatest amphibious infantry. I spent a majority of my career with 03’s and quickly learned to discern the difference between trash talk and “this dude needs to see fucking mental health ASAP.”

It’s a sad day all in all. Yet I must maintain – Brennan is just as much as a shit bag as the men he’s crucified and I’ve seen very few mentions of his antics. Oh – of course – that’s not headline worthy amongst the yellow journalism that has transpired thus far.