Detroit registers more votes than voters

| December 13, 2016

The Detroit News reports that voting machines in most of Detroit’s precincts reported more votes than voters;

Detailed reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett show optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books.


Overall, state records show 10.6 percent of the precincts in the 22 counties that began the retabulation process couldn’t be recounted because of state law that bars recounts for unbalanced precincts or ones with broken seals.

The problems were the worst in Detroit, where discrepancies meant officials couldn’t recount votes in 392 precincts, or nearly 60 percent. And two-thirds of those precincts had too many votes.

So, I guess that one kind of backfired.

Category: Breaking News

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If only there was a way to ensure the person filling out the ballot was a legal voter AND the actual person voting, without disenfranchising anyone.

If only…

MSG Eric

Maybe some kind of card or piece of paper that shows they are who they are? That might be something to look into perhaps.

If it is politically feasible of course. Can’t have our elected officials worrying about getting re-elected because of it. That’d just be mean to them, after all they deserve those jobs they were elected for.

Not That Chuck

Maybe a voter ID bar code tattooed on your left butt check – just drop trou’ in the voter booth and the government scanner will know it’s you in mere milliseconds.

Oh, wait, I got shrapnel in the ass in Viet Nam and now my bar code’s gone…

MSG Eric

Well that’s a bum rap for you then.


Around here we call it a drivers license or Virginia state ID. And yea, you need one of them to vote. Then they cross your name off a spreadsheet. And then you dump the ballot into a scanner/box thing, get a sticker, and get the hell out. Seems to work pretty well, from my experiences. Even so, I’m getting tired of this state. If I sounded cranky or something, it’s not at you MSG.

MSG Eric

You’re cranky? I couldn’t tell.

My state doesn’t do voter ID and I think that is ridiculous. Even to catch a fish you need an ID. I’m guessing they would be able to identify the significant amount of voter fraud if an identification was required 100%. “There’s no evidence!” but the small handful of cases we know about are only because the perp screwed up vs them actually catching someone.

Then they throw out the “voter ID is racist!” bullshit because, yet again, white people can’t be poor.


I live in NY and there is no voter ID. Just about every year I have to sign in my father’s block because he signs mine and they never catch it (I am a Jr.).

just some feller

But what about all the poor people who can’t afford a fishing license or a boat?!!!!! How are they going to eat?

They are the disenfishfried.


Sorry, MSG Eric, I reported your comment instead of replying to it.

Here in MD, I started to get my ID out to show the polling official and they told me it wasn’t necessary. I guess they don’t care if I’m really me.


Even that is imperfect since the Commonwealth (as well as other states like NC) will issue drivers licenses and non-driver State ID’s to felons and foreign nationals.


I live in Michigan, non-Detroit Michigan, and state law says we have to show ID to vote. Seems that the poll workers may have violated the law.
Then again, I think there may only be 76 Republicans left in all of Detroit, hardly enough for poll watching.


Yeah, I’m in Washington TWP. I show my driver’s license every time I vote, and it is checked off against the voter rolls. Not Detroit, but close enough to see the abyss. If it weren’t for the founders of Quicken loans and Little Ceasars pizza, Detroit would be screwed. And now that the Pistons have moved back downtown, there are no longer any sports I will go see in person.


Same here, my days ended when MLB and the NFL told an out-stater like me that I couldn’t bring my pistol with me to Detroit. I could, and did carry to the Joe, but that, too, has been kiboshed. Much easier to sit at home and watch the Tigers and the Wings on TV. I gave up on the NFL with the non-reaction to Kaepernick and his asshat buddies and I never went to a Pistons game, so nothing to miss there.


Those WW1 guys sure get out and vote.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

That was one area where HRC had a solid lead over Donald, she owned that demographic!

MSG Eric

Of course we do. Harry Reid was backing her from the start. Well, he wasn’t a veteran, but he’s been in the Senate since WW1 right?


Don’t forget about the Span-Am vets who are still voting. My WWII Dad always voted Republican before he passed, but now he is a Democrat, according to the voting registration records. I guess they wanted to make sure he could vote for Hillary in the closed primary.


Don’t forget the Civil War, Mexican-American War and War of 1812 vets… I hear that they are a pretty “powerful” voting block


And the judge who denied Stein’s whine said she had no legal basis for demanding a recount in the first place.

The irony! It is heartwarming!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

It was rather amusing when he asked her how she felt she could possibly have been harmed by the count as she received less than 1% of the vote.


I’m almost full up on tears of inconsolable sorrow. Can’t hardly fit a beer in. But it is so delicious…


This is my shocked face.


Veritas Omnia Vincit

Something like this perhaps?

comment image


Yes, but with a beard.


Q – will the Dims still insist there is no evidence of any fraudulent voting ever?

Silly me – even after LBJ they insisted that… as long as the fraudulent voting was done by and for the Dims.


The only time that fraudulent voting is mentioned is if someone without a D after his/her name wins.

MSG Eric

Especially when someone who is supposed to win doesn’t? Poor Hillary and especially Poor George Soros, he spent over 23 million on elections this year, at least, and still didn’t get what he paid for.

Sometimes cheating to win clearly doesn’t guarantee winning.


All this talk about i.d.’s to vote, and the “deplorable” view of dumocraps trying to fix the outcome of elections….just how do you think these slow dimwitted retards would stay in office if it weren’t for corruption? They would then be out of work, heaven forbid, what would we do with millions of retards roaming the streets out of work, rioting, breaking things, burning things….err….oops, they are already doing that!

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember reading somewhere that in 1960 Detroit had the highest per capita income rate in the Unites States, Democrats have lorded over and ruled Detroit since 1962…

In another story, Trump’s lead over Hitlery INCREASED in WI. If schadenfreude was an intoxicant, I’d be blissfully passed out at least 80% of the time!!!

2/17 Air Cav

If there were a all-state recount and fraudulent votes discounted, we might learn Trump won the popular vote by a few million.

A Proud Infidel®™

I have no doubt about that. I’m sure the Hillarrhoids were counting on the Detroit Vote Fraud to carry the State much like Chicago and Cook County do Illinois or San Foo-foo, LA and Sacramento do CA.

Voter ID Laws ARE NOT unconstitutional.

Retired Grunt

I seriously doubt it, the counties that Hilabeast took hold the overwhelming majority of the US population, legal and illegal. That’s the beauty of the electoral college, no 10 or 15 populous areas can decide the fate of the entire republic. It allows that communication must continue throughout the entire nation, without it, those populous centers would dominate all policy and politics and the rest of us be damned.

2/17 Air Cav

Damn Russians.


It was the Nigerians based out of an internet café in Lagos.

419 Baby!

The Other Whitey

Dems are butthurt because they lost, demand recount and investigation. Investigation discovers dems cheated and still lost anyway.

Did I miss anything?


I think that about covered it, Whitey.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ooooh Schadenfreude, HOW SWEET IT IS!!


Hillary really got schlonged if Trump still beat here with so much voter fraud. Maybe next time they’ll put the ballots through 10 times each instead of 5 times.

Just An Old Dog

Shit like these actually proves the wisdom of an Electorial College.
High population areas can pull this shit constantly.

Bill M

Yeah, looks like those old, dead white guys who wrote the Constitution knew what they were doing. Only question is, how’d they know Hillary would need to be defeated?

A Proud Infidel®™

Yes indeed, Trump won 3000+ Counties in the US while Hitlery won just over 50. Thus if it weren’t for the Electoral College the major Cities and population centers in the US would make the election decisions for everyone else much like Chicago and Cook County do in Illinois, LA, San Foo-foo and Sacramento do in CA or how NYC inflicts its political will on the rest of that State.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Don’t forget those fuckers in Boston screwing the PRoM either…Trump won Western Massachusetts, nearly every single town with I think one or two notable douchebag exceptions…

When folks talk about liberal elitists in Massachusetts what they really mean are the peckerheads who pahk their fucking cahs…

West of Worcester (Wooster for non PRoM residents) we are a lot less like those liberal elitist turds…

A Proud Infidel®™

I went to and through MA plenty of times during my days as a Trucker and I saw the same thing in NY. The Upstate folks are as Red State as anywhere in the Deep South while the snottyassed NYC proglodytes force their political will on the rest of that State.


I’m assuming the Berkshires go blue?


How about instead of a drivers license as a form of identification to vote we develop a new ID method? This is following the mindset of the only way to defeat gun violence is to create more laws that restrict law abiding citizens from owning or purchasing firearms. So here is the idea : utilizing biometric identification methods, a new method of identification can be created by requiring the applicant to provide a biometric sampling of their anal sphincter image to the identification agency, cuz you know the fingerprint thing is just way too overdone and photagraphs on photo ID can be photoshopped. Whaddya think? anyone? anyone? Bueller?


Oh shame on you…
Next time, put up a damn spew alert !!!


Extra votes for Detroiters is just reparations for having been counted as 3/5th of a person in the bad old days.

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

William T Campbell

Maybe we should show our CCW license in order to vote.


Veteran’s ID. Not willing to put some skin in the game, you don’t get to play at the table.


What is so sweet about those optical scanners when everyone counting is a Dhimmirat is that you just take a few hundred Hildabeast voted ballots and you just run them through the scanner five or six times and bam, you have quintupled her vote count. Of course you have to be careful, or you end up, like many of the prior elections in (D) dominated districts, with more votes than you have registered voters or voting age residents. But hey, voting fraud, if ever discovered, usually only results in a $200 to $500 fine and maybe a year of probation. (Check out the matrix of such crimes on True the Vote’s website.)