Students are generally idiots

| October 4, 2007

I remember when students were people who recognized that they knew nothing and they sought out schools which were accredited, and hired learned, trustworthy people to teach them the things they do not know. But that’s all changed now, I guess. Students think they know what’s best for them to learn, and who are the people that are the best to teach them. (Washington Times)

It’s going to take more than getting fired to stop former professor Ward Churchill from teaching at the University of Colorado.

The ex-professor was back on campus Tuesday at the invitation of students to teach an unsanctioned course, “ReVisioning American History: Colonization, Genocide and Formation of the U.S. Settler State.”

Always a popular figure on campus, Mr. Churchill, 52, was met with applause by the 30 or so students and well-wishers who attended the first session.

“This course is an entirely voluntary exercise for all parties involved,” Mr. Churchill said. “It carries no credit, fulfills no institutional requirements, involves payment of no tuition, entails no paycheck to its instructor.”

Student organizers reserved a classroom at the Eaton Humanities Building for the unofficial course. According to the syllabus, Mr. Churchill will teach every Tuesday evening through the month of October, with class topics to focus on colonialism, genocide and racism.

So, despite the fact that Churchill is a lying, plagerizing, phony soldier, phony Indian, there are still some students that think he has something to offer them in the way of an education. The students have decided who best can teach them and what they want to learn. That’s why we have a generation of Psychology majors and Art History majors who can’t write and form an intelligent thought – because the inmates are running the asylum.

Category: Phony soldiers, Society

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