Mitchell Estep; phony special forces

| December 5, 2016


This fellow, Mitchell Estep, or Mitch Estepona as he is known on Facebook and “Corvette” to his biker buddies, was on the old POW Network, but he figured that it was safe to venture out into the world in his phony special forces persona once again. We heard about his asshattery just a few weeks ago from someone who was unfortunate enough to bump into him. Estep works at the FAA now.

Estep POW Network

Uniform Estep

Uniform Estep2

Of course, the National Personnel Records Center doesn’t remember his career like that. He was a personnel clerk for his entire career. He made Master Sergeant working in the Pentagon, but he has no deployments to Vietnam or to Desert Storm, but he thinks that he deserves the accolades. I see he has a Soldier’s Medal in his records, but I can’t find him on any roster of recipients. I wonder how a personnel clerk could get a Solder’s Medal;

Mitchell Estep FOIA

Mitchell Estep FOIA2

Mitchell Estep FOIA Assignments

Mitchell Estep FOIA Training

And yes, of course there is a motorcycle, a tattoo and a vest;

Estep Motor

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Covert of the covert of the covert…..a thoroughly dangerous man.



he may look dumb, but that’s just a disguise…he’s a mastermind in the ways of espionage


Saw phony SF/ biker…stopped reading. Still waiting for “Phony CIF Guy”…..(see previous post where I pontificate on the topic.)


Nice reference the Charlies Daniels Band


and I ain’t even got a garage, you can call and ask my wife!


The old drunk chick….I hit that.


Got him beat. I have my signed, stamped Space Shuttle Door Gunner class diploma, safely tucked away where it belongs.

If they ever call me up again, it’s going into my files!!!

Doc Savage

Shit biscuit.

Just An Old Dog

What an ass-lord!! He was highly decorated in his field. He legitly has 8 awards much higher than I ever had.
Plenty to be proud of. But no he seems to be ashamed of his real service. What a fuck stick.




Sperm Burper.

Just An Old Dog


A Proud Infidel®™


Reddawg 318

Dick Dolphin


Hell, this calls his whole stack into question now. I’ve never seen an E8 with a Legion of Merit, but I’m not Army either. He was personnel and worked at the Pentagon, he could’ve thrown any and everything in his record.


I once saw a SGM receive a LOM on retirement, I think that’s the only time I’ve ever seen it awarded to an enlisted Soldier.


I went to a Green Beret retirement ceremony a few months ago. This GB retired as a Sgt Major and he received the Legion of Merit upon his retirement


J. Max Taylor, AKA “The Iceman” got the LOM as a Buck Sergeant.

Legitimate listing on his FOIA.

Of course, he was also running covert ops in Viet of the Nam from his hooch in Korea, so read into it what you will.

Green Thumb

I forgot about that turd.


To whomever did the thread link, Thank You.


In my last reserve unit, we were able to get a LOM for a Master Sergeant who retired with well over 30 years of outstanding service.


I’ve never seen one awarded in my almost 9’total years of Army and NG service
Now my adopted dad received a BSM x2 and I believe a )(; at his retirement
As a full bird from the Air Force but I’ve got to find his 214, the BSMs are for service
In Vietnam, I was always under the understanding you had to be a officer
Retiring to get anything like that,
But what the hell do I know ??


Let’s pause for a moment here to review the TAH Poser Checklist, shall we?

– Motorcycle: check!

– Leather vest covered in Poser Bling: check!

– Unearned Special Forces tattoo: check!

– Unearned SF sticker on windscreen: check!

– Bogus military awards: check!

– Unfathomable inability to be satisfied with a perfectly honorable career as a high-ranking Army SNCO/personnel clerk: check!

Totally legit.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

As I read it all he is lacking is that he does not have a Florida Address. How can that be?


He did live in Florida at one time, he has a class from Miami Dade Community College in his records.


Makes me want to embellish my motorcycle vest…OPSEC Officer and Urinalysis Coordinator tabs not getting me any pussy…but I am a hit in stall three of the local rest area men’s room…


Urinalysis Coordinator rates the “pecker checker” tab, IIRC. 😉


Isn’t a do-rag part of the checklist?

Hack Stone

And the dog. Won’t someone think of the dog?!

Green Thumb

What a fucking turd.

Someone should just kick him in the nuts.

“Corvette”, huh?

No one in there right mind would go by that nickname.

I bet he hangs out with that other turd “Whispers” in the break room of All-Points Logistics.


“No one in there right mind would go by that nickname.”

Four on the floor, high speed cocksuckers would. “Cock taker and ass giver”.


He has now been downgraded to “chevette” that iconic Detroit lemon of the 80s


have a friend who once told a stripper he was picking up that his “‘Vette was parked outside”. She came out after work and yeah, a Chevette. He says she was unhappy for some reason.

Somewhat unrelated – he has a 6th Good Conduct, which should mean 18-20 years, but retired out after 24 – shouldn’t he have more?


David, the FOIA service time is somewhat misleading as it indicates only one start date and one end date.

By looking at his 2-1, he actually only put in right about 20 years active duty within a 24 year period.

From 1972 to 1981 he had two breaks in service and only did 4 years, 11 months, and some (15?)days of active duty.

Once he reentered on 16 Oct 81 until he retired on 31 Oct 96, he did straight active duty time of about 15 years and 15 days.

Somewhere in all the calculations, he wound up with 20 years and retired.

So only having six GCM’s for 20 years active duty would be correct.

A Proud Infidel®™

Chevette, the car that started falling apart when one drove it off the Dealer’s lot!


On his uniform, after the Soldier’s Medal is a Bronze Star, not a Defense Meritorious Service Medal. Please correct me if I am seeing this in error.


I was looking at his Facebook photo.


Nope, you’re not wrong. I saw it also. As well as a VSM/VCM.

This is what happens to people, who in 24 years service, only ever had to go once to the CIF and draw TA-50.

Talk about being a homesteader at the big house. Geez-Louise.


Key word here is draw and not use, except maybe once or twice at NCOES.


According to my count, he has eight extra ribbons in his rack he doesn’t rate.


Mitchell Estep; Totally Legit Special Feces


What is the South Korean Badge under the right breast pocket?

What is on the bottom of the right sleeve?

I think there is a CIB creeping out of the left lapel too.

Cocksucking cocksucker.


Those things on the bottom of his right sleeve are Army Overseas Service Bars.

Each bar indicates that a soldier has served six months in a combat zone.


I think that South Korean Badge is one of those “My wife drives a KIA” badges/smile.


So it would be safe to say that the Army Overseas Service Bars are an embellishment?


You are correct.

No time in Viet of the Nam. (He didn’t enlist until October 72. Last combat troops left Viet of the Nam in March 73.)

No time in Desert Shield/Storm. Too busy keeping the Pentagon’s morning coffee making duty roster straight.

Hell, he should have stuck around another couple of years and made E-9. He could have given PV9 “No Slack” King a run for her money on being the only E-9 in existence without a “combat” tour.

A Proud Infidel®™

Or the Daewoo/Hyundai Expert Driver’s Badge.


Itaewon Commando, with three “short time” stars.

A Proud Infidel®™

Itaewon, BTDT! Ditto TDC, I look back at those days and wonder how I left there alive!


I earned that badge in Itaewon one Saturday night…two hooks and a lot of soju


The Korea badge is for Combined Forces Command and both US personnel and ROKs assigned to CFC may where it but most US personnel in CFC did not wear it during my time in CFC/USFK


“wear it”


So when there was actual shooting going on, he hid in the pentagon, and now he’s claiming he was “in the shit?”

What a dirtbag.

As for the awards, I would guess that those could be called “proximity awards” as in, they came about as a direct result of his proximity to high rank.

As a senior NCO in the 5 sided puzzle palace there were probably plenty of field grade and flag officers and senior noncoms who basically have nothing to do but write each other up for awards.

At first I was thrown by the references to the CCF – which AFAIK means “Correctional Confinement Facility” but quickly realized that even if that’s what it meant, it doesn’t mean he was a prisoner there, it means he was a clerk assigned to the MP unit there.

But after 20+ years of hiding (and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he was one of the guys who BRAGGED about how they avoided field duty) now he wants to be Rambo because in the civilian world, there’s not much respect for the guy who puts cover sheets on the TPS reports.

charles w

He did have to work Saturday once.



Hack Stone

Hack Stone worked on The Joint Staff in the NMCC. Someone had to step up and make sure that the General’s printer had paper.


CCF at Fort Meade may well have been the Central Clearance Facility. Believe that was the organization used to process all US Army security clearances during the 1980s.

I also wonder about those 3 awards of the OSR. I only see one assignment in his record of assignments that qualifies – for Germany, 1981-1983. But the OSR was retroactive, so if both of his previous AD periods (72-74 and 75-77) included an overseas tour those could be legit. All his assignments from 1983-1995 appear to have been in the NCR.

Looks to me like he homesteaded in the NCR for 12 years. Nice if you can stomach that, I guess.


As a Pentagon POG, wouldn’t he have worn the MDW patch on his uniform? I wore that patch in the 561st MP Co. at Ft. Myer, Virginia (’71-’72).


His record of assignments indicates he was assigned to USAE (US Army Element), OCJS and OSD. I’m pretty sure OCJS and OSD are Joint organizations. From at least the early 1990s on, personnel assigned to joint organizations w/o a defined Army SSI wore the Joint Agency patch – which is indeed the patch on the left shoulder of his greens coat.

Daisy Cutter

He is out standing in the field.

BigHead Tom

He puts the special in Special Forces with the long tab on the wrong side.


You know, that’s one thing that posers always seem to get wrong and it’s baffling.

I’m not even SF and I know that the SF tab never, ever, under any circumstances, goes on the right sleeve.

BigHead Tom

I remember an assclown back in the day sporting a long tab on both sleeves. He was a new guy in the Guard and I honestly think he just purchased a uniform and started showing up at drill. He was promptly exorcised from the command.

Green Thumb



Nice Special Forces tab over your combat patch asshole! You’d think an E8 PSNCO would know 670-1 a little better when putting together poser bling!


Actually, I’m pretty sure the right-sleeve long tab is the insignia of the most elite unit in the Army: The “Very Special Forces”


Dude that’s wrong on so many levels.


Hey, another sighting of Heavy-Chevy’s Compass Call C-130.

Hack Stone

We were down in Thailand for Cobra Gold when that article was published. Hack printed up a copy and had it laying around the Comm Van when the SgtMaj came in, read it and damn near shit himself. “We have troops in Iraq?”


New language in the 2017 NDAA:
905a. Art. 105a. False or unauthorized pass offenses
—Any person subject to this chapter who, wrongfully and falsely, makes, alters, counterfeits, or tampers with a military or official pass, permit, discharge certificate, or identification card shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
—Any person subject to this chapter who wrongfully sells, gives, lends, or disposes of a false or unauthorized military or official pass, permit, discharge certificate, or identification card, knowing that the pass, permit, discharge certificate, or identification card is false or unauthorized, shall be punished as a court martial may direct.
—Any person subject to this chapter who wrongfully uses or possesses a false or unauthorized military or official pass, permit,
18 discharge certificate, or identification card, knowing that the pass, permit, discharge certificate, or identification card is false or unauthorized, shall be punished as a court martial may direct.’’.



Jonn – he got that Soldier’s Medal the SV way… he altered his records


With corn and peanut devices

Combat Historian

This guy’s not just a Special Feces Warrior; he’s more like a SUPER FECES WARRIOR, complete with cape…

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

He is scrubbing that Facebook page right now. The smell of Bleach and Lysol is overwhelming. He has pulled the uniform photo, and is scrubbing comments.
Too little, too late, bitch. You’ve been screen capped.


And “Poof”, the whole page is gone now.


Like a corvette


Nothing says legit like taking down and sanitizing your bullshit FB page. Every true and honorable vet does it. But then again, every true and honorable vet I know don’t use their FB page as an ‘I Love Me’ wall.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

He has either closed the account now or has blocked me. Can anyone else get through the link? I did get to message a couple of his friends and let them know that his is a poser.


He didn’t block me and I was looking at it a few hours ago….BOOM IT’S GONE….


Nope, it’s gone.

A Proud Infidel®™

Meh, I’m sure a number of people have already screen saved it. *wink* THE INTERNET IS FOREVER.


He’s taken a page from 8-Ball Al Merklein. Maybe they can exchange poser notes.

Bill M

Page is gone (at least under the mane listed above). Wouldn’t put it past him to come up with another page under a different name/variation. Turd.


I left a comment on his FB photo of his uniform. I received an FB notice of a response to my comment; but the photo, and counter-comment are now gone. He seems to be sanitizing his FB page. Oh, and now I am blocked from commenting, as well.


Mitchell Estep…diamonds are forever. So are Facebook screen shot captures and the internet. Welcome…to Google!

Guard Bum

I know a MSG who retired in 2013 that did exactly 20 years, never served a day overseas, and had awards like that because he was a house mouse or something at the Pentagon.

Those guys think they got over but now in retirement they get endless questions asking about why they didnt serve in OIF or OEF and it must eat at them every single fucking day. I wouldnt trade a campaign medal for any of that guys personal awards even if they are legit.


And the thing is, as I said above, being in MI, I’ve known guys who bragged about how they’ve never been issued TA-50 or seen the inside of a tent since basic training.

Like they were so important to the Army that they couldn’t be “wasted” on field exercises layout inspections or the M-16 range because their “real world” mission was too important.

Wouldn’t surprise me if Estep was one of those guys who thought that skating from one cush billet to another was a sign of his superior intelligence.

And now that he’s out, he’s pretending to be the very thing he studiously avoided being for his entire career.


My S-1 section was assigned a new PSNCO that came to us from Division HQ. He bragged about not having fired a weapon in 14 years.

Not a smart thing to say in an Infantry battalion. 8 – )


Mitchell Estep
made a misstep,
tripped and fell
in This Ain’t Hell.
Can’t take mocking
he’s FaceBook blocking,
hides and cries
but he still lies.


Mitchell Estepona. (E-STEP-ON-A)
Man, this is too easy. I’m gonna leave it for someone else.


E-STEP-ON-A on his DICK… with golf spikes!


This little leg professional REMF POS poser sure makes his Harley look big in that photo. I wonder if after he had the SF DUI tattooed on his arm, he also had the CIB he never earned tattooed on his tiny dick. Just another dope with no rope.


Also, the fact that he put that SF tab on his right sleeve and he retired in 1996 tells me he never dared to wear that uniform as adorned anywhere on duty. What he has done with that SF tab is the same as sewing a Ranger tab on your right sleeve.


I did know a 75C with a legit Soldier’s Medal back in 1984 while in Korea. Saved a little girl from an oncoming train IIRC. That said, I am skeptical about this one. It’s likely just one more lie from this poser dirtbag. Means, motive, opportunity.


Well, the guy was a personnel clerk at HQDA.

Asking how he could have inserted a soldier’s medal into his records is like asking how the guy who handles money for the mafia drives a new car every year, IOW it ain’t hard to figure out.

But a Soldiers Medal ought to be like the MOH. There ought to be a locate-able citation online somewhere, unless the Army like the CIA gives out “secret medals.”


Just looked at the Military Times Soldiers Medal listing for the entire time he was on active duty (and a few years after, just in case it was awarded after retirement.)

Seemed to be a fairly comprehensive listing.

He wasn’t listed. Big surprise, huh?

A Proud Infidel®™

Huh, NO SHIT, so he was lying about that too, wotta surprise – NOT!!!

Wilted Willy

After this ass clown served all of that time and didn’t step on his dick, then retires and resorts to this? I just can’t understand the mentality? I served my six years, didn’t go anywhere except to training, but hey, I still enjoyed myself. I can’t even find a picture of myself in uniform! I did own a Harley once, but I didn’t have the poser vest and bling, but I did have a puppy, so you have that at least? Enjoy your google fame cocksucker, you have at least earned that! Oh how I wish they would charge my brother under that false statute business? Enjoy your time in the poundemintheass prison!


Purely on a hypothetical basis, and assuming at least one other person returning a favor, what content of a DD-214 could -not- be altered by a highly placed long-service personnel clerk at HQ Department of the Army?

I mean, a 20+ year E-3/E-5 yo-yo could probably gin-up an E-8, a handful of ribbon-bling, etc. Also, delete any… unfortunate downward changes to rank, memos, or other less than nice paper.

Purely for a future work of hypothetical fiction, but what -couldn’t- be … edited?

Silentium Est Aureum

Dear Mitchell,

The AlGoreNet knows all, sees all.

And NEVER fucking forgets.


Love reading motivation on fuckstains


Enjoy your re-born Google fame ass-hole


I love how there is always a motorcycle and a vest. You would think by this time that someone would have approached Harley Davidson about a discount program for posers. They could sell all of that Gucci Harley licensed apparel and accessories with appropriate special forces insignia, valor medals, and such to posers who sign up for this special club. There is a fortune in the making for Harley, as they seem to be the bike of choice to the posing community. Probably due to their image tie-in to the rugged manly man culture.

Wilted Willy

Tank, I think the reason there is always a motorcycle as part of the poser dress code is because that is the only way these limpdick cocksuckers can have anything exciting between their legs? knowwhatimean Vern??


Soldiers medal is possible even for a clerk. If he was driving to work, came across a car wreck and helped save someone inside the vehicle, typically that would earn him the medal. The rest of his embellishments are pure nonsense for which there is no excuse.


But if that were true there would be a publicly available citation somewhere. The SM is the highest award that can be given out in peacetime, so the Army has a tendency to publicize these awards when they happen.

The fact that there is apparently no available record of such a citation, combined with Estep’s proximity to HQDA, makes the award highly suspect.

I assume the LOM is legit but the SM? Not buying that unless it can be connected to a specific date, time, and place with Estep’s name prominent in the article.


Claw replied to your comment above and yeah, it’s pretty simple to use google…

Also a google search with the name Estep Estepona comes up with nothing.


There needs to be a significant risk to the life of the Soldier for the Soldier’s Medal. If I recall correctly, the risk is comparable for that of a Bronze Stare with V or Silver Star. (It is between those two in precedence.) Lesser acts of rescue or no-risk lifesaving (ex: CPR) would receive an ARCOM.

Award of the Soldier’s medal is quite rare, and usually quite noteworthy. I cannot imagine the Public Affairs team of any unit failing to toot such a horn in local papers, etc.

CB Senior

Says he operated in Korea. As what, a Bush Bunny?


I’m assuming the only thing he “operated” in Korea was a keyboard, a bottle of Soju and a short time girl on Hooker Hill. 😉