Derek Alldred back on the run

| December 14, 2016

Derek Alldred

We wrote about Derek Alldred earlier last month when he was arrested for defrauding women across the country, pretending to be a Navy SEAL. He was supposed to show up in court yesterday in Arizona, but, instead, he absconded and there’s a warrant out for him. From KARE:

“At this point he is a public safety risk to our community,” the Phoenix prosecutor told the judge.

But by making bail and disappearing before sentencing, he appears to have slipped through the cracks of justice again.

“It’s frustrating that it feels like the court systems don’t take this kind of crime seriously and they keep allowing him to run,” Linda said.

There is now a warrant out for Alldred’s arrest in Arizona. If he’s caught he’ll be held on $100,000 bail.

I hear that he’s using a new name – Steele Peterson

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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At least he is only calling himself Steele.

Can you imagine what things would be like if he went by Lance or Dirk?


Oh great. More fun with this assclown.

Hopefully Senior Chief Shipley and his crew will get on this guy’s trail. Is there a reward for bringing him in?

Forest Green

When they catch him, they should give him a dry shave. Dirt bag.

Silentium Est Aureum

More than likely there’s a bounty hunter on his ass as we speak.

Bail bondsmen do NOT like losing money.

A Proud Infidel®™

I have ZERO doubt about that, he’s gonna have to look behind himself all the time and he richly deserves every last bit of misery that comes to him.




Steele? Shouldn’t that be “Steal”, instead?

If there’s a mug shot, please post it eventually. I’ll bet he wears a rug.


Eight mug shots in the first story.

We’re talking Cueball there , Baby!


Any known tattoos and or scars?


Old ancient Chinese proverb:

“You can’t shake the asshole tree and expect Prince Charming to come falling out”.

Bernie Hackett

Skyjumper, I’m gonna use that one! Genius!


‘Stolen Valor is a victimless crime.’

Uh huh. Sure thing. Just ask any of those women that this assclown has swindled if they think that that’s true.


Guy needs a shave. With a rusty mill bastard.



19D2OR4 - Smitty

Everything else aside, Steele Peterson would make an excellent porn star name.


I like where your mind is at. Spoken like a true veteran.


Let’s see if we can figure out what names he’ll used next:

Rod Johnson?
Dick Jackman?
Randy Weiner?

I’m sure we can come up with more….


Grunt McSlabmeat


Rusty Cornhole? Oh, wait, that’s AFTER he gets sent back to the slammer.

2/17 Air Cav

This is an oldie. It works about 95% of the time. Take your middle name and the name of the street, road, circle, court, avenue, or lane of your address. Put them together and you have a terrific soap opera name. I suppose it will fit porn, too.


Or maybe Hugh Janus.


Jack Meoff


Hugh G. Reckshon sounds like a name an imaginary SEAL would use.

chooee lee

How about Hugh Jardon or maybe Speed Pickle


“Tiny Johnson” lol

just some feller

That’s why I didn’t click on the link … I’m at work.

A Proud Infidel®™

THE INTERNET IS FOREVER. He won’t be able to hide for very long, I hope he gets even more internet-famous. He obviously has no conscience, thus the sooner he gets caught and the longer he ends up in Bubba & Thor’s cellblock harem, the happier I’ll be.


Steele/Derek is afraid that he’ll be the next ‘wide receiver” on the jailhouse football team… especially after Bubba, Thor, Julio and Mr. “Tiny” “welcome him with open arms” and introduce him to the “all he will eat” cockmeat sammich buffet.

Combat Historian

For the victimized ladies: make sure your handgun is loaded and within easy reach/access, and if you don’t have one, GO GET ONE RIGHT NOW AND GET TRAINED UP !!!

Green Thumb

Maybe they should check down at All-Points Logistics?

Carlton G. Long

Holden Caulfield introduced himself as “Jim Steele” at one point in the novel…perhaps this fellow is just tapping into his literary side.