CNO John Richardson: he misjudged backlash

| December 14, 2016

Admiral John Richardson, the Chief of Naval Operations, says that he misjudged the fierce loyalty of the force to their ratings and ranks according to the Navy Times;

“I underestimated how fiercely loyal people were to their rating, I’ve gotten a fair amount of feedback on that,” Richardson said Tuesday during an all-hands call Dec. 6 at Naval Air Station Fallon in Nevada.

“I tell you, in the Navy we are members of many tribes. So first and foremost, we are members of the Navy tribe. that’s our principal tribe. But what other tribes are we part of? Rates; warfare specialty; Command. … So we kind of [underestimated] the loyalty with which people affiliated themselves with that rating tribe. So as we go forward, we’ll learn.”

The rapid cancellation of the centuries-old tradition generated an overwhelmingly negative response from sailors. But in the end, Richardson judged it was better to move quickly and make adjustments rather than spend months kicking ideas around and developing a full implementation plan, he told sailors.

Yeah, I get the sense that Big Navy knew there was going to be a huge backlash, so they rushed the plan out in order to get the changes they wanted before it was too late. I think it was the final straw for many Navy folks after eight years of bucking naval tradition.

Thanks to Mick for the link.

Category: Navy

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Admiral Richardson can go pound sand up his left nostril and inhale it.


If Richardson had any balls, he’s submit his retirement before Trump takes office… that way Mabus and him can hold hands and skip off into the sunset together.

Fucking PC assclown…


Amen and the ignorant a.h. needs to actually “talk” to some of those “untouchables” that knows absolutely NOTHING ABOUT! dimwitted bastard! Keep your frigging hands off our Navy and out of our TRADITIONS! Everyone together now…sign ‘TRADITIONS’…….

Buckeye Jim

Is it too late to stop this stupid change? I can understand non-Navy types thinking this is OK, but anyone with any connection to the fleet should be outraged.


No, next SECNAV can rescind the guidance. From a joint perspective I understand, but I just called Navy NCO’s Petty Officer if I didn’t know their full title, and Chiefs where just Chiefs.

If the CNO didn’t understand the culture of his service, something is wrong.


I think what he really misjudged is who his next boss is going to be. Which means hopefully he will soon be piped ashore along with the piece of crap he currently works for.



Idiot departing!


Why doesn’t he go for a midnight swim while underway in the mid-Pacific? That makes more sense than either his first decision or his explanation here.

A Proud Infidel®™

“The rapid cancellation of the centuries-old tradition generated an overwhelmingly negative response from sailors. But in the end, Richardson judged it was better to move quickly and make adjustments rather than spend months kicking ideas around and developing a full implementation plan, he told sailors. ”

TRANSLATION: Admiral Richardson being the pampered, perfumed and preened 0bamite Prince of the Pentagon he is proving himself to be, wants to insert this 0bama/Mabus shaft as fast and hard as he can before Donald Trump & Company take the helm in January.

Fuck. Him.


But you wouldn’t want to change it back. That would mean you’d have to admit you’re wrong and we can’t have that.








Dash Riprock

First, respect to the Goat Locker.

Second,I’d like to add my less impressive contribution to the list.


Paul Dragos

Again, respect to the Goat Locker.

Here’s my contribution to the list.



and mine YN2!




Richardson and his butt buddy, E-9 Mike Stewart, basically told the CPO Mess to go fuck themselves over this issue… didn’t give a fuck over the feedback they were getting from the fleet.

I’d like to hear what that assclown Mike Stewart has to say about his role in this shit… probably something along the lines of “I was following orders and didn’t speak up because the Admiral and I are butt buddies and I wanted him to help me get that six-figure job in the Beltway.”

What a motherfucking mess….


The former MCPON was Mike Stevens, not Stewart. I’d hate for some innocent guy named Mike Stewart to take the brunt of this FUBAR

charles w

Having served in the Navy as well as the Army, all I see from the puzzle palace is a whole lot of social engineering. If it isn’t broke don’t fix it. Want to continue with this crap try it on the Peace Corp.


Richardson is looking for smiley faces and happy speeches at his retirement ceremony.At this point no one is going to want to speak to him at either the Army-Navy Club….Or at any of the hundreds of Defense Contractors who won’t touch this douchecanoe with a 10 ft pole because he’s completely alienated the Navy.


He might be able to sit with Shinseki.


He kept using native American imagery and culturally appropriated the terminology with his usage of the word “Tribe”.

I’m triggered and partially offended.

charles w

I am too. I’ll get the coloring books and therapy dogs……


Therapy comes in a green bottle that says “Jameson’s”.

Bill M

I’ll take some Jameson’s.


Noo….. J.D.. Ol’ number 7


I want some play-doh…


I’m triggered and partially offended as well.

But I’ll get the tomahawks and scalping knives….


I’ll bring the fire water.


Regardless of what Big Navy says or does regarding Navy ratings, wounded Marines will still call for a Corpsman.

You won’t see a wounded Marine calling for a ‘Petty Officer Third Class with medical training’.

This idea to get rid of ratings was stupid right from the start. The only thing that they were successful in doing here was to piss off all of the Sailors out in the Fleet.


According to that ignorant pathetic a.h. in the off white house, that is “corpseman”, a downed Marine hears someone yell for a corpseman? that would increase his healing cycle wouldn’t it?


This whole thing is just an utterly, completely hosed up idea. The services are based on tradition. The “rates” provide each sailor with a sense of pride and accomplishment. An individual distinction, while still being part of a larger organization.

So with the ratings going away, will the Navy Officer corps all wear the “Star” above the ranks on their sleeves or shoulder boards? Will the admirals give up those great big gold anchored things on their shoulders? Hmmm kind of doubt that…

By joining up, in any of the services, you become part of something that is intangible. That esprit de corps stuff might sound like a bunch hoorah crap initially, but it becomes part of your soul. That’s tradition, whether you’re a crewman on the USS Kentucky or a member of one of the Army’s cavalry regiments (are there any other? See what I mean.)you always associate with the symbols that hold meaning; the insignia of your rating, the mention of the name of a ship or someplace you served, seeing a regimental crest.

The flag officers should recognize the importance of these small distinctions and how they individually make a service strong.

Sheeesh I have babbled way too much. Thanks.

Silentium Est Aureum

Of course, the Naval Academy will still get to call themselves Midshipmen.

So they got that going for them, which is nice.


Yup, just saw the article that confirmed that. Because just like ‘seaman’, ‘midshipman’ is considered a rank and not a title so it isn’t going away. So that kinda defeats the point of their entire agenda.

MSG Eric

Maybe “HalfwayThereNavalCraftPerson” (HTNCP) was too long to put in the computer as a title?


Well said.

The Other Whitey

What a twat! How does someone so clueless rise to flag rank? Navy ratings are traditional for a reason. They identify an enlisted Sailor’s job and responsibilities. They are flexible and adaptable as times change, for example: Sailmakers going away in the 1910s and Aviation Machinist’s Mates becoming a thing when the Navy started flying around the same time. And most of all, they are traditional. You don’t have to be a Sailor to understand the value of tradition. It ties you directly to the men (and women) who preceded you in the organization, whose legends inspired you to be a part of it. The Bloodstripe on Marine officer and NCO uniforms is a direct link from the current wearer to the men who took Chapultepec Castle at great cost. 2/5 Marines still say “Retreat, hell!” a century after it was first uttered in France. Why does the Army bother with unit patches? Troopers of the 82nd Airborne wear the same patch as the men who jumped into Sicily, Normandy, and took Nijmegen Bridge. Those of the 101st have Normandy, Bastogne, and Hamburger Hill. The Rangers descend from the heroes who climbed the cliffs of Point De Hoc and rescued the POWs from Cabanatuan. The 3rd ID counts no less a badass than Audie Murphy among their own. Every Navy rating has a tradition behind it. Some are new. Others, like Bosun’s Mates, Gunner’s Mates, and Quartermasters go all the way back to John Paul Jones and his fast ship going into harm’s way. Hell, even those whose jobs are in the mess can remember the heroism of Dorie Miller aboard USS West Virginia on 12/7/1941, who fought for his ship regardless of his job. If Admiral Fuckstick doesn’t get that, then he has no business leading anything. My Grandpa was a Sailor in WWII. He never would’ve enlisted if not for the war, and he got out as soon as it was over. But he was damn proud to have been a Gunner’s Mate. My Aunt Christine who passed away a couple of months ago was a WAVE in… Read more »


Well Said!!!!!!!!




The flags you mention, particularly Nimitz, Halsey, and Spruance, would have shut this shit down in a NY second.


Ummmm, please leave Rickover out of this. He was a flaming jerk stick who hated the navy more than Mabus does.

Guard Bum

Imagine the morale boost that could occur if the new administration just reverses a few simple things like this…..


So how exactly did this douchebag get to be an Admiral?

Fuck I’m Army and I understand it

He knows his days are numbered


He gave up the confirmed 8 year 4 star billet at Chief of Nukes to take the CNO position. For this.


In Richardson’s case , it probably involved knee pads and having no gag reflex – the same technique that the retired E-9 Assclown known as Mike Stewart used to get the MCPON job.

Both are lapdogs for Ray Mabus and his SJW agenda.


The tribe of Liz Warren


Fauxcahontas? Chief of the lost tribe, the Fugawis.

The Other Whitey

From the sacred territory of K’monawanalay’ya, right?


Maybe she’s part Slapaho?


She’s a carrier of that dreaded disease. Lakanuki.


Hey! You guys are stealing all the HAWAII jokes!

A Proud Infidel®™

The Likalottadik tribe or the Putitupyourbutts.

Open Channel D

“I underestimated” means you were underprepared and ill-informed. You and the subordinates responsible for this goat rope, if you have any integrity left, should hand in your papers. FFS, what did you THINK would happen? You were so eager to please your masters, and sweep off into your great second-career in FEDCO that you overlooked what is really important–the sailors and the traditions they are proud and honored to uphold.

Leave now and hope whatever legacy you left is quickly forgotten.


Maybe Admiral Richardson’s tour as CNO will be like General McPeak’s tour as Air Force Chief of Staff. A whole bunch of controversial and unpopular policy decisions made that get reversed shortly after his tour ends. One can only hope…

Commissioner Wretched

Yeah, ol’ Tony McPeak and his “business suit” uniform. Sleeve stripes for officers, no collar insignia, and he even tried to do away with blue-suit headgear completely at one point. At least the sleeve stripes for officers went bye-bye and the lapel insignia came back as soon as Gen. Fogelman took over as CSAF. I wish they’d go back to the old Tony Nelson coat, myself.


And my favorite…removal of grade insignia and leather aircrew patches on the BDU. I mean why have insignia when the the grade is clearly spelled out in tiny letters on the aircrew patch that you can’t see until you’re standing in front of a person? I got bitched at by more than a few officers for not recognizing them and rendering a salute during that fiasco. 🙂


I recall a short period where military clothing was many weeks behind on aircrew patches. Many young airmen displayed their newly-promoted rank using black embossing tape. Classy.


Almost forgot about that!


And what would our soon-to-be SECDEF say to an officer who said he’d underestimated?

The Other Whitey

I’m guessing something along the lines of “How the fuck did you come up with this clusterfuck? Get the fuck outta my sight while I get this bullshit unfucked!”

Of course, the Russian method wouldn’t be inappropriate either:


Yes… I’ve heard stories about how “The Warrior Monk” took care of incompetent officers and NCO’s with 7th Marines.


“I underestimated” means that lots of staff weenies got multiple face shots as a result of this debacle.

Not that the “Admiral” would want to take responsibility for this or anything.

A Proud Infidel®™

Richardson’s legacy will be like that of “Everyone gets a Beret” Shinseki with “Fuck him” often being said whenever his name is mentioned.

BlueCord Dad

Amen Deacon!!

The Other Whitey

How many CPOs do you think will have every toilet/urinal in every head labeled “RICHARDSON”?


Shitters (especially in CPO Heads) = MIKE STEWART

The Other Whitey

There is historical precedent. The term “cup of Joe” comes from Sailors who were pissed off at SECNAV Josephus Daniels for banning alcohol.

And as I suggested before, every ship that’s to be used for a SINKEX target should first be renamed USS Ray Mabus.

charles w

Or, I have to shit and wipe my Richardson.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if Richardson even uses urinals, he seems like the type of prissy-wuss male that pees sitting down, much like a college hipster.

CB Senior

Unprepared and ill informed, great combo for CNO.
For his next trick he will show his ignorance of other fine Naval institutions.

Silentium Est Aureum

File this one under, “No shit, Sherlock.”


So I’m Army, my question is will this change under trump since this was a part of Obummers destroying
Military traditions, and pride ????
Just curious….

Heart of TEXAS (PSG, Ret.)

Also as Army I remember when we had distinctions between SPC7, SFC and PSG.
To this day I consider myself as PSG, retired. Most honor was being a platoon sergeant, responsible for four squads of kick ass soldiers.


Remind me to spill hot coffee in his lap when he’s wearing dress whites.


Make that a large pot of boiling hot espresso…

MSG Eric

I. Double. Dog. Dare. You.


Last person who ‘underestimated’ and got feedback on this scale was LTC George Armstrong Custer.


A CNO who claims to have underestimated the turmoil major, unneeded change to an institution bound by tradition would create is unfit to be the CNO. But we all know that and know Richardson is another in a long line of 4-star yes men.


That long line due in no small part to the elimination of warfighters at the O-5/O-6 level for being insufficiently PC.


Tradition is no longer regarded in the Navy for the pass 25 years. The Navy Code of Honor use to be

Tradition was stricken out after Tailhook happened. Why? Because Tailhook was based on tradition.

MSG Eric

Another way the Army showed it is better than the Navy. When the new SMA Dan Dailey talked to NCOs and they told him the tattoo gestapo policy sucked, he had it yanked and forgotten, like CNO Richardson’s Richard.

At this point, if he had a Richard, he’d be saying, “Fuck it. If you really don’t like it, we’re stopping it. What are they gonna do, fire me a month before Ray Maybe gets replaced?”


Tribes? WTF?

2/17 Air Cav

Tribes. Yeah, I thought that was weird, too. It doesn’t make sense as he put it. “I tell you, in the Navy we are members of many tribes. So first and foremost, we are members of the Navy tribe. That’s our principal tribe.” So, there is a principal tribe and subsidiary tribes? Huh? What? Cripes.

2/17 Air Cav

Maybe he means African tribes. That allows for the villages connection, supporting both the “It Takes a Village” approach to sailor rearing and and the new Navy “Village People.”