Decisions, decisions, decisions….

| January 27, 2017

Here’s something we seldom see.

A high school senior from Fairfax, VA has been appointed to all four military academies.

No, that is not a misprint.  The article says ‘all four main military academies’.  It includes the Coast Guard Academy. The Marines come out of Annapolis.

He’s also following in the footsteps of other family members.

I hope he chooses wisely.

My congratulations to him. That is a real accomplishment.

Category: Breaking News

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I read the story. He doesn’t appear to be tall enough for entry into the Coast Guard.


Roger in Republic

We were forced to dump the 1 fathom rule when we allowed females in.


Geeeee, never heard that one before!


That’s a hell of an accomplishment. Congratulations, young man. Choose wisely.

A Proud Infidel®™

One hell of an accomplishment!


I notice several things:
a) His family history. A grandfather who served in the Korean War, then provided free medical care to all Korean War veterans as “a debt of honor”; and a father who is still in the Army Reserves.
b) His family educating him in history.
c) His going through a private Christian school.

Almost like a playbook of how to grow a man.

God bless and keep you, young Mr. Park.

2/17 Air Cav

For me, that part about his grandfather was better than the reason the story was written.


Go Navy!


2/17 Air Cav

He’ll be a soldier.




I was thinking Merchant Marine Academy would rate higher than the Coasties….


Now this is a seriously feel good story.

Congratulations, young man.


As I go farther into the pastures filled with other old farts I see that the SJW’s screaming and crying for all kinds of stupid shit will not be the leaders of America after I am gone.
It is young men like this and others serving our country in other far off lands that will be the true leaders.
For that, I am grateful to all the older Veterans for building such a great place as the US Military is, they built a place where young people can grow into what America needs when she calls for them.
This guy will probably be a sitting Senator someday or maybe even President.
For that, I am truly grateful.
Way to go kid, truly one hell of an accomplishment.

Deplorable B Woodman

Wonderful! What an awesome accomplishment. It will be interesting to follow this young man’s career (from afar – don’t want to joggle elbows) and life, see where he goes and what he does.

Silentium Est Aureum

Okay, color me impressed.


If Mattis had a son…..

Ain’t no choice son, Go Army!!


Gotta a feeling no matter which academy he chooses, he will be a great credit to his family, service and country. Godspeed young man!


Army for Employment, Navy for Career, Air Force for Education, Coast Guard for Fitness.

chooee lee

USNA no doubt in my “Military Mind”‘

Former 13D

There’s not much of a choice really. There’s only one military service and it’s the Army – the other services are just our support units. The navy exists only to transport our heavy equipment. The air force delivers our close air support and mail. The marines should have been integrated into the Army long ago, except for those need to police the navy. The coast guard – well, their name says it all.