Ohio State attack

| November 28, 2016

According to CBS News, a 28-year-old Somali man, Abdul Razak Artan, mowed down students as they congregated after a gas leak was reported in one of the laboratories;

At least nine people were injured Monday after a male suspect drove into pedestrians with a vehicle and attacked others with a knife at Ohio State’s campus.

From the Dispatch;

Peter Anderson, chairman of the department of materials science and engineering, said he arrived at Watts Hall after the attack was over.

He said students told him that someone called in a fluorine leak in the building, which has lab facilities. As required during emergencies, the students congregated in the courtyard outside the building.

He said the attacker drove a car into the courtyard. “It’s where we hold our ice cream socials and when something like this happens,”Anderson said.

One victim was struck so hard that their body flew into the air and landed on a hard surface.

We’ll probably have to wait to discover what his motivation was for the attack – I’m guessing Trump, or maybe he was upset that Romney might be the Secretary of State…the RINO.

Category: Breaking News

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Mulism Somali “refugee” who wanted to do a “Nice” style copycat attack. Bet his Facebook page and cell are getting scrubbed right now.

But he did make OSU more diverse…


His motivation? HE IS A FREAKING MUSLIM! that’s all the scum need for motivation…they have trees on that campus…hang the bastards and let them rot as a warning to the next scum!!!


Not a self loathing homophobe? Shocker!
– but I’m no grad student

2/17 Air Cav

I thought it was an upset Michigan football fan myself. Never guessed it might be another Mo attack. Peace. Love. Stop the hate. Cops are pigs. BLM. All good until another Muslim named Mo strikes. Then it’s “Help! Police! OMG! Save us! They’re actually trying to kill us! Mommy…”


Sounds like Mohammad from Somalia probably attended one of the Baptist churches in the area.

I’m shocked. Shocked, I say.


Naw – Baptists fight better than that.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’M OFFENDED by that assumption, HOW do we know he isn’t a Jehovah’s Witness?


Dude was one of those Lithuanian Amish… tough bunch, roll with a different crowd.


In Texas we now have legal campus carry for CHL holders.

Events like this are one of the reasons.

At least Mohammad Ali is enjoying his 72 virgins, right? Diversity, peace, love, coexist, BLM, and damn those intolerant xenophobic islamophobic homophobic Christians who persecute the helpless. /sarc

The Other Whitey

Yeah, but the virgins are all basement-dwelling dudes.


2/17 Air Cav

ATTN liberal college professors and students. The people you enjoy defending are trying to kill you. Sucks, doesn’t it?


Reality is a hard-nosed raving-mad DI, isn’t it children?


I thought Mohammad Ali died in June? Oh ,wait this guy is from Somalia. My bad.

I hope he chokes in cock for eternity.



I think my keyboard caught what 2/17 Air Cav’s has.

Forest Green

I would bet he was choking on cock long before today.


He probably was a “fat bottomed boy”…

The Other Whitey

I’ve always found it massively hypocritical that moslems call us sinful for tolerating homosexuality, throw gay guys off of high-rise roofs, and then go right back to buttfucking eachother.


Sounds like Mohammed was the only one who died in this exchange. Good. Wishing a swift recovery for his victims.


Will the victims become more tolerant of other political views now that they have been on the receiving end of the religion of peace?

Or will they blame this attack on Trump and the deplorables?

Silentium Est Aureum

Go no further than Twitter to see full fucktardery on display.


Strange name for a quiet nice Lutheran boy just trying an education


So how can we somehow blame the NRA and call for more gun control? No big, black scary gun. No big, black scary car. No big, black scary knife.

Aha – big, black scary Somali. That’s it.


I bet Wil ‘Fuck The NRA’ Wheaton had already issued his standard tweet before the news caught up to reality.

The Other Whitey

Yeah, he can live long and suck it.


George Suckadick Takei jumped right on the Blame The NRA bandwagon, and got thumped pretty good on Twitter for his idiocy.

Forest Green

It’s a good thing he wasn’t using a bayonet, otherwise you have a “direct” connection to the gun control argument in the convoluted shit pipe minds of the libtards.

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s it, WE NEED Car Control Laws NOW!!!


Do it for the children.

Forest Green

Well, those are coming; unfortunately the “autonomous” cars currently being developed continually run over people.


Let’s limit the fuel capacity of each vehicle to less than 10 gallons. And ban all adjustable tail gates.

The Other Whitey

Didn’t Jimmy Carter try to do something along those lines?


Apparently he was “upset at the treatment of Muslims”. Attack folks, within a minute get shot and killed – bet he’s f***in’ thrilled with the treatment he got. Kudos to the johnny-on-the-scene cop who took him out expeditiously with no collateral damage.

And it sure is informative that this was reported as a mass shooting for the first few hours.

Combat Historian

Darn Amish…


I thought the Mormon missionaries only rode around on bikes?


Now, now. Let’s not stereotype people based on where they come from. He simply may have taken a wrong turn, wasn’t wearing his glasses and thought the people in the crowd were window display dummies for a Christmas scene.

(Do I have to label it for you?)


Will someone please get these ultra-radical Episcopalian fanatics under control before more people are killed or injured?

And we’d all better hope and pray that the Presbyterians don’t get started down this path of religion-inspired violence. We’ll really be in trouble if they get fired up.

A Proud Infidel®™

Did he have a beard? He could have been a Mennonite!

Forest Green

He wasn’t wearing his black broad-brimmed beaver-felt hat, so they misidentified his affiliation.


Ex-PH2, you may be right,
For all we know the dude was white,
What I suppose we’d call Somali Lite…


Poe for the win today.


Mohammad gonna Mohammad.

Thank God there was a good guy with a gun in the gun free zone to stop him.


OK, we got the perp’s name wrong. He was Abdul Razaq Ali Artan.
The car evidently belonged to one Mohammed Ali and it is unknown at this time whether Mohammed Ali is a party to the attack.

The attacker did self-identify as a Mormon Mennonite Muslim who was “scared to pray in public” on campus…


Pics and screen caps at The Liberty Zone are worth the click-through, btw.

Poe’s Somali-Lite is close.



“Law enforcement officials told NBC News the suspect’s name is Abdul Razaq Ali Artan, an 18-year-old student at the university. He was a Somali refugee who left his homeland with his family in 2007, lived in Pakistan and then came to the United States in 2014 as a legal permanent resident of the United States, officials said. ”

Mohammad Ali, Jonn? *grin*


First reports – probably based on someone running the tags on the car.
From what I understand a “Mohammad Ali” owns the vehicle used.


Just a-funnun’ Jonn a bit. No harm no foul.


Just a-funnin’ Jonn. No harm no foul intended.


I should have recognized that AW1Ed.
I had just posted myself on that and was thinking on another track.

It is fun to catch Jonn in an error. It happens so seldom.


Ah, the dreaded double tap!

2/17 Air Cav

Hey. Hey. Some newsies reported that the terrorist’s name was Mohammed Ali. It was later corrected.


And the moral is never believe the first hysterical reporting of any event by the Lame Stream Media. They ALWAYS get it wrong.
And some keep on digging…

2/17 Air Cav

I see that someone or other is concerned about what this will do to the Somali community. I wouldn’t worry about that at all. None of us much care what nationality or ethnicity a terrorists is. It’s his religion that’s the problem.

2/17 Air Cav

There, that ought to bring out the lil commie.


In other news…”Students at OSU are now realizing that the assailant was disturbed and troubled as a Muslim who was scared to pray. This, obviously being due to newly elected Donald Trump, have stated they are proud to have been victims or potential victims of Abdul Razaq Ali Artan. We, the students of OSU stand, or rather fall down, in support of Mr. Artan’s fear. We are in tears of fear and sympathy since we too have been crying since the election. ‘It’s about the guns. It’s about…the children’, sobbed one student.”


I forgot to add, this post was sarcasm.

2/17 Air Cav

‘It’s about the guns.’ That’s true. If just one student had a gun and used it…


True this.


And what stopped young Abdul Razaq Ali Artan’s vicious attacks?

A good guy with a gun.


Some Veteran’s did what we would all do in this situation, stand a post. I hope this link works like it did for me.



And those good guys will never be heard from again. They don’t fit the liberal agenda, in which, the military is a useless waste of potential welfare dollars.


And another fine gift from the muthafoocking Dumbocrats (John “I’m a Jackass” Kerry et al). “A car in every garage, a chicken in every pot, a wannabe terrorist in every neighborhood”. And to think that we’re STILL letting them into our Country. Thanks, assholes. Go eat a bag of dicks.

HT3 "83-'87

Of course, The Divider-in-Chief had to go out and defend “moose-lems” in his official statement. Never mind that Americans were being attacked, again, by a “refugee”, again, but Barry wants to get out in front of all the rhetoric about “moose-lems” being violent and assure us all that refrigerators are more dangerous than “moose-lems”. He’s made the same speech after every freaking attack by a peace-loving, extremely tolerant, open to new ideas “moose-lem”: San Bernardino, Charlie Hedbo, Paris, Nice, Orlando…can’t for that asshole to leave office.